Source code for grizli.fitting

Tools for fitting spectra with templates.

import os
import time
import glob
import inspect

from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

import as pyfits
import astropy.wcs as pywcs
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.cosmology import Planck15
import astropy.constants as const

from . import utils, model, grismconf

# from .model import BeamCutout
from .utils import GRISM_COLORS

# Minimum redshift where IGM is applied
IGM_MINZ = 3.4  # blue edge of G800L

# Default parameters for drizzled line map
PLINE = {"kernel": "point", "pixfrac": 0.2, "pixscale": 0.1, "size": 8, "wcs": None}

# Default arguments for optional bounded least-squares fits
BOUNDED_DEFAULTS = {"method": "bvls", "tol": 1.0e-8, "verbose": 0}
LINE_BOUNDS = [-1.0e-16, 1.0e-13]  # erg/s/cm2

# Array to evaluate CDF
CDF_SIGMAS = np.linspace(-5, 5, 51)

# IGM from eazy-py
    import eazy.igm
    IGM = eazy.igm.Inoue14()
    IGM = None

[docs]def run_all_parallel( id, get_output_data=False, args_file="fit_args.npy", protect=True, **kwargs ): """ Wrapper function for `grizli.fitting.run_all` that preloads all keyword options from a stored file. Parameters ---------- id : int Object id get_output_data : bool Return the data produced by `~grizli.fitting.run_all` rather than just a simple status indicator args_file : str Name of the `numpy` file contaning the fit keywords. These include `root` and `group_name` used for finding the "beams.fits" files for the given `id` (see `~grizli.fitting.run_all`). Any additional keywords passed to this function will override the defaults from `args_file`. protect : bool Run the fitter in a ``try/except`` clause so that it doesn't kill the runtime execution for e.g. a list of `id`. However, with this set it's much harder to figure out where a given fit failed, so turn it off to get the full exception traceback Returns ------- id, status, t1-t0 : int, bool, float The input `id`, status flag and execution time if ``get_output_data=False``. If ``get_output_data==True``, then return everything output by `~grizli.fitting.run_all` (beams files, tables, etc.) """ import numpy as np from grizli.fitting import run_all from grizli import multifit import traceback t0 = time.time() print("Run id={0} with {1}".format(id, args_file)) try: args = np.load(args_file)[0] except: args = np.load(args_file, allow_pickle=True)[0] args["verbose"] = False for k in kwargs: args[k] = kwargs[k] fp = open("{0}_{1:05d}.log_par".format(args["group_name"], id), "w") fp.write("{0}_{1:05d}: {2}\n".format(args["group_name"], id, time.ctime())) fp.close() # Force NIRCAM config version for FRESCO if args["group_name"] in ["fresco-gds-med", "fresco-gdn-med"]: if grismconf.NIRCAM_CONF_VERSION != "V4": print("FRESCO: set NIRCAM V4") grismconf.NIRCAM_CONF_VERSION = "V4" if protect: try: # args['zr'] = [0.7, 1.0] # mb = multifit.MultiBeam('j100025+021651_{0:05d}.beams.fits'.format(id)) out = run_all(id, **args) if get_output_data: return out status = 1 except: status = -1 trace = traceback.format_exc(limit=2) # , file=fp) if args["verbose"]: print(trace) else: out = run_all(id, **args) if get_output_data: return out status = 1 t1 = time.time() return id, status, t1 - t0
DEFAULT_LINELIST = ["Lya", "OII", "Hb", "OIII", "Ha", "Ha+NII", "SII", "SIII"]
[docs]def run_all( id, t0=None, t1=None, fwhm=1200, zr=[0.65, 1.6], dz=[0.004, 0.0002], fitter=["nnls", "bounded"], group_name="grism", fit_stacks=True, only_stacks=False, prior=None, fcontam=0.2, min_mask=0.01, min_sens=0.02, mask_resid=True, pline=PLINE, min_line_sn=4, mask_sn_limit=np.inf, fit_only_beams=False, fit_beams=True, root="*", fit_trace_shift=False, phot=None, use_phot_obj=True, phot_obj=None, verbose=True, scale_photometry=False, show_beams=True, scale_on_stacked_1d=True, loglam_1d=True, use_cached_templates=True, overlap_threshold=5, MW_EBV=0.0, sys_err=0.03, huber_delta=4, get_student_logpdf=False, get_dict=False, bad_pa_threshold=1.6, units1d="flam", redshift_only=False, line_size=1.6, dscale=1.0 / 4, scale_linemap=1, use_psf=False, get_line_width=False, sed_args={"bin": 1, "xlim": [0.3, 9]}, get_ir_psfs=True, save_stack=True, full_line_list=DEFAULT_LINELIST, get_line_deviations=True, bounded_kwargs=BOUNDED_DEFAULTS, write_fits_files=True, save_figures=True, fig_type="png", diff2d=True, **kwargs, ): """Run the full template-fitting procedure 1) Load MultiBeam and stack files 2) Optionally set photometry data and, optionally scale spectrum to photometry 3) Fit redshift in two-passes on coarse and fine grids 4) Compute emission line fluxes at best-fit redshift 5) Make diagnostic figures Parameters ---------- id : int Object ID in the internal catalogs. This is generally an `int`, but in principle could be a `str` or something else. t0 : dict Dictionary of `~grizli.utils.SpectrumTemplate` objects used for the redshift fits. Generally these will have fixed line ratios to avoid unphysical line degeneracies (e.g., very strong [SII] without H-alpha). If ``None``, then the templates are generated with >>> t0 = grizli.utils.load_templates(line_complexes=True, fsps_templates=True, fwhm=fwhm) t1 : dict Dictionary of `~grizli.utils.SpectrumTemplate` objects used for the final fit at the best-fit redshift. Generally these will be separate continuum and individual line templates so that the line fluxes are determined freely (which are then also needed if you want to make the drizzled narrowband emission line maps). If ``None``, then the templates are generated with >>> t1 = grizli.utils.load_templates(line_complexes=False, fsps_templates=True, fwhm=fwhm) .. note:: As of `66a3ec5 <>`_ all templates can be `eazy.templates.Template` objects. fwhm : float Line FWHM passed to `~grizli.utils.load_templates` if `t0` or `t1` not specified. zr : [float, float], [float], or 0 Redshift range to fit. - [z1, z2] - fit on a logarithmic grid between ``z1`` and ``z2`` with steps specified in `dz` - [zfix] - fit templates at a specified value - 0 - fit stellar templates only dz : [float, float] Logarithmic step size (1+z) of redshift grid. See `~grizli.utils.log_zgrid`. fitter : [str, str] Least squares optimization method ('nnls','lstsq','bounded'). The first option is used for the redshift fit with the `t0` templates and the second is used for the final fit with the `t1` templates. - nnls: Generally SPS continuum templates should be fit with ``nnls`` to enforce physical template combinations. - bounded: Enforces non-negative continuum templates but allows line templates (with a name starting with ``line [space]``) to be negative. The bounded fits are controlled with `bounded_kwargs` and the flux limits set in the global parameter ``grizli.fitting.LINE_BOUNDS``. - lstsq: Fit with regular least squares, e.g., for PCA templates that can have negative coefficients (e.g., `~grizli.utils.load_sdss_pca_templates`). group_name : str Passed to `~grizli.multifit.MultiBeam` on initialization fit_stacks : bool Fit redshifts on the stacked spectra, which can be much faster than for the separate "beams" fits, but where the model generation isn't as robust. *This is generally deprecated, but should still run*. only_stacks : bool Only fit the stacks. prior : None, (array, array) Redshift prior (z, pz) passed to `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.xfit_redshift`. fcontam, min_mask, min_sens, mask_resid : float, float, float, bool Contamination weighting passed to `~grizli.multifit.MultiBeam` pline : dict Parameters for drizzled line maps. min_line_sn : float If finite, then pass to `~grizli.multifit.MultiBeam.drizzle_fit_lines` to determine which line maps to create. mask_sn_limit : float SN limit to pass to `~grizli.multifit.MultiBeam.drizzle_fit_lines` fit_only_beams : bool If True, only fit with `~grizli.multifit.MultiBeam` objects. fit_beams : bool Fit with `~grizli.multifit.MultiBeam` objects. root : str Basename `~grizli.multifit.MultiBeam` FITS filenames to search for, e.g., to concatenate separate G141 and G102 files of a single object: >>> mb_files = glob.glob(f'{root}_{id:05d}.beams.fits') fit_trace_shift : bool Fit for shifts of the traces fo each group oof beams. phot : None, dict Photometry dictionary passed to `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.set_photometry` use_phot_obj : bool Use `phot_obj` if it is available. phot_obj : None, `~grizli.pipeline.photoz.EazyPhot` Catalog object for automatically generating `phot` dictionaries verbose : bool Some control over the runtime verbosity scale_photometry : bool If photometry is available, try to normalize the spectra and photometry. show_beams, scale_on_stacked_1d, loglam_1d : bool, bool, bool Passed to `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.xmake_fit_plot` for the final redshift fit plot. use_cached_templates : bool Passed to `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.xfit_at_z` overlap_threshold : float Parameter for `~grizli.stack.StackFitter` when fitting on stacks. MW_EBV : float Galactic extinction E(B-V) (mag) sys_err : float Systematic error used for the spectra and photometry, multiplied to the flux densities and added in quadrature to the nominal uncertainties. huber_delta : float Passed to `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.xfit_at_z` for using a Huber loss function. get_student_logpdf : bool Use Student-t likelihood on `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.redshift_fit` get_dict : bool Don't actually run anything, just return a dictionary with all of the keyword parameters passed to the function bad_pa_threshold : float Threshold for identifying bad PAs when using `~grizli.stack.StackFitter` objects (not beams) units1d : str Not used redshift_only : bool Just run the redshift fit, don't drizzle the line maps line_size : float Cutout size in arcsec of the line map figures. dscale : float Drizzle scale for the line maps. scale_linemap : float Scale factor for the line maps. use_psf : bool Initialize the `~grizli.multifit.MultiBeam` objects with ``psf=True`` to fit the morphology using the `~grizli.utils.EffectivePSF` models. get_line_width : bool Try to fit for emission line velocity widths (developmental) sed_args : dict Keyword arguments passed to `~grizli.fitting.full_sed_plot` when photometry + spectra are available get_ir_psfs : bool Include PSF extensions in the drizzled line maps derived from the `~grizli.utils.EffectivePSF` models. save_stack : bool Generate a ``stack.fits`` file from the beams fit full_line_list : list Line list passed to `~grizli.fitting.show_drizzled_lines` to determine which lines are always included in the drizzled line maps. get_line_deviations : bool Check plausibility of fit coefficients with `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.check_tfit_coeffs` bounded_kwargs : dict Keywords passed to `scipy.optimize.lsq_linear` for 'bounded' fits. write_fits_files : bool Save 'full.fits' and 'stack.fits' files save_figures, fig_type : bool, str Save diagnostic figure files with extension `fig_type` diff2d : bool Show 2D difference image in the diagnostic figures Returns ------- mb : `~grizli.multifit.MultiBeam` The beams object used for the redshift / template fits st : `~grizli.stack.StackFitter` The stacked spectrum object generated from the 'beams' fit : `astropy.table.Table` Table with the fit results tfit : dict Various parameters of the template fit at the final redshift line_hdu : `` Drizzled line maps """ import glob import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import grizli.multifit from grizli.stack import StackFitter from grizli.multifit import MultiBeam # from . import __version__ as grizli__version from .version import __version__ as grizli__version from .pipeline import summary if get_dict: frame = inspect.currentframe() args = inspect.getargvalues(frame).locals for k in [ "id", "get_dict", "frame", "glob", "plt", "grizli", "summary", "StackFitter", "MultiBeam", ]: if k in args: args.pop(k) return args mb_files = glob.glob("{0}_{1:05d}.beams.fits".format(root, id)) st_files = glob.glob("{0}_{1:05d}.stack.fits".format(root, id)) # Allow for fitter to be a string, or a 2-list with different # values for the redshift and final fits if isinstance(fitter, str): fitter = [fitter, fitter] if not only_stacks: mb = MultiBeam( mb_files, fcontam=fcontam, group_name=group_name, MW_EBV=MW_EBV, sys_err=sys_err, verbose=verbose, psf=use_psf, min_mask=min_mask, min_sens=min_sens, mask_resid=mask_resid, ) if bad_pa_threshold > 0: # Check for PAs with unflagged contamination or otherwise # discrepant fit out = mb.check_for_bad_PAs( chi2_threshold=bad_pa_threshold, poly_order=1, reinit=True, fit_background=True, ) fit_log, keep_dict, has_bad = out if has_bad: if verbose: msg = "\nHas bad PA! Final list: {0}\n{1}" print(msg.format(keep_dict, fit_log)) hdu, fig = mb.drizzle_grisms_and_PAs( fcontam=fcontam, flambda=False, kernel="point", size=32, diff=False ) if save_figures: fig.savefig( "{0}_{1:05d}.fix.stack.{2}".format(group_name, id, fig_type) ) else: plt.close(fig) good_PAs = [] for k in keep_dict: good_PAs.extend(keep_dict[k]) else: good_PAs = None # All good else: good_PAs = None else: good_PAs = None # All good redshift_only = True # can't drizzle line maps from stacks if fit_only_beams: st = None else: st = StackFitter( st_files, fit_stacks=fit_stacks, group_name=group_name, fcontam=fcontam, overlap_threshold=overlap_threshold, MW_EBV=MW_EBV, verbose=verbose, sys_err=sys_err, PAs=good_PAs, chi2_threshold=bad_pa_threshold, ) st.initialize_masked_arrays() if only_stacks: mb = st if not only_stacks: if fit_trace_shift: b = mb.beams[0] b.compute_model() sn_lim = fit_trace_shift * 1 if ( np.max((b.model / b.grism["ERR"])[b.fit_mask.reshape(]) > sn_lim ) | (sn_lim > 100): if verbose: print("Trace shift\n") shift, _ = mb.fit_trace_shift( tol=1.0e-3, verbose=verbose, split_groups=True ) mb.initialize_masked_arrays() # Get photometry from phot_obj zspec = None if (phot is None) & (phot_obj is not None) & (use_phot_obj): phot_i, ii, dd = phot_obj.get_phot_dict(mb.ra, mb.dec) if dd < 0.5 * u.arcsec: if verbose: print("Match photometry object ix={0}, dr={1:.1f}".format(ii, dd)) if phot_i["flam"] is not None: phot = phot_i else: if "pz" in phot_i: if phot_i["pz"] is not None: prior = phot_i["pz"] sed_args["photometry_pz"] = phot_i["pz"] if "z_spec" in phot_i: if phot_i["z_spec"] >= 0: sed_args["zspec"] = phot_i["z_spec"] * 1 zspec = sed_args["zspec"] if verbose: print("zspec = {0:.4f}".format(zspec)) if prior is not None: if verbose: zpr = prior[0][np.argmax(prior[1])] print("Use supplied prior, z[max(pz)] = {0:.3f}".format(zpr)) if phot is not None: if phot == "vizier": # Get photometry from Vizier catalogs vizier_catalog = list(utils.VIZIER_BANDS.keys()) phot = utils.get_Vizier_photometry( mb.ra, mb.dec, verbose=verbose, vizier_catalog=vizier_catalog ) if phot is not None: zgrid = utils.log_zgrid(zr=zr, dz=0.005) phot["tempfilt"] = utils.generate_tempfilt( t0, phot["filters"], zgrid=zgrid, MW_EBV=MW_EBV ) if phot is not None: if st is not None: st.set_photometry(min_err=sys_err, **phot) mb.set_photometry(min_err=sys_err, **phot) if t0 is None: t0 = utils.load_templates(line_complexes=True, fsps_templates=True, fwhm=fwhm) if t1 is None: t1 = utils.load_templates(line_complexes=False, fsps_templates=True, fwhm=fwhm) # Fit on stacked spectra or individual beams if fit_only_beams: fit_obj = mb else: fit_obj = st # Do scaling now with direct spectrum function if (scale_photometry > 0) & (phot is not None): try: scl = mb.scale_to_photometry( z=0, method="lm", order=scale_photometry * 1 - 1, tol=1.0e-4, init=None, fit_background=True, Rspline=50, use_fit=True, ) # tfit=None, tol=1.e-4, order=0, init=None, fit_background=True, Rspline=50, use_fit=True except: scl = [10.0] if hasattr(scl, "status"): if scl.status > 0: print( "scale_to_photometry: [{0}]".format( ", ".join(["{0:.2f}".format(x_i) for x_i in scl.x]) ) ) mb.pscale = scl.x if st is not None: st.pscale = scl.x # First pass fit_obj.Asave = {} fit = fit_obj.xfit_redshift( templates=t0, zr=zr, dz=dz, prior=prior, fitter=fitter[0], verbose=verbose, bounded_kwargs=bounded_kwargs, huber_delta=huber_delta, get_student_logpdf=get_student_logpdf, ) fit_hdu = pyfits.table_to_hdu(fit) fit_hdu.header["EXTNAME"] = "ZFIT_STACK" if hasattr(fit_obj, "pscale"): fit_hdu.header["PSCALEN"] = (len(fit_obj.pscale) - 1, "PSCALE order") for i, p in enumerate(fit_obj.pscale): fit_hdu.header["PSCALE{0}".format(i)] = ( p, "PSCALE parameter {0}".format(i), ) # Add photometry information if (fit_obj.Nphot > 0) & hasattr(fit_obj, "photom_filters"): h = fit_hdu.header h["NPHOT"] = fit_obj.Nphot, "Number of photometry filters" h["PHOTSRC"] = fit_obj.photom_source, "Source of the photometry" for i in range(len(fit_obj.photom_filters)): h["PHOTN{0:03d}".format(i)] = fit_obj.photom_filters[i].name.split()[ 0 ], "Filter {0} name".format(i) h["PHOTL{0:03d}".format(i)] = fit_obj.photom_pivot[ i ], "Filter {0} pivot wavelength".format(i) h["PHOTF{0:03d}".format(i)] = fit_obj.photom_flam[ i ], "Filter {0} flux flam".format(i) h["PHOTE{0:03d}".format(i)] = fit_obj.photom_eflam[ i ], "Filter {0} err flam".format(i) # # Second pass if rescaling spectrum to photometry # if scale_photometry: # scl = mb.scale_to_photometry(z=fit.meta['z_map'][0], method='lm', templates=t0, order=scale_photometry*1-1) # if scl.status > 0: # mb.pscale = scl.x # if st is not None: # st.pscale = scl.x # # fit = fit_obj.xfit_redshift(templates=t0, zr=zr, dz=dz, prior=prior, fitter=fitter, verbose=verbose) # fit_hdu = pyfits.table_to_hdu(fit) # fit_hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'ZFIT_STACK' # Zoom-in fit with individual beams if fit_beams: # z0 = fit.meta['Z50'][0] z0 = fit.meta["z_map"][0] # width = np.maximum(3*fit.meta['ZWIDTH1'][0], 3*0.001*(1+z0)) width = 20 * 0.001 * (1 + z0) mb_zr = z0 + width * np.array([-1, 1]) mb.Asave = {} mb_fit = mb.xfit_redshift( templates=t0, zr=mb_zr, dz=[0.001, 0.0002], prior=prior, fitter=fitter[0], verbose=verbose, huber_delta=huber_delta, get_student_logpdf=get_student_logpdf, bounded_kwargs=bounded_kwargs, ) mb_fit_hdu = pyfits.table_to_hdu(mb_fit) mb_fit_hdu.header["EXTNAME"] = "ZFIT_BEAM" else: mb_fit = fit # Get best-fit template mb.Asave = {} tfit = mb.template_at_z( z=mb_fit.meta["z_map"][0], templates=t1, fit_background=True, fitter=fitter[-1], bounded_kwargs=bounded_kwargs, use_cached_templates=use_cached_templates, ) has_spline = False for t in t1: if " spline" in t: has_spline = True if has_spline: tfit = mb.template_at_z( z=mb_fit.meta["z_map"][0], templates=t1, fit_background=True, fitter=fitter[-1], bounded_kwargs=bounded_kwargs, use_cached_templates=use_cached_templates, ) fit_hdu.header["CHI2_MAP"] = tfit["chi2"], "Chi2 at z=z_map" # Redrizzle? ... testing if False: hdu, fig = mb.drizzle_grisms_and_PAs( fcontam=fcontam, flambda=False, size=48, scale=1.0, kernel="point", pixfrac=0.1, tfit=tfit, ) # Fit covariance cov_hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=tfit["covar"], name="COVAR") Next = mb_fit.meta["N"] cov_hdu.header["N"] = Next # Get line deviations if multiple PAs/Grisms # max_line, max_line_diff, compare = tfit_coeffs_res if get_line_deviations: tfit_coeffs_res = mb.check_tfit_coeffs( tfit, t1, fitter=fitter[1], fit_background=True, bounded_kwargs=bounded_kwargs, refit_others=True, ) cov_hdu.header["DLINEID"] = (tfit_coeffs_res[0], "Line with maximum deviation") cov_hdu.header["DLINESN"] = ( tfit_coeffs_res[1], "Maximum line deviation, sigmas", ) # Line EWs & fluxes coeffs_clip = tfit["coeffs"][mb.N :] covar_clip = tfit["covar"][mb.N :, mb.N :] lineEW = utils.compute_equivalent_widths( t1, coeffs_clip, covar_clip, max_R=5000, Ndraw=1000, z=tfit["z"] ) for ik, key in enumerate(lineEW): for j in range(3): if not np.isfinite(lineEW[key][j]): lineEW[key][j] = -1.0e30 cov_hdu.header["FLUX_{0:03d}".format(ik)] = tfit["cfit"][key][ 0 ], "{0} line flux; erg / (s cm2)".format(key.strip("line ")) cov_hdu.header["ERR_{0:03d}".format(ik)] = tfit["cfit"][key][ 1 ], "{0} line uncertainty; erg / (s cm2)".format(key.strip("line ")) cov_hdu.header["EW16_{0:03d}".format(ik)] = lineEW[key][ 0 ], "Rest-frame {0} EW, 16th percentile; Angstrom".format(key.strip("line ")) cov_hdu.header["EW50_{0:03d}".format(ik)] = lineEW[key][ 1 ], "Rest-frame {0} EW, 50th percentile; Angstrom".format(key.strip("line ")) cov_hdu.header["EW84_{0:03d}".format(ik)] = lineEW[key][ 2 ], "Rest-frame {0} EW, 84th percentile; Angstrom".format(key.strip("line ")) cov_hdu.header["EWHW_{0:03d}".format(ik)] = ( lineEW[key][2] - lineEW[key][0] ) / 2, "Rest-frame {0} EW, 1-sigma half-width; Angstrom".format( key.strip("line ") ) # Velocity width if get_line_width: if phot is not None: mb.unset_photometry() vel_width_res = mb.fit_line_width(z0=tfit["z"], bl=1.2, nl=1.2) if verbose: print( "Velocity width: BL/NL = {0:.0f}/{1:.0f}, z={2:.4f}\n".format( vel_width_res[0] * 1000, vel_width_res[1] * 1000, vel_width_res[2] ) ) fit_hdu.header["VEL_BL"] = vel_width_res[0] * 1000, "Broad line FWHM" fit_hdu.header["VEL_NL"] = vel_width_res[1] * 1000, "Narrow line FWHM" fit_hdu.header["VEL_Z"] = vel_width_res[2], "Line width, best redshift" fit_hdu.header["VEL_NFEV"] = vel_width_res[3], "Line width, NFEV" fit_hdu.header["VEL_FLAG"] = vel_width_res[4], "Line width, NFEV" if phot is not None: mb.set_photometry(**phot) # D4000 if (3700 * (1 + tfit["z"]) > mb.wave_mask.min()) & ( 4200 * (1 + tfit["z"]) < mb.wave_mask.max() ): if phot is not None: mb.unset_photometry() # D4000 res = mb.compute_D4000( tfit["z"], fit_background=True, fit_type="D4000", fitter="lstsq" ) _, _, _, d4000, d4000_sigma = res fit_hdu.header["D4000"] = (d4000, "Derived D4000 at Z_MAP") fit_hdu.header["D4000_E"] = (d4000_sigma, "Derived D4000 uncertainty") res = mb.compute_D4000( tfit["z"], fit_background=True, fit_type="Dn4000", fitter="lstsq" ) _, _, _, dn4000, dn4000_sigma = res fit_hdu.header["DN4000"] = (dn4000, "Derived Dn4000 at Z_MAP") fit_hdu.header["DN4000_E"] = (dn4000_sigma, "Derived Dn4000 uncertainty") if phot is not None: mb.set_photometry(**phot) else: fit_hdu.header["D4000"] = (-99, "Derived D4000 at Z_MAP") fit_hdu.header["D4000_E"] = (-99, "Derived D4000 uncertainty") fit_hdu.header["DN4000"] = (-99, "Derived Dn4000 at Z_MAP") fit_hdu.header["DN4000_E"] = (-99, "Derived Dn4000 uncertainty") # Best-fit template itself tfit_sp = utils.GTable() for ik, key in enumerate(tfit["cfit"]): for save in [tfit_sp.meta]: save["CVAL{0:03d}".format(ik)] = tfit["cfit"][key][ 0 ], "Coefficient for {0}".format(key) save["CERR{0:03d}".format(ik)] = tfit["cfit"][key][ 1 ], "Uncertainty for {0}".format(key) save["CNAME{0:03d}".format(ik)] = key, "Template name" tfit_sp["wave"] = tfit["cont1d"].wave tfit_sp["continuum"] = tfit["cont1d"].flux tfit_sp["full"] = tfit["line1d"].flux tfit_sp["wave"].unit = tfit["cont1d"].waveunits tfit_sp["continuum"].unit = tfit["cont1d"].fluxunits tfit_sp["full"].unit = tfit["line1d"].fluxunits tfit_hdu = pyfits.table_to_hdu(tfit_sp) tfit_hdu.header["EXTNAME"] = "TEMPL" # Make the plot fig = mb.xmake_fit_plot( mb_fit, tfit, show_beams=show_beams, scale_on_stacked_1d=scale_on_stacked_1d, loglam_1d=loglam_1d, zspec=zspec, ) # Add prior if prior is not None: fig.axes[0].plot(prior[0], np.log10(prior[1]), color="#1f77b4", alpha=0.5) # Add stack fit to the existing plot # fig.axes[0].plot(fit['zgrid'], np.log10(fit['pdf']), color='0.5', alpha=0.5) # fig.axes[0].set_xlim(fit['zgrid'].min(), fit['zgrid'].max()) axz = fig.axes[0] zmi, zma = fit["zgrid"].min(), fit["zgrid"].max() if (zma - zmi) > 5: ticks = np.arange(np.ceil(zmi), np.floor(zma), 1) lz = np.log(1 + fit["zgrid"]) axz.plot(lz, np.log10(fit["pdf"]), color="0.5", alpha=0.5) axz.set_xticks(np.log(1 + ticks)) axz.set_xticklabels(np.asarray(ticks, dtype=int)) axz.set_xlim(lz.min(), lz.max()) else: axz.plot(fit["zgrid"], np.log10(fit["pdf"]), color="0.5", alpha=0.5) axz.set_xlim(zmi, zma) if phot is not None: fig.axes[1].errorbar( mb.photom_pivot / 1.0e4, mb.photom_flam / 1.0e-19, mb.photom_eflam / 1.0e-19, marker="s", alpha=0.5, color="k", linestyle="None", ) # fig.axes[1].plot(tfit['line1d'].wave/1.e4, tfit['line1d'].flux/1.e-19, color='k', alpha=0.2, zorder=100) # Save the figure if save_figures: fig.savefig("{0}_{1:05d}.full.{2}".format(group_name, id, fig_type)) if only_stacks: # Need to make output with just the stack results line_hdu = pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=st.h0)]) line_hdu.insert(1, fit_hdu) line_hdu.insert(2, cov_hdu) if fit_beams: line_hdu.insert(2, mb_fit_hdu) line_hdu.insert(3, tfit_hdu) if write_fits_files: line_hdu.writeto( "{0}_{1:05d}.sfull.fits".format(group_name, id), overwrite=True, output_verify="fix", ) else: line_hdu = None if redshift_only: return mb, st, fit, tfit, line_hdu # Make the line maps if pline is None: pzfit, pspec2, pline = grizli.multifit.get_redshift_fit_defaults() if np.isfinite(min_line_sn): line_hdu = mb.drizzle_fit_lines( tfit, pline, force_line=utils.DEFAULT_LINE_LIST, save_fits=False, mask_lines=True, min_line_sn=min_line_sn, mask_sn_limit=mask_sn_limit, verbose=verbose, get_ir_psfs=get_ir_psfs, ) else: line_hdu = mb.make_simple_hdulist() # Add beam exposure times nexposures, exptime = mb.compute_exptime() line_hdu[0].header["GRIZLIV"] = (grizli__version, "Grizli version") for k in exptime: line_hdu[0].header["T_{0}".format(k)] = (exptime[k], "Total exposure time [s]") line_hdu[0].header["N_{0}".format(k)] = ( nexposures[k], "Number of individual exposures", ) for gr in mb.PA: line_hdu[0].header["P_{0}".format(gr)] = (len(mb.PA[gr]), "Number of PAs") line_hdu.insert(1, fit_hdu) line_hdu.insert(2, cov_hdu) if fit_beams: line_hdu.insert(2, mb_fit_hdu) line_hdu.insert(3, tfit_hdu) if write_fits_files: full_file = "{0}_{1:05d}.full.fits".format(group_name, id) line_hdu.writeto(full_file, overwrite=True, output_verify="fix") # Row for summary table info = summary.summary_catalog( dzbin=None, filter_bandpasses=[], files=[full_file] ) info["grizli_version"] = grizli__version row_file = "{0}_{1:05d}.row.fits".format(group_name, id) info.write(row_file, overwrite=True) # 1D spectrum oned_hdul = mb.oned_spectrum_to_hdu( tfit=tfit, bin=1, outputfile="{0}_{1:05d}.1D.fits".format(group_name, id), loglam=loglam_1d, ) # , units=units1d) oned_hdul[0].header["GRIZLIV"] = (grizli__version, "Grizli version") if save_stack: hdu, fig = mb.drizzle_grisms_and_PAs( fcontam=fcontam, flambda=False, kernel="point", size=32, tfit=tfit, diff=diff2d, ) hdu[0].header["GRIZLIV"] = (grizli__version, "Grizli version") if save_figures: fig.savefig("{0}_{1:05d}.stack.{2}".format(group_name, id, fig_type)) if write_fits_files: hdu.writeto("{0}_{1:05d}.stack.fits".format(group_name, id), overwrite=True) hdu_stack = hdu else: hdu_stack = None ###### # Show the drizzled lines and direct image cutout, which are # extensions `DSCI`, `LINE`, etc. if "DSCI" in line_hdu: s, si = 1, line_size s = 4.0e-19 / np.max([beam.beam.total_flux for beam in mb.beams]) s = np.clip(s, 0.25, 4) s /= (pline["pixscale"] / 0.1) ** 2 if scale_linemap < 0: s = -1 fig = show_drizzled_lines( line_hdu, size_arcsec=si, cmap="plasma_r", scale=s * scale_linemap, dscale=s * dscale * scale_linemap, full_line_list=full_line_list, ) if save_figures: fig.savefig("{0}_{1:05d}.line.{2}".format(group_name, id, fig_type)) if phot is not None: out = mb, st, fit, tfit, line_hdu if "pz" in phot: full_sed_plot( mb, tfit, zfit=fit, photometry_pz=phot["pz"], save=fig_type, **sed_args ) else: full_sed_plot(mb, tfit, zfit=fit, save=fig_type, **sed_args) return mb, st, fit, tfit, line_hdu
[docs]def full_sed_plot( mb, tfit, zfit=None, bin=1, minor=0.1, save="png", sed_resolution=180, photometry_pz=None, zspec=None, spectrum_steps=False, xlim=[0.3, 9], **kwargs, ): """ Make a separate plot showing photometry and the spectrum Parameters ---------- mb : `~grizli.multifit.MultiBeam` Object containing the beams spectra. tfit : dict Dictionary of fit results (templates, coefficients, etc) from `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.template_at_z` zfit : `~astropy.table.Table` Redshift fit information used to draw p(z) panel (this is `fit` as output by `~grizli.fitting.run_all`) bin : float Binning factor relative to nominal spectral sampling of each grism minor : float Ticks on wavelength axis (microns) save : str Extension of figure file to save sed_resolution : float Smooth the 1D template before plotting with resolution R = lam/dlam photometry_pz : (float, float) p(z) for the photometry fit alone, as output by, e.g., `eazy`. zspec : float (external) spectroscopic redshift that will be indicated on the plot spectrum_steps : bool Plot grism spectra as steps rather than scatter points xlim : (float, float) Wavelength limits (microns) Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` The figure object """ # import seaborn as sns try: import prospect.utils.smoothing has_prospect = True except: has_prospect = False import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec # mpl_colors = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'] mpl_colors = [ "#1f77b4", "#ff7f0e", "#2ca02c", "#d62728", "#9467bd", "#8c564b", "#e377c2", "#7f7f7f", "#bcbd22", "#17becf", ] # sns_colors = colors = sns.color_palette("cubehelix", 8) # seaborn cubehelix colors sns_colors = colors = [ (0.1036, 0.094, 0.206), (0.0825, 0.272, 0.307), (0.1700, 0.436, 0.223), (0.4587, 0.480, 0.199), (0.7576, 0.476, 0.437), (0.8299, 0.563, 0.776), (0.7638, 0.757, 0.949), (0.8106, 0.921, 0.937), ] # Best-fit # mb = out[0] # zfit = out[2] # tfit = out[3] t1 = tfit["templates"] best_model = mb.get_flat_model([tfit["line1d"].wave, tfit["line1d"].flux]) flat_model = mb.get_flat_model([tfit["line1d"].wave, tfit["line1d"].flux * 0 + 1]) bg = mb.get_flat_background(tfit["coeffs"]) sp = mb.optimal_extract(mb.scif[mb.fit_mask][: -mb.Nphot] - bg, bin=bin) # ['G141'] spm = mb.optimal_extract(best_model, bin=bin) # ['G141'] spf = mb.optimal_extract(flat_model, bin=bin) # ['G141'] # Photometry A_phot = mb._interpolate_photometry(z=tfit["z"], templates=t1) A_model =["coeffs"]) photom_mask = mb.photom_eflam > -98 A_model /= mb.photom_ext_corr[photom_mask] ########## # Figure if True: if zfit is not None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=[11, 9.0 / 3]) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3, width_ratios=[1, 1.5, 1]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2]) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=[9, 9.0 / 3]) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[1, 1.5]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) else: gs = None fig = plt.figure(figsize=[9, 9.0 / 3]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(132) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133) # Photometry SED ax1.errorbar( np.log10(mb.photom_pivot[photom_mask] / 1.0e4), (mb.photom_flam / mb.photom_ext_corr)[photom_mask] / 1.0e-19, (mb.photom_eflam / mb.photom_ext_corr)[photom_mask] / 1.0e-19, color="k", alpha=0.6, marker="s", linestyle="None", zorder=30, ) if has_prospect: sm = prospect.utils.smoothing.smoothspec( tfit["line1d"].wave, tfit["line1d"].flux, resolution=sed_resolution, smoothtype="R", ) # nsigma=10, inres=10) else: sm = tfit["line1d"].flux ax1.scatter( np.log10(mb.photom_pivot[photom_mask] / 1.0e4), A_model / 1.0e-19, color="w", marker="s", s=80, zorder=10, ) ax1.scatter( np.log10(mb.photom_pivot[photom_mask] / 1.0e4), A_model / 1.0e-19, color=sns_colors[4], marker="s", s=20, zorder=11, ) yl1 = ax1.get_ylim() ax1.plot( np.log10(tfit["line1d"].wave / 1.0e4), sm / 1.0e-19, color=sns_colors[4], linewidth=1, zorder=0, ) # ax1.grid() ax1.set_xlabel(r"$\lambda$ / $\mu$m") ax2.set_xlabel(r"$\lambda$ / $\mu$m") # Spectrum ymax, ymin = -1e30, 1e30 for g in sp: sn = sp[g]["flux"] / sp[g]["err"] clip = sn > 3 clip = spf[g]["flux"] > 0.2 * spf[g]["flux"].max() try: scale = mb.compute_scale_array(mb.pscale, sp[g]["wave"]) except: scale = 1 ax2.errorbar( sp[g]["wave"][clip] / 1.0e4, (sp[g]["flux"] / spf[g]["flux"] / scale)[clip] / 1.0e-19, (sp[g]["err"] / spf[g]["flux"] / scale)[clip] / 1.0e-19, marker=".", color="k", alpha=0.5, linestyle="None", elinewidth=0.5, zorder=11, ) if spectrum_steps: try: ax2.plot( sp[g]["wave"] / 1.0e4, spm[g]["flux"] / spf[g]["flux"] / 1.0e-19, color=sns_colors[4], linewidth=2, alpha=0.8, zorder=10, linestyle="steps-mid", ) except: ax2.step( sp[g]["wave"] / 1.0e4, spm[g]["flux"] / spf[g]["flux"] / 1.0e-19, color=sns_colors[4], linewidth=2, alpha=0.8, zorder=10, ) else: ax2.plot( sp[g]["wave"] / 1.0e4, spm[g]["flux"] / spf[g]["flux"] / 1.0e-19, color=sns_colors[4], linewidth=2, alpha=0.8, zorder=10, marker=".", ) ymax = np.maximum(ymax, (spm[g]["flux"] / spf[g]["flux"] / 1.0e-19)[clip].max()) ymin = np.minimum(ymin, (spm[g]["flux"] / spf[g]["flux"] / 1.0e-19)[clip].min()) ax1.errorbar( np.log10(sp[g]["wave"][clip] / 1.0e4), (sp[g]["flux"] / spf[g]["flux"] / scale)[clip] / 1.0e-19, (sp[g]["err"] / spf[g]["flux"] / scale)[clip] / 1.0e-19, marker=".", color="k", alpha=0.2, linestyle="None", elinewidth=0.5, zorder=-100, ) xl, yl = ax2.get_xlim(), ax2.get_ylim() yl = (ymin - 0.3 * ymax, 1.3 * ymax) # SED x range if xlim is None: okphot = mb.photom_eflam > 0 xlim = [ np.minimum(xl[0] * 0.7, 0.7 * mb.photom_pivot[okphot].min() / 1.0e4), np.maximum(xl[1] / 0.7, mb.photom_pivot[okphot].max() / 1.0e4 / 0.7), ] ax1.set_xlim(np.log10(xlim[0]), np.log10(xlim[1])) ticks = np.array([0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8]) ticks = ticks[(ticks >= xlim[0]) & (ticks <= xlim[1])] ax1.set_xticks(np.log10(ticks)) ax1.set_xticklabels(ticks) # Back to spectrum ax2.scatter( (mb.photom_pivot[photom_mask] / 1.0e4), A_model / 1.0e-19, color="w", marker="s", s=80, zorder=11, ) ax2.scatter( (mb.photom_pivot[photom_mask] / 1.0e4), A_model / 1.0e-19, color=sns_colors[4], marker="s", s=20, zorder=12, ) ax2.errorbar( mb.photom_pivot[photom_mask] / 1.0e4, mb.photom_flam[photom_mask] / 1.0e-19, mb.photom_eflam[photom_mask] / 1.0e-19, color="k", alpha=0.6, marker="s", linestyle="None", zorder=20, ) ax2.set_xlim(xl) ax2.set_ylim(yl) ax2.set_yticklabels([]) # ax2.set_xticks(np.arange(1.1, 1.8, 0.1)) # ax2.set_xticklabels([1.1, '', 1.3, '', 1.5, '', 1.7]) ax2.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(minor)) ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(minor * 2)) # Show spectrum range on SED panel xb, yb = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 0]) ax1.plot( np.log10(xl[0] + xb * (xl[1] - xl[0])), yl[0] + yb * (yl[1] - yl[0]), linestyle=":", color="k", alpha=0.4, ) ymax = np.maximum(yl1[1], yl[1] + 0.02 * (yl[1] - yl[0])) ax1.set_ylim(-0.1 * ymax, ymax) tick_diff = np.diff(ax1.get_yticks())[0] ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(tick_diff)) # ax2.set_yticklabels([]) for ax in [ax1, ax2]: if ax.get_ylim()[0] < 0: ax.hlines( 0, ax.get_xlim()[0], ax.get_xlim()[1], color="k", zorder=-100, alpha=0.3, linestyle="--", ) ########## # P(z) if zfit is not None: if photometry_pz is not None: ax3.plot(photometry_pz[0], np.log10(photometry_pz[1]), color=mpl_colors[0]) ax3.plot(zfit["zgrid"], np.log10(zfit["pdf"]), color=sns_colors[0]) ax3.fill_between( zfit["zgrid"], np.log10(zfit["pdf"]), np.log10(zfit["pdf"]) * 0 - 100, color=sns_colors[0], alpha=0.3, ) ax3.set_xlim(zfit["zgrid"].min(), zfit["zgrid"].max()) ax3.set_ylim(-3, 2.9) # np.log10(zfit['pdf']).max()) ax3.set_ylabel(r"log $p(z)$") ax3.set_xlabel(r"$z$") ax3.grid() ax1.set_ylabel(r"$f_\lambda$ [$10^{-19}$ erg/s/cm2/A]") axt = ax2 axt.text( 0.95, 0.95, r"$z_\mathrm{grism}$=" + "{0:.3f}".format(tfit["z"]), ha="right", va="top", transform=axt.transAxes, color=sns_colors[0], size=10, ) # , backgroundcolor='w') if zspec is not None: axt.text( 0.95, 0.89, r"$z_\mathrm{spec}$=" + "{0:.3f}".format(zspec), ha="right", va="top", transform=axt.transAxes, color="r", size=10, ) if zfit is not None: ax3.scatter(zspec, 2.7, color="r", marker="v", zorder=100) axt.text( 0.05, 0.95, "{0}: {1:>6d}".format(mb.group_name,, ha="left", va="top", transform=axt.transAxes, color="k", size=10, ) # , backgroundcolor='w') # axt.text(0.05, 0.89, '{0:>6d}'.format(, ha='left', va='top', transform=axt.transAxes, color='k', size=10)#, backgroundcolor='w') if gs is None: gs.tight_layout(pad=0.1) else: if zfit is not None: fig.tight_layout(pad=0.1) else: fig.tight_layout(pad=0.5) if save: fig.savefig("{0}_{1:05d}.sed.{2}".format(mb.group_name,, save)) return fig
[docs]def compute_cdf_percentiles(fit, cdf_sigmas=CDF_SIGMAS): """ Compute tabulated percentiles of the CDF for a (lossy) compressed version of the redshift PDF. The `pdf` values from the `fit` table are interpolated onto a fine (``dz/(1+z) = 0.0001``) redshift grid before the full `cdf` is calculated and interpolated. The following shows an example including how to reconstruct the PDF .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.stats import norm from grizli import utils from grizli.fitting import compute_cdf_percentiles, CDF_SIGMAS # logarithmic redshift grid, but doesn't matter zgrid = utils.log_zgrid([0.01, 3.4], 0.001) # Fake PDF from some Gaussians peaks = [[1, 0.1], [1.5, 0.4]] pdf = np.zeros_like(zgrid) for p in peaks: pdf += norm.pdf(zgrid, loc=p[0], scale=p[1])/len(peaks) # Put it in a table fit = utils.GTable() fit['zgrid'], fit['pdf'] = zgrid, pdf cdf_x, cdf_y = compute_cdf_percentiles(fit, cdf_sigmas=CDF_SIGMAS) # PDF is derivative of CDF pdf_y = np.gradient(cdf_y)/np.gradient(cdf_x) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(6,4)) ax.plot(zgrid, pdf, label='input PDF') ax.step(cdf_x, pdf_y, label='compressed from CDF', where='mid', color='0.5') ax.grid() ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel('z') ax.set_ylabel('p(z)') Parameters ---------- fit : `~astropy.table.Table` Table that contains, at a minimum, columns of ``zgrid`` and ``pdf``, e.g., as output from `grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.xfit_redshift` cdf_sigmas : array-like Places to evaluate the CDF, in terms of "sigma" of a Normal (Gaussian) distribution, i.e., >>> import scipy.stats >>> cdf_y = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(cdf_sigmas) Returns ------- cdf_x : array-like, size of `cdf_sigmas` Redshifts where the CDF values correspond to the values `cdf_y` from `cdf_sigmas` of a Normal distribution. cdf_y : array-like CDF values at `cdf_sigmas` """ from scipy.interpolate import Akima1DInterpolator from scipy.integrate import cumulative_trapezoid import scipy.stats if cdf_sigmas is None: cdf_sigmas = CDF_SIGMAS cdf_y = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(cdf_sigmas) if len(fit["zgrid"]) == 1: return np.ones_like(cdf_y) * fit["zgrid"][0], cdf_y spl = Akima1DInterpolator(fit["zgrid"], np.log(fit["pdf"]), axis=1) zrfine = [fit["zgrid"].min(), fit["zgrid"].max()] zfine = utils.log_zgrid(zr=zrfine, dz=0.0001) ok = np.isfinite(spl(zfine)) pz_fine = np.exp(spl(zfine)) pz_fine[~ok] = 0 cdf_fine = cumulative_trapezoid(pz_fine, x=zfine) cdf_x = np.interp(cdf_y, cdf_fine / cdf_fine[-1], zfine[1:]) return cdf_x, cdf_y
[docs]def make_summary_catalog( target="pg0117+213", sextractor="", files=None, filter_bandpasses=[], get_sps=False, write_table=True, cdf_sigmas=CDF_SIGMAS, ): """ Make a summary table of redshift and other parameters from a set of `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter` output files. Parameters ---------- target : str Target name sextractor : str SExtractor catalog file files : list List of `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter` output files filter_bandpasses : list List of `~grizli.utils.FilterDefinition` objects to integrate the best-fit template through for each object in `files`. get_sps : bool Compute stellar population parameters (SFR, stellar mass, etc.). write_table : bool Write the output table to a FITS file cdf_sigmas : array-like Places to evaluate the CDF, in terms of "sigma" of a Gaussian distribution. Returns ------- info : `~astropy.table.Table` Summary table with columns for each object in `files` and rows for each parameter in `keys`. """ import glob import os from collections import OrderedDict import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import astropy.units as u import as pyfits import numpy as np import grizli from grizli import utils keys = OrderedDict() keys["PRIMARY"] = [ "ID", "RA", "DEC", "NINPUT", "REDSHIFT", "T_G102", "T_G141", "T_G800L", "N_G102", "N_G141", "N_G800L", "P_G102", "P_G141", "P_G800L", "NUMLINES", "HASLINES", ] keys["ZFIT_STACK"] = [ "CHI2POLY", "CHI2SPL", "SPLF01", "SPLE01", "SPLF02", "SPLE02", "SPLF03", "SPLE03", "SPLF04", "SPLE04", "HUBERDEL", "ST_DF", "ST_LOC", "ST_SCL", "AS_EPSF", "DOF", "CHIMIN", "CHIMAX", "BIC_POLY", "BIC_SPL", "BIC_TEMP", "Z02", "Z16", "Z50", "Z84", "Z97", "ZWIDTH1", "ZWIDTH2", "ZRMIN", "ZRMAX", "Z_MAP", "Z_RISK", "MIN_RISK", "VEL_BL", "VEL_NL", "VEL_Z", "VEL_NFEV", "VEL_FLAG", "D4000", "D4000_E", "DN4000", "DN4000_E", ] keys["ZFIT_BEAM"] = keys["ZFIT_STACK"].copy() keys["COVAR"] = ["DLINEID", "DLINESN"] keys["COVAR"] += " ".join( [ "FLUX_{0:03d} ERR_{0:03d} EW50_{0:03d} EWHW_{0:03d}".format(i) for i in range(64) ] ).split() lines = [] pdf_max = [] if files is None: files = glob.glob("{0}*full.fits".format(target)) files.sort() roots = ["_".join(os.path.basename(file).split("_")[:-1]) for file in files] template_mags = [] sps_params = [] cdf_array = None for ii, file in enumerate(files): print(utils.NO_NEWLINE + file) line = [] full = if "ZFIT_STACK" not in full: continue tab =["ZFIT_STACK"]) pdf_max.append(tab["pdf"].max()) for ext in keys: if ext not in full: for k in keys[ext]: line.append(np.nan) continue h = full[ext].header for k in keys[ext]: if k in h: line.append(h[k]) else: line.append(np.nan) # SPS params, stellar mass, etc. if get_sps: try: sps = compute_sps_params(full) except: sps = { "Lv": np.nan * u.solLum, "MLv": np.nan * u.solMass / u.solLum, "MLv_rms": np.nan * u.solMass / u.solLum, "SFRv": np.nan * u.solMass / u.year, "SFRv_rms": np.nan * u.solMass / u.year, "templ": np.nan, } else: sps = { "Lv": np.nan * u.solLum, "MLv": np.nan * u.solMass / u.solLum, "MLv_rms": np.nan * u.solMass / u.solLum, "SFRv": np.nan * u.solMass / u.year, "SFRv_rms": np.nan * u.solMass / u.year, "templ": np.nan, } sps_params.append(sps) cdf_x, cdf_y = compute_cdf_percentiles(tab, cdf_sigmas=cdf_sigmas) if cdf_array is None: cdf_array = np.zeros((len(files), len(cdf_x)), dtype=np.float32) cdf_array[ii, :] = cdf_x lines.append(line) # Integrate best-fit template through filter bandpasses if filter_bandpasses: tfit = utils.GTable.gread(full["TEMPL"]) sp = utils.SpectrumTemplate(wave=tfit["wave"], flux=tfit["full"]) mags = [sp.integrate_filter(bp, abmag=True) for bp in filter_bandpasses] template_mags.append(mags) columns = [] for ext in keys: if ext == "ZFIT_BEAM": columns.extend(["beam_{0}".format(k) for k in keys[ext]]) else: columns.extend(keys[ext]) info = utils.GTable(rows=lines, names=columns) info["PDF_MAX"] = pdf_max info["CDF_Z"] = cdf_array info.meta["NCDF"] = cdf_array.shape[1], "cdf_sigmas = np.linspace(-5, 5, 51)" root_col = utils.GTable.Column(name="root", data=roots) info.add_column(root_col, index=0) for k in ["Lv", "MLv", "MLv_rms", "SFRv", "SFRv_rms"]: datak = [sps[k].value for sps in sps_params] info[k] = datak info[k].unit = sps[k].unit info["sSFR"] = info["SFRv"] / info["MLv"] info["stellar_mass"] = info["Lv"] * info["MLv"] info["Lv"].format = ".1e" info["MLv"].format = ".2f" info["MLv_rms"].format = ".2f" info["SFRv"].format = ".1f" info["SFRv_rms"].format = ".1f" info["sSFR"].format = ".1e" info["stellar_mass"].format = ".1e" if filter_bandpasses: arr = np.array(template_mags) for i, bp in enumerate(filter_bandpasses): info["mag_{0}".format(] = arr[:, i] info["mag_{0}".format(].format = ".3f" for c in info.colnames: info.rename_column(c, c.lower()) # Emission line names # files=glob.glob('{0}*full.fits'.format(target)) im =[0]) h = im["COVAR"].header for i in range(64): key = "FLUX_{0:03d}".format(i) if key not in h: continue line = h.comments[key].split()[0] for root in ["flux", "err", "ew50", "ewhw"]: col = "{0}_{1}".format(root, line) old_col = "{0}_{1:03d}".format(root, i) if old_col in info.colnames: info.rename_column(old_col, col) if col not in info.colnames: continue if root.startswith("ew"): info[col].format = ".1f" else: info[col].format = ".1f" if "err_" + line in info.colnames: info["sn_{0}".format(line)] = info["flux_" + line] / info["err_" + line] info["sn_{0}".format(line)][info["err_" + line] == 0] = -99 # info['sn_{0}'.format(line)].format = '.1f' info["chinu"] = info["chimin"] / info["dof"] info["chinu"].format = ".2f" info["bic_diff"] = info["bic_poly"] - info["bic_temp"] info["bic_diff"].format = ".1f" info["log_risk"] = np.log10(info["min_risk"]) info["log_risk"].format = ".2f" info["log_pdf_max"] = np.log10(info["pdf_max"]) info["log_pdf_max"].format = ".2f" info["zq"] = info["log_risk"] - info["log_pdf_max"] info["zq"].format = ".2f" info["beam_chinu"] = info["beam_chimin"] / info["beam_dof"] info["beam_chinu"].format = ".2f" info["beam_bic_diff"] = info["beam_bic_poly"] - info["beam_bic_temp"] info["beam_bic_diff"].format = ".1f" info["beam_log_risk"] = np.log10(info["beam_min_risk"]) info["beam_log_risk"].format = ".2f" info["log_mass"] = np.log10(info["stellar_mass"]) info["log_mass"].format = ".2f" # ID with link to CDS idx = [ '<a href="{0:.6f}+{1:.6f}&">#{2:05d}</a>'.format( info["ra"][i], info["dec"][i], info["id"][i] ) for i in range(len(info)) ] info["idx"] = idx # PNG columns for ext in ["stack", "full", "line"]: png = [ "{0}_{1:05d}.{2}.png".format(root, id, ext) for root, id in zip(info["root"], info["id"]) ] info["png_{0}".format(ext)] = [ "<a href={0}><img src={0} height=200></a>".format(p) for p in png ] # Thumbnails png = [ "../Thumbnails/{0}_{1:05d}.{2}.png".format(root, id, "rgb") for root, id in zip(info["root"], info["id"]) ] # info['png_{0}'.format('rgb')] = ['<a href={1}><img src={0} height=200></a>'.format(p, p.replace('.rgb.png', '.thumb.fits')) for p in png] # info['png_{0}'.format('rgb')] = ['<a href={1}><img src={0} onmouseover="this.src=\'{2}\'" onmouseout="this.src=\'{0}\'" height=200></a>'.format(p, p.replace('.rgb.png', '.thumb.png'), p.replace('.rgb.png', '.seg.png')) for p in png] info["png_{0}".format("rgb")] = [ "<a href={1}><img src={0} onmouseover=\"this.src = this.src.replace('', '')\" onmouseout=\"this.src = this.src.replace('', '')\" height=200></a>".format( p, p.replace(".rgb.png", ".thumb.png"), p.replace(".rgb.png", ".seg.png") ) for p in png ] # Column formats for col in info.colnames: if col.strip("beam_").startswith("z"): info[col].format = ".4f" if col in ["ra", "dec"]: info[col].format = ".6f" if ("d4000" in col.lower()) | ("dn4000" in col.lower()): info[col].format = ".2f" # Sextractor catalog if sextractor is None: if write_table: info.write("{0}.info.fits".format(target), overwrite=True) return info # sextractor = glob.glob('{0}-f*cat'.format(target))[0] try: hcat = grizli.utils.GTable.gread(sextractor) # , format='ascii.sextractor') except: hcat = grizli.utils.GTable.gread(sextractor, sextractor=True) for c in hcat.colnames: hcat.rename_column(c, c.lower()) idx, dr = hcat.match_to_catalog_sky( info, self_radec=("x_world", "y_world"), other_radec=None ) for c in hcat.colnames: info.add_column(hcat[c][idx]) if write_table: info.write("{0}.info.fits".format(target), overwrite=True) return info
[docs]def compute_sps_params(full="j021820-051015_01276.full.fits", cosmology=Planck15): """ Compute stellar population parameters from a `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter` output file. Parameters ---------- full : str, `` Output from `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter` with the best-fit template coefficients. If a string, will be opened with ``. Default is `j021820-051015_01276.full.fits`. cosmology : `~astropy.cosmology.FLRW` Cosmology object to compute luminosity distances. Returns ------- sps : dict Dictionary with the following keys: `Lv`, `MLv`, `MLv_rms`, `SFRv`, `SFRv_rms`, `templ`. The first four are `~astropy.units.Quantity` objects with units of solar luminosity, solar mass per solar luminosity, solar mass per year, and solar mass per year, respectively. The `templ` key is a `~grizli.utils.SpectrumTemplate` object with the best-fit template. """ import numpy as np from import fits as pyfits from astropy.table import Table import astropy.units as u from grizli import utils import pysynphot as S if isinstance(full, str): im = else: im = full h = im["TEMPL"].header templ = Table(im["TEMPL"].data) z = im["ZFIT_STACK"].header["Z_MAP"] # Get coefffs coeffs, keys, ix = [], [], [] count = 0 for k in h: if k.startswith("CNAME"): if h[k].startswith("fsps"): ix.append(count) keys.append(h[k]) coeffs.append(h[k.replace("CNAME", "CVAL")]) count += 1 cov = im["COVAR"].data[np.array(ix), :][:, np.array(ix)] covd = cov.diagonal() # Normalize to V band, fsps_QSF_12_v3 normV = np.array( [ 3.75473763e-15, 2.73797790e-15, 1.89469588e-15, 1.32683449e-15, 9.16760812e-16, 2.43922395e-16, 4.76835746e-15, 3.55616962e-15, 2.43745972e-15, 1.61394625e-15, 1.05358710e-15, 5.23733297e-16, ] ) coeffsV = np.array(coeffs) * normV rmsV = np.sqrt(covd) * normV rms_norm = rmsV / coeffsV.sum() coeffs_norm = coeffsV / coeffsV.sum() param_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "data/templates/fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3.param.fits" ) tab_temp = temp_MLv = tab_temp["mass"] / tab_temp["Lv"] temp_SFRv = tab_temp["sfr"] mass_norm = (coeffs_norm * tab_temp["mass"]).sum() * u.solMass Lv_norm = (coeffs_norm * tab_temp["Lv"]).sum() * u.solLum MLv = mass_norm / Lv_norm SFR_norm = (coeffs_norm * tab_temp["sfr"]).sum() * u.solMass / u.yr SFRv = SFR_norm / Lv_norm mass_var = ((rms_norm * tab_temp["mass"]) ** 2).sum() Lv_var = ((rms_norm * tab_temp["Lv"]) ** 2).sum() SFR_var = ((rms_norm * tab_temp["sfr"]) ** 2).sum() MLv_var = MLv ** 2 * (mass_var / mass_norm.value ** 2 + Lv_var / Lv_norm.value ** 2) MLv_rms = np.sqrt(MLv_var) SFRv_var = SFRv ** 2 * (SFR_var / SFR_norm.value ** 2 + Lv_var / Lv_norm.value ** 2) SFRv_rms = np.sqrt(SFRv_var) vband = S.ObsBandpass("v") vbandz = S.ArrayBandpass(vband.wave * (1 + z), vband.throughput) best_templ = utils.SpectrumTemplate(templ["wave"], templ["full"]) fnu = best_templ.integrate_filter(vbandz) * (u.erg / u.s / ** 2 / u.Hz) dL = cosmology.luminosity_distance(z).to( Lnu = fnu * 4 * np.pi * dL ** 2 pivotV = vbandz.pivot() * u.Angstrom nuV = (const.c / pivotV).to(u.Hz) Lv = (nuV * Lnu).to(u.L_sun) mass = MLv * Lv SFR = SFRv * Lv sps = { "Lv": Lv, "MLv": MLv, "MLv_rms": MLv_rms, "SFRv": SFRv, "SFRv_rms": SFRv_rms, "templ": best_templ, } return sps
def _loss(dz, gamma=0.15): """ Risk / Loss function, Tanaka et al. ( Parameters ---------- gamma : float Returns ------- loss : float """ return 1 - 1 / (1 + (dz / gamma) ** 2)
[docs]def refit_beams( root="j012017+213343", append="x", id=708, keep_dict={"G141": [201, 291]}, poly_order=3, make_products=True, run_fit=True, **kwargs, ): """ Regenerate a MultiBeam object selecting only certiain PAs Parameters ---------- root : str Root of the "beams.fits" file to load. append : str String to append to the rootname of the updated products. id : int Object ID. The input filename is built like >>> beams_file = f'{root}_{id:05d}.beams.fits' keep_dict : bool Dictionary of the PAs/grisms to keep. (See the `grizli.multifit.MultiBeam.PA` attribute.) poly_order : int Order of the polynomial to fit. make_products : bool Make stacked spectra and diagnostic figures. run_fit : bool Run the redshift fit on the new products kwargs : dict Optional keywords passed to `~grizli.fitting.run_all_parallel`. Returns ------- mb : `~grizli.multifit.MultiBeam` New beam object. """ import numpy as np try: from grizli import utils, fitting, multifit except: from . import utils, fitting, multifit MultiBeam = multifit.MultiBeam mb = MultiBeam("{0}_{1:05d}.beams.fits".format(root, id), group_name=root) keep_beams = [] for g in keep_dict: if g not in mb.PA: continue for pa in keep_dict[g]: if float(pa) in mb.PA[g]: keep_beams.extend([mb.beams[i] for i in mb.PA[g][float(pa)]]) mb = MultiBeam(keep_beams, group_name=root + append) mb.write_master_fits() if not make_products: return mb wave = np.linspace(2000, 2.5e4, 100) poly_templates = utils.polynomial_templates(wave, order=poly_order) pfit = mb.template_at_z( z=0, templates=poly_templates, fit_background=True, fitter="lstsq", get_uncertainties=2, ) try: fig1 = mb.oned_figure(figsize=[5, 3], tfit=pfit, loglam_1d=True) fig1.savefig("{0}_{1:05d}.1D.png".format(root + append, id)) except: pass hdu, fig = mb.drizzle_grisms_and_PAs( fcontam=0.5, flambda=False, kernel="point", size=32, zfit=pfit ) fig.savefig("{0}_{1:05d}.stack.png".format(root + append, id)) if run_fit: fitting.run_all_parallel( id, group_name=root + append, root=root + "x", verbose=True, **kwargs ) return mb
[docs]class GroupFitter(object): """ Base class for `~grizli.stack.StackFitter` and `~grizli.multifit.MultiBeam` spectrum fitting objects""" def _get_slices(self, masked=False): """ Precompute array slices for how the individual components map into the single combined arrays. Parameters ---------- masked : bool Return indices of masked arrays rather than simple slices of the full beams. Returns ------- slices : list List of slices. """ x = 0 slices = [] # use masked index arrays rather than slices if masked: for i in range(self.N): beam = self.beams[i] if beam.fit_mask.sum() == 0: slices.append(None) continue idx = np.arange(beam.fit_mask.sum()) + x slices.append(idx) # [slice(x+0, x+beam.size)][beam.fit_mask]) x = idx[-1] + 1 else: for i in range(self.N): slices.append(slice(x + 0, x + self.beams[i].size)) x += self.beams[i].size return slices def _update_beam_mask(self): """ Compute versions of the masked arrays """ for ib, b in enumerate(self.beams): b.fit_mask &= self.fit_mask[self.slices[ib]] self.mslices = self._get_slices(masked=True) self.Nmask = self.fit_mask.sum() if hasattr(self, "Nphot"): self.Nspec = self.Nmask - self.Nphot else: self.Nspec = self.Nmask def _init_background(self, masked=True): """ Initialize the (flat) background model components Parameters ---------- masked : bool If true, output array has size of unmasked pixels Returns ------- A_bg : `~numpy.ndarray` Array with dimensions (``N``, ``Nmask``) (masked=True) or (``N``, ``Ntot``) (masked=False) for fitting a background component """ if masked: A_bg = np.zeros((self.N, self.Nmask)) for i in range(self.N): A_bg[i, self.mslices[i]] = 1.0 else: A_bg = np.zeros((self.N, self.Ntot)) for i in range(self.N): A_bg[i, self.slices[i]] = 1.0 return A_bg
[docs] def get_SDSS_photometry( self, bands="ugriz", templ=None, radius=2, SDSS_CATALOG="V/147/sdss12", get_panstarrs=False, ): """ Try too get SDSS photometry from `astroquery` (developmental) Parameters ---------- bands : str SDSS bands to query. templ : dict Templates to use for fitting. radius : float Search radius in arcsec. SDSS_CATALOG : str Catalog to query. Default is `V/147/sdss12`. get_panstarrs : bool Get PanSTARRS photometry. Returns ------- phot : dict Dictionary with keys `flam`, `eflam`, `filters`, `tempfilt`, where `flam` and `eflam` are arrays of flux densities and uncertainties in f-lambda units, `filters` are the `FilterDefinition` objects, and `tempfilt` is a `TemplateGrid` object. """ # from astroquery.sdss import SDSS # from astropy import coordinates as coords import astropy.units as u from astroquery.vizier import Vizier import astropy.coordinates as coord import pysynphot as S from eazy.templates import Template from eazy.filters import FilterFile from eazy.photoz import TemplateGrid from eazy.filters import FilterDefinition if get_panstarrs: SDSS_CATALOG = "II/349" bands = "grizy" from astroquery.vizier import Vizier import astropy.units as u import astropy.coordinates as coord coo = coord.SkyCoord( ra=self.ra, dec=self.dec, unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame="icrs" ) v = Vizier(catalog=SDSS_CATALOG, columns=["+_r", "*"]) try: tab = v.query_region( coo, radius="{0}s".format(radius), catalog=SDSS_CATALOG )[0] ix = np.argmin(tab["rmag"]) tab = tab[ix] except: return None filters = [ FilterDefinition(bp=S.ObsBandpass("sdss,{0}".format(b))) for b in bands ] pivot = {} for ib, b in enumerate(bands): pivot[b] = filters[ib].pivot to_flam = 10 ** (-0.4 * (48.6)) * 3.0e18 # / pivot(Ang)**2 flam = np.array( [ 10 ** (-0.4 * (tab[b + "mag"])) * to_flam / pivot[b] ** 2 for ib, b in enumerate(bands) ] ) eflam = np.array( [ tab["e_{0}mag".format(b)] * np.log(10) / 2.5 * flam[ib] for ib, b in enumerate(bands) ] ) phot = {"flam": flam, "eflam": eflam, "filters": filters, "tempfilt": None} if templ is None: return phot # Make fast SDSS template grid templates = [ Template(arrays=[templ[t].wave, templ[t].flux], name=t) for t in templ ] zgrid = utils.log_zgrid(zr=[0.01, 3.4], dz=0.005) tempfilt = TemplateGrid( zgrid, templates, filters=filters, add_igm=True, galactic_ebv=0, Eb=0, n_proc=0, ) # filters = [all_filters.filters[f-1] for f in [156,157,158,159,160]] phot = {"flam": flam, "eflam": eflam, "filters": filters, "tempfilt": tempfilt} return phot
[docs] def set_photometry( self, flam=[], eflam=[], filters=[], ext_corr=1, force=False, tempfilt=None, min_err=0.02, TEF=None, pz=None, source="unknown", **kwargs, ): """ Set photometry attributes Parameters ---------- flam, eflam : array-like Flux densities and uncertainties in f-lambda cgs units filters : list List of `~eazy.filters.FilterDefinition` objects ext_corr : float or array-like MW extinction correction lc : array-like Precomputed filter central wavelengths. Will automatically be computed from `filters` if not specified force : bool Don't try to set if already specified (`Nphot` > 0) tempfilt : `eazy.photoz.TemplateGrid` Precomputed grid of templates integrated through the `filters` bandpasses min_err : float minimum or systematic error to add in quadrature to `eflam` TEF : `eazy.templates.TemplateError` Template error function pz : None, (array, array) Precomputed (z, pz) pdf from, e.g., `eazy` (not used) source : str String to indicate the provenance of the photometry Returns ------- photom_flam : array_like Flux densities from `flam` photom_eflam : array-like Uncertainties including `min_err` photom_filters : list `filters` Nphot : int Number of photometry bandpasses The returned parameters above are not returned but are rather attributes that are set. This function also updates the `sivarf`, `weightf`, `fit_mask` attributes to include the spectra + photometry """ if (self.Nphot > 0) & (not force): print("Photometry already set (Nphot={0})".format(self.Nphot)) return True okphot = (eflam > 0) & np.isfinite(eflam) & np.isfinite(flam) self.Nphot = okphot.sum() # len(flam) self.Nphotbands = len(eflam) if self.Nphot == 0: return True if (len(flam) != len(eflam)) | (len(flam) != len(filters)): print("flam/eflam/filters dimensions don't match") return False self.photom_flam = flam * 1 self.photom_eflam = np.sqrt(eflam ** 2 + (min_err * flam) ** 2) self.photom_flam[~okphot] = -99 self.photom_eflam[~okphot] = -99 self.photom_filters = filters self.photom_source = source self.photom_ext_corr = ext_corr self.sivarf = np.hstack([self.sivarf, 1 / self.photom_eflam]) self.weightf = np.hstack([self.weightf, np.ones_like(self.photom_eflam)]) self.fit_mask = np.hstack([self.fit_mask, okphot]) self.fit_mask &= self.weightf > 0 # self.flat_flam = np.hstack((self.flat_flam, self.photom_eflam*0.)) # Mask for just spectra self.fit_mask_spec = self.fit_mask & True self.fit_mask_spec[-self.Nphotbands :] = False self.Nmask = self.fit_mask.sum() self.Nspec = self.Nmask - self.Nphot self.scif = np.hstack((self.scif, flam)) self.idf = np.hstack((self.idf, flam * 0 - 1)) self.DoF = int((self.weightf * self.fit_mask).sum()) self.is_spec = np.isfinite(self.scif) self.is_spec[-len(flam) :] = False self.photom_pivot = np.array([filter.pivot for filter in filters]) self.wavef = np.hstack((self.wavef, self.photom_pivot)) # eazypy tempfilt for faster interpolation self.tempfilt = tempfilt self.TEF = TEF
[docs] def unset_photometry(self): """ Unset photometry-related attributes """ if self.Nphot == 0: return True Nbands = self.Nphotbands self.sivarf = self.sivarf[:-Nbands] self.weightf = self.weightf[:-Nbands] # self.flat_flam = self.flat_flam[:-Nbands] self.fit_mask = self.fit_mask[:-Nbands] self.fit_mask &= self.weightf > 0 self.fit_mask_spec = self.fit_mask & True self.scif = self.scif[:-Nbands] self.idf = self.idf[:-Nbands] self.wavef = self.wavef[:-Nbands] self.DoF = int((self.weightf * self.fit_mask).sum()) self.is_spec = 1 self.Nphot = 0 self.Nphotbands = 0 self.Nmask = self.fit_mask.sum() self.Nspec = self.Nmask - self.Nphot self.tempfilt = None
def _interpolate_photometry(self, z=0.0, templates=[]): """ Interpolate templates through photometric filters xx: TBD better handling of emission line templates and use eazpy tempfilt object for huge speedup Parameters ---------- z : float Redshift templates : list List of `~eazy.templates.Template` objects to interpolate through the filters. Returns ------- A_phot : `~numpy.ndarray` Array with dimensions (``N``, ``Nphot``) with interpolated flux densities through the photometric filters. """ NTEMP = len(templates) A_phot = np.zeros((NTEMP + self.N, len(self.photom_flam))) mask = self.photom_eflam > 0 if self.tempfilt is not None: if self.tempfilt.NTEMP == NTEMP: A_phot[self.N :, :] = self.tempfilt(z) A_phot *= 3.0e18 / self.photom_pivot ** 2 * (1 + z) A_phot[~np.isfinite(A_phot)] = 0 return A_phot[:, mask] for it, key in enumerate(templates): tz = templates[key].zscale(z, scalar=1) for ifilt, filt in enumerate(self.photom_filters): A_phot[self.N + it, ifilt] = ( tz.integrate_filter(filt) * 3.0e18 / self.photom_pivot[ifilt] ** 2 ) return A_phot[:, mask]
[docs] def xfit_at_z( self, z=0, templates=[], fitter="nnls", fit_background=True, get_uncertainties=False, get_design_matrix=False, pscale=None, COEFF_SCALE=1.0e-19, get_components=False, huber_delta=4, get_residuals=False, include_photometry=True, use_cached_templates=False, bounded_kwargs=BOUNDED_DEFAULTS, apply_sensitivity=True, median_filter_kwargs=None, ): """Fit the 2D spectra with a set of templates at a specified redshift. Parameters ---------- z : float Redshift. templates : list List of templates to fit. fitter : str Minimization algorithm to compute template coefficients. Available options are: - 'nnls', Non-negative least squares (`scipy.optimize.nnls`) - 'lstsq', Standard least squares (`numpy.linalg.lstsq`) - 'bounded', Bounded least squares (`scipy.optimize.lsq_linear`) For the last option, the line flux limits are set by the limits in the global `grizli.fitting.LINE_BOUNDS` list and `bounded_kwargs` are passed to `~scipy.optimize.lsq_linear`. fit_background : bool Fit additive pedestal background offset. get_uncertainties : bool, int Compute coefficient uncertainties from the covariance matrix. If specified as an int > 1, then the covariance matrix is computed only for templates with non-zero coefficients get_design_matrix : bool Return design matrix and data, rather than nominal outputs. pscale : float, array-like Scale parameters passed to `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.compute_scale_array`. If None, then try to use from `self.pscale`. COEFF_SCALE : float Scale factor for the template coefficients. The coefficients are stored as `coeffs * COEFF_SCALE` to improve numerical precision. get_components : bool Return the individual components of the fit. huber_delta : float Use the Huber loss function (`scipy.special.huber`) rather than direct chi-squared. If ``huber_delta < 0``, then fall back to chi-squared. get_residuals : bool Return the residuals of the fit. include_photometry : bool Include photometry in the fit. use_cached_templates : bool Use cached template arrays for speedup. bounded_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `~scipy.optimize.lsq_linear`. apply_sensitivity : bool Apply the sensitivity function to the templates. median_filter_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `~grizli.utils.safe_nanmedian_filter`. Returns ------- AxT : numpy.ndarray Transposed design matrix, weighted by 1/sigma. (If ``get_design_matrix == True``). data : numpy.ndarray Masked data array, including background pedestal. (If ``get_design_matrix == True``) model : numpy.ndarray Full model array, including the contributions from all templates. (If ``get_components == True``) background : numpy.ndarray Background array computed from the fit. (If ``get_components == True``) chi2 : float Chi-squared of the fit, computed using the Huber loss function if `huber_delta` > 0. coeffs : numpy.ndarray Template coefficients from the fit. coeffs_err : numpy.ndarray Uncertainties of the template coefficients. covariance : numpy.ndarray Full covariance matrix of the fit parameters. """ import scipy.optimize from scipy.special import huber NTEMP = len(templates) if (self.Nphot > 0) & include_photometry: A = np.zeros((self.N + NTEMP, self.Nmask)) else: A = np.zeros((self.N + NTEMP, self.Nspec)) if fit_background: A[: self.N, : self.Nspec] = self.A_bgm lower_bound = np.zeros(self.N + NTEMP) upper_bound = np.ones(self.N + NTEMP) * np.inf # Background limits lower_bound[: self.N] = -0.05 upper_bound[: self.N] = 0.05 # A = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((self.N+NTEMP, self.Ntot)) # bg_sp = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(self.A_bg) try: obj_IGM_MINZ = np.maximum( IGM_MINZ, (self.wave_mask.min() - 200) / 1216.0 - 1 ) except: obj_IGM_MINZ = np.maximum(IGM_MINZ, (self.wavef.min() - 200) / 1216.0 - 1) # compute IGM directly for spectrum wavelengths if use_cached_templates & ("spline" not in fitter): if z > obj_IGM_MINZ: if IGM is None: wigmz = 1.0 else: wavem = self.wavef[self.fit_mask] lylim = wavem / (1 + z) < 1250 wigmz = np.ones_like(wavem) wigmz[lylim] = IGM.full_IGM(z, wavem[lylim]) # print('Use z-igm') else: wigmz = 1.0 else: wigmz = 1.0 # Cached first for i, t in enumerate(templates): if use_cached_templates: if t in self.Asave: # print('\n\nUse saved: ',t) A[self.N + i, :] += self.Asave[t] * wigmz for i, t in enumerate(templates): if use_cached_templates: if t in self.Asave: continue if t.startswith("line"): lower_bound[self.N + i] = LINE_BOUNDS[0] / COEFF_SCALE upper_bound[self.N + i] = LINE_BOUNDS[1] / COEFF_SCALE ti = templates[t] rest_template =[0] in ["bspl", "step", "poly"] if z > obj_IGM_MINZ: if IGM is None: igmz = 1.0 else: lylim = ti.wave < 1250 igmz = np.ones_like(ti.wave) igmz[lylim] = IGM.full_IGM(z, ti.wave[lylim] * (1 + z)) else: igmz = 1.0 # Don't redshift spline templates if rest_template: s = [ti.wave, ti.flux] else: if hasattr(ti, "flux_flam"): # eazy-py Template object s = [ti.wave * (1 + z), ti.flux_flam(z=z) / (1 + z) * igmz] else: s = [ti.wave * (1 + z), ti.flux / (1 + z) * igmz] for j, beam in enumerate(self.beams): mask_i = beam.fit_mask.reshape( clip = mask_i.sum(axis=0) > 0 if clip.sum() == 0: continue lam_beam = beam.wave[clip] if (s[0].min() > lam_beam.max()) | (s[0].max() < lam_beam.min()): continue sl = self.mslices[j] if t in beam.thumbs: # print('Use thumbnail!', t) _model_i = beam.compute_model( thumb=beam.thumbs[t], spectrum_1d=s, in_place=False, is_cgs=True, apply_sensitivity=apply_sensitivity, ) # A[self.N+i, sl] = _model_i[beam.fit_mask]*COEFF_SCALE else: _model_i = beam.compute_model( spectrum_1d=s, in_place=False, is_cgs=True, apply_sensitivity=apply_sensitivity, ) if median_filter_kwargs is not None: _model_resh = _model_i.reshape( _fdata, _ft = utils.safe_nanmedian_filter( _model_resh, filter_kwargs=median_filter_kwargs, axis=1, cval=0.0, clean=True, ) _model_i -= _fdata.flatten() A[self.N + i, sl] = _model_i[beam.fit_mask] * COEFF_SCALE # Multiply spline templates by single continuum template if ("spline" in t) & ("spline" in fitter): ma = None for k, t_i in enumerate(templates): if t_i in self.Asave: ma = A[self.N + k, :].sum() ma = ma if ma > 0 else 1 ma = 1 try: A[self.N + k, :] *= ( A[self.N + i, :] / self._A * COEFF_SCALE ) # COEFF_SCALE print("Mult _A") except: A[self.N + k, :] *= A[self.N + i, :] / ma # COEFF_SCALE templates[t_i].max_norm = ma # print('spline, set to zero: ', t) if ma is not None: A[self.N + i, :] *= 0 # Save step templates for faster computation if rest_template and use_cached_templates: print("Cache rest-frame template: ", t) self.Asave[t] = A[self.N + i, :] * 1 # if j == 0: # m = beam.compute_model(spectrum_1d=s, in_place=False, is_cgs=True) # ds9.frame(i) # ds9.view(m.reshape( if fit_background: if fitter.split()[0] in ["nnls", "lstsq"]: pedestal = 0.04 else: pedestal = 0.0 else: pedestal = 0 oktemp = A.sum(axis=1) != 0 # Photometry if self.Nphot > 0: if include_photometry: A_phot = self._interpolate_photometry(z=z, templates=templates) A[:, -self.Nphot :] = A_phot * COEFF_SCALE # np.hstack((A, A_phot)) full_fit_mask = self.fit_mask else: full_fit_mask = self.fit_mask_spec else: full_fit_mask = self.fit_mask # Weight design matrix and data by 1/sigma # Include `weight` variable to account for contamination sivarf = self.sivarf * np.sqrt(self.weightf) Ax = A[oktemp, :] * sivarf[full_fit_mask] # Scale photometry if pscale is None: if hasattr(self, "pscale"): if self.pscale is not None: pscale = self.pscale if pscale is not None: scale = self.compute_scale_array(pscale, self.wavef[full_fit_mask]) if self.Nphot > 0: scale[-self.Nphot :] = 1.0 Ax *= scale if fit_background: for i in range(self.N): Ax[i, :] /= scale # Need transpose AxT = Ax.T # Masked data array, including background pedestal data = ((self.scif + pedestal * self.is_spec) * sivarf)[full_fit_mask] if get_design_matrix: return AxT, data # Run the minimization if fitter.split()[0] == "nnls": coeffs_i, rnorm = scipy.optimize.nnls(AxT, data) elif fitter.split()[0] == "lstsq": coeffs_i, residuals, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq( AxT, data, rcond=utils.LSTSQ_RCOND ) else: # Bounded Least Squares func = scipy.optimize.lsq_linear bounds = (lower_bound[oktemp], upper_bound[oktemp]) lsq_out = func(AxT, data, bounds=bounds, **bounded_kwargs) coeffs_i = lsq_out.x if False: r = - data # Compute background array if fit_background: background =[: self.N], A[: self.N, :]) - pedestal if self.Nphot > 0: background[-self.Nphot :] = 0.0 coeffs_i[: self.N] -= pedestal else: background = self.scif[full_fit_mask] * 0.0 # Full model if fit_background: model =[self.N :], Ax[self.N :, :] / sivarf[full_fit_mask]) else: model =, Ax / sivarf[full_fit_mask]) # Model photometry if self.Nphot > 0: self.photom_model = model[-self.Nphot :] * 1 # Residuals and Chi-squared resid = self.scif[full_fit_mask] - model - background if get_components: return model, background # chi2 = np.sum(resid[full_fit_mask]**2*self.sivarf[full_fit_mask]**2) norm_resid = resid * (sivarf)[full_fit_mask] # Use Huber loss function rather than direct chi2 if get_residuals: chi2 = norm_resid else: if huber_delta > 0: chi2 = huber(huber_delta, norm_resid) * 2.0 else: chi2 = norm_resid ** 2 chi2 = np.sum(chi2) # Uncertainties from covariance matrix if get_uncertainties: try: # Covariance is inverse of AT.A # covar_i = np.matrix(, AxT)).I.A covar_i = utils.safe_invert(, AxT)) covar = utils.fill_masked_covar(covar_i, oktemp) covard = np.sqrt(covar.diagonal()) # Compute covariances after masking templates with coeffs = 0 if get_uncertainties == 2: nonzero = coeffs_i != 0 if nonzero.sum() > 0: AxTm = AxT[:, nonzero] # mcoeffs_i, rnorm = scipy.optimize.nnls(AxTm, data) # mcoeffs_i[:self.N] -= pedestal # mcovar_i = np.matrix(, AxTm)).I.A mcovar_i = utils.safe_invert(, AxTm)) mcovar = utils.fill_masked_covar(mcovar_i, nonzero) mcovar = utils.fill_masked_covar(mcovar, oktemp) mcovard = np.sqrt(mcovar.diagonal()) covar = mcovar covard = mcovard except: print("Except: covar!") covar = np.zeros((self.N + NTEMP, self.N + NTEMP)) covard = np.zeros(self.N + NTEMP) # -1. mcovard = covard else: covar = np.zeros((self.N + NTEMP, self.N + NTEMP)) covard = np.zeros(self.N + NTEMP) # -1. coeffs = np.zeros(self.N + NTEMP) coeffs[oktemp] = coeffs_i # [self.N:]] = coeffs[self.N:] coeffs_err = covard # np.zeros(NTEMP) # full_coeffs_err[oktemp[self.N:]] = covard[self.N:] del A del Ax del AxT # if fit_background: coeffs[self.N :] *= COEFF_SCALE coeffs_err[self.N :] *= COEFF_SCALE # covar[self.N:,self.N:] *= COEFF_SCALE**2 covar[self.N :, :] *= COEFF_SCALE covar[:, self.N :] *= COEFF_SCALE return chi2, coeffs, coeffs_err, covar
[docs] def xfit_redshift( self, prior=None, templates={}, fwhm=1200, line_complexes=True, fsps_templates=False, zr=[0.65, 1.6], dz=[0.005, 0.0004], zoom=True, verbose=True, fit_background=True, fitter="nnls", bounded_kwargs=BOUNDED_DEFAULTS, delta_chi2_threshold=0.004, poly_order=3, use_cached_templates=True, get_uncertainties=True, Rspline=30, huber_delta=4, get_student_logpdf=False, ): """ Two-step procedure for fitting redshifts 1. polynomial, spline template fits 2. redshift grids 3. ... Parameters ---------- prior : None, (array, array) Redshift prior (z, pz). Will be interpolated to the redshift fit grid templates : dict Dictionary the `~grizli.utils.SpectrumTemplate` objects to use for the fits fwhm, line_complexes, fsps_templates : float, bool, bool Parameters passed to `~grizli.utils.utils.load_templates` if `templates` is empty. zr : (float, float) Redshift limits of the logarithmic (1+z) redshift grid dz : (float, float) Step size of the grid. The second value will be used to "zoom in" on the peaks found in the coarse grid step from the first value. zoom : bool Do the second pass with the `dz[1]` step size verbose : bool Some verbosity control fit_background : bool Include contribution of additive background fitter, bounded_kwargs : str, dict Least-squares optimization method. See `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.xfit_at_z` delta_chi2_threshold : float *Not used* poly_order : int Order of polynomials for the "uninformative" polynomial fit. The parameters of the polynomial and full template fits are computed to evaluate the extent to which the galaxy / stellar templates improve the fit use_cached_templates : bool Try to used cached versions of dispersed template models for templates that don't depend on redshift (polynomials, splines) get_uncertainties : bool Get template fit coefficient uncertainties from the fit covariance matrix Rspline : float Spectral resolution, ``R``, of spline templates for another "uninformative" fit. huber_delta : float Parameter for Huber loss function (see `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.xfit_at_z`) get_student_logpdf : bool Get logpdf for likelihood assuming Student-t distribution rather than standard normal assumption Returns ------- fit : `~astropy.table.Table` Table with fit information on the redshift grid and metadata on some fit characteristics. **Table metadata** +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Meta | Description | +================+===============================================+ | N | Number of spectrum extensions / beams | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | polyord | Order of the polynomial fit | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | chi2poly | :math:`\chi^2` of the polynomial fit | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | chi2spl | :math:`\chi^2` of the spline fit | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Rspline | Spectral resolution of the spline templates | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | kspl | Effective number of parameters of spline fit | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | huberdel | `huber_delta` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | `splf[i]` | Flux of spline fit at fixed wavelengths | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | `sple[i]` | Unc. of spline fit at fixed wavelengths | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | NTEMP | Number of `templates` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | DoF | Degrees of freedom of the fit | | | (total number of unmasked pixels in all | | | 2D beams) | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ktempl | N parameters of the template fit | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | chimin | Minimum :math:`\chi^2` of the template fit | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | chimax | Maximum :math:`\chi^2` of the template fit | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | `fitter` | Least squares method | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | as_epsf | Fit was done as `~grizli.utils.EffectivePSF` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | bic_poly | Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) of | | | the **polynomial** fit. | | | ``BIC = log(DoF)*k + min(chi2) + C`` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | bic_spl | BIC of the **spline** fit | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | bic_temp | BIC of the **template** (redshift) fit | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | st_df | Student-`~scipy.stats.t` df of spline fit | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | st_loc | Student-`~scipy.stats.t` loc of spline fit | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | st_scl | Student-`~scipy.stats.t` scale of spline fit | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Z02 | Integrated `cdf(<z) = 0.025` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Z16 | Integrated `cdf(<z) = 0.16` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Z50 | Integrated `cdf(<z) = 0.50` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Z84 | Integrated `cdf(<z) = 0.84` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Z97 | Integrated `cdf(<z) = 0.975` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ZWIDTH1 | ``Z84 - Z16`` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ZWIDTH2 | ``Z97 - Z02`` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | z_map | Redshift at ``Max(PDF)`` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | zrmin | Start of the redshift grid `zr` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | zrmax | End of the redshift grid `zr` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | z_risk | Redshift at minimum ``risk`` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | min_risk | Minimum ``risk`` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | gam_loss | ``gamma`` parameter of ``risk`` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Column | Description | +================+===============================================+ | zgrid | Redshift grid ``NZ`` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | chi2 | :math:`\chi^2(z)` ``NZ`` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | student_logpdf | log PDF of student-t likelihood ``NZ`` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | coeffs | Template coefficients ``(NZ,NTEMP)`` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | covar | Template covariance ``(NZ,NTEMP,NTEMP)`` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | pdf | Full likelihood including optional `prior` | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | risk | "Risk" parameter from | | | Tanaka et al. (arXiv/1704.05988) | +----------------+-----------------------------------------------+ """ from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial from scipy.stats import t as student_t from scipy.special import huber if isinstance(zr, int): if zr == 0: stars = True zr = [0, 0.01] fitter = "nnls" else: stars = False if len(zr) == 1: zgrid = np.array([zr[0]]) zoom = False elif len(zr) == 3: # Range from zr[0] += zr[1]*zr[2]*(1+zr[0]) by zr[1]*(1+zr[0]) step = zr[1] * zr[2] * (1 + zr[0]) zgrid = utils.log_zgrid(zr[0] + np.array([-1, 1]) * step, dz=zr[1]) zoom = False else: zgrid = utils.log_zgrid(zr, dz=dz[0]) NZ = len(zgrid) ############ # Polynomial template fit wpoly = np.linspace(1000, 5.2e4, 1000) tpoly = utils.polynomial_templates(wpoly, order=poly_order, line=False) out = self.xfit_at_z( z=0.0, templates=tpoly, fitter="lstsq", fit_background=True, get_uncertainties=False, include_photometry=False, huber_delta=huber_delta, use_cached_templates=False, ) chi2_poly, coeffs_poly, err_poly, cov = out ########### # Spline template fit wspline = np.arange(4200, 2.5e4) df_spl = len(utils.log_zgrid(zr=[wspline[0], wspline[-1]], dz=1.0 / Rspline)) tspline = utils.bspline_templates(wspline, df=df_spl + 2, log=True, clip=0.0001) out = self.xfit_at_z( z=0.0, templates=tspline, fitter="lstsq", fit_background=True, get_uncertainties=True, include_photometry=False, get_residuals=True, use_cached_templates=False, ) spline_resid, coeffs_spline, err_spline, cov = out if huber_delta > 0: chi2_spline = (huber(huber_delta, spline_resid) * 2.0).sum() else: chi2_spline = (spline_resid ** 2).sum() student_t_pars = # Set up for template fit if templates == {}: templates = utils.load_templates( fwhm=fwhm, stars=stars, line_complexes=line_complexes, fsps_templates=fsps_templates, ) else: if verbose: print("User templates! N={0} \n".format(len(templates))) NTEMP = len(templates) out = self.xfit_at_z( z=0.0, templates=templates, fitter=fitter, fit_background=fit_background, get_uncertainties=False, use_cached_templates=use_cached_templates, ) chi2, coeffs, coeffs_err, covar = out # Set up arrays chi2 = np.zeros(NZ) logpdf = np.zeros(NZ) coeffs = np.zeros((NZ, coeffs.shape[0])) covar = np.zeros((NZ, covar.shape[0], covar.shape[1])) chi2min = 1e30 iz = 0 # Now run the fit on the redshift grid for i in range(NZ): out = self.xfit_at_z( z=zgrid[i], templates=templates, fitter=fitter, fit_background=fit_background, get_uncertainties=get_uncertainties, get_residuals=True, use_cached_templates=use_cached_templates, bounded_kwargs=bounded_kwargs, ) fit_resid, coeffs[i, :], coeffs_err, covar[i, :, :] = out if huber_delta > 0: chi2[i] = (huber(huber_delta, fit_resid) * 2.0).sum() else: chi2[i] = (fit_resid ** 2).sum() if get_student_logpdf: logpdf[i] = student_t.logpdf(fit_resid, *student_t_pars).sum() if chi2[i] < chi2min: iz = i chi2min = chi2[i] if verbose: line = " {0:.4f} {1:9.1f} ({2:.4f}) {3:d}/{4:d}" print( utils.NO_NEWLINE + line.format(zgrid[i], chi2[i], zgrid[iz], i + 1, NZ) ) if verbose: print("First iteration: z_best={0:.4f}\n".format(zgrid[iz])) ########## # Find peaks # Make "negative" chi2 for peak-finding chi2_test = chi2_spline # Find peaks including the prior, if specified if prior is not None: pzi = np.interp(zgrid, prior[0], prior[1], left=0, right=0) pzi /= np.maximum(np.trapz(pzi, zgrid), 1.0e-10) logpz = np.log(pzi) chi2_i = chi2 - 2 * logpz else: chi2_i = chi2 if chi2_test > (chi2_i.min() + 100): chi2_rev = (chi2_i.min() + 100 - chi2_i) / self.DoF elif chi2_test < (chi2_i.min() + 9): chi2_rev = (chi2_i.min() + 16 - chi2_i) / self.DoF else: chi2_rev = (chi2_test - chi2_i) / self.DoF if len(zgrid) > 1: chi2_rev[chi2_rev < 0] = 0 indexes = utils.find_peaks(chi2_rev, threshold=0.4, min_dist=9) num_peaks = len(indexes) so = np.argsort(chi2_rev[indexes]) indexes = indexes[so[::-1]] else: num_peaks = 1 zoom = False max_peaks = 3 ###### # Now zoom in on the peaks found in the first iteration # delta_chi2 = (chi2.max()-chi2.min())/self.DoF # if delta_chi2 > delta_chi2_threshold: if (num_peaks > 0) & (not stars) & zoom & (len(dz) > 1): zgrid_zoom = [] for ix in indexes[:max_peaks]: if (ix > 0) & (ix < len(chi2) - 1): p = zgrid[ix - 1 : ix + 2], chi2[ix - 1 : ix + 2], deg=2 ) zi = p.deriv().roots()[0] chi_i = p(zi) # Just use grid value zi = zgrid[ix] if 0: zgrid_zoom.extend( np.arange( zi - 2 * dz[0], zi + 2 * dz[0] + dz[1] / 10.0, dz[1] ) ) else: # Use log_zgrid around local minima _zgi = utils.log_zgrid( zi + np.array([-1.1, 1.1]) * dz[0] * (1 + zi), dz=dz[1] ) zgrid_zoom.extend(_zgi) if verbose: msg = f"zgrid_zoom: {zi:.4f} " msg += f"[{_zgi[0]:.4f}, {_zgi[-1]:.4f}] N={len(_zgi)}" print(msg) NZOOM = len(zgrid_zoom) chi2_zoom = np.zeros(NZOOM) logpdf_zoom = np.zeros(NZOOM) coeffs_zoom = np.zeros((NZOOM, coeffs.shape[1])) covar_zoom = np.zeros((NZOOM, coeffs.shape[1], covar.shape[2])) iz = 0 chi2min = 1.0e30 for i in range(NZOOM): out = self.xfit_at_z( z=zgrid_zoom[i], templates=templates, fitter=fitter, fit_background=fit_background, get_uncertainties=get_uncertainties, get_residuals=True, use_cached_templates=use_cached_templates, bounded_kwargs=bounded_kwargs, ) fit_resid, coeffs_zoom[i, :], e, covar_zoom[i, :, :] = out if huber_delta > 0: chi2_zoom[i] = (huber(huber_delta, fit_resid) * 2.0).sum() else: chi2_zoom[i] = (fit_resid ** 2).sum() if get_student_logpdf: logpdf_zoom[i] = student_t.logpdf(fit_resid, *student_t_pars).sum() # A, coeffs_zoom[i,:], chi2_zoom[i], model_2d = out if chi2_zoom[i] < chi2min: chi2min = chi2_zoom[i] iz = i if verbose: line = "- {0:.4f} {1:9.1f} ({2:.4f}) {3:d}/{4:d}" print( utils.NO_NEWLINE + line.format( zgrid_zoom[i], chi2_zoom[i], zgrid_zoom[iz], i + 1, NZOOM ) ) # Concatenate, will resort at the end zgrid = np.append(zgrid, zgrid_zoom) chi2 = np.append(chi2, chi2_zoom) logpdf = np.append(logpdf, logpdf_zoom) coeffs = np.append(coeffs, coeffs_zoom, axis=0) covar = np.vstack((covar, covar_zoom)) # Resort the concatenated arrays so = np.argsort(zgrid) zgrid = zgrid[so] chi2 = chi2[so] logpdf = logpdf[so] coeffs = coeffs[so, :] covar = covar[so, :, :] # Make the output table fit = utils.GTable() fit.meta["N"] = (self.N, "Number of spectrum extensions") fit.meta["polyord"] = (poly_order, "Order polynomial fit") fit.meta["chi2poly"] = (chi2_poly, "Chi^2 of polynomial fit") kspl = (coeffs_spline != 0).sum() fit.meta["chi2spl"] = (chi2_spline, "Chi^2 of spline fit") fit.meta["Rspline"] = (Rspline, "R=lam/dlam of spline fit") fit.meta["kspl"] = (kspl, "Parameters, k, of spline fit") fit.meta["huberdel"] = ( huber_delta, "Huber delta parameter, see scipy.special.huber", ) # Evaluate spline at wavelengths for stars xspline = np.array([6060, 8100, 9000, 1.27e4, 1.4e4]) flux_spline = utils.eval_bspline_templates( xspline, tspline, coeffs_spline[self.N :] ) fluxerr_spline = utils.eval_bspline_templates( xspline, tspline, err_spline[self.N :] ) for i in range(len(xspline)): fit.meta["splf{0:02d}".format(i + 1)] = ( flux_spline[i], "Spline flux at {0:.2f} um".format(xspline[i] / 1.0e4), ) fit.meta["sple{0:02d}".format(i + 1)] = ( fluxerr_spline[i], "Spline flux err at {0:.2f} um".format(xspline[i] / 1.0e4), ) izbest = np.argmin(chi2) clip = coeffs[izbest, :] != 0 ktempl = clip.sum() fit.meta["NTEMP"] = (len(templates), "Number of fitting templates") fit.meta["DoF"] = (self.DoF, "Degrees of freedom (number of pixels)") fit.meta["ktempl"] = (ktempl, "Parameters, k, of template fit") fit.meta["chimin"] = (chi2.min(), "Minimum chi2 of template fit") fit.meta["chimax"] = (chi2.max(), "Maximum chi2 of template fit") fit.meta["fitter"] = (fitter, "Minimization algorithm") fit.meta["as_epsf"] = ( (self.psf_param_dict is not None) * 1, "Object fit with effective PSF morphology", ) # Bayesian information criteria, normalized to template min_chi2 # BIC = log(number of data points)*(number of params) + min(chi2) + C # scale_chinu = self.DoF / chi2.min() scale_chinu = 1 # Don't rescale bic_poly = ( np.log(self.DoF) * (poly_order + 1 + self.N) + (chi2_poly - chi2.min()) * scale_chinu ) fit.meta["bic_poly"] = (bic_poly, "BIC of polynomial fit") bic_spl = np.log(self.DoF) * kspl + (chi2_spline - chi2.min()) * scale_chinu fit.meta["bic_spl"] = (bic_spl, "BIC of spline fit") fit.meta["bic_temp"] = np.log(self.DoF) * ktempl, "BIC of template fit" # Template info for i, tname in enumerate(templates): fit.meta["T{0:03d}NAME".format(i + 1)] = ( templates[tname].name, "Template name", ) if tname.startswith("line "): fit.meta["T{0:03d}FWHM".format(i + 1)] = ( templates[tname].fwhm, "FWHM, if emission line", ) dtype = np.float64 fit["zgrid"] = np.asarray(zgrid, dtype=dtype) fit["chi2"] = np.asarray(chi2, dtype=dtype) if get_student_logpdf: fit["student_logpdf"] = np.asarray(logpdf, dtype=dtype) fit.meta["st_df"] = student_t_pars[0], "Student-t df of spline fit" fit.meta["st_loc"] = student_t_pars[1], "Student-t loc of spline fit" fit.meta["st_scl"] = (student_t_pars[2], "Student-t scale of spline fit") # fit['chi2poly'] = chi2_poly fit["coeffs"] = np.asarray(coeffs, dtype=dtype) fit["covar"] = np.asarray(covar, dtype=dtype) fit = self._parse_zfit_output(fit, prior=prior) return fit
def _parse_zfit_output(self, fit, risk_gamma=0.15, prior=None): """Parse best-fit redshift, etc. Parameters ---------- fit : `~astropy.table.Table` Result of `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.xfit_redshift` risk_gamma : float ``gamma`` parameter of the redshift "risk" prior : None, (array, array) Optional redshift prior Returns ------- Adds metadata and `pdf` and `risk` columns to `fit` table """ from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial import scipy.interpolate from scipy.interpolate import Akima1DInterpolator from scipy.integrate import cumulative_trapezoid # Normalize to min(chi2)/DoF = 1. scl_nu = fit["chi2"].min() / self.DoF # PDF pdf = np.exp(-0.5 * (fit["chi2"] - fit["chi2"].min()) / scl_nu) if prior is not None: interp_prior = np.interp(fit["zgrid"], prior[0], prior[1]) pdf *= interp_prior fit.meta["hasprior"] = True, "Prior applied to PDF" fit["prior"] = interp_prior else: interp_prior = None fit.meta["hasprior"] = False, "Prior applied to PDF" # Normalize PDF if len(pdf) > 1: pdf /= np.trapz(pdf, fit["zgrid"]) pdf = np.maximum(pdf, 1.0e-40) # Interpolate pdf for more continuous measurement spl = Akima1DInterpolator(fit["zgrid"], np.log(pdf), axis=1) zrfine = [fit["zgrid"].min(), fit["zgrid"].max()] zfine = utils.log_zgrid(zr=zrfine, dz=0.0001) splz = spl(zfine) ok = np.isfinite(splz) pz_fine = np.exp(splz) pz_fine[~ok] = 0 # norm = np.trapz(pzfine, zfine) # Compute CDF and probability intervals # dz = np.gradient(zfine[ok]) # cdf = np.cumsum(np.exp(spl(zfine[ok]))*dz/norm) cdf = cumulative_trapezoid(pz_fine, x=zfine) percentiles = np.array([2.5, 16, 50, 84, 97.5]) / 100.0 pz_percentiles = np.interp(percentiles, cdf / cdf[-1], zfine[1:]) # Risk parameter # dz = np.gradient(fit['zgrid']) trdz = utils.trapz_dx(fit["zgrid"]) zsq =["zgrid"][:, None], np.ones_like(fit["zgrid"])[None, :]) L = _loss((zsq - fit["zgrid"]) / (1 + fit["zgrid"]), gamma=risk_gamma) risk = * L, trdz) # Fit a parabola around min(risk) zi = np.argmin(risk) if (zi < len(risk) - 1) & (zi > 0): p = fit["zgrid"][zi - 1 : zi + 2], risk[zi - 1 : zi + 2], deg=2 ) z_risk = p.deriv().roots()[0] else: z_risk = fit["zgrid"][zi] risk_loss = _loss( (z_risk - fit["zgrid"]) / (1 + fit["zgrid"]), gamma=risk_gamma ) min_risk = np.trapz(pdf * risk_loss, fit["zgrid"]) # MAP, maximum p(z) from parabola fit around tabulated maximum zi = np.argmax(pdf) if (zi < len(pdf) - 1) & (zi > 0): p = fit["zgrid"][zi - 1 : zi + 2], pdf[zi - 1 : zi + 2], deg=2 ) z_map = p.deriv().roots()[0] else: z_map = fit["zgrid"][zi] else: risk = np.zeros_like(pdf) - 1 pz_percentiles = np.zeros(5) z_map = fit["zgrid"][0] min_risk = -1 z_risk = z_map # Store data in the fit table fit["pdf"] = pdf fit["risk"] = risk fit.meta["Z02"] = pz_percentiles[0], "Integrated p(z) = 0.025" fit.meta["Z16"] = pz_percentiles[1], "Integrated p(z) = 0.16" fit.meta["Z50"] = pz_percentiles[2], "Integrated p(z) = 0.5" fit.meta["Z84"] = pz_percentiles[3], "Integrated p(z) = 0.84" fit.meta["Z97"] = pz_percentiles[4], "Integrated p(z) = 0.975" fit.meta["ZWIDTH1"] = ( pz_percentiles[3] - pz_percentiles[1], "Width between the 16th and 84th p(z) percentiles", ) fit.meta["ZWIDTH2"] = ( pz_percentiles[4] - pz_percentiles[0], "Width between the 2.5th and 97.5th p(z) percentiles", ) fit.meta["z_map"] = z_map, "Redshift at MAX(PDF)" fit.meta["zrmin"] = fit["zgrid"].min(), "z grid start" fit.meta["zrmax"] = fit["zgrid"].max(), "z grid end" fit.meta["z_risk"] = z_risk, "Redshift at minimum risk" fit.meta["min_risk"] = min_risk, "Minimum risk" fit.meta["gam_loss"] = (risk_gamma, "Gamma factor of the risk/loss function") return fit
[docs] def template_at_z( self, z=0, templates=None, fwhm=1400, get_uncertainties=2, draws=0, **kwargs ): """ Get the best-fit template at a specified redshift Parameters ---------- z : float Redshift templates : dict Dictionary of `~grizli.utils.SpectrumTemplate` objects fwhm : float FWHM of line templates if `templates` generated in-place get_uncertainties : int Get coefficient uncertainties from covariance matrix. See `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.xfit_at_z`. draws : int Number of random draws from covariance matrix kwargs : dict Any additional keywords are passed to `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.xfit_at_z` Returns ------- tfit : dict Dictionary of fit results, used in various other places like `oned_figure`, etc. +--------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Keyword | Description | +==============+=============================================+ | cfit | Dict of template normalizations and | | | uncertainties | +--------------+---------------------------------------------+ | cont1d | `~grizli.utils.SpectrumTemplate` of | | | best-fit *continuum* | +--------------+---------------------------------------------+ | line1d | `~grizli.utils.SpectrumTemplate` of | | | best-fit *continuum + emission line* | +--------------+---------------------------------------------+ | coeffs | Array of fit coefficients | +--------------+---------------------------------------------+ | chi2 | (float) chi-squared of the fit | +--------------+---------------------------------------------+ | z | (float) The input redshift | +--------------+---------------------------------------------+ | templates | Copy of the input `templates` dictionary | +--------------+---------------------------------------------+ | line1d_err | If ``draws > 0``, this will be template | | | draws with the same dimension as `line1d` | +--------------+---------------------------------------------+ """ if templates is None: templates = utils.load_templates( line_complexes=False, fsps_templates=True, fwhm=fwhm ) kwargs["z"] = z kwargs["templates"] = templates kwargs["get_uncertainties"] = get_uncertainties out = self.xfit_at_z(**kwargs) chi2, coeffs, coeffs_err, covar = out cont1d, line1d = utils.dot_templates( coeffs[self.N :], templates, z=z, apply_igm=(z > IGM_MINZ) ) # Parse template coeffs cfit = OrderedDict() for i in range(self.N): cfit["bg {0:03d}".format(i)] = coeffs[i], coeffs_err[i] for j, key in enumerate(templates): i = j + self.N cfit[key] = coeffs[i], coeffs_err[i] tfit = OrderedDict() tfit["cont1d"] = cont1d tfit["line1d"] = line1d tfit["cfit"] = cfit tfit["coeffs"] = coeffs tfit["chi2"] = chi2 tfit["covar"] = covar tfit["z"] = z tfit["templates"] = templates if draws > 0: xte, yte, lte = utils.array_templates(templates, max_R=5000, z=z) err = np.sqrt(covar.diagonal()) nonzero = err > 0 cov_norm = ((covar / err).T / err)[nonzero, :][:, nonzero] draw_coeff = np.zeros((draws, len(err))) draw_coeff[:, nonzero] = ( np.random.multivariate_normal((coeffs / err)[nonzero], cov_norm, draws) * err[nonzero] ) draw_spec = draw_coeff[:, self.N :].dot(yte) err_spec = ( np.diff(np.percentile(draw_spec, [16, 84], axis=0), axis=0).flatten() / 2.0 ) tfit["line1d_err"] = err_spec return tfit # cont1d, line1d, cfit, covar
[docs] def check_tfit_coeffs( self, tfit, templates, refit_others=True, fit_background=True, fitter="nnls", bounded_kwargs=BOUNDED_DEFAULTS, ): """ Compare emission line fluxes fit at each grism/PA to the combined value. If ``refit_others=True``, then compare the line fluxes to a fit from a new object generated *excluding* that grism/PA. Parameters ---------- tfit : dict Output of `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.template_at_z` for the line template. templates : dict Dictionary of `~grizli.utils.SpectrumTemplate` objects. refit_others : bool Refit the other grism/PA combinations. fit_background : bool Include background in the fit. fitter : str Fitting method passed to `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.template_at_z`. Default is `nnls`. bounded_kwargs : dict Bounded least-squares fitting parameters. Returns ------- max_line : str Line species with the maximum deviation max_line_diff : float The maximum deviation for ``max_line`` (sigmas). compare : dict The full comparison dictionary """ from . import multifit count_grism_pas = 0 for gr in self.PA: for pa in self.PA[gr]: count_grism_pas += 1 if count_grism_pas == 1: return "N/A", 0, {} weightf_orig = self.weightf * 1 compare = {} for t in templates: compare[t] = 0, "" for gr in self.PA: all_grism_ids = [] for pa in self.PA[gr]: all_grism_ids.extend(self.PA[gr][pa]) for pa in self.PA[gr]: beams = [self.beams[i] for i in self.PA[gr][pa]] this_weight = weightf_orig * 0 for i in self.PA[gr][pa]: this_weight += self.idf == i self.weightf = weightf_orig * (this_weight + 1.0e-10) tfit_i = self.template_at_z( tfit["z"], templates=templates, fit_background=fit_background, fitter=fitter, bounded_kwargs=bounded_kwargs, ) tfit_i["dof"] = (self.weightf > 0).sum() # Others if (count_grism_pas) & (refit_others): self.weightf = weightf_orig * ((this_weight == 0) + 1.0e-10) tfit0 = self.template_at_z( tfit["z"], templates=templates, fit_background=fit_background, fitter=fitter, bounded_kwargs=bounded_kwargs, ) tfit0["dof"] = self.DoF else: tfit0 = tfit # beam_tfit[gr][pa] = tfit_i for t in templates: cdiff = tfit_i["cfit"][t][0] - tfit0["cfit"][t][0] cdiff_v = tfit_i["cfit"][t][1] ** 2 + tfit0["cfit"][t][1] ** 2 diff_sn = cdiff / np.sqrt(cdiff_v) if diff_sn > compare[t][0]: compare[t] = diff_sn, (gr, pa) max_line_diff, max_line = 0, "N/A" for t in compare: if not t.startswith("line "): continue if compare[t][0] > max_line_diff: max_line_diff = compare[t][0] max_line = t.strip("line ") self.weightf = weightf_orig return max_line, max_line_diff, compare
[docs] def compute_D4000(self, z, fit_background=True, fit_type="D4000", fitter="lstsq"): """ Compute D4000 with step templates Parameters ---------- z : float Redshift where to evaluate D4000 fit_background : bool Include background in step template fit fit_type : 'D4000', 'Dn4000' Definition to use: D4000 = f_nu(3750-3950) / f_nu(4050-4250) Dn4000 = f_nu(3850-3950) / f_nu(4000-4100) fitter : str Least-squares method passed to `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.template_at_z`. Returns ------- w_d4000, t_d4000 : `~numpy.ndarray`, dict Step wavelengths and template dictionary tfit : dict Fit dictionary returned by `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.template_at_z`. d4000, d4000_sigma : float D4000 estimate and uncertainty from simple error propagation and step template fit covariance. """ w_d4000, t_d4000 = utils.step_templates(special=fit_type) tfit = self.template_at_z( z, templates=t_d4000, fitter=fitter, fit_background=fit_background ) # elements for the D4000 bins if fit_type == "D4000": to_fnu = 3850 ** 2 / 4150 ** 2 mask = np.array( [c in ["rstep 3750-3950 0", "rstep 4050-4250 0"] for c in tfit["cfit"]] ) elif fit_type == "Dn4000": to_fnu = 3900 ** 2 / 4050 ** 2 mask = np.array( [c in ["rstep 3850-3950 0", "rstep 4000-4100 0"] for c in tfit["cfit"]] ) else: print(f"compute_d4000: fit_type={fit_type} not recognized") return -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf blue, red = tfit["coeffs"][mask] cov = tfit["covar"][mask, :][:, mask] # Error propagation sb, sr = cov.diagonal() sbr = cov[0, 1] d4000 = red / blue d4000_sigma = d4000 * np.sqrt( sb / blue ** 2 + sr / red ** 2 - 2 * sbr / blue / red ) if (not np.isfinite(d4000)) | (not np.isfinite(d4000_sigma)): d4000 = -99 d4000_sigma = -99 res = (w_d4000, t_d4000, tfit, d4000, d4000_sigma) return res
[docs] def xmake_fit_plot( self, fit, tfit, show_beams=True, bin=1, minor=0.1, scale_on_stacked_1d=True, loglam_1d=True, zspec=None, ): """ Make a diagnostic plot of the redshift fit Parameters ---------- fit : `~astropy.table.Table` Redshift fit results from `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.xfit_redshift` tfit : dict Template fit at best redshift from `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.template_at_z` show_beams : bool Show 1D spectra of all individual "beams" bin : float Binning factor relative to nominal wavelength resolution (1 pix) of each grism minor : float Minor axis ticks, microns scale_on_stacked_1d : bool Set y limits based on stacked spectrum loglam_1d : bool Show log wavelengths zspec : float, None Spectroscopic redshift that will be indicated on the figure Returns ------- fig : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure object """ import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator import grizli.model # Initialize plot window Ng = len(self.grisms) gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec( 1, 2, width_ratios=[1, 1.5 + 0.5 * (Ng > 1)], hspace=0.0 ) xsize = 8 + 4 * (Ng > 1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=[xsize, 3.5]) # p(z) axz = fig.add_subplot(gs[-1, 0]) # 121) label = ( self.group_name + "\n" + "ID={0:<5d} z={1:.4f}".format(, fit.meta["z_map"][0]) ) axz.text( 0.95, 0.96, label, ha="right", va="top", transform=axz.transAxes, fontsize=9 ) if "FeII-VC2004" in tfit["cfit"]: # Quasar templates axz.text( 0.04, 0.96, "quasar templ.", ha="left", va="top", transform=axz.transAxes, fontsize=5, ) zmi, zma = fit["zgrid"].min(), fit["zgrid"].max() if (zma - zmi) > 5: ticks = np.arange(np.ceil(zmi), np.floor(zma) + 0.5, 1) lz = np.log(1 + fit["zgrid"]) axz.plot(lz, np.log10(fit["pdf"]), color="k") axz.set_xticks(np.log(1 + ticks)) axz.set_xticklabels(np.asarray(ticks, dtype=int)) axz.set_xlim(lz.min(), lz.max()) else: axz.plot(fit["zgrid"], np.log10(fit["pdf"]), color="k") axz.set_xlim(zmi, zma) axz.set_xlabel(r"$z$") axz.set_ylabel( r"$\log\ p(z)$" + " / " + r"$\chi^2=\frac{{{0:.0f}}}{{{1:d}}}={2:.2f}$".format( fit.meta["chimin"][0], fit.meta["DoF"][0], fit.meta["chimin"][0] / fit.meta["DoF"][0], ) ) # axz.set_yticks([1,4,9,16,25]) pzmax = np.log10(fit["pdf"].max()) axz.set_ylim(pzmax - 6, pzmax + 0.9) axz.grid() axz.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(base=1)) if zspec is not None: label = "\n\n" + r"$z_\mathrm{spec}$=" + "{0:.4f}".format(zspec) axz.text( 0.95, 0.95, label, ha="right", va="top", transform=axz.transAxes, color="r", fontsize=9, ) axz.scatter(zspec, pzmax + 0.3, color="r", marker="v", zorder=-100) # Spectra axc = fig.add_subplot(gs[-1, 1]) # 224) self.oned_figure( bin=bin, show_beams=show_beams, minor=minor, tfit=tfit, axc=axc, scale_on_stacked=scale_on_stacked_1d, loglam_1d=loglam_1d, ) gs.tight_layout(fig, pad=0.1, w_pad=0.1) fig.text( 1 - 0.015 * 8.0 / xsize, 0.02, time.ctime(), ha="right", va="bottom", transform=fig.transFigure, fontsize=5, ) return fig
[docs] def scale_to_photometry( self, tfit=None, tol=1.0e-4, order=0, init=None, fit_background=True, Rspline=50, use_fit=True, **kwargs, ): """ Compute scale factor between spectra and photometry Parameters ---------- tfit : dict Template fit info at a specific redshift from `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.template_at_z`. If not specified, then makes and fits spline templates tol : float Fit tolerance passed to the minimizer order : int Order of the polynomial scaling to fit init : None Initial parameters fit_background : bool Include additive background Rspline : float Spectral resolution ``R`` of spline templates use_spline : bool Use spline templates Returns ------- res : object Result from `scipy.optimize.least_squares`. The coefficients of the linear scaling are in ``res.x``. """ from scipy.optimize import minimize, least_squares if self.Nphot == 0: return np.array([10.0]) if (tfit is None) & (fit_background): wspline = np.arange(4200, 2.5e4) df_spl = len( utils.log_zgrid(zr=[wspline[0], wspline[-1]], dz=1.0 / Rspline) ) tspline = utils.bspline_templates( wspline, df=df_spl + 2, log=True, clip=0.0001 ) tfit = self.template_at_z( z=0, templates=tspline, include_photometry=False, fit_background=fit_background, draws=1000, ) if use_fit: oned = self.oned_spectrum(tfit=tfit, loglam=False) wmi = np.min([oned[k]["wave"].min() for k in oned]) wma = np.max([oned[k]["wave"].max() for k in oned]) clip = (tfit["line1d"].wave > wmi) & (tfit["line1d"].wave < wma) clip &= tfit["line1d_err"] > 0 spl_temp = utils.SpectrumTemplate( wave=tfit["line1d"].wave[clip], flux=tfit["line1d"].flux[clip], err=tfit["line1d_err"][clip], ) args = (self, {"spl": spl_temp}) else: oned = self.oned_spectrum(tfit=tfit, loglam=False) args = (self, oned) if init is None: init = np.zeros(order + 1) init[0] = 10.0 scale_fit = least_squares( self._objective_scale_direct, init, jac="2-point", method="lm", ftol=tol, xtol=tol, gtol=tol, x_scale=1.0, loss="linear", f_scale=1.0, diff_step=None, tr_solver=None, tr_options={}, jac_sparsity=None, max_nfev=None, verbose=0, args=args, kwargs={}, ) # pscale = scale_fit.x return scale_fit
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_scale_array(pscale, wave): """ Return the scale array given the coefficients Parameters ---------- pscale : array-like Coefficients of the linear model normalized by factors of 10 per order, i.e, ``pscale = [10]`` is a constant unit scaling. Note that parameter is what is expected by `numpy.polynomial.Polynomial`. wave : array-like Wavelength grid in Angstroms. Scaling is normalized to ``(wave - 1e4)/1000``. Returns ------- wscale : array-like Scale factor >>> pscale = [10] >>> N = len(pscale) >>> rescale = 10**(np.arange(N)+1) >>> wscale = np.polynomial.Polynomial(pscale/rescale)((wave-1.e4)/1000.) """ N = len(pscale) rescale = 10 ** (np.arange(N) + 1) wscale = np.polynomial.Polynomial(pscale / rescale)((wave - 1.0e4) / 1000.0) return wscale
[docs] @staticmethod def objfun_scale(pscale, AxT, data, self, retval): """ Objective function for fitting for a scale term between photometry and spectra Parameters ---------- pscale : array-like Scale factor for each template in `AxT` and the photometry. AxT : `~numpy.ndarray` Template array, `AxT.T` is the transpose of the template array where each column is a template. data : `~numpy.ndarray` Photometry data. self : `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter` Object with the templates and photometry. retval : str Return type, one of ['resid', 'coeffs']. Returns ------- if retval == 'resid': weighted residuals else if retval == 'coeffs': coeffs: array-like Coefficients of the fit. full: `~numpy.ndarray` Full model fit. resid: `~numpy.ndarray` Residuals. chi2: float Chi-squared of the fit. AxT: `~numpy.ndarray` Template array. else: chi2: float Chi-squared of the fit. """ import scipy.optimize from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial scale = self.compute_scale_array(pscale, self.wavef[self.fit_mask]) scale[-self.Nphot :] = 1.0 Ax = AxT.T * scale # Remove scaling from background component for i in range(self.N): Ax[i, :] /= scale coeffs, rnorm = scipy.optimize.nnls(Ax.T, data) # coeffs, rnorm, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(Ax.T, data) full =, Ax) resid = data - full # - background chi2 = np.sum(resid ** 2 * self.weightf[self.fit_mask]) print( "{0} {1:.1f}".format(" ".join(["{0:6.2f}".format(p) for p in pscale]), chi2) ) if retval == "resid": return resid * np.sqrt(self.weightf[self.fit_mask]) if retval == "coeffs": return coeffs, full, resid, chi2, AxT else: return chi2
@staticmethod def _objective_scale_direct(pscale, self, oned): """ Objective function for scaling spectra to photometry Parameters ---------- pscale : array-like Coefficients of the linear model. self : `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter` Object with the templates and photometry. oned : dict Dictionary of 1D spectra to fit. Returns ------- chi2 : float Chi-squared of the fit. """ from eazy.filters import FilterDefinition flam = [] eflam = [] spec_flux = [] filters = [] for filt in self.photom_filters: clip = filt.throughput > 0.001 * filt.throughput.max() filters.append( FilterDefinition(, wave=filt.wave[clip], throughput=filt.throughput[clip], ) ) filters = np.array(filters) lc = self.photom_pivot for k in oned: # spec, okfilt, lc = spec1d[k] # Covered filters if isinstance(oned[k], utils.SpectrumTemplate): spec1 = utils.SpectrumTemplate( wave=oned[k].wave, flux=3.0e18 / oned[k].wave ** 2 ) else: spec1 = utils.SpectrumTemplate( wave=oned[k]["wave"], flux=3.0e18 / oned[k]["wave"] ** 2 ) flux1 = np.array( [spec1.integrate_filter(filt, use_wave="filter") for filt in filters] ) okfilt = flux1 > 0.98 if okfilt.sum() == 0: continue if isinstance(oned[k], utils.SpectrumTemplate): scale = 1.0 / self.compute_scale_array(pscale, oned[k].wave) spec = utils.SpectrumTemplate( wave=oned[k].wave, flux=oned[k].flux * scale, err=oned[k].err * scale, ) else: scale = 1.0 / self.compute_scale_array(pscale, oned[k]["wave"]) spec = utils.SpectrumTemplate( wave=oned[k]["wave"], flux=oned[k]["flux"] * scale / np.maximum(oned[k]["flat"], 1), err=oned[k]["err"] * scale / np.maximum(oned[k]["flat"], 1), ) filt_fnu = [ spec.integrate_filter(filt, use_wave="templ") for filt in filters[okfilt] ] spec_flux.append((np.array(filt_fnu).T * 3.0e18 / lc[okfilt] ** 2).T) flam.append((self.photom_flam / self.photom_ext_corr)[okfilt]) eflam.append((self.photom_eflam / self.photom_ext_corr)[okfilt]) if flam == []: return [0] spec_flux = np.vstack(spec_flux) flam = np.hstack(flam) eflam = np.hstack(eflam) chi2 = (flam - spec_flux[:, 0]) ** 2 / (eflam ** 2 + spec_flux[:, 1] ** 2) # print(pscale, chi2.sum()) return chi2
[docs] def xfit_star( self, tstar=None, spline_correction=True, fitter="nnls", fit_background=True, spline_args={"Rspline": 5}, oned_args={}, ): """ Fit stellar templates Parameters ---------- tstar : dict Dictionary of stellar `~grizli.utils.SpectrumTemplate` objects spline_correction : bool Include spline scaling correction for template mismatch fitter : str Least-squares method passed to `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.template_at_z`. fit_background : bool Fit for additive background component spline_args : dict Parameters passed to `~grizli.utils.split_spline_template` for generating the spline correction arrays oned_args : dict Keywords passed to `oned_figure` Returns ------- fig : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure object line : str Line of text describing the best fit tfit : dict Fit information from `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.template_at_z` """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator if tstar is None: tstar = utils.load_templates( fwhm=1200, line_complexes=True, fsps_templates=True, stars=True ) NTEMP = len(tstar) chi2 = np.zeros(NTEMP) types = np.array(list(tstar.keys())) split_templates = [] split_fits = [] # Spline only if spline_correction: w0 = np.arange(3000, 2.0e4, 100) t0 = utils.SpectrumTemplate(wave=w0, flux=np.ones_like(w0)) ts = utils.split_spline_template(t0, **spline_args) sfit0 = self.template_at_z( z=0, templates=ts, fit_background=fit_background, fitter=fitter, get_uncertainties=2, ) else: sfit0 = None ######## # Loop over templates for ik, k in enumerate(tstar): if spline_correction: ts = utils.split_spline_template(tstar[k], **spline_args) else: ts = {k: tstar[k]} split_templates.append(ts) print(k) sfit = self.template_at_z( z=0, templates=ts, fit_background=fit_background, fitter=fitter, get_uncertainties=2, ) split_fits.append(sfit) chi2 = np.array([sfit["chi2"] for sfit in split_fits]) ixbest = np.argmin(chi2) # Initialize plot window Ng = len(self.grisms) gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec( 1, 2, width_ratios=[1, 1.5 + 0.5 * (Ng > 1)], hspace=0.0 ) figsize = [8 + 4 * (Ng > 1), 3.5] fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # p(z) axz = fig.add_subplot(gs[-1, 0]) # 121) if ("_g" in k) & ("_t" in k): hast = True teff = np.array([float(k.split("_")[1][1:]) for k in tstar]) logg = np.array([float(k.split("_")[2][1:]) for k in tstar]) met = np.array([float(k.split("_")[3][1:]) for k in tstar]) if "bt-settl_t04000_g4.5_m-1.0" in tstar: # Order by metallicity for g in np.unique(met): ig = met == g so = np.argsort(teff[ig]) axz.plot( teff[ig][so], chi2[ig][so] - chi2.min(), label="m{0:.1f}".format(g), ) else: # Order by log-g for g in np.unique(logg): ig = logg == g so = np.argsort(teff[ig]) axz.plot( teff[ig][so], chi2[ig][so] - chi2.min(), label="g{0:.1f}".format(g), ) if logg[ixbest] == 0.0: label = "carbon" else: label = "{0} t{1:.0f} g{2:.1f} m{3:.1f}" label = label.format( k.split("_")[0], teff[ixbest], logg[ixbest], met[ixbest] ) else: hast = False axz.plot(chi2 - chi2.min(), marker=".", color="k") label = types[np.argmin(chi2)].strip("stars/").strip(".txt") axz.text( 0.95, 0.96, self.group_name + "\n" + f"ID={<5d} {label:s}", ha="right", va="top", transform=axz.transAxes, fontsize=9, bbox=dict(facecolor="w", alpha=0.8), ) if hast: axz.set_xlabel(r"Teff") axz.legend(fontsize=7, loc="lower right") else: axz.set_xlabel(r"Sp. Type") axz.set_ylabel( r"$\chi^2_\nu$" + " ; " + r"$\chi^2_\mathrm{{min}}=\frac{{{0:.0f}}}{{{1:d}}}={2:.2f}$".format( chi2.min(), self.DoF, chi2.min() / self.DoF ) ) if len(tstar) < 30: tx = [t.strip("stars/").strip(".txt") for t in types] axz.set_xticks(np.arange(len(tx))) tl = axz.set_xticklabels(tx) for ti in tl: ti.set_size(8) axz.set_ylim(-2, 27) axz.set_yticks([1, 4, 9, 16, 25]) axz.grid() # axz.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(base=1)) # Spectra axc = fig.add_subplot(gs[-1, 1]) # 224) self.oned_figure(tfit=split_fits[ixbest], axc=axc, **oned_args) if spline_correction: sfit = split_fits[ixbest] cspl = np.array([sfit["cfit"][t] for t in sfit["cfit"]]) spline_func = sfit["templates"][self.N :, 0]) yl = axc.get_ylim() xl = axc.get_xlim() y0 = np.interp(np.mean(xl), sfit["templates"].wspline / 1.0e4, spline_func) (spl,) = axc.plot( sfit["templates"].wspline / 1.0e4, spline_func / y0 * yl[1] * 0.8, color="k", linestyle="--", alpha=0.5, label="Spline correction", ) # Spline-only splt = sfit0["cont1d"] delta_chi = sfit0["chi2"] - sfit["chi2"] label2 = r"Spline only - $\Delta\chi^2$ = " label2 += "{0:.1f}".format(delta_chi) (spl2,) = axc.plot( splt.wave / 1.0e4, splt.flux / 1.0e-19, color="pink", alpha=0.8, label=label2, ) axc.legend( [spl, spl2], ["Spline correction", label2], loc="upper right", fontsize=8, ) gs.tight_layout(fig, pad=0.1, w_pad=0.1) fig.text( 1 - 0.015 * 12.0 / figsize[0], 0.02, time.ctime(), ha="right", va="bottom", transform=fig.transFigure, fontsize=5, ) best_templ = list(tstar.keys())[ixbest] if best_templ.startswith("bt-settl_t05000_g0.0"): best_templ = "carbon" tfit = split_fits[ixbest] # Non-zero templates if fit_background: nk = (tfit["coeffs"][self.N :] > 0).sum() else: nk = (tfit["coeffs"] > 0).sum() if sfit0 is not None: chi2_flat = sfit0["chi2"] else: chi2_flat = chi2[ixbest] line = "# root id ra dec chi2 chi2_flat dof nk best_template as_epsf\n" line += "{0:16} {1:>5d} {2:.6f} {3:.6f} {4:10.3f} {5:10.3f} {6:>10d} {7:>10d} {8:20s} {9:0d}".format( self.group_name,, self.ra, self.dec, chi2[ixbest], chi2_flat, self.DoF, nk, best_templ, (self.psf_param_dict is not None) * 1, ) print("\n" + line + "\n") return fig, line, tfit
[docs] def oned_figure( self, bin=1, wave=None, show_beams=True, minor=0.1, tfit=None, show_rest=False, axc=None, figsize=[6, 4], fill=False, units="flam", min_sens_show=0.1, ylim_percentile=2, scale_on_stacked=False, show_individual_templates=False, apply_beam_mask=True, loglam_1d=True, trace_limits=None, show_contam=False, add_label=True, beam_models=None, median_filter_kwargs=None, ): """ Make a figure showing the 1D spectra Parameters ---------- bin : float Binning factor relative to nominal resolution (per pix) of each grism wave : None, array Fixed wavelength array for the sampled spectra show_beams : bool Show all individual beams minor : float Minor axis tick interval (microns) tfit : dict Fit information from `~grizli.fitting.GroupFitter.template_at_z`. If provided, then will include the best-fit models in the figure show_rest : bool Show rest-frame wavelengths axc : `~matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot` If provided, then draw into existing axis without making a new figure figsize : (float, float) Figure size (inches) fill : bool plot filled spectra units : str Y-axis units - 'flam' = Scaled f-lambda cgs - 'nJy' = nanoJansky - 'mJy' = milliJansky - 'eps' = native detector units of electrons per second - 'meps' = "milli"-electrons per second - 'spline[N]' = Divide out a spline continuum - 'resid' = Residuals w.r.t. model in `tfit` min_sens_show : float Minimum sensitivity to show in the plot. ylim_percentile : float Percentile of the data to use for the y-axis limits. scale_on_stacked : bool Set the y-axis limits based on the stacked spectrum. show_individual_templates : bool Show each individual template with its scaling along with the best-fit combination apply_beam_mask : bool Apply the beam mask to the 1D spectra. loglam_1d : bool Plot as log wavelength trace_limits : (float, float) If provided, extract spectra relative to the (tilted) spectral trace show_contam : bool Include curves for contamination model add_label : bool Add a label to the plot. beam_models : list List of 2D arrays with the model for each beam. If not None, then use these models instead of computing them from the beam objects. median_filter_kwargs : dict Parameters passed to `~grizli.utils.safe_nanmedian_filter` to filter the 2D models before extracting the 1D spectrum. Returns ------- fig : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure object """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline if (tfit is None) & (units in ["resid", "nresid", "spline"]): msg = "`tfit` not specified. Can't plot units='{0}'" print(msg.format(units)) return False # Spectra if axc is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) axc = fig.add_subplot(111) newfigure = True else: newfigure = False ymin = 1.0e30 ymax = -1.0e30 # wmin = 1.e30 # wmax = -1.e30 if not show_beams: scale_on_stacked = True if wave is not None: show_beams = False if units.startswith("spline"): ran = (tfit["cont1d"].wave >= self.wavef.min()) & ( tfit["cont1d"].wave <= self.wavef.max() ) if ran.sum() == 0: print("No overlap with template") return False if True: try: df = int(units.split("spline")[1]) except: df = 21 Aspl = utils.bspline_templates( tfit["cont1d"].wave[ran], degree=3, df=df, get_matrix=True, log=True ) cspl, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq( Aspl, tfit["cont1d"].flux[ran], rcond=-1 ) yspl = tfit["cont1d"].flux * 0.0 yspl[ran] = else: spl = UnivariateSpline( tfit["cont1d"].wave[ran], tfit["cont1d"].flux[ran], ext=1 ) yspl = spl(tfit["cont1d"].wave) mspl = (tfit["cont1d"].wave, yspl) else: mspl = None # 1D Model xlabel, zp1 = r"$\lambda$", 1.0 if tfit is not None: sp = tfit["line1d"].wave, tfit["line1d"].flux w = sp[0] if show_rest: zp1 = 1 + tfit["z"] xlabel = r"$\lambda_\mathrm{rest}$" xlabel += " (z={0:.3f})".format(tfit["z"]) else: sp = None w = np.arange(self.wavef.min() - 201, self.wavef.max() + 201, 100) spf = w, w * 0 + 1 for i in range(self.N): beam = self.beams[i] if apply_beam_mask: b_mask = beam.fit_mask.reshape( else: b_mask = 1 if tfit is not None: m_i = beam.compute_model( spectrum_1d=sp, is_cgs=True, in_place=False ).reshape( if median_filter_kwargs is not None: _fdata, _ft = utils.safe_nanmedian_filter( m_i, filter_kwargs=median_filter_kwargs, axis=1, cval=0.0, clean=True, ) m_i -= _fdata elif beam_models is not None: m_i = beam_models[i] else: m_i = None if mspl is not None: mspl_i = beam.compute_model( spectrum_1d=mspl, is_cgs=True, in_place=False ).reshape( try: f_i = beam.flat_flam.reshape( * 1 except: f_i = beam.compute_model( spectrum_1d=spf, is_cgs=True, in_place=False ).reshape( if hasattr(beam, "init_epsf"): # grizli.model.BeamCutout if beam.grism.instrument == "NIRISS": grism = beam.grism.pupil else: grism = beam.grism.filter clean = beam.grism["SCI"] - beam.contam if tfit is not None: clean -= tfit["cfit"]["bg {0:03d}".format(i)][0] if m_i is not None: w, flm, erm = beam.beam.optimal_extract( m_i, bin=bin, ivar=beam.ivar * b_mask ) else: flm = None if mspl is not None: w, flspl, erm = beam.beam.optimal_extract( mspl_i, bin=bin, ivar=beam.ivar * b_mask ) w, fl, er = beam.beam.optimal_extract( clean, bin=bin, ivar=beam.ivar * b_mask ) w, sens, ers = beam.beam.optimal_extract( f_i, bin=bin, ivar=beam.ivar * b_mask ) else: grism = beam.grism clean = beam.sci - beam.contam if tfit is not None: clean -= -tfit["cfit"]["bg {0:03d}".format(i)][0] if m_i is not None: w, flm, erm = beam.optimal_extract( m_i, bin=bin, ivar=beam.ivar * b_mask ) if mspl is not None: w, flspl, erm = beam.beam.optimal_extract( mspl_i, bin=bin, ivar=beam.ivar * b_mask ) w, fl, er = beam.optimal_extract( clean, bin=bin, ivar=beam.ivar * b_mask ) w, sens, ers = beam.optimal_extract( f_i, bin=bin, ivar=beam.ivar * b_mask ) # sens = beam.sens sens[~np.isfinite(sens)] = 1 pscale = 1.0 if hasattr(self, "pscale"): if self.pscale is not None: pscale = self.compute_scale_array(self.pscale, w) if units.lower() == "njy": unit_corr = 1.0 / sens * w ** 2 / 2.99e18 / 1.0e-23 / 1.0e-9 # /pscale unit_label = r"$f_\nu$ (nJy)" elif units.lower() == "ujy": unit_corr = 1.0 / sens * w ** 2 / 2.99e18 / 1.0e-23 / 1.0e-6 # /pscale unit_label = r"$f_\nu$ ($\mu$Jy)" elif units == "meps": unit_corr = 1000.0 unit_label = "milli-e/s" elif units == "eps": unit_corr = 1.0 unit_label = "e/s" elif units == "resid": unit_corr = 1.0 / sens * 1.0e19 unit_label = r"resid ($f_\lambda \times 10^{19}$)" elif units == "nresid": unit_corr = 1.0 / flm unit_label = "norm. resid" elif units.startswith("spline"): unit_corr = 1.0 / flspl unit_label = "spline resid" else: # 'flam unit_corr = 1.0 / sens / 1.0e-19 # /pscale unit_label = r"$f_\lambda$ [$10^{-19}$ erg/s/cm2/A]" w = w / 1.0e4 clip = sens > min_sens_show * sens.max() clip &= er > 0 if clip.sum() == 0: continue fl *= unit_corr / pscale # /1.e-19 # flc *= unit_corr/pscale#/1.e-19 er *= unit_corr / pscale # /1.e-19 if flm is not None: flm *= unit_corr # /1.e-19 if units == "resid": fl -= flm flm -= flm f_alpha = 1.0 / (self.Ngrism[grism.upper()]) * 0.8 # **0.5 if show_beams: if (show_beams == 1) & (f_alpha < 0.09): axc.errorbar( w[clip] / zp1, fl[clip], er[clip], color="k", alpha=f_alpha, marker=".", linestyle="None", zorder=1, ) else: axc.errorbar( w[clip] / zp1, fl[clip], er[clip], color=GRISM_COLORS[grism], alpha=f_alpha, marker=".", linestyle="None", zorder=1, ) if flm is not None: axc.plot( w[clip] / zp1, flm[clip], color="r", alpha=f_alpha, linewidth=2, zorder=10, ) # Plot limits ep = np.percentile(er[clip], ylim_percentile) ymax = np.maximum( ymax, np.percentile((flm + ep)[clip], 100 - ylim_percentile) ) ymin = np.minimum( ymin, np.percentile((flm - er * 0.0)[clip], ylim_percentile) ) else: # Plot limits ep = np.percentile(er[clip], ylim_percentile) ymax = np.maximum(ymax, np.percentile((fl + ep)[clip], 95)) ymin = np.minimum(ymin, np.percentile((fl - er * 0.0)[clip], 5)) lims = [utils.GRISM_LIMITS[g][:2] for g in self.PA] wmin = np.min(lims) # *1.e4 wmax = np.max(lims) # *1.e4 # Cleanup axc.set_xlim(wmin / zp1, wmax / zp1) try: axc.semilogx(subs=[wmax]) except: axc.semilogx(subsx=[wmax]) axc.set_xlabel(xlabel) axc.set_ylabel(unit_label) for ax in [axc]: # [axa, axb, axc]: labels = ( np.arange(np.ceil(wmin / minor / zp1), np.ceil(wmax / minor / zp1)) * minor ) ax.set_xticks(labels) if minor < 0.1: ax.set_xticklabels(["{0:.2f}".format(li) for li in labels]) else: ax.set_xticklabels(["{0:.1f}".format(li) for li in labels]) # Binned spectrum by grism if (tfit is None) | (scale_on_stacked) | (not show_beams): ymin = 1.0e30 ymax = -1.0e30 if self.Nphot > 0: sp_flat = self.optimal_extract( self.flat_flam[self.fit_mask[: -self.Nphotbands]], bin=bin, wave=wave, loglam=loglam_1d, trace_limits=trace_limits, ) else: sp_flat = self.optimal_extract( self.flat_flam[self.fit_mask], bin=bin, wave=wave, loglam=loglam_1d, trace_limits=trace_limits, ) if tfit is not None: bg_model = self.get_flat_background(tfit["coeffs"], apply_mask=True) m2d = self.get_flat_model(sp, apply_mask=True, is_cgs=True) sp_model = self.optimal_extract( m2d, bin=bin, wave=wave, loglam=loglam_1d, trace_limits=trace_limits ) else: bg_model = 0.0 sp_model = 1.0 if mspl is not None: m2d = self.get_flat_model(mspl, apply_mask=True, is_cgs=True) sp_spline = self.optimal_extract( m2d, bin=bin, wave=wave, loglam=loglam_1d, trace_limits=trace_limits ) sp_data = self.optimal_extract( self.scif_mask[: self.Nspec] - bg_model, bin=bin, wave=wave, loglam=loglam_1d, trace_limits=trace_limits, ) # Contamination if show_contam: sp_contam = self.optimal_extract( self.contamf_mask[: self.Nspec], bin=bin, wave=wave, loglam=loglam_1d, trace_limits=trace_limits, ) for g in sp_data: clip = (sp_flat[g]["flux"] != 0) & np.isfinite(sp_data[g]["flux"]) clip &= np.isfinite(sp_data[g]["err"]) clip &= np.isfinite(sp_flat[g]["flux"]) if tfit is not None: clip &= np.isfinite(sp_model[g]["flux"]) if clip.sum() == 0: continue pscale = 1.0 if hasattr(self, "pscale"): if self.pscale is not None: pscale = self.compute_scale_array(self.pscale, sp_data[g]["wave"]) if units.lower() == "njy": unit_corr = sp_data[g]["wave"] ** 2 / sp_flat[g]["flux"] unit_corr *= 1 / 2.99e18 / 1.0e-23 / 1.0e-9 # /pscale elif units.lower() == "ujy": unit_corr = sp_data[g]["wave"] ** 2 / sp_flat[g]["flux"] unit_corr *= 1 / 2.99e18 / 1.0e-23 / 1.0e-6 # /pscale elif units == "meps": unit_corr = 1000.0 elif units == "eps": unit_corr = 1.0 elif units == "resid": unit_corr = 1.0 / sp_flat[g]["flux"] elif units == "nresid": unit_corr = 1.0 / sp_model[g]["flux"] elif units.startswith("spline"): unit_corr = 1.0 / sp_spline[g]["flux"] else: # 'flam unit_corr = 1.0 / sp_flat[g]["flux"] / 1.0e-19 # /pscale flux = (sp_data[g]["flux"] * unit_corr / pscale)[clip] err = (sp_data[g]["err"] * unit_corr / pscale)[clip] if units == "resid": flux -= (sp_model[g]["flux"] * unit_corr)[clip] ep = np.percentile(err, ylim_percentile) if fill: axc.fill_between( sp_data[g]["wave"][clip] / zp1 / 1.0e4, flux - err, flux + err, color=GRISM_COLORS[g], alpha=0.8, zorder=1, label=g, ) else: axc.errorbar( sp_data[g]["wave"][clip] / zp1 / 1.0e4, flux, err, color=GRISM_COLORS[g], alpha=0.8, marker=".", linestyle="None", zorder=1, label=g, ) if show_contam: contam = (sp_contam[g]["flux"] * unit_corr / pscale)[clip] axc.plot(sp_data[g]["wave"][clip] / zp1 / 1.0e4, contam, color="brown") if ((tfit is None) & (clip.sum() > 0)) | (scale_on_stacked): # Plot limits ymax = np.maximum( ymax, np.percentile((flux + ep), 100 - ylim_percentile) ) ymin = np.minimum(ymin, np.percentile((flux - ep), ylim_percentile)) if (ymin < 0) & (ymax > 0): ymin = -0.1 * ymax if not np.isfinite(ymin + ymax): ymin = 0.0 ymax = 10.0 axc.set_ylim(ymin - 0.2 * ymax, 1.2 * ymax) axc.grid() if (ymin - 0.2 * ymax < 0) & (1.2 * ymax > 0): axc.plot( [wmin / zp1, wmax / zp1], [0, 0], color="k", linestyle=":", alpha=0.8 ) # Individual templates if ( (tfit is not None) & (show_individual_templates > 0) & (units.lower() in ["flam", "njy", "ujy"]) ): xt, yt, mt = utils.array_templates( tfit["templates"], z=tfit["z"], apply_igm=(tfit["z"] > IGM_MINZ) ) cfit = np.array([tfit["cfit"][t][0] for t in tfit["cfit"]]) xt *= 1 + tfit["z"] if units.lower() == "njy": unit_corr = xt ** 2 / 2.99e18 / 1.0e-23 / 1.0e-9 # /pscale elif units.lower() == "ujy": unit_corr = xt ** 2 / 2.99e18 / 1.0e-23 / 1.0e-6 # /pscale else: # 'flam unit_corr = 1.0 / 1.0e-19 # /pscale tscl = (yt.T * cfit[self.N :]).T / (1 + tfit["z"]) * unit_corr t_names = np.array(list(tfit["cfit"].keys()))[self.N :] is_spline = np.array( [t.split()[0] in ["bspl", "step", "poly"] for t in tfit["cfit"]][ self.N : ] ) if is_spline.sum() > 0: spline_templ = tscl[is_spline, :].sum(axis=1) axc.plot(xt / 1.0e4, spline_templ, color="k", alpha=0.5) for ti in tscl[is_spline, :]: axc.plot(xt / zp1 / 1.0e4, ti, color="k", alpha=0.1) for ci, ti, tn in zip( cfit[self.N :][~is_spline], tscl[~is_spline, :], t_names[~is_spline] ): if ci == 0: continue if show_individual_templates > 1: axc.plot(xt / zp1 / 1.0e4, ti, alpha=0.6, label=tn.strip("line ")) else: axc.plot(xt / zp1 / 1.0e4, ti, alpha=0.6) if show_individual_templates > 1: axc.legend(fontsize=6) # Photometry? if newfigure: if add_label: axc.text( 0.95, 0.95, "{0} {1:>5d}".format(self.group_name,, ha="right", va="top", transform=axc.transAxes, ) fig.tight_layout(pad=0.2) return fig else: return True
### # Generic functions for generating flat model and background arrays ###
[docs] def optimal_extract( self, data=None, bin=1, wave=None, ivar=None, trace_limits=None, loglam=True, **kwargs, ): """ Binned optimal extractions by grism with algorithm from `Horne 1984 <>`_ The spatial profile for each beam is the 2D model spectrum generated using its attached direct image thumbnail. The Horne (1984) algorithm is essentially a least-squares fit of the spatial model to the observed 2D spectrum, weighted by the uncertainties. Along with the optimal extraction, this method also implements an option to extract an effective "aperture" within a specified region above and below the spectral trace. While the traces may not be directly aligned with the `x` axis of the 2D spectra, both the optimal and trace extractions extract along `y` pixels at a given `x`. Parameters ---------- data : `~numpy.ndarray`, None Data array with same dimensions as ``self.scif_mask`` (flattened & masked) 2D spectra of all beams. If ``None``, then use ``self.scif_mask``. bin : bool Binning factor relative to the grism-dependent resolution values, specified in `~grizli.utils.GRISM_LIMITS`. wave : `~numpy.ndarray`, None Wavelength bin edges. If `None`, then compute from parameters in `~grizli.utils.GRISM_LIMITS`. ivar : `~numpy.ndarray`, None Inverse variance array with same dimensions as ``self.scif_mask`` (flattened & masked) 2D spectra of all beams. If ``None``, then use ``self.weighted_sigma2_mask``. trace_limits : [float, float] or None If specified, perform a simple sum in cross-dispersion axis between ``trace_limits`` relative to the central pixel of the trace rather than the optimally-weighted sum. Similarly, the output variances are the sum of the input variances in the trace interval. Note that the trace interval is evaluated with ``< >``, as opposed to ``<= >=``, as the center of the trace is a float rather than an integer pixel index. loglam : bool If True and ``wave`` not specified (see above), then output wavelength grid is log-spaced. Returns ------- tab : dict Dictionary of `~astropy.table.Table` spectra for each available grism. """ import astropy.units as u if not hasattr(self, "optimal_profile_mask"): self.initialize_masked_arrays() if data is None: data = self.scif_mask if data.size not in [self.Nmask, self.Nspec]: print("`data` has to be sized like masked arrays (self.fit_mask)") return False if ivar is None: # ivar = 1./self.sigma2_mask ivar = 1.0 / self.weighted_sigma2_mask if trace_limits is None: prof = self.optimal_profile_mask # Horne (1986) optimal extraction # f_opt = Sum(P*D/V) / Sum(P**2/V) num = prof[: self.Nspec] * data[: self.Nspec] * ivar[: self.Nspec] den = prof[: self.Nspec] ** 2 * ivar[: self.Nspec] else: # Trace extraction, sum of fluxes and variances prof = np.isfinite(self.optimal_profile_mask) trace_mask = ( (self.yp_trace_mask > trace_limits[0]) & (self.yp_trace_mask < trace_limits[1]) )[: self.Nspec] num = data[: self.Nspec] * trace_mask den = (1 / ivar[: self.Nspec]) * trace_mask den[~np.isfinite(den)] = 0 dmask = den > 0 out = {} for grism in self.Ngrism: Ng = self.Ngrism[grism] lim = utils.GRISM_LIMITS[grism] if wave is None: if loglam: ran = np.array(lim[:2]) * 1.0e4 ran[1] += lim[2] * bin wave_bin = utils.log_zgrid(ran, lim[2] * bin / np.mean(ran)) else: wave_bin = np.arange( lim[0] * 1.0e4, lim[1] * 1.0e4 + lim[2] * bin, lim[2] * bin ) else: wave_bin = wave flux_bin = wave_bin[:-1] * 0.0 var_bin = wave_bin[:-1] * 0.0 n_bin = wave_bin[:-1] * 0.0 gmask = self.grism_name_mask == grism for j in range(len(wave_bin) - 1): # ix = np.abs(self.wave_mask-wave_bin[j]) < lim[2]*bin/2. # Wavelength bin ix = self.wave_mask >= wave_bin[j] ix &= self.wave_mask < wave_bin[j + 1] ix &= gmask if ix.sum() > 0: n_bin[j] = ix.sum() if trace_limits is None: var_bin[j] = 1.0 / den[ix].sum() flux_bin[j] = num[ix].sum() * var_bin[j] else: Nj = len(np.unique(self.exposure_id_mask[ix])) * bin # _ids, counts = np.unique(self.exposure_id_mask[ix], # return_counts=True) # Nj = counts.sum() # Nj = bin*Ng var_bin[j] = den[ix].sum() / Nj flux_bin[j] = num[ix].sum() / Nj binned_spectrum = utils.GTable() w_g = (wave_bin[:-1] + np.diff(wave_bin) / 2) * u.Angstrom binned_spectrum["wave"] = w_g binned_spectrum["flux"] = flux_bin * (u.electron / u.second) binned_spectrum["err"] = np.sqrt(var_bin) * (u.electron / u.second) binned_spectrum["npix"] = np.asarray(n_bin, int) binned_spectrum.meta["GRISM"] = (grism, "Grism name") binned_spectrum.meta["BIN"] = (bin, "Spectrum binning factor") binned_spectrum.meta["NEXP"] = (Ng, "Number of exposures") out[grism] = binned_spectrum return out
[docs] def initialize_masked_arrays(self, seg_ids=None): """ Initialize flat masked arrays for faster likelihood calculation Parameters ---------- seg_ids : list List of segmentation IDs to use for the optimal profile. """ if isinstance(self.beams[0], model.BeamCutout): # MultiBeam if self.Nphot > 0: self.contamf_mask = self.contamf[self.fit_mask[: -self.Nphotbands]] else: self.contamf_mask = self.contamf[self.fit_mask] p = [] for beam in self.beams: for attr in ["xp", "xp_mask"]: if hasattr(beam, attr): delattr(beam, attr) beam.beam.init_optimal_profile(seg_ids=seg_ids) p.append(beam.beam.optimal_profile.flatten()[beam.fit_mask]) self.optimal_profile_mask = np.hstack(p) # trace offset p = [] for beam in self.beams: # w.r.t trace yp, xp = np.indices( ypt = yp + 1 - ([0] / 2.0 + beam.beam.ytrace) beam.ypt = ypt p.append(ypt.flatten()[beam.fit_mask]) self.yp_trace_mask = np.hstack(p) # Inverse sensitivity self.sens_mask = np.hstack( [ np.ones([0])[:, None], beam.beam.sensitivity[None, :] ).flatten()[beam.fit_mask] for beam in self.beams ] ) self.grism_name_mask = np.hstack( [ [beam.grism.pupil] * beam.fit_mask.sum() if beam.grism.instrument == "NIRISS" else [beam.grism.filter] * beam.fit_mask.sum() for beam in self.beams ] ) self.exposure_id_mask = np.hstack( [[i] * beam.fit_mask.sum() for i, beam in enumerate(self.beams)] ) else: # StackFitter self.contamf_mask = np.hstack( [beam.contamf[beam.fit_mask] for beam in self.beams] ) p = [] for beam in self.beams: beam.init_optimal_profile() p.append(beam.optimal_profile.flatten()[beam.fit_mask]) self.optimal_profile_mask = np.hstack(p) # Inverse sensitivity self.sens_mask = np.hstack( [[0])[:, None], beam.sens[None, :]).flatten()[ beam.fit_mask ] for beam in self.beams ] ) self.grism_name_mask = np.hstack( [[beam.grism] * beam.fit_mask.sum() for beam in self.beams] ) self.exposure_id_mask = np.hstack( [[i] * beam.fit_mask.sum() for i, beam in enumerate(self.beams)] ) self.wave_mask = np.hstack( [[0])[:, None], beam.wave[None, :]).flatten()[ beam.fit_mask ] for beam in self.beams ] ) # (scif attribute is already contam subtracted) self.scif_mask = self.scif[self.fit_mask] # sigma self.sigma_mask = 1 / self.sivarf[self.fit_mask] # sigma-squared self.sigma2_mask = self.sigma_mask ** 2 # self.sigma2_mask = 1/self.ivarf[self.fit_mask] # weighted sigma-squared # self.weighted_sigma2_mask = 1/(self.weightf*self.ivarf)[self.fit_mask] self.weighted_sigma2_mask = 1 / (self.weightf * self.sivarf ** 2)[self.fit_mask] self.Nmask = self.fit_mask.sum() if hasattr(self, "Nphot"): self.Nspec = self.Nmask - self.Nphot else: self.Nspec = self.Nmask
[docs] def get_flat_model(self, spectrum_1d, id=None, apply_mask=True, is_cgs=True): """ Generate model array based on the model 1D spectrum in ``spectrum_1d`` Parameters ---------- spectrum_1d : tuple, -1 Tuple of 1D arrays (wavelength, flux). If ``-1``, then use the in_place ``model`` attributes of each beam. id : int Value that identifies pixels in the segmentation thumbnail with the desired object to model apply_mask : bool Return the model pixels applying the `~grizli.model.BeamCutout` ``fit_mask`` attribute is_cgs : bool ``spectrum_1d`` flux array has CGS f-lambda flux density units. Returns ------- model : Array with dimensions ``(self.fit_mask.sum(),)`` Flattened, masked model array. """ mfull = [] for ib, beam in enumerate(self.beams): if spectrum_1d == -1: model_i = beam.model * 1 else: model_i = beam.compute_model( id=id, spectrum_1d=spectrum_1d, is_cgs=is_cgs, in_place=False ) if apply_mask: mfull.append(model_i.flatten()[beam.fit_mask]) else: mfull.append(model_i.flatten()) return np.hstack(mfull)
[docs] def get_flat_background(self, bg_params, apply_mask=True): """ Generate background array the same size as the flattened total science array. Parameters ---------- bg_params : array with shape (self.N) or (self.N, M) Background parameters for each beam, where the ``M`` axis is polynomial cofficients in the order expected by `~astropy.modeling.models.Polynomial2D`. If the array is 1D, then provide a simple pedestal background. apply_mask : bool Return the background pixels applying the `~grizli.model.BeamCutout` ``fit_mask`` attribute. Returns ------- bg_model : Array with dimensions ``(self.fit_mask.sum(),)`` Flattened, masked background array. """ from astropy.modeling.models import Polynomial2D # Initialize beam pixel coordinates for beam in self.beams: needs_init = not hasattr(beam, "xp") if hasattr(beam, "xp_mask"): needs_init |= apply_mask is not beam.xp_mask if needs_init: # print('Initialize xp/yp') yp, xp = np.indices( xp = (xp -[1] / 2.0) / ([1] / 2.0) # normalized to center yp = (yp -[0] / 2.0) / ([0] / 2.0) if apply_mask: beam.xp = xp.flatten()[beam.fit_mask] beam.yp = yp.flatten()[beam.fit_mask] else: beam.xp = xp.flatten() beam.yp = yp.flatten() beam.xp_mask = apply_mask if (not hasattr(beam, "ones")) | needs_init: if apply_mask: beam.ones = np.ones(beam.fit_mask.sum()) else: beam.ones = np.ones(beam.fit_mask.size) # Initialize 2D polynomial poly = None if bg_params.ndim > 1: if bg_params.shape[1] > 1: M = bg_params.shape[1] order = {3: 1, 6: 2, 10: 3} poly = Polynomial2D(order[M]) # mfull = self.scif[self.fit_mask] bg_full = [] for ib, beam in enumerate(self.beams): if poly is not None: poly.parameters = bg_params[ib, :] bg_i = poly(beam.xp, beam.yp) else: # Order = 0, pedestal offset bg_i = beam.ones * bg_params[ib] bg_full.append(bg_i) return np.hstack(bg_full)
@staticmethod def _objective_line_width(params, self, verbose): """ Objective function for emission line velocity widths Parameters ---------- params : list List of parameters to fit: [broad_fwhm, narrow_fwhm, z]. self : `~grizli.fitting.StackFitter` StackFitter object. verbose : bool Print parameters and chi-squared. Returns ------- chi2 : float Chi-squared value. """ bl, nl, z = params t0, t1 = utils.load_quasar_templates( uv_line_complex=False, broad_fwhm=bl * 1000, narrow_fwhm=nl * 1000, t1_only=True, ) tfit = self.template_at_z( z=z, templates=t1, fitter="nnls", fit_background=True, get_residuals=True ) if verbose: print(params, tfit["chi2"].sum()) return tfit["chi2"]
[docs] def fit_line_width( self, bl=2.5, nl=1.1, z0=1.9367, max_nfev=100, tol=1.0e-3, verbose=False ): """ Fit for emisson line width Parameters ---------- bl : float Initial guess for broad line width in 1000 km/s. nl : float Initial guess for narrow line width in 1000 km/s. z0 : float Initial guess for redshift. max_nfev : int Maximum number of function evaluations. tol : float Tolerance for the fit. verbose : bool Passed to `~scipy.optimize.least_squares`. Returns: res : list List of results: [bl, nl, z, nfev, max_nfev_reached]. bl : float Best-fit broad line width in 1000 km/s. nl : float Best-fit narrow line width in 1000 km/s. z : float Best-fit redshift. nfev : int Number of function evaluations. max_nfev_reached : bool True if the maximum number of function evaluations was reached. """ from scipy.optimize import least_squares init = [bl, nl, z0] args = (self, verbose) out = least_squares( self._objective_line_width, init, jac="2-point", method="lm", ftol=tol, xtol=tol, gtol=tol, x_scale=1.0, loss="linear", f_scale=1.0, diff_step=None, tr_solver=None, tr_options={}, jac_sparsity=None, max_nfev=max_nfev, verbose=0, args=args, kwargs={}, ) params = out.x res = [out.x[0], out.x[1], out.x[2], out.nfev, out.nfev == max_nfev] return res
[docs]def show_drizzled_lines( line_hdu, full_line_list=["OII", "Hb", "OIII", "Ha+NII", "Ha", "SII", "SIII"], size_arcsec=2, cmap="cubehelix_r", scale=1.0, dscale=1, direct_filter=["F140W", "F160W", "F125W", "F105W", "F110W", "F098M"], ): """ Make a figure with the drizzled line maps Parameters ---------- line_hdu : `` Result from `~grizli.multifit.MultiBeam.drizzle_fit_lines` full_line_list : list Line species too always show size_arcsec : float Thumbnail size in arcsec cmap : str colormap string scale : float Scale factor for line panels dscale : float Scale factor for direct image panel direct_filter : list Filter preference to show in the direct image panel. Step through and stop if the indicated filter is available. Returns ------- fig : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure object """ import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator show_lines = [] for line in full_line_list: if line in line_hdu[0].header["HASLINES"].split(): show_lines.append(line) if full_line_list == "all": show_lines = line_hdu[0].header["HASLINES"].split() # print(line_hdu[0].header['HASLINES'], show_lines) # Dimensions line_wcs = pywcs.WCS(line_hdu["DSCI"].header) pix_size = utils.get_wcs_pscale(line_wcs) # pix_size = np.abs(line_hdu['DSCI'].header['CD1_1']*3600) majorLocator = MultipleLocator(1.0) # /pix_size) N = line_hdu["DSCI"].data.shape[0] / 2 crp = line_hdu["DSCI"].header["CRPIX1"], line_hdu["DSCI"].header["CRPIX2"] crv = line_hdu["DSCI"].header["CRVAL1"], line_hdu["DSCI"].header["CRVAL2"] imsize_arcsec = line_hdu["DSCI"].data.shape[0] * pix_size # Assume square sh = line_hdu["DSCI"].data.shape dp = -0.5 * pix_size # FITS reference is center of a pixel, array is edge dp = 0 extent = ( -imsize_arcsec / 2.0 - dp, imsize_arcsec / 2.0 - dp, -imsize_arcsec / 2.0 - dp, imsize_arcsec / 2.0 - dp, ) NL = len(show_lines) xsize = 3 * (NL + 1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=[xsize, 3.4]) # Direct ax = fig.add_subplot(1, NL + 1, 1) dext = "DSCI" # Try preference for direct filter for filt in direct_filter: if ("DSCI", filt) in line_hdu: dext = "DSCI", filt break ax.imshow( line_hdu[dext].data * dscale, vmin=-0.02, vmax=0.6, cmap=cmap, origin="lower", extent=extent, ) ax.set_title( "Direct {0} z={1:.3f}".format( line_hdu[0].header["ID"], line_hdu[0].header["REDSHIFT"] ) ) if "FILTER" in line_hdu[dext].header: ax.text( 0.03, 0.97, line_hdu[dext].header["FILTER"], transform=ax.transAxes, ha="left", va="top", fontsize=8, ) # ax.set_xlabel('RA') # ax.set_ylabel('Decl.') # Compass cosd = np.cos(line_hdu["DSCI"].header["CRVAL2"] / 180 * np.pi) dra = np.array([1.5, 1, 0, 0, 0]) / 3600.0 * 0.12 * size_arcsec / cosd dde = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1.5]) / 3600.0 * 0.12 * size_arcsec cx, cy = line_wcs.all_world2pix(crv[0] + dra, crv[1] + dde, 0) cx = (cx - cx.max()) * pix_size cy = (cy - cy.max()) * pix_size c0 = 0.95 * size_arcsec ax.plot(cx[1:-1] + c0, cy[1:-1] + c0, linewidth=1, color="0.5") ax.text( cx[0] + c0, cy[0] + c0, r"$E$", ha="center", va="center", fontsize=7, color="0.5", ) ax.text( cx[4] + c0, cy[4] + c0, r"$N$", ha="center", va="center", fontsize=7, color="0.5", ) # 1" ticks ax.errorbar(-0.5, -0.9 * size_arcsec, yerr=0, xerr=0.5, color="k") ax.text( -0.5, -0.9 * size_arcsec, r"$1^{\prime\prime}$", ha="center", va="bottom", color="k", ) # Line maps for i, line in enumerate(show_lines): ax = fig.add_subplot(1, NL + 1, 2 + i) ax.imshow( line_hdu["LINE", line].data * scale, vmin=-0.02, vmax=0.6, cmap=cmap, origin="lower", extent=extent, ) ax.set_title( r"%s %.3f $\mu$m" % (line, line_hdu["LINE", line].header["WAVELEN"] / 1.0e4) ) # End things for ax in fig.axes: ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_xlim(np.array([-1, 1]) * size_arcsec) ax.set_ylim(np.array([-1, 1]) * size_arcsec) # x0 = np.mean(ax.get_xlim()) # y0 = np.mean(ax.get_xlim()) ax.scatter(0, 0, marker="+", color="k", zorder=100, alpha=0.5) ax.scatter(0, 0, marker="+", color="w", zorder=101, alpha=0.5) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) fig.tight_layout(pad=0.1, w_pad=0.5) fig.text( 1 - 0.015 * 12.0 / xsize, 0.02, time.ctime(), ha="right", va="bottom", transform=fig.transFigure, fontsize=5, ) return fig