Source code for grizli.prep

Align direct images & make mosaics
import os
import inspect
import gc
import warnings
import shutil

from collections import OrderedDict
import glob
import traceback

import yaml
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# conda install shapely
# from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon

import as pyfits
import astropy.wcs as pywcs
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.coordinates as coord
from astropy.table import Table

from . import jwst_utils
from . import grismconf

    import jwst
    from jwst.pipeline import Detector1Pipeline
except ImportError:
    jwst = None
    print('`import jwst` failed so JWST processing will not work!')
from . import utils
from . import model
from . import GRIZLI_PATH

# Catalog table tools now put elsewhere
from .catalog import *

[docs]def check_status(): """Make sure all files and modules are in place and print some information if they're not """ for ref_dir in ['iref']: if not os.getenv(ref_dir): print(""" No ${0} set! Make a directory and point to it in ~/.bashrc or ~/.cshrc. For example, $ mkdir $GRIZLI/{0} $ export {0}="$GRIZLI/{0}/" # put this in ~/.bashrc """.format(ref_dir)) else: # WFC3 if not os.getenv('iref').endswith('/'): print("Warning: $iref should end with a '/' character [{0}]".format(os.getenv('iref'))) test_file = 'iref$uc72113oi_pfl.fits'.replace('iref$', os.getenv('iref')) if not os.path.exists(test_file): print(""" HST calibrations not found in $iref [{0}] To fetch them, run >>> import grizli.utils >>> grizli.utils.fetch_default_calibs() """.format(os.getenv('iref')))
# check_status()
[docs]def fresh_flt_file(file, preserve_dq=False, path='../RAW/', verbose=True, extra_badpix=True, apply_grism_skysub=True, crclean=False, mask_regions=True, oneoverf_correction=True, oneoverf_kwargs={}, use_skyflats=True, do_pure_parallel_wcs=True ): """Copy "fresh" unmodified version of a data file from some central location Parameters ---------- file : str Filename preserve_dq : bool Preserve DQ arrays of files if they exist in './' path : str Path where to find the "fresh" files verbose : bool Print information about what's being done extra_badpix : bool Apply extra bad pixel mask. Currently this is hard-coded to look for a file ``badpix_spars200_Nov9.fits`` in the directory specified by the ``$iref`` environment variable. The file can be downloaded from apply_grism_skysub : bool xx nothing now xxx crclean : bool Run LACosmicx (astroscrappy) on the exposure mask_regions : bool Apply exposure region mask (like ``_flt.01.mask.reg``) if it exists. do_pure_parallel_wcs : bool Update the WCS for JWST pure-parallel exposures from the FGS logs to fix a MAST bug. Returns ------- Nothing, but copies the file from ``path`` to ``./``. """ try: from astroscrappy import detect_cosmics has_scrappy = True except ImportError: has_scrappy = False local_file = os.path.basename(file) if preserve_dq: if os.path.exists(local_file): im = orig_dq = im['DQ'].data else: orig_dq = None else: dq = None if file == local_file: orig_file =, file)+'*')[0]) else: orig_file = local_file = local_file.split('.gz')[0] if dq is not None: orig_file['DQ'] = dq head = orig_file[0].header # Divide grism images by imaging flats # G102 -> F105W, uc72113oi_pfl.fits # G141 -> F140W, uc72113oi_pfl.fits flat, extra_msg = 1., '' filter = utils.parse_filter_from_header(head) # Copy calibs for ACS/UVIS files if '_flc' in file: ftpdir = '' calib_types = ['IDCTAB', 'NPOLFILE', 'D2IMFILE'] if filter == 'G800L': calib_types.append('PFLTFILE') utils.fetch_hst_calibs(orig_file.filename(), ftpdir=ftpdir, calib_types=calib_types, verbose=False) if filter in ['G102', 'G141']: flat_files = {'G102': 'uc72113oi_pfl.fits', 'G141': 'uc721143i_pfl.fits'} flat_file = flat_files[filter] extra_msg = ' / flat: {0}'.format(flat_file) flat_im ='iref'), flat_file)) flat = flat_im['SCI'].data[5:-5, 5:-5] flat_dq = (flat < 0.2) # Grism FLT from IR amplifier gain pfl_file = orig_file[0].header['PFLTFILE'].replace('iref$', os.getenv('iref')) grism_pfl =[1].data[5:-5, 5:-5] orig_file['DQ'].data |= 4*flat_dq orig_file['SCI'].data *= grism_pfl/flat # if apply_grism_skysub: # if 'GSKY001' in orig_file: if filter == 'G280': # Use F200LP flat flat_files = {'G280': 'zcv2053ei_pfl.fits'} # F200LP flat_file = flat_files[filter] extra_msg = ' / flat: {0}'.format(flat_file) flat_im ='jref'), flat_file)) for ext in [1, 2]: flat = flat_im['SCI', ext].data flat_dq = (flat < 0.2) orig_file['DQ', ext].data |= 4*flat_dq orig_file['SCI', ext].data *= 1./flat if filter == 'G800L': flat_files = {'G800L': 'n6u12592j_pfl.fits'} # F814W flat_file = flat_files[filter] extra_msg = ' / flat: {0}'.format(flat_file) flat_im ='jref'), flat_file)) pfl_file = orig_file[0].header['PFLTFILE'].replace('jref$', os.getenv('jref')) pfl_im = for ext in [1, 2]: flat = flat_im['SCI', ext].data flat_dq = (flat < 0.2) grism_pfl = pfl_im['SCI', ext].data orig_file['DQ', ext].data |= 4*flat_dq orig_file['SCI', ext].data *= grism_pfl/flat if orig_file[0].header['NPOLFILE'] == 'N/A': # Use an F814W file, but this should be updated orig_file[0].header['NPOLFILE'] = 'jref$v971826jj_npl.fits' if head['INSTRUME'] == 'WFPC2': head['DETECTOR'] = 'WFPC2' if ((head['INSTRUME'] == 'WFC3') & (head['DETECTOR'] == 'IR') & extra_badpix): bp ='iref'), 'badpix_spars200_Nov9.fits')) if orig_file['DQ'].data.shape == bp[0].data.shape: orig_file['DQ'].data |= bp[0].data extra_msg += ' / bpix: $iref/badpix_spars200_Nov9.fits' # New flags for bad pix in old dark reference files old_darks = ['x5g1509ki_drk.fits'] old_darks += ['xag1929{x}i_drk.fits'.format(x=x) for x in '345689a'] # For more recent SPARS5 old_darks += ['zb21929si_drk.fits'] #need_badpix = head['DARKFILE'].strip('iref$') in old_darks need_badpix = True # always add the additional bad pix files if need_badpix: new_bp =, 'data', 'wfc3ir_dark_badpix_2019.01.12.fits.gz')) if orig_file['DQ'].data.shape == new_bp[0].data.shape: orig_file['DQ'].data |= new_bp[0].data extra_msg += ' / wfc3ir_dark_badpix_2019.01.12.fits' logstr = '# {0} -> {1} {2}' logstr = logstr.format(orig_file.filename(), local_file, extra_msg) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) isACS = head['DETECTOR'] in ['UVIS','WFC'] #### # JWST isJWST = False if 'TELESCOP' in orig_file[0].header: if orig_file[0].header['TELESCOP'] == 'JWST': isJWST = True jwst_utils.DO_PURE_PARALLEL_WCS = do_pure_parallel_wcs orig_file.writeto(local_file, overwrite=True) status = jwst_utils.initialize_jwst_image(local_file, oneoverf_correction=oneoverf_correction, oneoverf_kwargs=oneoverf_kwargs, use_skyflats=use_skyflats) orig_file = if crclean and has_scrappy: for ext in [1, 2]: print('Clean CRs with LACosmic, extension {0:d}'.format(ext)) sci = orig_file['SCI', ext].data dq = orig_file['DQ', ext].data crmask, clean = detect_cosmics(sci, inmask=None, sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.3, objlim=5.0, gain=1.0, readnoise=6.5, satlevel=65536.0, pssl=0.0, niter=4, sepmed=True, cleantype='meanmask', fsmode='median', psfmodel='gauss', psffwhm=2.5, psfsize=7, psfk=None, psfbeta=4.765, verbose=False) dq[crmask] |= 1024 #sci[crmask] = 0 # WFPC2 if '_c0' in file: # point to FITS reference files for key in ['MASKFILE', 'ATODFILE', 'BLEVFILE', 'BLEVDFIL', 'BIASFILE', 'BIASDFIL', 'DARKFILE', 'DARKDFIL', 'FLATFILE', 'FLATDFIL', 'SHADFILE']: ref_file = '_'.join(head[key].split('.'))+'.fits' orig_file[0].header[key] = ref_file.replace('h.fits', 'f.fits') waiv = orig_file[0].header['FLATFILE'] orig_file[0].header['FLATFILE'] = waiv.replace('.fits', '_c0h.fits') if not os.path.exists(''): pass # # ## testing # orig_file[0].header['FLATFILE'] = 'm341820ju_pfl.fits' # Make sure has correct header keys for ext in range(4): if 'BUNIT' not in orig_file[ext+1].header: orig_file[ext+1].header['BUNIT'] = 'COUNTS' # Copy WFPC2 DQ file (c1m) dqfile = os.path.join(path, file.replace('_c0', '_c1')) print('Copy WFPC2 DQ file: {0}'.format(dqfile)) if os.path.exists(os.path.basename(dqfile)): os.remove(os.path.basename(dqfile)) shutil.copy(dqfile, './') # Add additional masking since AstroDrizzle having trouble with flats flat_file = orig_file[0].header['FLATFILE'].replace('uref$', os.getenv('uref')+'/') pfl = c1m =, mode='update') for ext in [1, 2, 3, 4]: mask = pfl[ext].data > 1.3 c1m[ext].data[mask] |= 2 c1m.flush() orig_file.writeto(local_file, overwrite=True) if mask_regions: apply_region_mask(local_file, dq_value=1024) apply_region_mask_from_db(local_file, dq_value=1024) # Flush objects orig_file.close() del(orig_file) for _iter in range(3): gc.collect()
[docs]def apply_persistence_mask(flt_file, path='../Persistence', dq_value=1024, err_threshold=0.6, sci_threshold=0.1, grow_mask=3, subtract=True, verbose=True, reset=False): """Make a mask for pixels flagged as being affected by persistence Persistence products can be downloaded from, specifically the "_persist.fits" files. Parameters ---------- flt_file : str Filename of the WFC3/IR FLT exposure path : str Path to look for the "persist.fits" file. dq_value : int DQ bit to flip for flagged pixels err_threshold : float ERR array threshold for defining affected pixels: >>> flagged = persist > err_threshold*ERR grow_mask : int Factor by which to dilate the persistence mask. subtract : bool Subtract the persistence model itself from the SCI extension. reset : bool Unset `dq_value` bit. verbose : bool Print information to the terminal Returns ------- Nothing, updates the DQ extension of `flt_file`. """ import scipy.ndimage as nd flt =, mode='update') pers_file = os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(flt_file).replace('_flt.fits', '_persist.fits').replace('_rate.fits', '_persist.fits')) if not os.path.exists(pers_file): logstr = '# Persistence file {0} not found'.format(pers_file) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) # return 0 pers = if pers['SCI'].data.min() < -40: subtract = False pers_data = pers['SCI'].data*1 pers_data = np.maximum(pers_data, 0) pers_mask = pers['SCI'].data > err_threshold*flt['ERR'].data #pers_mask &= pers['SCI'].data > sci_threshold*flt['SCI'].data if grow_mask > 0: pers_mask = nd.maximum_filter(pers_mask*1, size=grow_mask) else: pers_mask = pers_mask * 1 NPERS = pers_mask.sum() logstr = '# {0}: flagged {1:d} pixels affected by persistence (pers/err={2:.2f})'.format(pers_file, NPERS, err_threshold) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) flt[0].header['PERSNPIX'] = (NPERS, 'Number of persistence-flagged pixels') flt[0].header['PERSLEVL'] = (err_threshold, 'Perristence threshold err_threshold') flt[0].header['PERSGROW'] = (grow_mask, 'Perristence mask dilation grow_mask') if reset: flt['DQ'].data -= (flt['DQ'].data & dq_value) if NPERS > 0: flt['DQ'].data[pers_mask > 0] |= dq_value if subtract: dont_subtract = False if 'SUBPERS' in flt[0].header: if flt[0].header['SUBPERS']: dont_subtract = True if not dont_subtract: flt['SCI'].data -= pers_data flt['ERR'].data = np.sqrt(flt['ERR'].data**2+pers_data**2) flt[0].header['SUBPERS'] = (True, 'Persistence model subtracted') flt.flush() flt.close()
[docs]def region_mask_from_ds9(ext=1): """ Get a region masks from a local DS9 window and make a table that can be sent to the `exposure_region_mask` database table. """ import time from .aws import db from .ds9 import DS9 d = DS9() rows = [] dataset = os.path.basename(d.get('file')) dataset = dataset.split('[')[0] regs = d.get('regions').split() for reg in regs: if reg.startswith('polygon'): sr = utils.SRegion(reg, wrap=False) rows.append([dataset, ext, sr.polystr()[0], time.time()]) tab = utils.GTable(rows=rows, names=['dataset','ext','region','time']) if False: db.send_to_database('exposure_region_mask', tab, if_exists='append') return tab
[docs]def apply_region_mask_from_db(flt_file, dq_value=1024, verbose=True, in_place=True): """ Query the `exposure_region_mask` table and apply masks Parameters ---------- flt_file : str Image filename dq_value : int Value to "OR" into the DQ extension verbose : bool Messaging in_place : bool Apply to DQ extension and resave `flt_file` Returns ------- region_mask : array-like If a region mask for `flt_file` is found in the database, return a mask array derived from the database footprint. Otherwise, return ``None``. """ try: from .aws import db except ImportError: return False try: masks = db.SQL(f"""select * from exposure_region_mask where dataset = '{os.path.basename(flt_file)}' """) except: logstr = f'# prep.apply_region_mask_from_db: query failed' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) return None if len(masks) == 0: return None with, mode='update') as im: sh = im['DQ'].data.shape yp, xp = np.indices(sh) coo = np.array([xp.flatten(), yp.flatten()]).T region_mask = np.zeros(sh, dtype=bool) for reg, ext in zip(masks['region'], masks['ext']): logstr = f'# prep.apply_region_mask_from_db: {flt_file}[{ext}] mask {reg}' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) sr = utils.SRegion(reg, wrap=False) region_mask |= sr.path[0].contains_points(coo).reshape(sh) if in_place: im['DQ',ext].data |= (region_mask*dq_value).astype(im['DQ',ext].data.dtype) im.flush() return region_mask
[docs]def apply_region_mask(flt_file, dq_value=1024, verbose=True): """Apply DQ mask from a DS9 region file Parameters ---------- flt_file : str Filename of a FLT exposure. The function searches for region files with filenames like >>> mask_file = flt_file.replace('_flt.fits','.{ext}.mask.reg') where ``{ext}`` is an integer referring to the SCI extension in the FLT file (1 for WFC3/IR, 1 or 2 for ACS/WFC and WFC3/UVIS). dq_value : int DQ bit to flip for affected pixels Returns ------- Nothing, but updates the ``DQ`` extension of `flt_file` if a mask file is found """ from regions import Regions mask_files = glob.glob('_'.join(flt_file.split('_')[:-1]) + '.*.mask.reg') if len(mask_files) == 0: return True logstr = '# Region mask for {0}: {1}'.format(flt_file, mask_files) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) flt =, mode='update') for mask_file in mask_files: ext = int(mask_file.split('.')[-3]) try: hdu = flt['SCI', ext] reg =, format='ds9')[0] reg_pix = reg.to_pixel(wcs=pywcs.WCS(hdu.header)) shape = mask = reg_pix.to_mask().to_image(shape=shape).astype(bool) except: # Above fails for lookup-table distortion (ACS / UVIS) # Here just assume the region file is defined in image coords reg =, format='ds9')[0] shape = flt['SCI', ext].data.shape mask = reg.to_mask().to_image(shape=shape).astype(bool) flt['DQ', ext].data[mask] |= dq_value flt.flush() return True
[docs]def apply_saturated_mask(flt_file, dq_value=1024, verbose=True): """Saturated WFC3/IR pixels have some pulldown in the opposite amplifier Parameters ---------- flt_file : str Filename of the FLT exposure dq_value : int DQ bit to flip for affected pixels Returns ------- Nothing, modifies DQ extension of `flt_file` in place. """ import scipy.ndimage as nd flt =, mode='update') sat = (((flt['DQ'].data & 256) > 0) & ((flt['DQ'].data & 4) == 0)) # Don't flag pixels in lower right corner sat[:80, -80:] = False # Flag only if a number of nearby pixels also saturated kern = np.ones((3, 3)) sat_grow = nd.convolve(sat*1, kern) sat_mask = (sat & (sat_grow > 2))[::-1, :]*1 NSAT = sat_mask.sum() logstr = '# {0}: flagged {1:d} pixels affected by saturation pulldown' logstr = logstr.format(flt_file, NSAT) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) if NSAT > 0: flt['DQ'].data[sat_mask > 0] |= dq_value flt.flush()
[docs]def clip_lists(input, output, clip=20): """Clip [x,y] arrays of objects that don't have a match within `clip` pixels in either direction Parameters ---------- input : (array, array) Input pixel/array coordinates output : (array, array) Output pixel/array coordinates clip : float Matching distance Returns ------- in_clip, out_clip : (array, array) Clipped coordinate lists """ import scipy.spatial tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(input, 10) # Forward N = output.shape[0] dist, ix = np.zeros(N), np.zeros(N, dtype=int) for j in range(N): dist[j], ix[j] = tree.query(output[j, :], k=1, distance_upper_bound=np.inf) ok = dist < clip out_clip = output[ok] if ok.sum() == 0: print('No matches within `clip={0:f}`'.format(clip)) return False # Backward tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(out_clip, 10) N = input.shape[0] dist, ix = np.zeros(N), np.zeros(N, dtype=int) for j in range(N): dist[j], ix[j] = tree.query(input[j, :], k=1, distance_upper_bound=np.inf) ok = dist < clip in_clip = input[ok] return in_clip, out_clip
[docs]def match_lists(input, output, transform=None, scl=3600., simple=True, outlier_threshold=5, toler=5, triangle_size_limit=[5, 800], triangle_ba_max=0.9, assume_close=False): """Compute matched objects and transformation between two (x,y) lists. Parameters ---------- input : (array, array) Input pixel/array coordinates output : (array, array) Output pixel/array coordinates transform : None, `skimage.transform` object Coordinate transformation model. If None, use `skimage.transform.EuclideanTransform`, i.e., shift & rotation scl : float Not used simple : bool Find matches manually within `outlier_threshold`. If False, find matches with `skimage.measure.ransac` and the specified `transform` outlier_threshold : float Match threshold for ``simple=False`` triangle_size_limit : (float, float) Size limit of matching triangles, generally set to something of order of the detector size triangle_ba_max : float Maximum length/height ratio of matching triangles assume_close : bool Not used Returns ------- input_ix : (array, array) Array indices of matches from `input` output_ix : (array, array) Array indices of matches from `output` outliers : (array, array) Array indices of outliers model : transform Instance of the `transform` object based on the matches """ import copy from astropy.table import Table import skimage.transform from skimage.measure import ransac import stsci.stimage try: import tristars from tristars.match import match_catalog_tri except ImportError: print(""" Couldn't `import tristars`. Get it from to enable improved blind astrometric matching with triangle asterisms. """) if transform is None: transform = skimage.transform.EuclideanTransform # print 'xyxymatch' if (len(output) == 0) | (len(input) == 0): print('No entries!') return input, output, None, transform() try: pair_ix = match_catalog_tri(input, output, maxKeep=10, auto_keep=3, auto_transform=transform, auto_limit=outlier_threshold, size_limit=triangle_size_limit, ignore_rot=False, ignore_scale=True, ba_max=triangle_ba_max) input_ix = pair_ix[:, 0] output_ix = pair_ix[:, 1] msg = ' tristars.match: Nin={0}, Nout={1}, match={2}' print(msg.format(len(input), len(output), len(output_ix))) # if False: # fig = match.match_diagnostic_plot(input, output, pair_ix, tf=None, new_figure=True) # fig.savefig('/tmp/xtristars.png') # plt.close(fig) # # tform = get_transform(input, output, pair_ix, transform=transform, use_ransac=True) except: utils.log_exception(utils.LOGFILE, traceback) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, "# ! tristars failed") match = stsci.stimage.xyxymatch(copy.copy(input), copy.copy(output), origin=np.median(input, axis=0), mag=(1.0, 1.0), rotation=(0.0, 0.0), ref_origin=np.median(input, axis=0), algorithm='tolerance', tolerance=toler, separation=0.5, nmatch=10, maxratio=10.0, nreject=10) m = Table(match) output_ix = m['ref_idx'].data input_ix = m['input_idx'].data print(' xyxymatch.match: Nin={0}, Nout={1}, match={2}'.format(len(input), len(output), len(output_ix))) tf = transform() tf.estimate(input[input_ix, :], output[output_ix]) if not simple: model, inliers = ransac((input[input_ix, :], output[output_ix, :]), transform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=3, max_trials=100) # Iterate if inliers.sum() > 2: m_i, in_i = ransac((input[input_ix[inliers], :], output[output_ix[inliers], :]), transform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=3, max_trials=100) if in_i.sum() > 2: model = m_i inliers[np.arange(len(inliers), dtype=np.int32)[inliers][in_i]] = False outliers = ~inliers mout = model(input[input_ix, :]) dx = mout - output[output_ix] else: model = tf # Compute statistics if len(input_ix) > 10: mout = tf(input[input_ix, :]) dx = mout - output[output_ix] dr = np.sqrt(np.sum(dx**2, axis=1)) outliers = dr > outlier_threshold else: outliers = np.zeros(len(input_ix), dtype=bool) return input_ix, output_ix, outliers, model
[docs]def align_drizzled_image(root='', mag_limits=[14, 23], radec=None, NITER=3, clip=20, log=True, outlier_threshold=5, verbose=True, guess=[0., 0., 0., 1], simple=True, rms_limit=2, use_guess=False, triangle_size_limit=[5, 1800], max_sources=200, triangle_ba_max=0.9, max_err_percentile=99, catalog_mask_pad=0.05, min_flux_radius=1., min_nexp=2, match_catalog_density=None, assume_close=False, ref_border=100, transform=None, refine_final_niter=8): """Pipeline for astrometric alignment of drizzled image products 1. Generate source catalog from image mosaics 2. Trim catalog lists 3. Find matches and compute (shift, rot, scale) transform Parameters ---------- root : str Image product rootname, passed to `~grizli.prep.make_SEP_catalog` mag_limits : (float, float) AB magnitude limits of objects in the image catalog to use for the alignment radec : str or (array, array) Reference catalog positions (ra, dec). If `str`, will read from a file with `np.loadtxt`, assuming just two columns NITER : int Number of matching/transform iterations to perform clip : float If positive, then coordinate arrays will be clipped with `~grizli.prep.clip_lists`. log : bool Write results to `wcs.log` file and make a diagnostic figure verbose : bool Print status message to console guess : list Initial guess for alignment: >>> guess = [0., 0., 0., 1] >>> guess = [xshift, yshift, rot, scale] use_guess : bool Use the `guess` rms_limit : float If transform RMS exceeds this threshold, use null [0,0,0,1] transform simple : bool Parameter for `~grizli.prep.match_lists` outlier_threshold : float Parameter for `~grizli.prep.match_lists` triangle_size_limit : (float, float) Parameter for `~grizli.prep.match_lists` triangle_ba_max : float Parameter for `~grizli.prep.match_lists` max_sources : int Maximum number of sources to use for the matches. Triangle matching combinatorics become slow for hundreds of sources max_err_percentile : float Only use sources where weight image is greater than this percentile to try to limit spurious sources in low-weight regions (`~grizli.utils.catalog_mask`) catalog_mask_pad : float Mask sources outside of this fractional size of the image dimensions to try to limit spurius sources (`~grizli.utils.catalog_mask`) match_catalog_density : bool, None Try to roughly match the surface density of the reference and target source lists, where the latter is sorted by brightness to try to reduce spurious triangle matches assume_close : bool not used ref_border : float Only include reference sources within `ref_border` pixels of the target image, as calculated from the original image WCS transform : None, `skimage.transform` object Coordinate transformation model. If None, use `skimage.transform.EuclideanTransform`, i.e., shift & rotation refine_final_niter : int Number of final alignment iterations to derive the transform from simple nearest neighbor matches after the initial `tristars` pattern matching Returns ------- orig_wcs : `~astropy.wcs.WCS` Original WCS drz_wcs : `~astropy.wcs.WCS` Transformed WCS out_shift : (float, float) Translation, pixels out_rot : float Rotation (degrees) out_scale : float Scale """ import skimage.transform from skimage.measure import ransac frame = inspect.currentframe() utils.log_function_arguments(utils.LOGFILE, frame, 'prep.align_drizzled_image') if not os.path.exists('{0}.cat.fits'.format(root)): #cat = make_drz_catalog(root=root) cat = make_SEP_catalog(root=root) else: cat = utils.read_catalog('{0}.cat.fits'.format(root)) if hasattr(radec, 'upper'): rd_ref = np.loadtxt(radec) radec_comment = radec if match_catalog_density is None: match_catalog_density = '.cat.radec' not in radec elif radec is False: # Align to self, i.e., do nothing so = np.argsort(cat['MAG_AUTO']) rd_ref = np.array([cat['X_WORLD'], cat['Y_WORLD']]).T[so[:50], :] radec_comment = 'self catalog' if match_catalog_density is None: match_catalog_density = False else: rd_ref = radec*1 radec_comment = 'input arrays (N={0})'.format(rd_ref.shape) if match_catalog_density is None: match_catalog_density = False # Clip obviously distant files to speed up match # rd_cat = np.array([cat['X_WORLD'], cat['Y_WORLD']]) # rd_cat_center = np.median(rd_cat, axis=1) # cosdec = np.array([np.cos(rd_cat_center[1]/180*np.pi),1]) # dr_cat = np.sqrt(np.sum((rd_cat.T-rd_cat_center)**2*cosdec**2, axis=1)) # # #print('xxx', rd_ref.shape, rd_cat_center.shape, cosdec.shape) # # dr = np.sqrt(np.sum((rd_ref-rd_cat_center)**2*cosdec**2, axis=1)) # # rd_ref = rd_ref[dr < 1.1*dr_cat.max(),:] if len(mag_limits) == 1: ok = (cat['MAGERR_AUTO'] < 0.1) else: ok = (cat['MAG_AUTO'] > mag_limits[0]) & (cat['MAG_AUTO'] < mag_limits[1]) if len(mag_limits) > 2: ok &= cat['MAGERR_AUTO'] < mag_limits[2] else: ok &= cat['MAGERR_AUTO'] < 0.05 if ok.sum() == 0: print('{0}.cat: no objects found in magnitude range {1}'.format(root, mag_limits)) return False # Edge and error mask ok_mask = utils.catalog_mask(cat, max_err_percentile=max_err_percentile, pad=catalog_mask_pad, pad_is_absolute=False, min_flux_radius=min_flux_radius, min_nexp=min_nexp) if len(mag_limits) == 1: # First 100 valid sources _mag = cat['MAG_AUTO']*1 _mag[~ok_mask] = np.inf so = np.argsort(_mag) ok = ok_mask & (so > 2) & (so < 102) else: ok &= ok_mask if max_err_percentile >= 200: med_err = np.median(cat['FLUXERR_APER_0'][ok]) max_err = med_err*np.sqrt(2) ok_err = cat['FLUXERR_APER_0'] < max_err if ok_err.sum() > 5: ok &= ok_err xy_drz = np.array([cat['X_IMAGE'][ok], cat['Y_IMAGE'][ok]]).T drz_file = glob.glob('{0}_dr[zc]_sci.fits'.format(root))[0] drz_im = sh = drz_im[0].data.shape drz_wcs = pywcs.WCS(drz_im[0].header, relax=True) orig_wcs = drz_wcs.copy() if use_guess: drz_wcs = utils.transform_wcs(drz_wcs, guess[:2], guess[2], guess[3]) return orig_wcs, drz_wcs, guess[:2], guess[2]/np.pi*180, guess[3] ########## # Only include reference objects in the DRZ footprint pix_origin = 1 ref_x, ref_y = drz_wcs.all_world2pix(rd_ref, pix_origin).T if hasattr(drz_wcs, '_naxis1'): nx1, nx2 = drz_wcs._naxis1, drz_wcs._naxis2 else: nx1, nx2 = drz_wcs._naxis ref_cut = (ref_x > -ref_border) & (ref_x < nx1+ref_border) ref_cut &= (ref_y > -ref_border) & (ref_y < nx2+ref_border) if ref_cut.sum() == 0: print(f'{root}: no reference objects found in the DRZ footprint') return False rd_ref = rd_ref[ref_cut, :] ######## # Match surface density of drizzled and reference catalogs if match_catalog_density: icut = np.minimum(ok.sum()-2, int(2*ref_cut.sum())) # acat = utils.hull_area(cat['X_WORLD'][ok], cat['Y_WORLD'][ok]) # aref = utils.hull_area(rd_ref[:,0], rd_ref[:,1]) cut = np.argsort(cat['MAG_AUTO'][ok])[:icut] xy_drz = np.array([cat['X_IMAGE'][ok][cut], cat['Y_IMAGE'][ok][cut]]).T else: # Limit to brightest X objects icut = 400 cut = np.argsort(cat['MAG_AUTO'][ok])[:icut] xy_drz = np.array([cat['X_IMAGE'][ok][cut], cat['Y_IMAGE'][ok][cut]]).T logstr = '# wcs {0} radec="{1}"; Ncat={2}; Nref={3}' logstr = logstr.format(root, radec, xy_drz.shape[0], rd_ref.shape[0]) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=True) #out_shift, out_rot, out_scale = np.zeros(2), 0., 1. out_shift, out_rot, out_scale = guess[:2], guess[2], guess[3] drz_wcs = utils.transform_wcs(drz_wcs, out_shift, out_rot, out_scale) logstr = '# wcs {0} (guess) : {1:6.2f} {2:6.2f} {3:7.3f} {4:7.3f}' logstr = logstr.format(root, guess[0], guess[1], guess[2]/np.pi*180, 1./guess[3]) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=True) drz_crpix = drz_wcs.wcs.crpix NGOOD, rms = 0, 0 for iter in range(NITER): #print('xx iter {0} {1}'.format(iter, NITER)) xy = np.array(drz_wcs.all_world2pix(rd_ref, pix_origin)) pix = np.cast[int](np.round(xy)).T # Find objects where drz pixels are non-zero okp = (pix[0, :] > 0) & (pix[1, :] > 0) okp &= (pix[0, :] < sh[1]) & (pix[1, :] < sh[0]) ok2 = drz_im[0].data[pix[1, okp], pix[0, okp]] != 0 N = ok2.sum() if clip > 0: status = clip_lists(xy_drz-drz_crpix, xy+0-drz_crpix, clip=clip) if not status: print('Problem xxx') input, output = status else: input, output = xy_drz+0.-drz_crpix, xy+0-drz_crpix if len(input) > max_sources: msg = 'Clip input list ({0}) to {1} objects' print(msg.format(len(input), max_sources)) ix = np.argsort(np.arange(len(input)))[:max_sources] input = input[ix, :] if len(output) > max_sources: msg = 'Clip output list ({0}) to {1} objects' print(msg.format(len(input), max_sources)) ix = np.argsort(np.arange(len(output)))[:max_sources] output = output[ix, :] toler = 5 titer = 0 while (titer < 3): try: res = match_lists(output, input, scl=1., simple=simple, outlier_threshold=outlier_threshold, toler=toler, triangle_size_limit=triangle_size_limit, triangle_ba_max=triangle_ba_max, assume_close=assume_close, transform=transform) output_ix, input_ix, outliers, tf = res break except: toler += 5 titer += 1 #print(output.shape, output_ix.shape, output_ix.min(), output_ix.max(), titer, toler, input_ix.shape, input.shape) titer = 0 while (len(input_ix)*1./len(input) < 0.1) & (titer < 3): titer += 1 toler += 5 try: res = match_lists(output, input, scl=1., simple=simple, outlier_threshold=outlier_threshold, toler=toler, triangle_size_limit=triangle_size_limit, triangle_ba_max=triangle_ba_max, assume_close=assume_close, transform=transform) except: pass output_ix, input_ix, outliers, tf = res #print(output.shape, output_ix.shape, output_ix.min(), output_ix.max(), titer, toler, input_ix.shape, input.shape) tf_out = tf(output[output_ix]) dx = input[input_ix] - tf_out rms = utils.nmad(np.sqrt((dx**2).sum(axis=1))) if len(outliers) > 20: outliers = (np.sqrt((dx**2).sum(axis=1)) > 4*rms) else: outliers = (np.sqrt((dx**2).sum(axis=1)) > 10*rms) if outliers.sum() > 0: res2 = match_lists(output[output_ix][~outliers], input[input_ix][~outliers], scl=1., simple=simple, outlier_threshold=outlier_threshold, toler=toler, triangle_size_limit=triangle_size_limit, triangle_ba_max=triangle_ba_max, transform=transform) output_ix2, input_ix2, outliers2, tf = res2 # print('xxx') # import tristars.match # pair_ix = np.zeros((len(output_ix), 2), dtype=int) # pair_ix[:,0] = output_ix # pair_ix[:,1] = input_ix # print(output_ix, input_ix, len(output), len(input)) # # fig = tristars.match.match_diagnostic_plot(output, input, pair_ix, tf=tf, new_figure=True) # fig.savefig('xxx.png') # Log shift = tf.translation if hasattr(tf, 'scale'): _tfscale = tf.scale else: _tfscale = 1.0 NGOOD = (~outliers).sum() logstr = '# wcs {0} ({1:d}) {2:d}: {3:6.2f} {4:6.2f} {5:7.3f} {6:7.3f} {7:.2f}' logstr = logstr.format(root, iter, NGOOD, shift[0], shift[1], tf.rotation/np.pi*180, 1./_tfscale, rms) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) out_shift += tf.translation out_rot -= tf.rotation out_scale *= _tfscale drz_wcs = utils.transform_wcs(drz_wcs, tf.translation, tf.rotation, _tfscale) # drz_wcs.wcs.crpix += tf.translation # theta = -tf.rotation # _mat = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], # [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]]) # # =, _mat)/tf.scale # Bad fit if (rms > rms_limit) | (NGOOD < 3): drz_wcs = orig_wcs out_shift = [0, 0] out_rot = 0. out_scale = 1. log = False elif refine_final_niter > 0: # Refine from full match cref = utils.GTable() cref['ra'], cref['dec'] = rd_ref.T logstr = "\n# align_drizzled_image: final refinement {0} iters\n" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr.format(refine_final_niter), verbose=verbose) for _iter in range(refine_final_niter): ra_new, dec_new = drz_wcs.all_pix2world(cat['X_IMAGE'], cat['Y_IMAGE'], 1) cnew = utils.GTable() cnew['ra'], cnew['dec'] = ra_new, dec_new idx, dr = cref.match_to_catalog_sky(cnew) transform = skimage.transform.EuclideanTransform tf = transform() input_pix = np.array([cat['X_IMAGE'], cat['Y_IMAGE']]).T output_pix = drz_wcs.all_world2pix(cref['ra'], cref['dec'], 1) output_pix = np.array(output_pix)[:,idx].T dx = input_pix - output_pix dx1 = np.sqrt((dx**2).sum(axis=1)) rms_clip = [1,5] if hasattr(radec, 'upper'): # Larger clipping tolerance for ground-based reference catalogs if ('ls_dr9' in radec) | ('_ps1' in radec): rms_clip = [3, 8] hasm = dx1 < np.clip(3*rms, *rms_clip) if hasm.sum() < 10: so = np.argsort(dx1) hasm = dx1 < dx1[so][10] dx = dx[hasm] rms = utils.nmad(np.sqrt((dx**2).sum(axis=1))) tf.estimate(output_pix[hasm] - drz_crpix, input_pix[hasm] - drz_crpix) shift = tf.translation if hasattr(tf, 'scale'): _tfscale = tf.scale else: _tfscale = 1.0 NGOOD = hasm.sum() logstr = '# wcs {0} ({1:d}) {2:d}: {3:6.2f} {4:6.2f} {5:7.3f} {6:7.3f} {7:.2f}' logstr = logstr.format(root, _iter, NGOOD, shift[0], shift[1], tf.rotation/np.pi*180, 1./_tfscale, rms) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) out_shift += tf.translation out_rot -= tf.rotation out_scale *= _tfscale drz_wcs = utils.transform_wcs(drz_wcs, tf.translation, tf.rotation, _tfscale) else: tf_out = tf(output[output_ix][~outliers]) dx = input[input_ix][~outliers] - tf_out if log: rms = utils.nmad(np.sqrt((dx**2).sum(axis=1))) interactive_status = plt.rcParams['interactive'] plt.ioff() fig = plt.figure(figsize=[6., 6.]) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.scatter(dx[:, 0], dx[:, 1], alpha=0.5, color='b') ax.scatter([0], [0], marker='+', color='red', s=40) ax.set_xlabel(r'$dx$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$dy$') ax.set_title(root) ax.set_xlim(-7*rms, 7*rms) ax.set_ylim(-7*rms, 7*rms) ax.grid() fig.tight_layout(pad=0.1) fig.savefig('{0}_wcs.png'.format(root)) plt.close() if interactive_status: plt.ion() log_wcs(root, orig_wcs, out_shift, out_rot/np.pi*180, out_scale, rms, n=NGOOD, initialize=False, comment=['radec: {0}'.format(radec_comment)]) return orig_wcs, drz_wcs, out_shift, out_rot/np.pi*180, out_scale
[docs]def update_wcs_fits_log(file, wcs_ref, xyscale=[0, 0, 0, 1], initialize=True, replace=('.fits', '.wcslog.fits'), wcsname='SHIFT'): """ Make FITS log when updating WCS """ new_hdu = wcs_ref.to_fits(relax=True)[0] new_hdu.header['XSHIFT'] = xyscale[0] new_hdu.header['YSHIFT'] = xyscale[1] new_hdu.header['ROT'] = xyscale[2], 'WCS fit rotation, degrees' new_hdu.header['SCALE'] = xyscale[3], 'WCS fit scale' new_hdu.header['WCSNAME'] = wcsname wcs_logfile = file.replace(replace[0], replace[1]) if os.path.exists(wcs_logfile): if initialize: os.remove(wcs_logfile) hdu = pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU()]) else: hdu = else: hdu = pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU()]) hdu.append(new_hdu) hdu.writeto(wcs_logfile, overwrite=True, output_verify='fix')
[docs]def log_wcs(root, drz_wcs, shift, rot, scale, rms=0., n=-1, initialize=True, comment=[]): """Save WCS offset information to an ascii file """ if (not os.path.exists('{0}_wcs.log'.format(root))) | initialize: print('Initialize {0}_wcs.log'.format(root)) orig_hdul = pyfits.HDUList() fp = open('{0}_wcs.log'.format(root), 'w') fp.write('# ext xshift yshift rot scale rms N\n') for c in comment: fp.write('# {0}\n'.format(c)) fp.write('# {0}\n'.format(root)) count = 0 else: orig_hdul ='{0}_wcs.fits'.format(root)) fp = open('{0}_wcs.log'.format(root), 'a') count = len(orig_hdul) hdu = drz_wcs.to_fits()[0] hdu.header['XSHIFT'] = shift[0] hdu.header['YSHIFT'] = shift[1] hdu.header['ROT'] = rot, 'WCS fit rotation, degrees' hdu.header['SCALE'] = scale, 'WCS fit scale' hdu.header['FIT_RMS'] = rot, 'WCS fit RMS' hdu.header['FIT_N'] = n, 'Number of sources in WCS fit' hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'WCS' for i, e in enumerate(orig_hdul): orig_hdul[e].header['EXTNAME'] = f'WCS{i}' orig_hdul.append(hdu) orig_hdul.writeto('{0}_wcs.fits'.format(root), overwrite=True) fp.write('{0:5d} {1:13.4f} {2:13.4f} {3:13.4f} {4:13.5f} {5:13.3f} {6:4d}\n'.format( count, shift[0], shift[1], rot, scale, rms, n)) fp.close()
SEXTRACTOR_DEFAULT_PARAMS = ["NUMBER", "X_IMAGE", "Y_IMAGE", "X_WORLD", "Y_WORLD", "A_IMAGE", "B_IMAGE", "THETA_IMAGE", "MAG_AUTO", "MAGERR_AUTO", "FLUX_AUTO", "FLUXERR_AUTO", "FLUX_RADIUS", "BACKGROUND", "FLAGS"] # Aperture *Diameters* SEXTRACTOR_PHOT_APERTURES = "6, 8.33335, 11.66667, 16.66667, 20, 25, 50" SEXTRACTOR_PHOT_APERTURES_ARCSEC = [float(ap)*0.06*u.arcsec for ap in SEXTRACTOR_PHOT_APERTURES.split(',')] SEXTRACTOR_CONFIG_3DHST = {'DETECT_MINAREA': 14, 'DEBLEND_NTHRESH': 32, 'DEBLEND_MINCONT': 0.005, 'FILTER_NAME': '/usr/local/share/sextractor/gauss_3.0_7x7.conv', 'FILTER': 'Y'} # /usr/local/share/sextractor/gauss_3.0_7x7.conv GAUSS_3_7x7 = np.array( [[0.0049, 0.0213, 0.0513, 0.0687, 0.0513, 0.0213, 0.0049], [0.0213, 0.0921, 0.2211, 0.2960, 0.2211, 0.0921, 0.0213], [0.0513, 0.2211, 0.5307, 0.7105, 0.5307, 0.2211, 0.0513], [0.0687, 0.2960, 0.7105, 0.9511, 0.7105, 0.2960, 0.0687], [0.0513, 0.2211, 0.5307, 0.7105, 0.5307, 0.2211, 0.0513], [0.0213, 0.0921, 0.2211, 0.2960, 0.2211, 0.0921, 0.0213], [0.0049, 0.0213, 0.0513, 0.0687, 0.0513, 0.0213, 0.0049]]) # Try to match 3D-HST detection SEP_DETECT_PARAMS_3DHST = {'minarea': 9, 'filter_kernel': GAUSS_3_7x7, 'filter_type': 'conv', 'clean': True, 'clean_param': 1, 'deblend_nthresh': 32, 'deblend_cont': 0.005} # More agressive deblending SEP_DETECT_PARAMS = {'minarea': 9, 'filter_kernel': GAUSS_3_7x7, 'filter_type': 'conv', 'clean': True, 'clean_param': 1, 'deblend_nthresh': 32, 'deblend_cont': 0.001}
[docs]def make_SEP_FLT_catalog(flt_file, ext=1, column_case=str.upper, **kwargs): """ Make a catalog from a FLT file (Not used) """ import as pyfits import astropy.wcs as pywcs im = sci = im['SCI', ext].data - im['SCI', ext].header['MDRIZSKY'] err = im['ERR', ext].data mask = im['DQ', ext].data > 0 ZP = utils.calc_header_zeropoint(im, ext=('SCI', ext)) try: wcs = pywcs.WCS(im['SCI', ext].header, fobj=im) except: wcs = None tab, seg = make_SEP_catalog_from_arrays(sci, err, mask, wcs=wcs, ZP=ZP, **kwargs) tab.meta['ABZP'] = ZP tab.meta['FILTER'] = utils.parse_filter_from_header(im[0].header) tab['mag_auto'] = ZP - 2.5*np.log10(tab['flux']) for c in tab.colnames: tab.rename_column(c, column_case(c)) return tab, seg
[docs]def make_SEP_catalog_from_arrays(sci, err, mask, wcs=None, threshold=2., ZP=25, get_background=True, detection_params=SEP_DETECT_PARAMS, segmentation_map=False, exposure_footprints=None, verbose=True): """ Make a catalog from arrays using `sep` Parameters ---------- sci : 2D array Data array err : 2D array Uncertainties in same units as `sci` mask : bool array `sep` masks values where ``mask > 0`` wcs : `~astropy.wcs.WCS` WCS associated with data arrays thresh : float Detection threshold for `sep.extract` ZP : float AB magnitude zeropoint of data arrays get_background : bool not used detection_params : dict Keyword arguments for `sep.extract` segmentation_map : bool Also create a segmentation map exposure_footprints : list, None An optional list of objects that can be parsed with `sregion.SRegion`. If specified, add a column ``nexp`` to the catalog corresponding to the number of entries in the list that overlap with a particular source position verbose : bool Print status messages Returns ------- tab : `~astropy.table.Table` Source catalog seg : array, None Segmentation map, if requested """ import copy import astropy.units as u try: import sep except ImportError: print(""" Couldn't `import sep`. SExtractor replaced with SEP in April 2018. Install with `pip install sep`. """) logstr = 'make_SEP_catalog_from_arrays: sep version = {0}'.format(sep.__version__) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) if sep.__version__ < '1.1': print("""!!!!!!!!!! ! SEP version = {0} ! Get >= 1.10.0 to enable segmentation masking, e.g., ! $ pip install git+ !!!!!!!!!! """.format(sep.__version__)) uJy_to_dn = 1/(3631*1e6*10**(-0.4*ZP)) if sci.dtype != np.float32: sci_data = sci.byteswap().newbyteorder() else: sci_data = sci if err.dtype != np.float32: err_data = err.byteswap().newbyteorder() else: err_data = err if segmentation_map: objects, seg = sep.extract(sci_data, threshold, err=err_data, mask=mask, segmentation_map=True, **detection_params) else: objects = sep.extract(sci_data, threshold, err=err_data, mask=mask, segmentation_map=False, **detection_params) seg = None tab = utils.GTable(objects) if wcs is not None: tab['ra'], tab['dec'] = wcs.all_pix2world(tab['x'], tab['y'], 0) tab['ra'].unit = u.deg tab['dec'].unit = u.deg tab['x_world'], tab['y_world'] = tab['ra'], tab['dec'] # Exposure footprints #-------------------- if (exposure_footprints is not None) & ('ra' in tab.colnames): tab['nexp'] = catalog_exposure_overlaps(tab['ra'], tab['dec'], exposure_footprints=exposure_footprints) tab['nexp'].description = 'Number of overlapping exposures' return tab, seg
[docs]def catalog_exposure_overlaps(ra, dec, exposure_footprints=[]): """ Count number of items in a list of footprints overlap with catalog positions Parameters ---------- ra, dec : array-like Celestial coordinates exposure_footprints : list, None An optional list of objects that can be parsed with `sregion.SRegion`. If specified, add a column ``nexp`` to the catalog corresponding to the number of entries in the list that overlap with a particular source position Returns ------- nexp : array-like Count of elements in ``exposure_footprints`` that overlap with entries in ``ra``, ``dec`` """ _coo = np.array([ra, dec]).T nexp = np.zeros(len(ra), dtype=int) for fp in exposure_footprints: try: if isinstance(fp, str): # string _fpiter = [fp] elif hasattr(fp, '__len__'): # List of shapely polygons _fpiter = fp else: # Single polygon _fpiter = [fp] for _fp in _fpiter: sr = utils.SRegion(_fp) for pa in sr.path: nexp += pa.contains_points(_coo) except: continue return nexp
[docs]def get_SEP_flag_dict(): """Get dictionary of SEP integer flags Returns ------- flags : dict Dictionary of the integer `sep` detection flags, which are set as attributes on the `sep` module """ try: import sep except ImportError: print(""" Couldn't `import sep`. SExtractor replaced with SEP in April 2018. Install with `pip install sep`. """) flags = OrderedDict() for f in ['OBJ_MERGED', 'OBJ_TRUNC', 'OBJ_DOVERFLOW', 'OBJ_SINGU', 'APER_TRUNC', 'APER_HASMASKED', 'APER_ALLMASKED', 'APER_NONPOSITIVE']: flags[f] = getattr(sep, f) return flags
[docs]def make_SEP_catalog(root='', sci=None, wht=None, threshold=2., get_background=True, bkg_only=False, bkg_params={'bw': 32, 'bh': 32, 'fw': 3, 'fh': 3}, verbose=True, phot_apertures=SEXTRACTOR_PHOT_APERTURES, aper_segmask=False, rescale_weight=True, err_scale=-np.inf, use_bkg_err=False, column_case=str.upper, save_to_fits=True, include_wcs_extension=True, source_xy=None, compute_auto_quantities=True, autoparams=[2.5, 0.35*u.arcsec, 2.4, 3.8], flux_radii=[0.2, 0.5, 0.9], subpix=0, mask_kron=False, max_total_corr=2, detection_params=SEP_DETECT_PARAMS, bkg_mask=None, pixel_scale=0.06, log=False, gain=2000., extract_pixstack=int(3e7), sub_object_limit=4096, exposure_footprints=None, **kwargs): """Make a catalog from drizzle products using the SEP implementation of SourceExtractor Parameters ---------- root : str Rootname of the FITS images to use for source extraction. This function is designed to work with the single-image products from `drizzlepac`, so the default data/science image is searched by >>> drz_file = glob.glob(f'{root}_dr[zc]_sci.fits*')[0] Note that this will find and use gzipped versions of the images, if necessary. The associated weight image filename is then assumed to be >>> weight_file = drz_file.replace('_sci.fits', '_wht.fits') >>> weight_file = weight_file.replace('_drz.fits', '_wht.fits') sci, wht : str Filenames to override `drz_file` and `weight_file` derived from the ``root`` parameter. threshold : float Detection threshold for `sep.extract` get_background : bool Compute the background with `sep.Background` bkg_only : bool If `True`, then just return the background data array and don't run the source detection bkg_params : dict Keyword arguments for `sep.Background`. Note that this can include a separate optional keyword ``pixel_scale`` that indicates that the background sizes `bw`, `bh` are set for a paraticular pixel size. They will be scaled to the pixel dimensions of the target images using the pixel scale derived from the image WCS. verbose : bool Print status messages phot_apertures : str or array-like Photometric aperture *diameters*. If given as a string then assume units of pixels. If an array or list, can have units, e.g., `astropy.units.arcsec`. aper_segmask : bool If true, then run SEP photometry with segmentation masking. This requires the sep fork at, or `sep >= 1.10.0`. rescale_weight : bool If true, then a scale factor is calculated from the ratio of the weight image to the variance estimated by `sep.Background`. err_scale : float Explicit value to use for the weight scaling, rather than calculating with `rescale_weight`. Only used if ``err_scale > 0`` use_bkg_err : bool If true, then use the full error array derived by `sep.Background`. This is turned off by default in order to preserve the pixel-to-pixel variation in the drizzled weight maps. column_case : func Function to apply to the catalog column names. E.g., the default `str.upper` results in uppercase column names save_to_fits : bool Save catalog FITS file ``{root}.cat.fits`` include_wcs_extension : bool An extension will be added to the FITS catalog with the detection image WCS source_xy : (x, y) or (ra, dec) arrays Force extraction positions. If the arrays have units, then pass them through the header WCS. If no units, positions are *zero indexed* array coordinates. To run with segmentation masking (`1sep > 1.10``), also provide `aseg` and `aseg_id` arrays with `source_xy`, like >>> source_xy = ra, dec, aseg, aseg_id compute_auto_quantities : bool Compute Kron/auto-like quantities with `~grizli.prep.compute_SEP_auto_params` autoparams : list Parameters of Kron/AUTO calculations with `~grizli.prep.compute_SEP_auto_params`. flux_radii : list Light fraction radii to compute with `~grizli.prep.compute_SEP_auto_params`, e.g., ``[0.5]`` will calculate the half-light radius (``FLUX_RADIUS``) subpix : int Pixel oversampling mask_kron : bool Not used max_total_corr : float Not used detection_params : dict Parameters passed to `sep.extract` bkg_mask : array Additional mask to apply to `sep.Background` calculation pixel_scale : float Not used log : bool Send log message to `grizli.utils.LOGFILE` gain : float Gain value passed to `sep.sum_circle` extract_pixstack : int See `sep.set_extract_pixstack` sub_object_limit : int See `sep.set_sub_object_limit` exposure_footprints : list, None An optional list of objects that can be parsed with `sregion.SRegion`. If specified, add a column ``nexp`` to the catalog corresponding to the number of entries in the list that overlap with a particular source position Returns ------- tab : `~astropy.table.Table` Source catalog """ if log: frame = inspect.currentframe() utils.log_function_arguments(utils.LOGFILE, frame, 'prep.make_SEP_catalog', verbose=True) import copy import astropy.units as u try: import sep except ImportError: print(""" Couldn't `import sep`. SExtractor replaced with SEP in April 2018. Install with `pip install sep`. """) sep.set_extract_pixstack(extract_pixstack) sep.set_sub_object_limit(sub_object_limit) logstr = 'make_SEP_catalog: sep version = {0}'.format(sep.__version__) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) if sep.__version__ < '1.1': print("""!!!!!!!!!! ! SEP version = {0} ! Get >= 1.10.0 to enable segmentation masking, e.g., ! $ pip install git+ !!!!!!!!!! """.format(sep.__version__)) if sci is not None: drz_file = sci else: drz_file = glob.glob(f'{root}_dr[zc]_sci.fits*')[0] im = # Filter drz_filter = utils.parse_filter_from_header(im[0].header) if 'PHOTPLAM' in im[0].header: drz_photplam = im[0].header['PHOTPLAM'] else: drz_photplam = None # Get AB zeropoint ZP = utils.calc_header_zeropoint(im, ext=0) logstr = 'sep: Image AB zeropoint = {0:.3f}'.format(ZP) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose, show_date=True) # Scale fluxes to mico-Jy uJy_to_dn = 1/(3631*1e6*10**(-0.4*ZP)) if wht is not None: weight_file = wht else: weight_file = drz_file.replace('_sci.fits', '_wht.fits') weight_file = weight_file.replace('_drz.fits', '_wht.fits') if (weight_file == drz_file) | (not os.path.exists(weight_file)): WEIGHT_TYPE = "NONE" weight_file = None else: WEIGHT_TYPE = "MAP_WEIGHT" drz_im = data = drz_im[0].data.byteswap().newbyteorder() try: wcs = pywcs.WCS(drz_im[0].header) wcs_header = utils.to_header(wcs) pixel_scale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(wcs) # arcsec except: wcs = None wcs_header = drz_im[0].header.copy() pixel_scale = np.sqrt(wcs_header['CD1_1']**2+wcs_header['CD1_2']**2) pixel_scale *= 3600. # arcsec # Add some header keywords to the wcs header for k in ['EXPSTART', 'EXPEND', 'EXPTIME']: if k in drz_im[0].header: wcs_header[k] = drz_im[0].header[k] if isinstance(phot_apertures, str): apertures = np.cast[float](phot_apertures.replace(',', '').split()) else: apertures = [] for ap in phot_apertures: if hasattr(ap, 'unit'): apertures.append( else: apertures.append(ap) # Do we need to compute the error from the wht image? need_err = (not use_bkg_err) | (not get_background) if (weight_file is not None) & need_err: wht_im = wht_data = wht_im[0].data.byteswap().newbyteorder() err = 1/np.sqrt(wht_data) del(wht_data) # True mask pixels are masked with sep mask = (~np.isfinite(err)) | (err == 0) | (~np.isfinite(data)) err[mask] = 0 wht_im.close() del(wht_im) else: # True mask pixels are masked with sep mask = (data == 0) | (~np.isfinite(data)) err = None try: drz_im.close() del(drz_im) except: pass data_mask = np.cast[data.dtype](mask) if get_background | (err_scale < 0) | (use_bkg_err): # Account for pixel scale in bkg_params bkg_input = {} if 'pixel_scale' in bkg_params: bkg_pscale = bkg_params['pixel_scale'] else: bkg_pscale = pixel_scale for k in bkg_params: if k in ['pixel_scale']: continue if k in ['bw', 'bh']: bkg_input[k] = bkg_params[k]*bkg_pscale/pixel_scale else: bkg_input[k] = bkg_params[k] logstr = 'SEP: Get background {0}'.format(bkg_input) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose, show_date=True) if bkg_mask is not None: bkg = sep.Background(data, mask=mask | bkg_mask, **bkg_input) else: bkg = sep.Background(data, mask=mask, **bkg_input) bkg_data = bkg.back() if bkg_only: return bkg_data if get_background == 2: bkg_file = '{0}_bkg.fits'.format(root) if os.path.exists(bkg_file): logstr = 'SEP: use background file {0}'.format(bkg_file) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose, show_date=True) bkg_im ='{0}_bkg.fits'.format(root)) bkg_data = bkg_im[0].data*1 else: pyfits.writeto('{0}_bkg.fits'.format(root), data=bkg_data, header=wcs_header, overwrite=True) if (err is None) | use_bkg_err: logstr = 'sep: Use bkg.rms() for error array' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose, show_date=True) err = bkg.rms() if err_scale == -np.inf: ratio = bkg.rms()/err err_scale = np.median(ratio[(~mask) & np.isfinite(ratio)]) else: # Just return the error scale if err_scale < 0: ratio = bkg.rms()/err xerr_scale = np.median(ratio[(~mask) & np.isfinite(ratio)]) del(bkg) return xerr_scale del(bkg) else: if err_scale is None: err_scale = 1. if not get_background: bkg_data = 0. data_bkg = data else: data_bkg = data - bkg_data if rescale_weight: if verbose: print('SEP: err_scale={:.3f}'.format(err_scale)) err *= err_scale if source_xy is None: # Run the detection if verbose: print(' SEP: Extract...') objects, seg = sep.extract(data_bkg, threshold, err=err, mask=mask, segmentation_map=True, **detection_params) if verbose: print(' Done.') tab = utils.GTable(objects) tab.meta['VERSION'] = (sep.__version__, 'SEP version') # make unit-indexed like SExtractor tab['x_image'] = tab['x']+1 tab['y_image'] = tab['y']+1 # ID tab['number'] = np.arange(len(tab), dtype=np.int32)+1 tab['theta'] = np.clip(tab['theta'], -np.pi/2, np.pi/2) for c in ['a', 'b', 'x', 'y', 'x_image', 'y_image', 'theta']: tab = tab[np.isfinite(tab[c])] # Segmentation seg[mask] = 0 pyfits.writeto('{0}_seg.fits'.format(root), data=seg, header=wcs_header, overwrite=True) # WCS coordinates if wcs is not None: tab['ra'], tab['dec'] = wcs.all_pix2world(tab['x'], tab['y'], 0) tab['ra'].unit = u.deg tab['dec'].unit = u.deg tab['x_world'], tab['y_world'] = tab['ra'], tab['dec'] if 'minarea' in detection_params: tab.meta['MINAREA'] = (detection_params['minarea'], 'Minimum source area in pixels') else: tab.meta['MINAREA'] = (5, 'Minimum source area in pixels') if 'clean' in detection_params: tab.meta['CLEAN'] = (detection_params['clean'], 'Detection cleaning') else: tab.meta['CLEAN'] = (True, 'Detection cleaning') if 'deblend_cont' in detection_params: tab.meta['DEBCONT'] = (detection_params['deblend_cont'], 'Deblending contrast ratio') else: tab.meta['DEBCONT'] = (0.005, 'Deblending contrast ratio') if 'deblend_nthresh' in detection_params: tab.meta['DEBTHRSH'] = (detection_params['deblend_nthresh'], 'Number of deblending thresholds') else: tab.meta['DEBTHRSH'] = (32, 'Number of deblending thresholds') if 'filter_type' in detection_params: tab.meta['FILTER_TYPE'] = (detection_params['filter_type'], 'Type of filter applied, conv or weight') else: tab.meta['FILTER_TYPE'] = ('conv', 'Type of filter applied, conv or weight') tab.meta['THRESHOLD'] = (threshold, 'Detection threshold') # ISO fluxes (flux within segments) iso_flux, iso_fluxerr, iso_area = get_seg_iso_flux(data_bkg, seg, tab, err=err, verbose=1) tab['flux_iso'] = iso_flux/uJy_to_dn*u.uJy tab['fluxerr_iso'] = iso_fluxerr/uJy_to_dn*u.uJy tab['area_iso'] = iso_area tab['mag_iso'] = 23.9-2.5*np.log10(tab['flux_iso']) # Compute FLUX_AUTO, FLUX_RADIUS if compute_auto_quantities: auto = compute_SEP_auto_params(data, data_bkg, mask, pixel_scale=pixel_scale, err=err, segmap=seg, tab=tab, autoparams=autoparams, flux_radii=flux_radii, subpix=subpix, verbose=verbose) for k in auto.meta: tab.meta[k] = auto.meta[k] auto_flux_cols = ['flux_auto', 'fluxerr_auto', 'bkg_auto'] for c in auto.colnames: if c in auto_flux_cols: tab[c] = auto[c]/uJy_to_dn*u.uJy else: tab[c] = auto[c] # Problematic sources # bad = (tab['flux_auto'] <= 0) | (tab['flux_radius'] <= 0) # bad |= (tab['kron_radius'] <= 0) # tab = tab[~bad] # Correction for flux outside Kron aperture tot_corr = get_kron_tot_corr(tab, drz_filter, pixel_scale=pixel_scale, photplam=drz_photplam) tab['tot_corr'] = tot_corr tab.meta['TOTCFILT'] = (drz_filter, 'Filter for tot_corr') tab.meta['TOTCWAVE'] = (drz_photplam, 'PLAM for tot_corr') total_flux = tab['flux_auto']*tot_corr tab['mag_auto'] = 23.9-2.5*np.log10(total_flux) tab['magerr_auto'] = 2.5/np.log(10)*(tab['fluxerr_auto']/tab['flux_auto']) # More flux columns for c in ['cflux', 'flux', 'peak', 'cpeak']: tab[c] *= 1. / uJy_to_dn tab[c].unit = u.uJy source_x, source_y = tab['x'], tab['y'] # Use segmentation image to mask aperture fluxes if aper_segmask: aseg = seg aseg_id = tab['number'] else: aseg = aseg_id = None # Rename some columns to look like SExtractor for c in ['a', 'b', 'theta', 'cxx', 'cxy', 'cyy', 'x2', 'y2', 'xy']: tab.rename_column(c, c+'_image') else: if len(source_xy) == 2: source_x, source_y = source_xy aseg, aseg_id = None, None aper_segmask = False else: source_x, source_y, aseg, aseg_id = source_xy aper_segmask = True if hasattr(source_x, 'unit'): if source_x.unit == u.deg: # Input positions are ra/dec, convert with WCS ra, dec = source_x, source_y source_x, source_y = wcs.all_world2pix(ra, dec, 0) tab = utils.GTable() tab.meta['VERSION'] = (sep.__version__, 'SEP version') # Exposure footprints #-------------------- if (exposure_footprints is not None) & ('ra' in tab.colnames): tab['nexp'] = catalog_exposure_overlaps(tab['ra'], tab['dec'], exposure_footprints=exposure_footprints) tab['nexp'].description = 'Number of overlapping exposures' # Info tab.meta['ZP'] = (ZP, 'AB zeropoint') if 'PHOTPLAM' in im[0].header: tab.meta['PLAM'] = (im[0].header['PHOTPLAM'], 'Filter pivot wave') if 'PHOTFNU' in im[0].header: tab.meta['FNU'] = (im[0].header['PHOTFNU'], 'Scale to Jy') tab.meta['FLAM'] = (im[0].header['PHOTFLAM'], 'Scale to flam') tab.meta['uJy2dn'] = (uJy_to_dn, 'Convert uJy fluxes to image DN') tab.meta['DRZ_FILE'] = (drz_file[:36], 'SCI file') tab.meta['WHT_FILE'] = (weight_file[:36], 'WHT file') tab.meta['GET_BACK'] = (get_background, 'Background computed') for k in bkg_params: tab.meta[f'BACK_{k.upper()}'] = (bkg_params[k], f'Background param {k}') tab.meta['ERR_SCALE'] = (err_scale, 'Scale factor applied to weight image (like MAP_WEIGHT)') tab.meta['RESCALEW'] = (rescale_weight, 'Was the weight applied?') tab.meta['APERMASK'] = (aper_segmask, 'Mask apertures with seg image') # Photometry for iap, aper in enumerate(apertures): if sep.__version__ > '1.03': # Should work with the sep fork at gbrammer/sep and latest sep flux, fluxerr, flag = sep.sum_circle(data_bkg, source_x, source_y, aper/2, err=err, gain=gain, subpix=subpix, segmap=aseg, seg_id=aseg_id, mask=mask) else: tab.meta['APERMASK'] = (False, 'Mask apertures with seg image - Failed') flux, fluxerr, flag = sep.sum_circle(data_bkg, source_x, source_y, aper/2, err=err, gain=gain, subpix=subpix, mask=mask) tab.meta['GAIN'] = gain tab['flux_aper_{0}'.format(iap)] = flux/uJy_to_dn*u.uJy tab['fluxerr_aper_{0}'.format(iap)] = fluxerr/uJy_to_dn*u.uJy tab['flag_aper_{0}'.format(iap)] = flag if get_background: try: flux, fluxerr, flag = sep.sum_circle(bkg_data, source_x, source_y, aper/2, err=None, gain=1.0, segmap=aseg, seg_id=aseg_id, mask=mask) except: flux, fluxerr, flag = sep.sum_circle(bkg_data, source_x, source_y, aper/2, err=None, gain=1.0, mask=mask) tab['bkg_aper_{0}'.format(iap)] = flux/uJy_to_dn*u.uJy else: tab['bkg_aper_{0}'.format(iap)] = 0.*u.uJy # Count masked pixels in the aperture, not including segmask flux, fluxerr, flag = sep.sum_circle(data_mask, source_x, source_y, aper/2, err=err, gain=gain, subpix=subpix) tab['mask_aper_{0}'.format(iap)] = flux tab.meta['aper_{0}'.format(iap)] = (aper, 'Aperture diameter, pix') tab.meta['asec_{0}'.format(iap)] = (aper*pixel_scale, 'Aperture diameter, arcsec') # # If blended, use largest aperture magnitude # if 'flag' in tab.colnames: # last_flux = tab['flux_aper_{0}'.format(iap)] # last_fluxerr = tab['fluxerr_aper_{0}'.format(iap)] # # blended = (tab['flag'] & 1) > 0 # # total_corr = tab['flux_auto']/last_flux # blended |= total_corr > max_total_corr # # tab['flag'][blended] |= 1024 # # aper_mag = 23.9 - 2.5*np.log10(last_flux) # aper_magerr = 2.5/np.log(10)*last_fluxerr/last_flux # # tab['mag_auto'][blended] = aper_mag[blended] # tab['magerr_auto'][blended] = aper_magerr[blended] # # # "ISO" mag, integrated within the segment # tab['mag_iso'] = 23.9-2.5*np.log10(tab['flux']) try: # Free memory objects explicitly del(data_mask) del(data) del(err) except: pass # if uppercase_columns: for c in tab.colnames: tab.rename_column(c, column_case(c)) if save_to_fits: tab.write(f'{root}.cat.fits', format='fits', overwrite=True) if include_wcs_extension: try: hdul ='{root}.cat.fits', mode='update') wcs_hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(header=wcs_header, data=None, name='WCS') hdul.append(wcs_hdu) hdul.flush() except: pass logstr = '# SEP {0}.cat.fits: {1:d} objects'.format(root, len(tab)) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) return tab
[docs]def get_seg_iso_flux(data, seg, tab, err=None, fill=None, verbose=0): """ Integrate flux within the segmentation regions. Parameters ---------- data : 2D array Image data seg : 2D array Segmentation image defining the ISO contours tab : `~astropy.table.Table` Detection catalog with columns (at least) ``number / id``, ``xmin``, ``xmax``, ``ymin``, ``ymax``. The ``id`` column matches the values in `seg`. err : 2D array Optional uncertainty array fill : None, array If specified, create an image where the image segments are filled with scalar values for a given object rather than computing the ISO fluxes verbose : bool/int Status messages Returns ------- iso_flux : array Summed image flux within the contours defined by the `seg` map iso_err : array Uncertainty if `err` specified iso_area : array Area of the segments, in pixels filled_data : 2D array If `fill` specified, return an image with values filled within the segments, e.g., for a binned image """ if 'number' in tab.colnames: ids = np.array(tab['number']) else: ids = np.array(tab['id']) sh = data.shape iso_flux = ids*0. iso_err = ids*0. iso_area = np.cast[int](ids*0) xmin = np.clip(tab['xmin'], 0, sh[1]) xmax = np.clip(tab['xmax'], 0, sh[1]) ymin = np.clip(tab['ymin'], 0, sh[0]) ymax = np.clip(tab['ymax'], 0, sh[0]) if fill is not None: filled_data = np.cast[fill.dtype](seg*0) for ii, id in enumerate(ids): if (verbose > 1): if (ii % verbose == 0): print(' {0}'.format(ii)) slx = slice(xmin[ii], xmax[ii]) sly = slice(ymin[ii], ymax[ii]) seg_sub = seg[sly, slx] seg_mask = (seg_sub == id) if fill is not None: #print(ii, seg_mask.sum()) filled_data[sly, slx][seg_mask] = fill[ii] else: data_sub = data[sly, slx] iso_flux[ii] = data_sub[seg_mask].sum() iso_area[ii] = seg_mask.sum() if err is not None: err_sub = err[sly, slx] iso_err[ii] = np.sqrt((err_sub[seg_mask]**2).sum()) if fill is not None: return filled_data else: return iso_flux, iso_err, iso_area
[docs]def compute_SEP_auto_params(data, data_bkg, mask, pixel_scale=0.06, err=None, segmap=None, tab=None, grow_kron=6.0, autoparams=[2.5, 0.35*u.arcsec, 2.4, 3.8], flux_radii=[0.2, 0.5, 0.9], subpix=0, verbose=True): """Compute SourceExtractor-like AUTO params with `sep` Parameters ---------- data : 2D array Image data data_bkg : 2D array Background-subtracted image data mask : 2D array Pixel mask pixel_scale : float Pixel scale, arcsec err : 2D array Uncertainty array segmap : 2D array Associated segmentation map tab : `~astropy.table.Table` Table from, e.g., `sep.extract`. grow_kron : float Scale by which semimajor and semiminor axes are multiplied for calculating the Kron moment. This is hard-coded as `grow_kron=6.0` in `SourceExtractor <>`_. autoparams : list Provided as ``[k, MIN_APER, MIN_KRON, MAX_KRON]``, where the usual SourceExtractor ``PHOT_AUTOPARAMS`` would be ``[k, MIN_KRON]``. Here, ``k`` is the scale factor of the Kron radius, and ``MIN_KRON`` is the minimum scaled Kron radius to use. ``MIN_APER`` is then the smallest *circular* Kron aperture to allow, which can be provided with attached units (e.g. ``arcsec``). flux_radii : list Light fraction radii, e.g., ``[0.5]`` will calculate the half-light radius (``FLUX_RADIUS``) subpix : int Pixel oversampling with the `sep` aperture functions Returns ------- auto : `~astropy.table.Table` Table with the derived parameters +--------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Column | Description | +==========================+========================================+ | `kron_radius` | Kron radius, pixels | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | `kron_rcirc` | Circularized Kron radius, pixels | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | `flux_auto` | Flux within AUTO aperture | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | `fluxerr_auto` | Uncertainty within AUTO aperture | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | `bkg_auto` | Background within AUTO aperture | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | `flag_auto` | `sep` flags for AUTO aperture | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | `area_auto` | Pixel area of AUTO aperture | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------+ """ import sep logstr = 'compute_SEP_auto_params: sep version = {0}'.format(sep.__version__) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) if sep.__version__ < '1.1': print("""!!!!!!!!!! ! SEP version = {0} ! Get >= 1.10.0 to enable segmentation masking, e.g., ! $ pip install git+ !!!!!!!!!! """.format(sep.__version__)) logstr = 'compute_SEP_auto_params: autoparams={0}; pixel_scale={1}; subpix={2}; flux_radii={3}'.format(autoparams, pixel_scale, subpix, flux_radii) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) # Check datatype of seg segb = segmap if segmap is not None: if segmap.dtype == np.dtype('>i4'): segb = segmap.byteswap().newbyteorder() if 'a_image' in tab.colnames: x, y = tab['x_image']-1, tab['y_image']-1 a, b = tab['a_image'], tab['b_image'] theta = tab['theta_image'] else: x, y, a, b = tab['x'], tab['y'], tab['a'], tab['b'] theta = tab['theta'] if 'number' in tab.colnames: seg_id = tab['number'] else: seg_id = tab['id'] # Kron radius try: # Try with seg mask (sep > v1.0.4) kronrad, krflag = sep.kron_radius(data_bkg, x, y, a, b, theta, grow_kron, mask=mask, segmap=segb, seg_id=seg_id) kronrad[~np.isfinite(kronrad)] = 0 except: logstr = 'sep.kron_radius: ! Warning ! couldn\'t run with seg mask' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=True) kronrad, krflag = sep.kron_radius(data_bkg, x, y, a, b, theta, grow_kron, mask=mask) # This is like SExtractor PHOT_AUTOPARAMS[0] kronrad *= autoparams[0] # This is like SExtractor PHOT_AUTOPARAMS[1] if len(autoparams) > 2: clip_kron0 = autoparams[2] kronrad = np.maximum(kronrad, clip_kron0) else: clip_kron0 = 0. if len(autoparams) > 3: clip_kron1 = autoparams[3] kronrad = np.minimum(kronrad, clip_kron1) else: clip_kron1 = 1000. # Circularized Kron radius (equivalent to kronrad * a * sqrt(b/a)) kroncirc = kronrad * np.sqrt(a*b) # Minimum Kron radius if hasattr(autoparams[1], 'unit'): min_radius_pix = autoparams[1].to(u.arcsec).value/pixel_scale else: # Assume arcsec min_radius_pix = autoparams[1]/pixel_scale kron_min = kroncirc <= min_radius_pix kron_flux = x*0. kron_bkg = x*0. kron_fluxerr = x*0. kron_flag = np.zeros(len(x), dtype=int) kron_area = np.pi*np.maximum(kroncirc, min_radius_pix)**2 ######## # Ellipse photometry in apertures larger than the minimum # Extract on both data and background subtracted to compute the # background within the aperture try: # Try with seg mask (sep=>v1.0.4) kout0 = sep.sum_ellipse(data, x[~kron_min], y[~kron_min], a[~kron_min], b[~kron_min], theta[~kron_min], kronrad[~kron_min], subpix=subpix, err=None, segmap=segb, seg_id=seg_id[~kron_min], mask=mask) kout = sep.sum_ellipse(data_bkg, x[~kron_min], y[~kron_min], a[~kron_min], b[~kron_min], theta[~kron_min], kronrad[~kron_min], subpix=subpix, err=err, segmap=segb, seg_id=seg_id[~kron_min], mask=mask) except: kout0 = sep.sum_ellipse(data_bkg, x[~kron_min], y[~kron_min], a[~kron_min], b[~kron_min], theta[~kron_min], kronrad[~kron_min], subpix=subpix, err=None, mask=mask) kout = sep.sum_ellipse(data_bkg, x[~kron_min], y[~kron_min], a[~kron_min], b[~kron_min], theta[~kron_min], kronrad[~kron_min], subpix=subpix, err=err, mask=mask) kron_flux[~kron_min] = kout[0] kron_bkg[~kron_min] = kout0[0]-kout[0] kron_fluxerr[~kron_min] = kout[1] kron_flag[~kron_min] = kout[2] # Circular apertures below minimum size try: # Try with seg mask (sep v1.0.4) kout0 = sep.sum_circle(data, x[kron_min], y[kron_min], min_radius_pix, subpix=subpix, err=None, segmap=segb, seg_id=seg_id[kron_min], mask=mask) kout = sep.sum_circle(data_bkg, x[kron_min], y[kron_min], min_radius_pix, subpix=subpix, err=err, segmap=segb, seg_id=seg_id[kron_min], mask=mask) except: kout0 = sep.sum_circle(data, x[kron_min], y[kron_min], min_radius_pix, subpix=subpix, err=None, mask=mask) kout = sep.sum_circle(data_bkg, x[kron_min], y[kron_min], min_radius_pix, subpix=subpix, err=err, mask=mask) kron_flux[kron_min] = kout[0] kron_bkg[kron_min] = kout0[0]-kout[0] kron_fluxerr[kron_min] = kout[1] kron_flag[kron_min] = kout[2] ############# # Flux radius try: fr, fr_flag = sep.flux_radius(data_bkg, x, y, a*grow_kron, flux_radii, normflux=kron_flux, mask=mask, segmap=segb, seg_id=seg_id) except: fr, fr_flag = sep.flux_radius(data_bkg, x, y, a*grow_kron, flux_radii, normflux=kron_flux, mask=mask) auto = utils.GTable() auto.meta['KRONFACT'] = (autoparams[0], 'Kron radius scale factor') auto.meta['KRON0'] = (clip_kron0, 'Minimum scaled Kron radius') auto.meta['KRON1'] = (clip_kron1, 'Maximum scaled Kron radius') auto.meta['MINKRON'] = (min_radius_pix, 'Minimum Kron aperture, pix') auto['kron_radius'] = kronrad*u.pixel auto['kron_rcirc'] = kroncirc*u.pixel auto['flux_auto'] = kron_flux auto['fluxerr_auto'] = kron_fluxerr auto['bkg_auto'] = kron_bkg auto['flag_auto'] = kron_flag auto['area_auto'] = kron_area auto['flux_radius_flag'] = fr_flag for i, r_i in enumerate(flux_radii): c = 'flux_radius_{0:02d}'.format(int(np.round(r_i*100))) if c.endswith('_50'): c = 'flux_radius' auto[c] = fr[:, i] return auto
[docs]def get_filter_ee_ratio(tab, filter, ref_filter='f160w'): """ Relative EE correction within a specified aperture, in arcsec. """ pixel_scale = tab.meta['ASEC_0']/tab.meta['APER_0'] min_kron = tab.meta['MINKRON']*pixel_scale ee = utils.read_catalog((os.path.join(os.path.dirname(utils.__file__), 'data', 'hst_encircled_energy.fits'))) # Reference filter ref_obsmode = utils.get_filter_obsmode(filter=ref_filter, acs_chip='wfc1', uvis_chip='uvis2', aper=np.inf, case=str.lower) # Target filter obsmode = utils.get_filter_obsmode(filter=filter, acs_chip='wfc1', uvis_chip='uvis2', aper=np.inf, case=str.lower) # Filter not available if obsmode not in ee.colnames: return 1. # Ratio of photometric aperture to kron aperture keys = list(tab.meta.keys()) for ka in keys: if ka.startswith('APER_'): ap = ka.split('_')[1] aper_radius = tab.meta[f'ASEC_{ap}']/2. kron_circ = np.maximum(tab['kron_rcirc']*pixel_scale, min_kron) filt_kron = np.interp(kron_circ, ee['radius'], ee[obsmode]) filt_aper = np.interp(aper_radius, ee['radius'], ee[obsmode]) ref_kron = np.interp(kron_circ, ee['radius'], ee[ref_obsmode]) ref_aper = np.interp(aper_radius, ee['radius'], ee[ref_obsmode]) filter_correction = (filt_kron/filt_aper) / (ref_kron/ref_aper) tab[f'{filter}_ee_{ap}'] = filter_correction return tab
[docs]def get_hst_aperture_correction(filter, raper=0.35, rmax=5.): """ Get single aperture correction from tabulated EE curve """ ee = utils.read_catalog((os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'hst_encircled_energy.fits'))) obsmode = utils.get_filter_obsmode(filter=filter, acs_chip='wfc1', uvis_chip='uvis2', aper=np.inf, case=str.lower) ee_rad = np.append(ee['radius'], rmax) ee_y = np.append(ee[obsmode], 1.) ee_interp = np.interp(raper, ee_rad, ee_y, left=0.01, right=1.) return ee.meta['ZP_'+obsmode], ee_interp
[docs]def get_kron_tot_corr(tab, filter, inst=None, pixel_scale=0.06, photplam=None, rmax=5.0): """ Compute total correction from tabulated EE curves """ ee = utils.read_catalog((os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'hst_encircled_energy.fits'))) obsmode = utils.get_filter_obsmode(filter=filter, acs_chip='wfc1', uvis_chip='uvis2', aper=np.inf, case=str.lower) min_kron = float(np.atleast_1d(tab.meta['MINKRON'])[0]) if pixel_scale is None: try: pixel_scale = tab.meta['ASEC_0']/tab.meta['APER_0'] except: pixel_scale = tab.meta['asec_0'][0]/tab.meta['aper_0'][0] if 'kron_rcirc' in tab.colnames: kron_raper = np.clip(tab['kron_rcirc']*pixel_scale, min_kron*pixel_scale, rmax) else: kron_raper = np.clip(tab['KRON_RCIRC']*pixel_scale, min_kron*pixel_scale, rmax) # Filter not available if obsmode not in ee.colnames: return kron_raper*0.+1 else: ee_rad = np.append(ee['radius'], rmax) ee_y = np.append(ee[obsmode], 1.) ee_interp = np.interp(kron_raper, ee_rad, ee_y, left=0.01, right=1.) return 1./ee_interp
[docs]def get_wfc3ir_kron_tot_corr(tab, filter, pixel_scale=0.06, photplam=None, rmax=5.): """ Compute total correction from WFC3/IR EE curves .. note:: Deprecated, use `~grizli.utils.get_kron_tot_corr`. """ ee_raw = np.loadtxt((os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'wfc3ir_ee.txt'))) ee_data = ee_raw[1:, 1:] ee_wave = ee_raw[0, 1:] ee_rad = ee_raw[1:, 0] kron_raper = np.clip(tab['kron_rcirc']*pixel_scale, tab.meta['MINKRON'][0]*pixel_scale, rmax) if (filter.lower()[:2] not in ['f0', 'f1']) & (photplam is None): return kron_raper*0.+1 if photplam is None: wum = int(filter[1:-1])*100/1.e4 else: wum = photplam/1.e4 if wum < 0.9: return kron_raper*0.+1 xi = np.interp(wum, ee_wave, np.arange(len(ee_wave))) i0 = int(xi) fi = 1-(xi-i0) ee_y = ee_data[:, i0:i0+2].dot([fi, 1-fi]) ee_rad = np.append(ee_rad, rmax) ee_y = np.append(ee_y, 1.) ee_interp = np.interp(kron_raper, ee_rad, ee_y, left=0.01, right=1.) return 1./ee_interp
[docs]def make_drz_catalog(root='', sexpath='sex', threshold=2., get_background=True, verbose=True, extra_config={}, sci=None, wht=None, get_sew=False, output_params=SEXTRACTOR_DEFAULT_PARAMS, phot_apertures=SEXTRACTOR_PHOT_APERTURES, column_case=str.upper): """Make a SExtractor catalog from drizzle products .. note:: Deprecated, use `~grizli.utils.make_SEP_catalog`. """ import copy import sewpy if sci is not None: drz_file = sci else: drz_file = glob.glob('{0}_dr[zc]_sci.fits'.format(root))[0] im = ZP = calc_header_zeropoint(im[0].header) # if 'PHOTFNU' in im[0].header: # ZP = -2.5*np.log10(im[0].header['PHOTFNU'])+8.90 # elif 'PHOTFLAM' in im[0].header: # ZP = (-2.5*np.log10(im[0].header['PHOTFLAM']) - 21.10 - # 5*np.log10(im[0].header['PHOTPLAM']) + 18.6921) # elif 'FILTER' in im[0].header: # fi = im[0].header['FILTER'].upper() # if fi in model.photflam_list: # ZP = (-2.5*np.log10(model.photflam_list[fi]) - 21.10 - # 5*np.log10(model.photplam_list[fi]) + 18.6921) # else: # print('Couldn\'t find PHOTFNU or PHOTPLAM/PHOTFLAM keywords, use ZP=25') # ZP = 25 # else: # print('Couldn\'t find FILTER, PHOTFNU or PHOTPLAM/PHOTFLAM keywords, use ZP=25') # ZP = 25 if verbose: print('Image AB zeropoint: {0:.3f}'.format(ZP)) weight_file = drz_file.replace('_sci.fits', '_wht.fits').replace('_drz.fits', '_wht.fits') if (weight_file == drz_file) | (not os.path.exists(weight_file)): WEIGHT_TYPE = "NONE" else: WEIGHT_TYPE = "MAP_WEIGHT" if wht is not None: weight_file = wht config = OrderedDict(DETECT_THRESH=threshold, ANALYSIS_THRESH=threshold, DETECT_MINAREA=6, PHOT_FLUXFRAC="0.5", WEIGHT_TYPE=WEIGHT_TYPE, WEIGHT_IMAGE=weight_file, CHECKIMAGE_TYPE="SEGMENTATION", CHECKIMAGE_NAME='{0}_seg.fits'.format(root), MAG_ZEROPOINT=ZP, CLEAN="N", PHOT_APERTURES=phot_apertures, BACK_SIZE=32, PIXEL_SCALE=0, MEMORY_OBJSTACK=30000, MEMORY_PIXSTACK=3000000, MEMORY_BUFSIZE=8192) if get_background: config['CHECKIMAGE_TYPE'] = 'SEGMENTATION,BACKGROUND' config['CHECKIMAGE_NAME'] = '{0}_seg.fits,{0}_bkg.fits'.format(root) else: config['BACK_TYPE'] = 'MANUAL' config['BACK_VALUE'] = 0. for key in extra_config: config[key] = extra_config[key] params = copy.copy(output_params) NAPER = len(phot_apertures.split(',')) if NAPER == 1: if not phot_apertures.split(',')[0]: NAPER = 0 if NAPER > 0: params.extend(['FLUX_APER({0})'.format(NAPER), 'FLUXERR_APER({0})'.format(NAPER)]) # if NAPER > 1: # for i in range(NAPER-1): # params.extend(['FLUX_APER{0}'.format(i+1), # 'FLUXERR_APER{0}'.format(i+1)]) sew = sewpy.SEW(params=params, config=config) if get_sew: return sew output = sew(drz_file) cat = output['table'] cat.meta = config for c in cat.colnames: cat.rename_column(c, column_case(c)) cat.write('{0}.cat'.format(root), format='ascii.commented_header', overwrite=True) logstr = '# DRZ {0} catalog: {1:d} objects'.format(root, len(cat)) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) return cat
[docs]def make_visit_average_flat(visit, clip_max=0, threshold=5, dilate=3, apply=True, instruments=['MIRI'], verbose=True, bad_bits=(1024+1+2+512), bkg_kwargs={}): """ Make an average "skyflat" for exposures in a visit, e.g., for MIRI Parameters ---------- visit : dict Visit dictionary with, at a minimum, keys of ``product`` and ``files`` clip_max : int Number of max clipping iterations threshold : float If specified, run `sep` source detection on each exposure dilate : int Number of `scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation` iterations to run on the segmentation mask apply : bool Apply the flat to the exposures instruments : list Only run for these instruments (from INSTRUME header keyword) verbose : bool Print status messages """ from tqdm import tqdm import scipy.ndimage as nd import sep _im =['files'][0]) if 'OINSTRUM' in _im[0].header: instrument = _im[0].header['OINSTRUM'] else: instrument = _im[0].header['INSTRUME'] if instrument not in instruments: msg = f"make_visit_average_flat: Instrument for {visit['product']} " msg += f"is {instrument}, skip flat" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose) return None sci = np.array([['SCI'].data.astype(np.float32) for file in visit['files']]) dq = np.array([['DQ'].data for file in visit['files']]) if threshold is not None: msg = f"make_visit_average_flat: Source detection on individual" msg += f" exposures with threshold={threshold} dilate={dilate}" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose) err = np.array([['ERR'].data.astype(np.float32) for file in visit['files']]) #mask = im['DQ'].data > 0 for i in tqdm(range(len(visit['files']))): _sci = sci[i,:,:] _err = err[i,:,:] _mask = (dq[i,:,:] & bad_bits) > 0 _bkg = sep.Background(_sci, mask=_mask, **bkg_kwargs) _cat, _seg = sep.extract(_sci - _bkg.back(), threshold, err=_err, mask=_mask, segmentation_map=True) _segm = nd.binary_dilation(_seg > 0, iterations=dilate) _sci[_segm > 0] = np.nan scim = sci*1. for _iter in range(clip_max): ma = np.nanmax(scim, axis=0) scim[scim >= ma] = np.nan bkg = np.array([np.nanmedian(s[q == 0]) for s, q in zip(scim, dq)]) N = sci.shape[0] scif = scim*1. for i in range(N): scif[i] /= bkg[i] flat = np.nanmedian(scif, axis=0) flat_mask = ~np.isfinite(flat) | (flat <= 0.05) flat[flat_mask] = 1 flath = pyfits.Header() for k in ['CRDS_CTX','UPD_CTX', 'R_FLAT', 'R_DARK', 'FILTER', 'DETECTOR','EXPSTART','EFFEXPTM']: if k in _im[0].header: flath[k] = _im[0].header[k] flath['CLIP_MAX'] = clip_max, 'Max clip iterations' flath['NFILES'] = len(visit['files']) for i, file in enumerate(visit['files']): flath[f'FILE{i+1:04d}'] = file _hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=flat, header=flath) skyfile = f"{visit['product']}_skyflat.fits" _hdu.writeto(skyfile, overwrite=True) msg = f"make_visit_average_flat: {skyfile} N={len(visit['files'])}" msg += f" clip_max={clip_max}" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose) if apply: apply_visit_skyflat(visit, skyfile=skyfile)
[docs]def apply_visit_skyflat(visit, skyfile=None, verbose=True): """ Apply the skyflat """ if not os.path.exists(skyfile): msg = f"apply_visit_skyflat: MIRI skyflat {skyfile} not found" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose) return None flat =[0].data flat_mask = (flat == 1) | (~np.isfinite(flat)) flat[flat_mask] = 1 for file in visit['files']: msg = f"apply_visit_skyflat: apply {skyfile} to {file}" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose) with, mode='update') as _imi: _imi['SCI'].data /= flat _imi['ERR'].data /= flat _imi['DQ'].data[flat_mask] |= 1024 _imi[0].header['SKYFLAT'] = True, 'Sky flat applied' _imi[0].header['SKYFLATF'] = skyfile, 'Sky flat file' _imi.flush()
[docs]def get_nircam_wisp_filename(header): """ Get the path to an appropriate NIRCam wisp template file, assuming the templates are stored in `[GRIZLI_PATH]/CONF/NircamWisp` Parameters ---------- header : `` Primary header Returns ------- wisp_file : str Filename of the wisp reference, or `None` if the header isn't for a NIRCam exposure in F150W or F200W _filt : str FILTER from header _inst : str INSTRUME from header _det : str DETECTOR from header msg : str Status message """ if 'OFILTER' in header: _filt = header['OFILTER'] _inst = header['OINSTRUM'] _det = header['ODETECTO'] else: _filt = header['FILTER'] _inst = header['INSTRUME'] _det = header['DETECTOR'] if _inst not in ['NIRCAM']: msg = f'Instrument {_inst} not supported' return None, _filt, _inst, _det, msg # F150W2 is F160M for now if _filt not in ['F115W','F150W','F200W','F182M','F210M','F140M','F150W2']: msg = f'NIRCam filter {_filt} not supported' return None, _filt, _inst, _det, msg if _det not in ['NRCA3','NRCA4','NRCB3','NRCB4']: msg = f'NIRCam detector {_det} not supported' return None, _filt, _inst, _det, msg msg = 'OK' _path = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, 'CONF', 'NircamWisp') wisp_file = f"wisps_{_det.lower()}_{_filt.upper()}.fits" wisp_file = os.path.join(_path, wisp_file) return wisp_file, _filt, _inst, _det, msg
[docs]def nircam_wisp_correction(calibrated_file, niter=3, update=True, verbose=True, force=False, **kwargs): """ Fit the NIRCam wisp template and subtract See Wisp template files at and The ``wisps_{detector}_{FILTER}.fits`` files should be put in a directory ``$GRIZLI/CONF/NircamWisp``. Parameters ---------- calibrated_file : str Filename of a flat-fielded file (either `cal` or a processed `rate` file) niter : int Number of mask iterations update : bool Subtract the wisp model from the 'SCI' extension of ``calibrated_file`` verbose : bool verbosity force : bool Force wisp fit, even if 'WISPBKG' keyword already found in header """ import scipy.ndimage as nd if not os.path.exists(calibrated_file): msg = f'nircam_wisp_correction - {calibrated_file} not found' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose) return None im = sh = im['SCI'].data.shape if ('WISPBKG' in im[0].header) & (not force): msg = f'nircam_wisp_correction - {calibrated_file}: ' _bkg = im[0].header['WISPBKG'] msg += f"WISPBKG = {_bkg:.2f}" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose) return _bkg _ = get_nircam_wisp_filename(im[0].header) wisp_file, _filt, _inst, _det, _msg = _ if wisp_file is None: msg = f'nircam_wisp_correction - {calibrated_file}: ' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg + _msg, verbose=verbose) return None if not os.path.exists(wisp_file): msg = f'nircam_wisp_correction - {calibrated_file}: ' msg += f'{wisp_file} not found' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose) return None wisp_ref_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'nircam_wisp.yml') with open(wisp_ref_file) as fp: wisp_ref = yaml.load(fp, Loader=yaml.Loader) if _det not in wisp_ref: print(f'{_det} key not found in {wisp_ref_file}') return None wisp = wisp_msk = utils.pixel_polygon_mask(wisp_ref[_det]['polygon'], (2048,2048)) wisp_msk = nd.gaussian_filter(wisp_msk*1., 50) wisp[0].data[~np.isfinite(wisp[0].data)] = 0 sci = im['SCI'].data.flatten() dq = im['DQ'].data.flatten() err = im['ERR'].data.flatten() A = np.array([np.ones_like(sci), (wisp[0].data*wisp_msk).flatten()]) _model = np.nanmedian(sci[dq == 0]) for _iter in range(niter): ok = (err > 0) & np.isfinite(sci + A[1,:] + err) ok &= (sci - _model < 10*err) & (dq == 0) _x = np.linalg.lstsq((A[:,ok]/err[ok]).T, (sci[ok]/err[ok]), rcond=None) msg = f'nircam_wisp_correction - {calibrated_file}: ' msg += f'iter {_iter} Npix={ok.sum()} ' msg += f'bg={_x[0][0]:.2f} wisp={_x[0][1]:.2f}' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose) #print(ok.sum(), _x[0]) _model =[0]) # Take background out of model _model -= _x[0][0] im.close() wisp.close() if update: with, mode='update') as im: im[0].header['WISPBKG'] = _x[0][0], 'Wisp fit, background' im[0].header['WISPNORM'] = _x[0][1], 'Wisp fit, model norm' im['SCI'].data -= _model.reshape(im['SCI'].data.shape) im.flush() return sci.reshape(sh), (_model.reshape(sh))
[docs]def oneoverf_column_correction(visit, thresholds=[10,1.5], dilate_iter=[10,2], image_sn_cut=-1, **kwargs): """ Masked column/row correction for 1/f noise in JWST exposures Parameters ---------- visit : dict Visit definition dictionary (keys `product`, `files` at at minimum) thresholds, dilate_iter : [float, float], [int, int] Detection threshold and binary dilation iterations for dilated segmentation masks from the drizzle-combined mosaic of the exposures in `visit` Returns ------- Updates exposures in `visit['files']` in place """ frame = inspect.currentframe() utils.log_function_arguments(utils.LOGFILE, frame, 'prep.oneoverf_column_correction') import scipy.ndimage as nd msg = f"Column correction {visit['product']}: thresholds={thresholds}" msg += f" dilate_iter:{dilate_iter}" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=True) cat = make_SEP_catalog(visit['product'], threshold=thresholds[0]) seg0 =['product']+ '_seg.fits') seg_wcs = pywcs.WCS(seg0[0].header, relax=True) cat = make_SEP_catalog(visit['product'], threshold=thresholds[1]) seg1 =['product']+ '_seg.fits') seg_mask = nd.binary_dilation(seg0[0].data > 0, iterations=dilate_iter[0]) seg_mask |= nd.binary_dilation(seg1[0].data > 0, iterations=dilate_iter[1]) # pyfits.writeto('oneoverf_mask.fits', data=seg_mask*1, header=seg0[0].header) for _file in visit['files']: with, mode='update') as _im: if _im[0].header['OTELESCO'] not in ['JWST']: continue if 'LONG' in _im[0].header['ODETECTO']: continue _sci = _im['SCI'].data _wcs = pywcs.WCS(_im['SCI'].header, relax=True) _blotted = utils.blot_nearest_exact((seg_mask*1), seg_wcs, _wcs) msk = _blotted > 0 msk |= _im['ERR'].data <= 0 _sn = (_sci - _im['SCI'].header['MDRIZSKY']) / _im['ERR'].data if image_sn_cut > 0: msk |= np.abs(_sn) > image_sn_cut dq4 = _im['DQ'].data - (_im['DQ'].data & 4) msk |= dq4 > 0 _scim = _sci*1 _scim[msk] = np.nan pedestal = np.nanmedian(_scim) _im['SCI'].header['MDRIZSKY'] = pedestal if _im[0].header['OINSTRUM'] in ['NIRCAM']: col_axis = 1 else: col_axis = 0 msg = f'Column correction for {_file} (axis={col_axis})' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=True) cols = np.nanmedian(_scim - pedestal, axis=col_axis) cols[~np.isfinite(cols)] = 0 if col_axis: _im['SCI'].data = (_im['SCI'].data.T - cols).T else: _im['SCI'].data -= cols _im['SCI'].header['COLCORR'] = (True, 'Column correction applied') _im['SCI'].header['COLMFRAC'] = (msk.sum() / msk.size, 'Fraction of masked pixels') _im['SCI'].header['COLTHRS0'] = (thresholds[0], 'First column correction threshold') _im['SCI'].header['COLTHRS1'] = (thresholds[1], 'Second column correction threshold') _im['SCI'].header['COLNDIL0'] = (dilate_iter[0], 'First dilation iterations') _im['SCI'].header['COLNDIL1'] = (dilate_iter[1], 'Second dilation iterations') _im['SCI'].header['COLIAXIS'] = (col_axis, 'Axis for column average') _im.flush()
SNOWBLIND_KWARGS = dict(new_jump_flag=1024, min_radius=4, growth_factor=1.5, unset_first=True)
[docs]def mask_snowballs(visit, snowball_erode=3, snowball_dilate=18, mask_bit=1024, instruments=['NIRCAM','NIRISS'], max_fraction=0.3, unset4=False, snowblind_kwargs=SNOWBLIND_KWARGS, **kwargs): """ Mask JWST IR snowballs Parameters ---------- visit : dict Visit definition dictionary (keys `product`, `files` at at minimum) snowball_erode : int First pass binary erosion on DQ=4 mask snowball_dilate : int Subsequent binary dilation on the eroded DQ=4 mask mask_bit : int Bit to set for identified snowballs instruments : list Instruments where mask is calculated max_fraction : float Maximum allowed fraction of pixels in identified snowballs. If exceeded, then turn off the mask. unset4 : bool Unset DQ=4 bit for flagged CRs snowblind_kwargs : dict First try to use `grizli.utils.jwst_snowblind_mask` to flag snowballs Returns ------- Updates `DQ` extension of files in ``visit['files']`` and sets some status keywords """ frame = inspect.currentframe() utils.log_function_arguments(utils.LOGFILE, frame, 'prep.mask_snowballs') import scipy.ndimage as nd for _file in visit['files']: with, mode='update') as _im: if 'OINSTRUM' in _im[0].header: _instrume = _im[0].header['OINSTRUM'] else: _instrume = _im[0].header['INSTRUME'] if _instrume not in instruments: continue if snowblind_kwargs is not None: sdq, sfrac = utils.jwst_snowblind_mask(_file, **snowblind_kwargs) if sdq is not None: # Close and reopen _im.close() with, mode='update') as _xim: _xim['DQ'].data |= sdq.astype(_xim['DQ'].data.dtype) _xim['SCI'].header['SNOWMASK'] = (True, 'Snowball mask applied') _xim['SCI'].header['SNOWBLND'] = (True, 'Mask with snowblind') _xim['SCI'].header['SNOWBALF'] = (sfrac, 'Fraction of masked pixels in snowball mask') if unset4 | (sfrac > max_fraction): _xim['DQ'].data -= (_xim['DQ'].data & 4) _xim.flush() continue crs = (_im['DQ'].data & 4) _erode = nd.binary_erosion(crs > 0, iterations=snowball_erode) snowball_mask = nd.binary_dilation(_erode, iterations=snowball_dilate) label, num_labels = nd.label(snowball_mask) _maskfrac = snowball_mask.sum() / snowball_mask.size if _maskfrac > max_fraction: msg = f"Snowball mask: {_file} problem " msg += f" fraction {_maskfrac*100:.2f} > {max_fraction*100:.2f}" msg += " turning off..." utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=True) snowball_mask &= False unset4 = True _im['DQ'].data |= (snowball_mask*mask_bit).astype(_im['DQ'].data.dtype) if unset4: _im['DQ'].data -= (_im['DQ'].data & 4) _im['SCI'].header['SNOWMASK'] = (True, 'Snowball mask applied') _im['SCI'].header['SNOWEROD'] = (snowball_erode, 'CR bit=4 erosion for snowballs') _im['SCI'].header['SNOWDILA'] = (snowball_dilate, 'CR bit=4 dilation for snowballs') _im['SCI'].header['SNOWMBIT'] = (mask_bit, 'Snowball bit ') _im['SCI'].header['SNOWBALN'] = (num_labels, 'Number of labeled features in snowball mask') _im['SCI'].header['SNOWBALF'] = (_maskfrac, 'Fraction of masked pixels in snowball mask') msg = f"Snowball mask: {_file} " msg += f" N={_im['SCI'].header['SNOWBALN']:>3}" msg += f"(f={_im['SCI'].header['SNOWBALF']*100:.2f}%)" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=True) _im.flush() return True
# bin widths defined in pixels with scale `pixel_scale BLOT_BACKGROUND_PARAMS = {'bw': 64, 'bh': 64, 'fw': 3, 'fh': 3, 'pixel_scale': 0.06}
[docs]def blot_background(visit={'product': '', 'files': None}, bkg_params=BLOT_BACKGROUND_PARAMS, verbose=True, skip_existing=True, get_median=False, log=True, stepsize=10, **kwargs): """ Blot SEP background of drizzled image back to component FLT images Parameters ---------- visit : dict Dictionary defining the drizzle product ('product' key) and associated FLT files that contribute to the drizzled mosaic ('files' list) bkg_params : dict Parameters for `sep.Background` verbose : bool Status messages skip_existing : bool Don't run if ``BLOTSKY`` keyword found in the FLT header get_median : bool Don't use full background but rather just use (masked) median value of the drizzled mosaic log : bool Write log information to `grizli.utils.LOGFILE` stepsize : int Parameter for `blot` Returns ------- Nothing returned but subtracts the transformed background image directly from the FLT files and updates header keywords """ if log: frame = inspect.currentframe() utils.log_function_arguments(utils.LOGFILE, frame, 'prep.blot_background') import as pyfits import astropy.wcs as pywcs from drizzlepac import astrodrizzle drz_files = glob.glob('{0}_dr[zc]_sci.fits'.format(visit['product'])) if len(drz_files) == 0: logstr = '# blot_background: No mosaic found {0}_dr[zc]_sci.fits' logstr = logstr.format(visit['product']) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=True) return False drz_file = drz_files[0] drz_im = drz_unit = drz_im[0].header['BUNIT'] drz_wcs = pywcs.WCS(drz_im[0].header) drz_wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(drz_wcs) # Get SEP background bkg_data = make_SEP_catalog(root=visit['product'], bkg_only=True, bkg_params=bkg_params, verbose=False) if get_median: mask = drz_im[0].data != 0 bkg_data = bkg_data*0.+np.median(np.median(bkg_data[mask])) logstr = '# Blot background from {0}'.format(drz_file) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) for file in visit['files']: flt =, mode='update') for ext in range(1, 5): if ('SCI', ext) not in flt: continue if ('BLOTSKY' in flt['SCI', ext].header) & (skip_existing): print(f'\'BLOTSKY\' keyword found in {file}. Skipping....') continue logstr = '# Blot background: {0}[SCI,{1}]'.format(file, ext) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) flt_wcs = pywcs.WCS(flt['SCI', ext].header, fobj=flt, relax=True) flt_wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(flt_wcs) blotted = utils.blot_nearest_exact(bkg_data.astype(np.float32), drz_wcs, flt_wcs, stepsize=stepsize, scale_by_pixel_area=True) flt_unit = flt['SCI', ext].header['BUNIT'] if flt_unit+'/S' == drz_unit: tscale = flt[0].header['EXPTIME'] elif flt_unit == drz_unit + '/S': tscale = 1./flt[0].header['EXPTIME'] else: tscale = 1. ## Put result in "BKG" extension(s) if ('BKG',ext) not in flt: bhdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=blotted*tscale, name='BKG', ver=ext, header=flt['SCI',ext].header) flt.append(bhdu) else: bhdu = flt['BKG',ext] += blotted*tscale bhdu = flt['BKG',ext] bhdu.header['BLOTSKY'] = (True, 'Sky blotted from SKYIMAGE') bhdu.header['SKYIMAGE'] = (drz_file, 'Source image for sky') bhdu.header['SKYBW'] = (bkg_params['bw'], 'Sky bkg_params') bhdu.header['SKYBH'] = (bkg_params['bh'], 'Sky bkg_params') bhdu.header['SKYFW'] = (bkg_params['fw'], 'Sky bkg_params') bhdu.header['SKYFH'] = (bkg_params['fh'], 'Sky bkg_params') bhdu.header['SKYPIX'] = (bkg_params['pixel_scale'], 'Sky bkg_params, pixel_scale') flt.flush() return True
[docs]def get_rotated_column_average(data, mask, theta, axis=1, statfunc=np.nanmedian, order=0): """ Get median along an image axis after rotating by and angle `theta`, e.g., for long NIRcam diffraction spikes Parameters ---------- data : array-like Science data mask : array-like Mask for valid data theta : float Rotation angle passed to `scipy.ndimage.rotate` (degrees) axis : int Image axis along which to compute `statfunc` statfunc : function Statistic to calculate. Should be `nan`-safe as masked pixels are filled with `~numpy.nan` order : int Interpolation order for `scipy.ndimage.rotate`. Default `order=0` is nearest-neighbor interpolation and fastest Returns ------- back : array-like Filled array of `statfunc` rotated back to the original frame """ import scipy.ndimage as nd # Rotate the data and mask rot = nd.rotate(data, theta, order=order, reshape=True, mode='constant') srot = nd.rotate(mask, theta, order=order, reshape=True, mode='constant') msk = (srot == 1) & (rot != 0) rows = rot*1. rows[~msk] = np.nan with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") med = statfunc(rows, axis=axis) if axis == 1: row_model = np.zeros_like(rows) + med[:,None] else: row_model = np.zeros_like(rows) + med row_model[~np.isfinite(row_model)] = 0 # Rotate back back = nd.rotate(row_model, -theta, order=order, reshape=True, mode='constant') # Slices if the rotated images were resized, # assuming that the original image is centered in the output shn = back.shape sho = data.shape nx = shn[1]-sho[1] ny = shn[0] - sho[0] if nx > 0: slx = slice(nx//2,-nx//2) else: slx = slice(0,sho[1]) if ny > 0: sly = slice(ny//2,-ny//2) else: sly = slice(0, sho[0]) back_sl = back[sly, slx] back_sl[~np.isfinite(back_sl)] = 0. return back_sl
[docs]def subtract_visit_angle_averages(visit, threshold=1.8, detection_background=True, angles=[30.0, -30.0, 0, 90], suffix='angles', niter=3, instruments=['NIRCAM'], stepsize=10, verbose=True): """ Subtract angle averages from exposures in a `visit` group Parameters ---------- visit : dict Visit association dictionary threshold : float Detection threshold for source masking detection_background : bool Run source mask detection with background estimation angles : list List of angles relative to `PA_APER` to compute. For JWST/NIRCam, the diffraction spikes are at approximately +/- 30 deg. suffix : str If provided, write an output file of the drizzle-combined angle background image niter : int Number of iterations. A few iterations seems to help, perhaps because of imperfect mapping between the exposure frame and the drizzled frame where the correction is derived instruments : list Only perform if exposure instrument is in this list stepsize : int Parameter for blot Returns ------- hdu : `` FITS data with the drizzled data and angle averages """ if instruments is None: return None if len(instruments) == 0: return None frame = inspect.currentframe() utils.log_function_arguments(utils.LOGFILE, frame, 'prep.subtract_visit_angle_averages') with['files'][0]) as im: if 'OINSTRUM' in im[0].header: _instrume = im[0].header['OINSTRUM'] else: _instrume = im[0].header['INSTRUME'] if _instrume not in instruments: msg = f"subtract_visit_angle_averages: " msg += f"{_instrume} not in {instruments}" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose) return None pa_aper = im['SCI'].header['PA_APER'] wcs_i = pywcs.WCS(im['SCI'].header, relax=True, fobj=im) pixel_scale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(wcs_i)*0.8 needs_footprints = 'footprints' not in visit if 'footprints' in visit: needs_footprints |= len(visit['footprints']) < len(visit['files']) if needs_footprints: visit['footprints'] = [] for f in visit['files']: with as im: wcs_i = pywcs.WCS(im['SCI'].header, relax=True) sr = utils.SRegion(wcs_i.calc_footprint()) visit['footprints'].append(sr.shapely[0]) for _iter in range(niter): ################## ### Visit-level mosaic drz_h0, drz_wcs = utils.make_maximal_wcs(visit['files'], pixel_scale=pixel_scale, pad=4, theta=0, get_hdu=False, verbose=False, ) msg = f"subtract_visit_angle_averages: {visit['product']}" msg += f" threshold: {threshold} angles: {angles} " msg += f"pa_aper: {pa_aper:.2f} iter: {_iter}" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose) drz = utils.drizzle_from_visit(visit, drz_wcs, kernel='square', pixfrac=1.0, clean=False, verbose=False, scale_photom=False, weight_type='median_err', ) drz_h = drz[2] drz_h['PA_APER'] = pa_aper, 'PA_APER used for reference' drz_h['BKGANGLE'] = (','.join([f'{a:.1f}' for a in angles]), 'Background angles') drz_h['NITANGLE'] = niter, 'Number of iterations for angle subtraction' data, wht = drz[0], drz[1] err = 1/np.sqrt(wht) mask = (wht > 0) ################## ### Source detection for mask cat, seg = make_SEP_catalog_from_arrays(data, err, (~mask), wcs=drz_wcs, threshold=threshold, get_background=detection_background, segmentation_map=True, verbose=False, ) smask = (seg == 0) & mask ################## ### Do the angle subtraction med_model = data*0. for i, off in enumerate(angles): med_model += get_rotated_column_average(data - med_model, smask, pa_aper+off) ################## ### Apply to exposure files for i, file in enumerate(visit['files'][:]): with, mode='update') as flt: msg = f"subtract_visit_angle_averages: remove from {file}" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=True) for ext in range(1, 5): if ('SCI', ext) not in flt: continue flt_wcs = pywcs.WCS(flt['SCI', ext].header, fobj=flt, relax=True) flt_wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(flt_wcs) blt = utils.blot_nearest_exact(med_model.astype(np.float32), drz_wcs, flt_wcs, stepsize=stepsize, scale_by_pixel_area=True) # TBD tscale = 1. if ('BKG',ext) not in flt: hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=blt, name='BKG', ver=ext, header=flt['SCI',ext].header) flt.append(hdu) else: flt['BKG',ext].data += blt for k in ['PA_APER','BKGANGLE','NITANGLE','GRIZLIV']: flt['BKG',ext].header[k] = drz_h[k], drz_h.comments[k] flt.flush() _cleaned = data - med_model if _iter == 0: drz_hdu = pyfits.HDUList([]) drz_hdu.append(pyfits.PrimaryHDU( data=med_model.astype(np.float32), header=drz_h, ) ) drz_hdu.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=_cleaned.astype(np.float32), header=drz_h, ) ) drz_hdu.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=smask*1, header=drz_h, ) ) else: drz_hdu[0].data += med_model.astype(np.float32) drz_hdu[1].data = _cleaned.astype(np.float32) drz_hdu[2].data = smask*1 if suffix is not None: out = f"{visit['product']}_{suffix}.fits" drz_hdu.writeto(out, overwrite=True, output_verify='Fix') return drz_hdu
[docs]def separate_chip_sky(visit, filters=['F200LP','F350LP','F600LP','F390W'], stepsize=10, statistic=np.nanmedian, by_amp=True, only_flc=True, row_average=True, average_order=11, seg_dilate=16, **kwargs): """ Get separate background values for each chip. Updates 'CHIPSKY' header keyword for each SCI extension of the visit exposure files. Parameters ---------- visit : dict List of visit information from `~grizli.utils.parse_flt_files`. filters : list Only run if the exposures in `visit['files']` use a filter in this list, e.g., less-common WFC3/UVIS filters stepsize : int Parameter for blot statistic : func Test statistic on (masked) image data from each extension by_amp : bool Compute stats by amp (half-chip) subregions (*not implemented*) only_flc : True Only run if `visit['files'][0]` has "flc" extension Returns ------- status : bool Runtime status, True if executed """ frame = inspect.currentframe() utils.log_function_arguments(utils.LOGFILE, frame, 'prep.separate_chip_sky') import as pyfits import astropy.wcs as pywcs from drizzlepac import astrodrizzle import scipy.ndimage as nd if ('flc' not in visit['files'][0]) & only_flc: return False flt =['files'][0]) filt_i = utils.parse_filter_from_header(flt[0].header) if filt_i not in filters: logstr = f'# separate_chip_sky: {filt_i} not in {filters} for ' logstr += "'{0}'".format(visit['product']) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=True) return False seg_files = glob.glob('{0}_seg.fits*'.format(visit['product'])) if len(seg_files) == 0: logstr = '# separate_chip_sky: No segimage found {0}_seg.fits' logstr = logstr.format(visit['product']) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=True) seg_file = seg_files[0] seg_im = seg_mask = nd.binary_dilation(seg_im[0].data > 0, iterations=seg_dilate)*1 seg_wcs = pywcs.WCS(seg_im[0].header) seg_wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(seg_wcs) if row_average: row_num = {} row_den = {} make_fig = True if make_fig: fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,1,figsize=(8,8)) for file in visit['files']: flt =, mode='update') for ext in range(1, 5): if ('SCI', ext) not in flt: continue flt_wcs = pywcs.WCS(flt['SCI', ext].header, fobj=flt, relax=True) flt_wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(flt_wcs) blotted = utils.blot_nearest_exact(seg_mask, seg_wcs, flt_wcs, stepsize=stepsize, scale_by_pixel_area=False) nonzero = flt['SCI',ext].data != 0 ok = (flt['DQ',ext].data == 0) & (blotted <= 0) ok &= nonzero stat = statistic(flt['SCI',ext].data[ok]) if row_average: print(file, ext, stat) wht = 1/(flt['ERR',ext].data)**2 wht[~ok] = 0 filled = (flt['SCI',ext].data - stat)/stat filled[~(ok & nonzero)] = np.nan rows = np.nanmedian(filled, axis=1) rows[~np.isfinite(rows)] = 0 if ext not in row_num: row_num[ext] = rows row_den[ext] = (rows != 0)*1 else: row_num[ext] += rows row_den[ext] += (rows != 0)*1 if make_fig: axes[ext-1].plot(rows, alpha=0.5) fig.tight_layout(pad=0.5) if os.path.exists('/tmp'): fig.savefig('/tmp/rows.png') plt.close() ############### if 'MDRIZSKY' in flt['SCI',ext].header: stat -= flt['SCI',ext].header['MDRIZSKY'] logstr = f'# separate_chip_sky {filt_i}: ' logstr += f'{file}[SCI,{ext}] = {stat:6.2f}' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=True) if 'CHIPSKY' in flt['SCI',ext].header: flt['SCI',ext].header['CHIPSKY'] += stat else: flt['SCI',ext].header['CHIPSKY'] = (stat, 'Chip-level sky') flt['SCI',ext].data -= nonzero*stat flt.flush() if row_average: row_avg = {} row_model = {} for ext in row_num: row_avg[ext] = row_num[ext]/row_den[ext] row_avg[ext][row_den[ext] <= 0] = np.nan if make_fig: axes[ext-1].plot(row_avg[ext], alpha=0.5, color='k') fig.tight_layout(pad=0.5) msk = np.isfinite(row_avg[ext]) xi = np.linspace(0,1,row_avg[ext].size) #deg = 11 for _iter in range(5): cc = np.polynomial.chebyshev.chebfit(xi[msk], row_avg[ext][msk], average_order, rcond=None, full=False, w=None) row_model[ext] = np.polynomial.chebyshev.chebval(xi, cc) msk = np.isfinite(row_avg[ext]) msk &= np.abs(row_avg[ext] - row_model[ext]) < 3*utils.nmad(row_avg[ext][msk]) if make_fig: axes[ext-1].plot(row_model[ext], color='r') if os.path.exists('/tmp'): fig.savefig('/tmp/rows.png') for file in visit['files']: flt =, mode='update') for ext in range(1, 5): if ('SCI', ext) not in flt: continue nonzero = flt['SCI',ext].data != 0 stat = flt['SCI',ext].header['CHIPSKY']*1 if 'MDRIZSKY' in flt['SCI',ext].header: stat += flt['SCI',ext].header['MDRIZSKY'] row_avg_ext = nonzero * row_avg[ext][:,None] * stat flt['SCI',ext].data -= row_avg_ext flt['SCI',ext].header['ROWSKY'] = (True, 'Row-averaged sky removed') flt.flush() flt.close() return True
[docs]def add_external_sources(root='', maglim=20, fwhm=0.2, catalog='2mass'): """Add Gaussian sources in empty parts of an image derived from an external catalog Parameters ---------- root : type hlim : type Returns ------- savesimages : type """ from astropy.modeling import models sci_file = glob.glob('{0}_dr[zc]_sci.fits'.format(root))[0] wht_file = glob.glob('{0}_dr[zc]_wht.fits'.format(root))[0] sci = wht = sh = sci[0].data.shape yp, xp = np.indices(sh) PHOTPLAM = sci[0].header['PHOTPLAM'] PHOTFLAM = sci[0].header['PHOTFLAM'] ZP = -2.5*np.log10(PHOTFLAM) - 21.10 - 5*np.log10(PHOTPLAM) + 18.6921 wcs = pywcs.WCS(sci[0]) pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(wcs) rd = wcs.all_pix2world(np.array([[sh[1]/2], [sh[0]/2]]).T, 0)[0] radius = np.sqrt(2)*np.maximum(sh[0], sh[1])/2.*pscale/60. if catalog == '2mass': cat = get_irsa_catalog(rd[0], rd[1], radius=radius, twomass=True) cat['mag'] = cat['h_m']+1.362 # AB table_to_regions(cat, '{0}_2mass.reg'.format(root)) elif catalog == 'panstarrs': cat = get_panstarrs_catalog(rd[0], rd[1], radius=radius) # cat['mag'] = cat['rMeanKronMag']+0.14 # AB cat['mag'] = cat['iMeanKronMag']+0.35 # AB table_to_regions(cat, '{0}_panstarrs.reg'.format(root)) elif catalog == 'ukidss': cat = get_ukidss_catalog(rd[0], rd[1], radius=radius) cat['mag'] = cat['HAperMag3']+1.362 # AB cat.rename_column('RA', 'ra') cat.rename_column('Dec', 'dec') table_to_regions(cat, '{0}_ukidss.reg'.format(root)) elif catalog == 'gaia': cat = get_gaia_DR2_vizier(rd[0], rd[1], radius=radius) cat['mag'] = np.minimum(cat['phot_g_mean_mag'], 19)-2 table_to_regions(cat, '{0}_gaia.reg'.format(root)) else: print('Not a valid catalog: ', catalog) return False cat = cat[(cat['mag'] < maglim) & (cat['mag'] > 0)] print('{0}: {1} objects'.format(catalog, len(cat))) if len(cat) == 0: return False xy = wcs.all_world2pix(cat['ra'], cat['dec'], 0) flux = sci[0].data*0. N = len(cat) for i in range(N): print('Add object {0:3d}/{1:3d}, x={2:6.1f}, y={3:6.1f}, mag={4:6.2f}'.format(i, N, xy[0][i], xy[1][i], cat['mag'][i])) scale = 10**(-0.4*(cat['mag'][i]-ZP)) src = models.Gaussian2D(amplitude=scale, x_mean=xy[0][i], y_mean=xy[1][i], x_stddev=fwhm/pscale/2.35, y_stddev=fwhm/pscale/2.35, theta=0.0) m_i = src(xp, yp) flux += m_i # ds9.view(flux) clip = (wht[0].data == 0) & (flux > 1.e-6*flux.max()) wht_val = np.percentile(wht[0].data, 95) wht[0].data[clip] = wht_val sci[0].data[clip] = flux[clip] sci.writeto(sci_file.replace('_drz', '_{0}_drz'.format(catalog)), overwrite=True) wht.writeto(wht_file.replace('_drz', '_{0}_drz'.format(catalog)), overwrite=True)
[docs]def asn_to_dict(input_asn): """Convert an ASN file to a dictionary Parameters ---------- input_asn : str Filename of the ASN table Returns ------- output : dict Dictionary with keys 'product' and 'files'. """ from import asnutil # Already is a dict if isinstance(input_asn, dict): return input_asn # String / unicode if hasattr(input_asn, 'upper'): asn = asnutil.readASNTable(input_asn) else: # asnutil.ASNTable asn = input_asn output = {'product': asn['output'], 'files': asn['order']} return output
# Visit-level ackground subtraction parameters for blot_background BKG_PARAMS = {'bw': 128, 'bh': 128, 'fw': 3, 'fh': 3, 'pixel_scale': 0.06} SEPARATE_CHIP_KWARGS = {'filters': ['F200LP','F350LP','F600LP','F390W'], 'stepsize': 10, 'statistic': np.median, 'by_amp':True, 'only_flc':True}
[docs]def process_direct_grism_visit(direct={}, grism={}, radec=None, outlier_threshold=5, align_clip=30, align_thresh=None, align_mag_limits=[14, 23, 0.05], align_rms_limit=2, align_triangle_ba_max=0.9, align_ref_border=100, align_min_flux_radius=1., align_min_nexp=2, align_assume_close=False, align_transform=None, align_guess=None, align_final_niter=8, max_err_percentile=99, catalog_mask_pad=0.05, match_catalog_density=None, column_average=True, sky_iter=10, run_tweak_align=True, tweak_fit_order=-1, skip_direct=False, fix_stars=False, tweak_max_dist=100., tweak_n_min=10, tweak_threshold=1.5, tweak_ref_exp=0, tweak_mosaic_iters=0, align_simple=True, single_image_CRs=True, skymethod='localmin', drizzle_params={}, iter_atol=1.e-4, static_mask=False, imaging_bkg_params=None, run_separate_chip_sky=True, separate_chip_kwargs={}, reference_catalogs=['GAIA', 'PS1', 'SDSS', 'WISE'], use_self_catalog=False, nircam_wisp_kwargs={}, skip_nircam_grism_sky=True, oneoverf_kwargs={}, snowball_kwargs={}, angle_background_kwargs={}, miri_skyflat=True, miri_skyfile=None, use_skyflats=True, do_pure_parallel_wcs=True, ): """Full processing of a direct (+grism) image visit. Notes ----- For **imaging** exposures: 1) Copies of individual exposures with `~grizli.prep.fresh_flt_file` * Run `stwcs.updatewcs.updatewcs` on each FLT #) "tweak" shift alignment of individual FLTs * If ACS or UVIS, do preliminary `AstroDrizzle` run to flag CRs #) Run `AstroDrizzle` to create first-pass mosaic #) Astrometric alignment of the drizzled image reference catalogs with `~grizli.prep.align_drizzled_image` * Propagate alignment back to FLT exposures #) Redrizzle visit mosaic with updated astrometry #) *optional* Subtract mosaic background from exposures with `~grizli.prep.blot_background` #) Make final visit catalog #) *optional* Fill saturated stars with ePSF models with `~grizli.prep.fix_star_centers` For **grism** exposures: If *grism* exposures are specified, first do the above for the direct images and then, 1) Assign (refined) WCS of associated direct image to each grism exposure (`~grizli.prep.match_direct_grism_wcs`) #) Run `AstroDrizzle` to flag additional CRs, bad pixels #) Subtract 2D sky background (`~grizli.prep.visit_grism_sky`) * *optional* additional column-average grism background #) Redrizzle grism mosaic """ frame = inspect.currentframe() utils.log_function_arguments(utils.LOGFILE, frame, 'prep.process_direct_grism_visit') #from import asnutil from stwcs import updatewcs from drizzlepac import updatehdr from drizzlepac.astrodrizzle import AstroDrizzle from .aws import visit_processor ################# # Direct image processing ################# # Copy FLT files from ../RAW isACS = '_flc' in direct['files'][0] # Also UVIS isWFPC2 = '_c0' in direct['files'][0] if not skip_direct: for file in direct['files']: crclean = isACS & (len(direct['files']) == 1) fresh_flt_file(file, crclean=crclean, oneoverf_correction=(oneoverf_kwargs is not None), oneoverf_kwargs=oneoverf_kwargs, use_skyflats=use_skyflats, do_pure_parallel_wcs=do_pure_parallel_wcs) isJWST = check_isJWST(file) if isJWST: isACS = isWFPC2 = False _ = jwst_utils.set_jwst_to_hst_keywords(file, reset=False) if not isJWST: try: updatewcs.updatewcs(file, verbose=False, use_db=False) except TypeError: updatewcs.updatewcs(file, verbose=False) if isJWST: if miri_skyflat: make_visit_average_flat(direct) elif miri_skyfile is not None: apply_visit_skyflat(direct, skyfile=miri_skyfile) # Initial grism processing skip_grism = (grism == {}) | (grism is None) | (len(grism) == 0) if not skip_grism: for file in grism['files']: fresh_flt_file(file, oneoverf_correction=(oneoverf_kwargs is not None), oneoverf_kwargs=oneoverf_kwargs, use_skyflats=use_skyflats) # Need to force F814W filter for updatewcs if isACS: with, mode='update') as flc: if flc[0].header['INSTRUME'] == 'ACS': changed_filter = True flc[0].header['FILTER1'] = 'CLEAR1L' flc[0].header['FILTER2'] = 'F814W' flc.flush() else: changed_filter = False else: changed_filter = False # Run updatewcs if not isJWST: try: updatewcs.updatewcs(file, verbose=False, use_db=False) except TypeError: updatewcs.updatewcs(file, verbose=False) # Change back if changed_filter: with, mode='update') as flc: flc[0].header['FILTER1'] = 'CLEAR2L' flc[0].header['FILTER2'] = 'G800L' flc.flush() # Make ASN # asn = asnutil.ASNTable(grism['files'], output=grism['product']) # asn.create() # asn.write() if isACS: bits = 64+32+256 driz_cr_snr = '3.5 3.0' driz_cr_scale = '1.2 0.7' elif isWFPC2: bits = 64+32 driz_cr_snr = '3.5 3.0' driz_cr_scale = '1.2 0.7' elif isJWST: # Placeholder bits = 4 driz_cr_snr = '8.0 5.0' driz_cr_scale = '2.5 0.7' else: bits = 576+256 driz_cr_snr = '8.0 5.0' driz_cr_scale = '2.5 0.7' if 'driz_cr_scale' in drizzle_params: driz_cr_scale = drizzle_params['driz_cr_scale'] drizzle_params.pop('driz_cr_scale') if 'driz_cr_snr' in drizzle_params: driz_cr_snr = drizzle_params['driz_cr_snr'] drizzle_params.pop('driz_cr_snr') if 'bits' in drizzle_params: bits = drizzle_params['bits'] drizzle_params.pop('bits') if 'driz_cr_grow' in drizzle_params: driz_cr_grow = drizzle_params.pop('driz_cr_grow') else: driz_cr_grow = 1 # Relax CR rejection for first-pass ACS if isACS: driz_cr_snr_first = '15. 10.0' driz_cr_scale_first = '1.2 0.7' else: driz_cr_snr_first = driz_cr_snr driz_cr_scale_first = driz_cr_scale # GAIN for AstroDrizzle if isJWST: # I guess this means ignore these values? _gain = '-99' _rdnoise = '-99' else: # Will be derived from header keywords for HST _gain = None _rdnoise = None if not skip_direct: if isJWST: if snowball_kwargs is not None: mask_snowballs(direct, **snowball_kwargs) if (not isACS) & (not isWFPC2) & run_tweak_align: # if run_tweak_align: if (tweak_mosaic_iters == -1) & (radec is not None): tweak_radec = radec else: tweak_radec = None tweak_align(direct_group=direct, grism_group=grism, max_dist=tweak_max_dist, n_min=tweak_n_min, key=' ', drizzle=False, ref_exp=tweak_ref_exp, threshold=tweak_threshold, fit_order=tweak_fit_order, master_radec=tweak_radec, ) ## Iterate the tweak correction if tweak_mosaic_iters > 0: tweak_kwargs = dict(max_dist=tweak_max_dist, n_min=tweak_n_min, key=' ', drizzle=False, ref_exp=tweak_ref_exp, threshold=tweak_threshold, fit_order=tweak_fit_order ) # Reset JWST headers if isJWST: for file in direct['files']: _ = jwst_utils.set_jwst_to_hst_keywords(file, reset=True) if 'files' in grism: for file in grism['files']: _ = jwst_utils.set_jwst_to_hst_keywords(file, reset=True) iterate_tweak_align(direct, grism, cat_threshold=7, cleanup=True, niter=tweak_mosaic_iters, tweak_kwargs=tweak_kwargs, verbose=True) # Set back to pseudo-HST headers if isJWST: for file in direct['files']: _ = jwst_utils.set_jwst_to_hst_keywords(file) if 'files' in grism: for file in grism['files']: _ = jwst_utils.set_jwst_to_hst_keywords(file) if (isACS) & (len(direct['files']) == 1) & single_image_CRs: find_single_image_CRs(direct, simple_mask=False, with_ctx_mask=False, run_lacosmic=True) # Get reference astrometry from GAIA, PS1, SDSS, WISE, etc. if radec is None: with['files'][0]) as im: _h0 = im[0].header _h1 = im[1].header radec, ref_catalog = get_radec_catalog(ra=_h1['CRVAL1'], dec=_h1['CRVAL2'], product=direct['product'], reference_catalogs=reference_catalogs, date=_h0['EXPSTART'], date_format='mjd', use_self_catalog=use_self_catalog) if ref_catalog == 'VISIT': align_mag_limits = [16, 23, 0.05] elif ref_catalog == 'SDSS': align_mag_limits = [16, 21, 0.05] elif ref_catalog == 'PS1': align_mag_limits = [16, 23, 0.05] elif ref_catalog == 'WISE': align_mag_limits = [15, 20, 0.05] else: ref_catalog = 'USER' logstr = '# {0}: First Drizzle'.format(direct['product']) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=True, show_date=True) # Clean up for ext in ['.fits', '.log']: file = '{0}_wcs.{1}'.format(direct['product'], ext) if os.path.exists(file): os.remove(file) # First drizzle if len(direct['files']) > 1: for file in direct['files']: with, mode='update') as hdu: hdu[3].data = hdu[3].data.astype(np.int16) hdu.flush() AstroDrizzle(direct['files'], output=direct['product'], clean=True, context=False, preserve=False, skysub=True, skymethod=skymethod, driz_separate=True, driz_sep_wcs=True, median=True, blot=True, driz_cr=True, driz_cr_snr=driz_cr_snr_first, driz_cr_scale=driz_cr_scale_first, driz_cr_corr=False, driz_combine=True, final_bits=bits, coeffs=True, build=False, resetbits=4096, final_wht_type='IVM', gain=_gain, static=static_mask, rdnoise=_rdnoise, **drizzle_params) else: AstroDrizzle(direct['files'], output=direct['product'], clean=True, final_scale=None, final_pixfrac=1, context=False, final_bits=bits, preserve=False, driz_separate=False, driz_sep_wcs=False, median=False, blot=False, driz_cr=False, driz_cr_corr=False, driz_combine=True, build=False, final_wht_type='IVM', gain=_gain, static=False, rdnoise=_rdnoise, **drizzle_params) # Now do tweak_align for ACS if (isACS) & run_tweak_align & (len(direct['files']) > 1): if (tweak_mosaic_iters == -1) & (radec is not None): tweak_radec = radec else: tweak_radec = None tweak_align(direct_group=direct, grism_group=grism, max_dist=tweak_max_dist, n_min=tweak_n_min, key=' ', drizzle=False, threshold=tweak_threshold, master_radec=tweak_radec, ) if tweak_mosaic_iters > 0: tweak_kwargs = dict(max_dist=tweak_max_dist, n_min=tweak_n_min, key=' ', drizzle=False, ref_exp=tweak_ref_exp, threshold=tweak_threshold, fit_order=tweak_fit_order ) iterate_tweak_align(direct, grism, cat_threshold=7, cleanup=True, niter=tweak_mosaic_iters, tweak_kwargs=tweak_kwargs, verbose=True) # Redrizzle with no CR rejection AstroDrizzle(direct['files'], output=direct['product'], clean=True, context=False, preserve=False, skysub=False, driz_separate=False, driz_sep_wcs=False, median=False, blot=False, driz_cr=False, driz_cr_corr=False, driz_combine=True, final_bits=bits, coeffs=True, build=False, final_wht_type='IVM', gain=_gain, static=static_mask, rdnoise=_rdnoise, resetbits=0) # Make catalog & segmentation image if align_thresh is None: if isWFPC2: thresh = 8 else: thresh = 2 else: thresh = align_thresh #cat = make_drz_catalog(root=direct['product'], threshold=thresh) if 'footprints' in direct: # print('xxx with footprints') cat = make_SEP_catalog(root=direct['product'], threshold=thresh, exposure_footprints=direct['footprints']) else: # print('xxx no footprints') cat = make_SEP_catalog(root=direct['product'], threshold=thresh, exposure_footprints=None) if radec == 'self': okmag = ((cat['MAG_AUTO'] > align_mag_limits[0]) & (cat['MAG_AUTO'] < align_mag_limits[1])) cat['X_WORLD', 'Y_WORLD'][okmag].write('self', format='ascii.commented_header', overwrite=True) # clip=30 logfile = '{0}_wcs.log'.format(direct['product']) if os.path.exists(logfile): os.remove(logfile) guess_file = '{0}.align_guess'.format(direct['product']) if align_guess != None: guess = align_guess elif os.path.exists(guess_file): guess = np.loadtxt(guess_file) else: guess = [0., 0., 0., 1] # Database radec? if radec == 'astrometry_db': radec = get_visit_radec_from_database(direct) try: result = align_drizzled_image(root=direct['product'], mag_limits=align_mag_limits, radec=radec, NITER=3, clip=align_clip, log=True, guess=guess, outlier_threshold=outlier_threshold, simple=align_simple, rms_limit=align_rms_limit, max_err_percentile=max_err_percentile, catalog_mask_pad=catalog_mask_pad, triangle_size_limit=[5, 2400*(1+isACS)], triangle_ba_max=align_triangle_ba_max, match_catalog_density=match_catalog_density, ref_border=align_ref_border, min_flux_radius=align_min_flux_radius, min_nexp=align_min_nexp, assume_close=align_assume_close, transform=align_transform, refine_final_niter=align_final_niter, ) except: utils.log_exception(utils.LOGFILE, traceback) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, "# !! Drizzle alignment failed") fp = open('{0}.wcs_failed'.format(direct['product']), 'w') fp.write(guess.__str__()) fp.close() # Does nothing but moves forward result = align_drizzled_image(root=direct['product'], mag_limits=align_mag_limits, radec=radec, NITER=0, clip=align_clip, log=False, guess=guess, outlier_threshold=outlier_threshold, simple=align_simple, rms_limit=align_rms_limit, max_err_percentile=max_err_percentile, catalog_mask_pad=catalog_mask_pad, match_catalog_density=match_catalog_density, ref_border=align_ref_border, min_flux_radius=align_min_flux_radius, min_nexp=align_min_nexp, transform=align_transform, refine_final_niter=align_final_niter, ) orig_wcs, drz_wcs, out_shift, out_rot, out_scale = result # Update direct FLT WCS for file in direct['files']: xyscale = [out_shift[0], out_shift[1], out_rot, out_scale] update_wcs_fits_log(file, orig_wcs, xyscale=xyscale, initialize=False, replace=('.fits', '.wcslog.fits'), wcsname=ref_catalog) updatehdr.updatewcs_with_shift(file, str('{0}_wcs.fits'.format(direct['product'])), xsh=out_shift[0], ysh=out_shift[1], rot=out_rot, scale=out_scale, wcsname=ref_catalog, force=True, reusename=True, verbose=True, sciext='SCI') # Bug in astrodrizzle? Dies if the FLT files don't have MJD-OBS # keywords with, mode='update') as im: im[0].header['MJD-OBS'] = im[0].header['EXPSTART'] im.flush() # Second drizzle with aligned wcs, refined CR-rejection params # tuned for WFC3/IR logstr = '# {0}: Second Drizzle'.format(direct['product']) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=True, show_date=True) if len(direct['files']) == 1: AstroDrizzle(direct['files'], output=direct['product'], clean=True, final_pixfrac=0.8, context=False, resetbits=4096, final_bits=bits, driz_sep_bits=bits, preserve=False, driz_cr_snr=driz_cr_snr, driz_cr_scale=driz_cr_scale, driz_separate=False, driz_sep_wcs=False, median=False, blot=False, driz_cr=False, driz_cr_corr=False, build=False, final_wht_type='IVM', gain=_gain, rdnoise=_rdnoise, static=False, **drizzle_params) else: if 'par' in direct['product']: pixfrac = 1.0 else: pixfrac = 0.8 AstroDrizzle(direct['files'], output=direct['product'], clean=True, final_pixfrac=pixfrac, context=(isACS | isWFPC2), skysub=True, skymethod=skymethod, resetbits=4096, final_bits=bits, driz_sep_bits=bits, preserve=False, driz_cr_snr=driz_cr_snr, driz_cr_scale=driz_cr_scale, driz_cr_grow=driz_cr_grow, build=False, final_wht_type='IVM', gain=_gain, rdnoise=_rdnoise, static=static_mask, **drizzle_params) # Flag areas of ACS images covered by a single image, where # CRs aren't appropriately masked is_single = (len(direct['files']) == 1) if (single_image_CRs) & (isACS | isWFPC2): logstr = '# Mask areas of the mosaic covered by a single input image' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=True) try: find_single_image_CRs(direct, simple_mask=(not is_single), with_ctx_mask=(not is_single), run_lacosmic=is_single) except: utils.log_exception(utils.LOGFILE, traceback) pass # Make DRZ catalog again with updated DRZWCS clean_drizzle(direct['product']) if isJWST: if nircam_wisp_kwargs is not None: for _file in direct['files']: nircam_wisp_correction(_file, **nircam_wisp_kwargs) # if oneoverf_kwargs is not None: # oneoverf_column_correction(direct, **oneoverf_kwargs) # Redrizzle before background AstroDrizzle(direct['files'], output=direct['product'], clean=True, final_pixfrac=0.8, context=False, skysub=True, skymethod=skymethod, resetbits=0, final_bits=bits, driz_sep_bits=bits, preserve=False, driz_cr_snr=driz_cr_snr, driz_cr_scale=driz_cr_scale, driz_separate=False, driz_sep_wcs=False, median=False, blot=False, driz_cr=False, driz_cr_corr=False, build=False, final_wht_type='IVM', gain=_gain, rdnoise=_rdnoise, static=static_mask, **drizzle_params) clean_drizzle(direct['product']) # Subtract visit-level background based on the drizzled mosaic if imaging_bkg_params is not None: logstr = '# Imaging background: {0}'.format(imaging_bkg_params) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=True) bkg_params = imaging_bkg_params.copy() if 'get_median' in bkg_params: get_median = bkg_params.pop('get_median') else: get_median = False blot_background(visit=direct, bkg_params=bkg_params, verbose=True, skip_existing=True, get_median=get_median) if run_separate_chip_sky & isACS: separate_chip_sky(direct, **separate_chip_kwargs) # Reset JWST headers if isJWST: for file in direct['files']: _ = jwst_utils.set_jwst_to_hst_keywords(file, reset=True) if angle_background_kwargs: subtract_visit_angle_averages(direct, **angle_background_kwargs) # Remake final mosaic _ = utils.drizzle_from_visit(direct, output=None, pixfrac=1., kernel='square', clean=False, include_saturated=True, keep_bits=None, dryrun=False, skip=None, extra_wfc3ir_badpix=True, verbose=False, scale_photom=False, weight_type='jwst', calc_wcsmap=False, ) _sci, _wht, _hdr, _files, _info = _ _drcfile = glob.glob(f"{direct['product']}_dr*sci.fits")[0] _whtfile = _drcfile.replace('_sci.fits','_wht.fits') pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=_sci, header=_hdr).writeto(_drcfile, overwrite=True) pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=_wht, header=_hdr).writeto(_whtfile, overwrite=True) # Remake catalog #cat = make_drz_catalog(root=direct['product'], threshold=thresh) if 'footprints' in direct: # print('xxxx with footprints') cat = make_SEP_catalog(root=direct['product'], threshold=thresh, exposure_footprints=direct['footprints']) else: # print('xxx no footprints') cat = make_SEP_catalog(root=direct['product'], threshold=thresh, exposure_footprints=None) # 140 brightest or mag range clip = (cat['MAG_AUTO'] > align_mag_limits[0]) clip &= (cat['MAG_AUTO'] < align_mag_limits[1]) if len(align_mag_limits) > 2: clip &= cat['MAGERR_AUTO'] < align_mag_limits[2] else: clip &= cat['MAGERR_AUTO'] < 0.05 clip &= utils.catalog_mask(cat, max_err_percentile=max_err_percentile, pad=catalog_mask_pad, pad_is_absolute=False, min_flux_radius=align_min_flux_radius, min_nexp=align_min_nexp) NMAX = 140 so = np.argsort(cat['MAG_AUTO'][clip]) if clip.sum() > NMAX: so = so[:NMAX] table_to_regions(cat[clip][so], f"{direct['product']}.cat.reg") if not ((isACS | isWFPC2) & is_single): table_to_radec(cat[clip][so], f"{direct['product']}.cat.radec") if (fix_stars) & (not isACS) & (not isWFPC2) & (not isJWST): fix_star_centers(root=direct['product'], drizzle=False, mag_lim=19.5) ################# # Grism image processing ################# if skip_grism: return True # Match grism WCS to the direct images match_direct_grism_wcs(direct=direct, grism=grism, get_fresh_flt=False) if isJWST: if snowball_kwargs is not None: mask_snowballs(grism, **snowball_kwargs) # First drizzle to flag CRs gris_cr_corr = len(grism['files']) > 1 driz_cr_snr = '8.0 5.0' driz_cr_scale = '2.5 0.7' for file in grism['files']: with,mode='update') as hdu: hdu[3].data = hdu[3].data.astype(np.int16) hdu.flush() if isJWST: # Set HST header _ = jwst_utils.set_jwst_to_hst_keywords(file, reset=False) AstroDrizzle(grism['files'], output=grism['product'], clean=True, context=False, preserve=False, skysub=True, driz_separate=gris_cr_corr, driz_sep_wcs=gris_cr_corr, median=gris_cr_corr, blot=gris_cr_corr, driz_cr=gris_cr_corr, driz_cr_corr=False, driz_cr_snr=driz_cr_snr, driz_cr_scale=driz_cr_scale, driz_combine=True, final_bits=bits, coeffs=True, resetbits=4096, build=False, final_wht_type='IVM', gain=_gain, rdnoise=_rdnoise, static=static_mask) if isJWST: # Set keywords back for file in grism['files']: _ = jwst_utils.set_jwst_to_hst_keywords(file, reset=True) # Subtract grism sky status = visit_grism_sky(grism=grism, apply=True, sky_iter=sky_iter, column_average=column_average, verbose=True, ext=1, iter_atol=iter_atol, skip_nircam=skip_nircam_grism_sky, ) # Run on second chip (also for UVIS/G280) if isACS: visit_grism_sky(grism=grism, apply=True, sky_iter=sky_iter, column_average=column_average, verbose=True, ext=2, iter_atol=iter_atol) # Add back in some pedestal or CR rejection fails for ACS for file in grism['files']: with, mode='update') as flt: h = flt[0].header flat_sky = h['GSKY101']*h['EXPTIME'] # Use same pedestal for both chips for skysub for ext in [1, 2]: flt['SCI', ext].data += flat_sky flt.flush() # Redrizzle with new background subtraction if isACS: skyfile = '' else: skyfile = '{0}.skyfile'.format(grism['product']) with open(skyfile, 'w') as fp: fp.writelines(['{0} 0.0\n'.format(f) for f in grism['files']]) if 'par' in grism['product']: pixfrac = 1.0 else: pixfrac = 0.8 if isJWST: # Set keywords back to HST for drizzle for file in grism['files']: _ = jwst_utils.set_jwst_to_hst_keywords(file, reset=False) AstroDrizzle(grism['files'], output=grism['product'], clean=True, context=isACS, preserve=False, skysub=True, skyfile=skyfile, driz_separate=gris_cr_corr, driz_sep_wcs=gris_cr_corr, median=gris_cr_corr, blot=gris_cr_corr, driz_cr=gris_cr_corr, driz_cr_corr=False, driz_cr_snr=driz_cr_snr, driz_cr_scale=driz_cr_scale, driz_combine=True, driz_sep_bits=bits, final_bits=bits, coeffs=True, resetbits=4096, final_pixfrac=pixfrac, build=False, gain=_gain, rdnoise=_rdnoise, static=static_mask, final_wht_type='IVM') if os.path.exists(skyfile): os.remove(skyfile) clean_drizzle(grism['product']) # Add direct filter to grism FLT headers set_grism_dfilter(direct, grism) if isJWST: # Set keywords back for file in grism['files']: _ = jwst_utils.set_jwst_to_hst_keywords(file, reset=True) return True
[docs]def set_grism_dfilter(direct, grism): """Set direct imaging filter for grism exposures Parameters ---------- direct, grism : dict Returns ------- Nothing """ d_im =['files'][0]) direct_filter = utils.parse_filter_from_header(d_im[0].header) for file in grism['files']: if '_flc' in file: ext = [1, 2] else: ext = [1] print('DFILTER: {0} {1}'.format(file, direct_filter)) with, mode='update') as flt: for e in ext: flt['SCI', e].header['DFILTER'] = (direct_filter, 'Direct imaging filter') flt.flush()
[docs]def tweak_align(direct_group={}, grism_group={}, max_dist=1., n_min=10, key=' ', threshold=3, drizzle=False, fit_order=-1, ref_exp=0, flux_radius=[0.5, 5], min_nexp=2, master_radec=None, make_figures=True): """Intra-visit shift alignment Parameters ---------- direct_group : dict Visit info (`product`, `files`) for direct images grism_group : dict Visit info (`product`, `files`) for grism images max_dist, threshold : float Passed to `~grizli.prep.tweak_flt` n_min : int Minimum number of sources for a valid fit. drizzle : bool Run `AstroDrizzle` after performing the alignment fit_order : int If > 0, then fit a polynomial to the derived shifts rather than using the shifts themselves, e.g., for DASH imaging ref_exp : int Index of the exposure to use as the reference for the tweak shifts. If < 0, then use the exposure with the longest exposure time. flux_radius, master_radec, make_figures : float, str, bool See `~grizli.prep.tweak_flt` Returns ------- Nothing, but updates WCS of direct and (optionally) grism exposures """ frame = inspect.currentframe() utils.log_function_arguments(utils.LOGFILE, frame, 'prep.tweak_align') from drizzlepac.astrodrizzle import AstroDrizzle from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyfit, polyval if len(direct_group['files']) < 2: logstr = '# ! {0}: Only one direct image found, can\'t compute shifts' logstr = logstr.format(direct_group['product']) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=True) return True wcs_ref, shift_dict, cats, fig = tweak_flt(files=direct_group['files'], max_dist=max_dist, threshold=threshold, verbose=True, ref_exp=ref_exp, master_radec=master_radec, min_flux_radius=flux_radius[0], max_flux_radius=flux_radius[1], min_nexp=min_nexp, make_figures=make_figures, ) if fig is not None: ax = fig.axes[0] ax.set_title(direct_group['product']) fig.savefig('{0}_shifts.png'.format(direct_group['product'])) grism_matches = find_direct_grism_pairs(direct=direct_group, grism=grism_group, check_pixel=[507, 507], toler=0.1, key=key) logstr = '\ngrism_matches = {0}\n'.format(grism_matches) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=True) fp = open('{0}_shifts.log'.format(direct_group['product']), 'w') fp.write('# flt xshift yshift rot scale N rmsx rmsy\n') fp.write('# fit_order: {0}\n'.format(fit_order)) for k in grism_matches: d = shift_dict[k] fp.write('# match[\'{0}\'] = {1}\n'.format(k, grism_matches[k])) for k in shift_dict: d = shift_dict[k] n_i = d[4] if (n_i < n_min) | (np.abs(d[:2]).max() > max_dist): fp.write('# ! {0:s} {1:7.3f} {2:7.3f} {3:8.5f} {4:8.5f} {5:5d} {6:6.3f} {7:6.3f}\n'.format(k, d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5][0], d[5][1])) d[0] = d[1] = 0. fp.write('{0:s} {1:7.3f} {2:7.3f} {3:8.5f} {4:8.5f} {5:5d} {6:6.3f} {7:6.3f}\n'.format(k, d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5][0], d[5][1])) fp.close() # Fit a polynomial, e.g., for DASH if fit_order > 0: logstr = '# {0}: Fit polynomial order={1} to shifts.' logstr = logstr.format(direct_group['product'], fit_order) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=True) shifts = np.array([shift_dict[k][:2] for k in sorted(shift_dict)]) t = np.arange(shifts.shape[0]) cx = polyfit(t, shifts[:, 0], fit_order) sx = polyval(cx, t) cy = polyfit(t, shifts[:, 1], fit_order) sy = polyval(cy, t) fit_shift = np.array([sx, sy]).T for ik, k in enumerate(sorted(shift_dict)): shift_dict[k][:2] = fit_shift[ik, :] # Apply the shifts to the header WCS apply_tweak_shifts(wcs_ref, shift_dict, grism_matches=grism_matches, verbose=False) if not drizzle: return True # Redrizzle bits = 576 driz_cr_snr = '8.0 5.0' driz_cr_scale = '2.5 0.7' if 'par' in direct_group['product']: pixfrac = 1.0 else: pixfrac = 0.8 AstroDrizzle(direct_group['files'], output=direct_group['product'], clean=True, final_pixfrac=pixfrac, context=False, resetbits=4096, final_bits=bits, driz_sep_bits=bits, preserve=False, driz_cr_snr=driz_cr_snr, driz_cr_scale=driz_cr_scale, build=False, final_wht_type='IVM', static=False) clean_drizzle(direct_group['product']) #cat = make_drz_catalog(root=direct_group['product'], threshold=1.6) cat = make_SEP_catalog(root=direct_group['product'], threshold=1.6) table_to_regions(cat, '{0}.cat.reg'.format(direct_group['product'])) if (grism_group == {}) | (grism_group is None): return True # Grism skyfile = '{0}.skyfile'.format(grism_group['product']) with open(skyfile, 'w') as fp: fp.writelines(['{0} 0.0\n'.format(f) for f in grism_group['files']]) AstroDrizzle(grism_group['files'], output=grism_group['product'], clean=True, context=False, preserve=False, skysub=True, skyfile=skyfile, driz_separate=True, driz_sep_wcs=True, median=True, blot=True, driz_cr=True, driz_cr_corr=True, driz_combine=True, driz_sep_bits=bits, final_bits=bits, coeffs=True, resetbits=4096, final_pixfrac=pixfrac, build=False, final_wht_type='IVM', static=False) if os.path.exists(skyfile): os.remove(skyfile) clean_drizzle(grism_group['product']) return True
[docs]def iterate_tweak_align(direct, grism, cat_threshold=7, cleanup=True, niter=3, tweak_kwargs={}, max_ref_sources=150, verbose=True): """ Iterate `~grizli.prep.tweak_align` aligning exposures to a mosaic created from those exposures Parameters ---------- direct : dict Visit dictionary Returns ------- Nothing """ from .aws import visit_processor if False: tweak_kwargs = dict(max_dist=tweak_max_dist, n_min=tweak_n_min, key=' ', drizzle=False, ref_exp=tweak_ref_exp, threshold=tweak_threshold, fit_order=tweak_fit_order ) # Copies if not os.path.exists('TweakBackup'): print('# iterate_tweak_align: make copies to ./TweakBackup') os.mkdir('TweakBackup') for file in direct['files']: shutil.copy(file, './TweakBackup') # Mosaic parameters _res = visit_processor.res_query_from_local(files=direct['files']) _hdu = utils.make_maximal_wcs(direct['files'], pixel_scale=None, get_hdu=True, pad=4, verbose=False) _wcs = pywcs.WCS(_hdu.header) tmp_root = f"tweak_{direct['product']}" if 'footprints' in direct: footprints = direct['footprints'] else: footprints = None for iter_i in range(niter): logstr = f'# prep.iterate_tweak_align: iteration {iter_i}' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) tmp_root_i = f"{tmp_root}_{iter_i}" _ = visit_processor.cutout_mosaic(rootname=tmp_root_i, product='{rootname}', ir_wcs=_wcs, half_optical=False, kernel='square', pixfrac=0.8, res=_res, clean_flt=False, gzip_output=False, skip_existing=False, s3output=None, verbose=False) cat = make_SEP_catalog(tmp_root_i, threshold=cat_threshold, verbose=False, exposure_footprints=footprints) ok = cat['MASK_APER_0'] == 0 if footprints is not None: if cat['NEXP'].max() >= 2: ok &= cat['NEXP'] >= 2 # print(ok.sum()) so = np.argsort(cat['MAG_AUTO'][ok])[:max_ref_sources] table_to_radec(cat[ok][so], f"{tmp_root_i}.radec") # Derive shifts from original files for file in direct['files']: shutil.copy(f'./TweakBackup/{file}', './') # Do alignment and update exposure WCS tweak_align(direct_group=direct, grism_group=grism, master_radec=f"{tmp_root_i}.radec", **tweak_kwargs) if cleanup: print('# iterate_tweak_align: remove ./TweakBackup') for file in direct['files']: os.remove(f'./TweakBackup/{file}') os.rmdir('./TweakBackup') files = glob.glob(f'{tmp_root}*') for file in files: print(f'# remove {file}') os.remove(file)
[docs]def get_visit_radec_from_database(visit, nmax=200): """ Get reference astrometry from grizli database Parameters ---------- visit : dict Visit dictionary, with `product`, `files`, `footprint` keys nmax : 200 Maximum number of alignment sources to return Returns ------- radec_file : str Creates radec file from the database and returns the filename, or None if not overlapping reference sources found """ from import db if 'footprint' not in visit: msg = f"'footprint' not found in visit dictionary {visit['product']}" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=True) return None sr = utils.SRegion(visit['footprint']) try: srcs = db.SQL(f"""select src, count(src) from astrometry_reference where polygon('{sr.polystr()[0]}') @> point(ra, dec) group by src """) except: msg = f"Failed to query astrometry database for {visit['product']}" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=True) return None if len(srcs) == 0: return None _src = srcs['src'][np.argmax(srcs['count'])] pts = db.SQL(f"""select * from astrometry_reference where polygon('{sr.polystr()[0]}') @> point(ra, dec) AND src = '{_src}' order by mag limit {nmax} """) msg = f"master_radec for {visit['product']}: {_src} N={len(pts)}" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=True) table_to_radec(pts, _src+'.radec') return _src+'.radec'
[docs]def drizzle_footprint(weight_image, shrink=10, ext=0, outfile=None, label=None): """ Footprint of image pixels where values > 0. Works best with drizzled weight images. (not used) """ from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull im = wcs = pywcs.WCS(im[ext].header, fobj=im) sh = np.array(im[ext].data.shape)//shrink yp, xp = np.indices(tuple(sh))*shrink nonzero = im[ext].data[yp, xp] > 0 h = ConvexHull(np.array([xp[nonzero], yp[nonzero]]).T) hx = xp[nonzero][h.vertices] hy = yp[nonzero][h.vertices] hrd = wcs.all_pix2world(np.stack([hx, hy]).T, 0) pstr = 'polygon('+','.join(['{0:.6f}'.format(i) for i in hrd.flatten()])+')' if label is not None: pstr += ' # text={{{0}}}'.format(label) if outfile is None: return pstr fp = open(outfile, 'w') fp.write('fk5\n') fp.write(pstr+'\n') fp.close() im.close()
[docs]def clean_drizzle(root, context=False, fix_wcs_system=False): """Zero-out WHT=0 pixels in drizzle mosaics Parameters ---------- root : str Rootname of the mosaics. I.e., `{root}_drz_sci.fits`. Returns ------- Nothing, science mosaic modified in-place """ try: drz_file = glob.glob('{0}_dr[zc]_sci.fits'.format(root))[0] is_build = False sci_ext = 0 except: drz_file = glob.glob('{0}_dr[zc].fits'.format(root))[0] sci_ext = 1 is_build = True # Is result from build=True? sci =, mode='update') if is_build: mask = sci['WHT'].data == 0 else: wht ='_sci.fits', '_wht.fits')) mask = wht[0].data == 0 if fix_wcs_system: # Force RADESYS/EQUINOX = ICRS/2000. and fix LATPOLE to CRVAL2 sci[sci_ext].header['RADESYS'] = 'ICRS' sci[sci_ext].header['EQUINOX'] = 2000.0 sci[sci_ext].header['LATPOLE'] = sci[sci_ext].header['CRVAL2'] # Mask where context shows that mosaic comes from a single input ctx_file = drz_file.replace('_sci.', '_ctx.') if context & os.path.exists(ctx_file): ctx = bits = np.log(ctx[0].data)/np.log(2) # bits = round(bits) when is a power of 2 mask &= bits != np.round(bits) sci[sci_ext].data[mask] = 0 # Rescale WFPC2 to ~WFC3 image zeropoint if sci[0].header['INSTRUME'] == 'WFPC2': #exptime = sci[0].header['EXPTIME'] scl = sci[0].header['PHOTFLAM'] / 1.5e-20 #sci[0].data /= exptime sci[sci_ext].data *= scl for k in ['PHOTFLAM', 'PHOTFNU']: if k in sci[0].header: sci[0].header[k] /= scl if is_build: sci['WHT'].data /= scl**2 else: wht ='_sci.fits', '_wht.fits'), mode='update') wht[0].data /= scl**2 wht.flush() sci.flush() sci.close()
MATCH_KWS = dict(maxKeep=10, auto_keep=3, auto_transform=None, auto_limit=3, size_limit=[5, 1800], ignore_rot=True, ignore_scale=True, ba_max=0.9)
[docs]def tweak_flt(files=[], max_dist=0.4, threshold=3, min_flux_radius=0.5, max_flux_radius=5, min_nexp=2, max_pixels=1.0, max_nmask=0, verbose=True, tristars_kwargs=MATCH_KWS, ref_exp=0, use_sewpy=False, master_radec=None, make_figures=False): """Refine shifts of FLT files Parameters ---------- files : list List of flt filenames max_dist : float Maximum shift distance to allow threshold : float Source detection threshold for `sep.extract` min_flux_radius, max_flux_radius : float Range of ``FLUX_RADIUS`` values to allow min_nexp : int Minimum number of exposures contributing to a source max_pixels : float Maximum pixel offset relative to median to allow for sources in each exposure catalog max_nmask : float Maximum value of ``MASK_APER_0`` to allow, i.e., to remove sources with central saturated pixels verbose : bool Status messages tristars_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for `tristars.match.match_catalog_tri` ref_exp : int Index of the exposure to use as the reference for the tweak shifts. If < 0, then use the exposure with the longest integration time. use_sewpy : bool Use `sewpy` for source detection (deprecated) master_radec : str Filename of a list of reference ``(ra,dec)`` positions to match. If not provided, then align to the first exposure of the list make_figures : int, bool If True, then make a diagnostic figure with the shift residuals. If 2, then make individual `tristars` match figures as well. Returns ------- ref_wcs : `~astropy.wcs.WCS` Reference WCS (WCS of the first file in `files`) shift_dict : dict Shift dictionary with keys from `files` and values like ``[xshift, yshift, rot, scale, N, rms]``. Note that only shifts are fit, so `rot = 0.` and `scale = 1.`. ``N`` is the number of sources used for the fit. cats : list List of tuples of the catalog and WCS derived from each exposure fig : None, Figure Returns the figure object if ``make_figures`` tests True """ import scipy.spatial try: import tristars from tristars.match import match_catalog_tri, match_diagnostic_plot except: print(""" Couldn't `import tristars`. Get it from to enable improved blind astrometric matching with triangle asterisms. """) try: # import sewpy except: sewpy = None use_sewpy = False # Make FLT catalogs cats = [] logstr = f'### Tweak alignment: use_sewpy={use_sewpy} master_radec={master_radec}' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=True) exptime = np.zeros(len(files)) for i, file in enumerate(files): root = file.split('.fits')[0] im = if os.path.basename(file).startswith('jw0'): ok = im['DQ'].data & 1 == 0 else: try: ok = im['DQ', 1].data == 0 except: ok &= np.isfinite(im['SCI', 1].data) pass ok &= np.isfinite(im['SCI', 1].data) if 'EXPTIME' in im[0].header: exptime[i] = im[0].header['EXPTIME'] sci = im['SCI', 1].data*ok - np.nanmedian(im['SCI', 1].data[ok]) sci[~ok] = 0 header = im['SCI', 1].header.copy() for k in ['PHOTFNU', 'PHOTFLAM', 'PHOTPLAM', 'FILTER']: if k in im[0].header: header[k] = im[0].header[k] hst_filter = utils.parse_filter_from_header(im[0].header) header['FILTER'] = hst_filter pyfits.writeto('{0}_xsci.fits'.format(root), data=sci, header=header, overwrite=True) pyfits.writeto('{0}_xrms.fits'.format(root), data=im['ERR', 1].data, header=im['ERR', 1].header, overwrite=True) if use_sewpy: params = ["X_IMAGE", "Y_IMAGE", "X_WORLD", "Y_WORLD", "FLUX_RADIUS(3)", "FLAGS"] sew = sewpy.SEW(params=params, config={"DETECT_THRESH": threshold, "DETECT_MINAREA": 8, "PHOT_FLUXFRAC": "0.3, 0.5, 0.8", "WEIGHT_TYPE": "MAP_RMS", "WEIGHT_IMAGE": "{0}_xrms.fits".format(root)}) output = sew('{0}_xsci.fits'.format(root)) cat = output['table'] else: # SEP wht = 1/im['ERR', 1].data**2 wht[~(np.isfinite(wht))] = 0 wht[sci == 0] == 0 pyfits.writeto('{0}_xwht.fits'.format(root), data=wht, header=im['ERR', 1].header, overwrite=True) pars = SEP_DETECT_PARAMS.copy() pars['minarea'] = 8 cat = make_SEP_catalog(root=root, sci='{0}_xsci.fits'.format(root), wht='{0}_xwht.fits'.format(root), threshold=threshold, detection_params=pars, get_background=True, verbose=False) ###### if '_flc' in file: wcs = pywcs.WCS(im['SCI', 1].header, fobj=im, relax=True) else: wcs = pywcs.WCS(im['SCI', 1].header, relax=True) cats.append([cat, wcs]) for ext in ['_xsci', '_xrms', '_xwht', '_bkg', '_seg', '.cat']: file = '{0}{1}.fits'.format(root, ext) if os.path.exists(file): os.remove(file) im.close() # Compute overlaps for min_nexp #----------------- _all_wcs = [] for (_c, _w) in cats: _all_wcs.append(_w) for i, (_c, _w) in enumerate(cats): _ra, _dec = _w.all_pix2world(_c['X_IMAGE'], _c['Y_IMAGE'], 1) nexp = catalog_exposure_overlaps(_ra, _dec, exposure_footprints=_all_wcs) # print('xxx nexp'); utils.Unique(nexp) if nexp.max() >= min_nexp: cats[i][0] = _c[nexp >= min_nexp] # Which is reference? #-------------------- if ref_exp < 0: if exptime.max() > 0: ref_exp = np.argmax(exptime) else: ref_exp = 0 c0, wcs_0 = cats[ref_exp] elif ref_exp < len(cats): c0, wcs_0 = cats[ref_exp] else: c0, wcs_0 = cats[0] not_CR = c0['FLUX_RADIUS'] > min_flux_radius not_CR &= c0['FLUX_RADIUS'] < max_flux_radius not_CR &= c0['MASK_APER_0'] <= max_nmask c0 = c0[not_CR] if master_radec is None: xy_0 = np.array([c0['X_IMAGE'], c0['Y_IMAGE']]).T else: logstr = f'### reference sources from {master_radec}' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=True) rd_ref = np.loadtxt(master_radec) xy_0 = np.array(wcs_0.all_world2pix(rd_ref[:,0], rd_ref[:,1], 1)).T tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(xy_0, 10) if make_figures: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(5,5)) else: fig = None try: # Use Tristars for matching # First 100 NMAX = 100 if len(xy_0) > NMAX: if master_radec is None: so = np.argsort(c0['MAG_AUTO']) xy_0 = xy_0[so[:NMAX], :] shift_dict = OrderedDict() for i in range(0, len(files)): c_ii, wcs_i = cats[i] not_CR = c_ii['FLUX_RADIUS'] > min_flux_radius not_CR &= c_ii['FLUX_RADIUS'] < max_flux_radius not_CR &= c_ii['MASK_APER_0'] <= max_nmask c_i = c_ii[not_CR] # SExtractor doesn't do SIP WCS? rd = np.array(wcs_i.all_pix2world(c_i['X_IMAGE'], c_i['Y_IMAGE'], 1)) xy = np.array(wcs_0.all_world2pix(rd.T, 1)) if len(xy) > NMAX: so = np.argsort(c_i['MAG_AUTO']) xy = xy[so[:NMAX], :] pair_ix = match_catalog_tri(xy, xy_0, **tristars_kwargs) if make_figures > 1: match_diagnostic_plot(xy, xy_0, pair_ix, tf=None, new_figure=True) dr = xy[pair_ix[:, 0], :] - xy_0[pair_ix[:, 1], :] ok = dr.max(axis=1) < 1000 dx = np.median(dr[ok, :], axis=0) ok &= np.sqrt(((dr-dx)**2).sum(axis=1)) < max_pixels dx = np.median(dr[ok, :], axis=0) rms = np.std(dr[ok, :], axis=0)/np.sqrt(ok.sum()) if make_figures: ax.scatter(*(dr[ok,:] - dx).T, alpha=0.5, label=files[i]) shift_dict[files[i]] = [dx[0], dx[1], 0.0, 1.0, ok.sum(), rms] lstr = "# tw {0} [{1:6.3f}, {2:6.3f}] [{3:6.3f}, {4:6.3f}] N={5}" lstr = lstr.format(files[i], dx[0], dx[1], rms[0], rms[1], ok.sum()) lstr += f' Ntot={len(c_i)}' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, lstr, verbose=verbose) except: utils.log_exception(utils.LOGFILE, traceback) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, "# !! `tweak_flt` tristars failed") shift_dict = OrderedDict() for i in range(0, len(files)): c_i, wcs_i = cats[i] # SExtractor doesn't do SIP WCS? rd = wcs_i.all_pix2world(c_i['X_IMAGE'], c_i['Y_IMAGE'], 1) xy = np.array(wcs_0.all_world2pix(np.array(rd).T, 1)) N = xy.shape[0] dist, ix = np.zeros(N), np.zeros(N, dtype=int) for j in range(N): dist[j], ix[j] = tree.query(xy[j, :], k=1, distance_upper_bound=np.inf) ok = dist < max_dist if ok.sum() == 0: shift_dict[files[i]] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] logstr = '# tw {0}'.format(files[i], '! no match') utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=True) continue dr = xy - xy_0[ix, :] dx = np.median(dr[ok, :], axis=0) rms = np.std(dr[ok, :], axis=0)/np.sqrt(ok.sum()) shift_dict[files[i]] = [dx[0], dx[1], 0.0, 1.0, ok.sum(), rms] lstr = '# tw {0} {1} {2} N={3}' lstr = logstr.format(files[i], dx, rms, ok.sum()) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) if make_figures: ax.set_xlim(-1.5*max_pixels,1.5*max_pixels) ax.set_ylim(-1.5*max_pixels,1.5*max_pixels) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\Delta x$, pixels') ax.set_xlabel(r'$\Delta y$, pixels') fig.tight_layout(pad=1) ax.grid() wcs_ref = cats[0][1] return wcs_ref, shift_dict, cats, fig
[docs]def apply_tweak_shifts(wcs_ref, shift_dict, grism_matches={}, verbose=True, log=True): """ Apply derived shifts to exposure WCS Parameters ---------- wcs_ref : `~astropy.wcs.WCS` Reference WCS against where shifts were computed shift_dict : dict Dictionary of shift information >>> shift_dict[file] = [xshift, yshift, rot, scale] grism_matches : dict Dictionary defining associated grism / direct image exposures verbose : bool Print status information to the console log : bool Log arguments to `grizli.utils.LOGFILE` Returns ------- Nothing, FLT image WCS are modified in place """ from drizzlepac import updatehdr if log: frame = inspect.currentframe() utils.log_function_arguments(utils.LOGFILE, frame, 'prep.apply_tweak_shifts') hdu = wcs_ref.to_fits(relax=True) file0 = list(shift_dict.keys())[0].split('.fits')[0] tweak_file = '{0}_tweak_wcs.fits'.format(file0) hdu.writeto(tweak_file, overwrite=True) for file in shift_dict: if not os.path.exists(file): continue xyscale = shift_dict[file][:2]+[0., 1] update_wcs_fits_log(file, wcs_ref, xyscale=xyscale, initialize=True, replace=('.fits', '.wcslog.fits'), wcsname='SHIFT') updatehdr.updatewcs_with_shift(file, tweak_file, xsh=shift_dict[file][0], ysh=shift_dict[file][1], rot=0., scale=1., wcsname='SHIFT', force=True, reusename=True, verbose=verbose, sciext='SCI') # Bug in astrodrizzle? Dies if the FLT files don't have MJD-OBS # keywords with, mode='update') as im: im[0].header['MJD-OBS'] = im[0].header['EXPSTART'] im.flush() # Update paired grism exposures if file in grism_matches: for grism_file in grism_matches[file]: xyscale = shift_dict[file][:2]+[0., 1] update_wcs_fits_log(grism_file, wcs_ref, xyscale=xyscale, initialize=True, replace=('.fits', '.wcslog.fits'), wcsname='SHIFT') updatehdr.updatewcs_with_shift(grism_file, tweak_file, xsh=shift_dict[file][0], ysh=shift_dict[file][1], rot=0., scale=1., wcsname='SHIFT', force=True, reusename=True, verbose=verbose, sciext='SCI') # Bug in astrodrizzle? with, mode='update') as im: im[0].header['MJD-OBS'] = im[0].header['EXPSTART'] im.flush() os.remove(tweak_file)
[docs]def find_direct_grism_pairs(direct={}, grism={}, check_pixel=[507, 507], toler=0.1, key='A', same_visit=True, log=True): """Compute pairs of direct and grism exposures For each grism exposure, check if there is a direct exposure that matches the WCS to within `toler` pixels. If so, copy that WCS directly. Parameters ---------- direct : dict Direct image visit dictionary (`product`, `files`) grism : dict Grism image visit dictionary (`product`, `files`) check_pixel : (float, float) Reference pixel to use for comparing WCS toler : float Tolerance in pixels for assigning matched exposure pairs key : str WCS key of the direct image WCS same_visit : bool Require that matches are from same program / visit as defined by the first 6 characters in the image filenames log : bol Write function call to `grizli.utils.LOGFILE` Returns ------- grism_matches : dict Dictionary of the matched exposures, where the keys are filenames of direct images and the values are lists of the computed associated grism exposures """ if log: frame = inspect.currentframe() utils.log_function_arguments(utils.LOGFILE, frame, 'prep.find_direct_grism_pairs') direct_wcs = {} full_direct_wcs = {} direct_rd = {} grism_wcs = {} grism_pix = {} grism_matches = OrderedDict() for file in direct['files']: grism_matches[file] = [] with as im: _h1 = im[1].header if '_flc' in file: direct_wcs[file] = pywcs.WCS(_h1, fobj=im, relax=True, key=key) full_direct_wcs[file] = pywcs.WCS(_h1, fobj=im, relax=True) else: direct_wcs[file] = pywcs.WCS(_h1, relax=True, key=key) full_direct_wcs[file] = pywcs.WCS(_h1, relax=True) direct_rd[file] = direct_wcs[file].all_pix2world([check_pixel], 1) if 'files' not in grism: return grism_matches for file in grism['files']: with as im: _h1 = im[1].header if '_flc' in file: grism_wcs[file] = pywcs.WCS(_h1, relax=True, key=key, fobj=im) else: grism_wcs[file] = pywcs.WCS(_h1, relax=True, key=key) # print file delta_min = 10 for d in direct['files']: _test = (os.path.basename(d)[:6] != os.path.basename(file)[:6]) _test &= same_visit if _test: continue pix = grism_wcs[file].all_world2pix(direct_rd[d], 1) dx = pix-np.array(check_pixel) delta = np.sqrt(np.sum(dx**2)) # print ' %s %s, %.3f' %(d, dx, delta) if delta < delta_min: delta_min = delta delta_min_file = d if delta_min < toler: grism_matches[delta_min_file].append(file) return grism_matches
[docs]def match_direct_grism_wcs(direct={}, grism={}, get_fresh_flt=True, run_drizzle=True, xyscale=None): """Match WCS of grism exposures to corresponding direct images Parameters ---------- direct : dict Direct image visit dictionary (`product`, `files`) grism : dict Grism image visit dictionary (`product`, `files`) get_fresh_flt : bool Get fresh versions of the grism exposures without any subsequent modifications run_drizzle : bool Not used xyscale : None, list Transformation parameters ``[xshift, yshift, rot, scale]``. If not specified, then get from the `wcs.log` file associated with the direct images Returns ------- Nothing, WCS headers updated in the grism FLT files """ from drizzlepac import updatehdr from stwcs import updatewcs from drizzlepac.astrodrizzle import AstroDrizzle if get_fresh_flt: for file in grism['files']: fresh_flt_file(file) try: updatewcs.updatewcs(file, verbose=False, use_db=False) except TypeError: updatewcs.updatewcs(file, verbose=False) with['files'][0]) as _direct_flt: ref_catalog = _direct_flt['SCI', 1].header['WCSNAME'] # User-defined shifts if xyscale is not None: # Use user-defined shifts xsh, ysh, rot, scale = xyscale tmp_wcs_file = '{0}_tmpwcs.fits'.format(str(direct['product'])) try: # Use WCS in catalog file wcs_hdu ='{0}.cat.fits'.format(direct['product'])) ext = 'WCS' except: wcs_hdu ='{0}_wcs.fits'.format(direct['product'])) ext = len(wcs_hdu)-1 wcs_hdu[ext].writeto(tmp_wcs_file, overwrite=True) tmp_wcs = pywcs.WCS(wcs_hdu[ext].header, relax=True) for file in grism['files']: xyscale = [xsh, ysh, rot, scale] update_wcs_fits_log(file, tmp_wcs, xyscale=xyscale, initialize=False, replace=('.fits', '.wcslog.fits'), wcsname=ref_catalog) updatehdr.updatewcs_with_shift(file, tmp_wcs_file, xsh=xsh, ysh=ysh, rot=rot, scale=scale, wcsname=ref_catalog, force=True, reusename=True, verbose=True, sciext='SCI') # Bug in astrodrizzle? Dies if the FLT files don't have MJD-OBS # keywords with, mode='update') as im: im[0].header['MJD-OBS'] = im[0].header['EXPSTART'] im.flush() wcs_hdu.close() if os.path.exists(tmp_wcs_file): os.remove(tmp_wcs_file) return True # Get from WCS log file wcs_log ='{0}_wcs.log'.format(direct['product']), format='ascii.commented_header') wcs_hdu ='{0}_wcs.fits'.format(direct['product'])) for ext in wcs_log['ext']: tmp_wcs_file = '{0}_tmpwcs.fits'.format(str(direct['product'])) wcs_hdu[ext].writeto(tmp_wcs_file, overwrite=True) tmp_wcs = pywcs.WCS(wcs_hdu[ext].header, relax=True) if 'scale' in wcs_log.colnames: scale = wcs_log['scale'][ext] else: scale = 1. for file in grism['files']: xyscale = [wcs_log['xshift'][ext], wcs_log['yshift'][ext], wcs_log['rot'][ext], scale] update_wcs_fits_log(file, tmp_wcs, xyscale=xyscale, initialize=False, replace=('.fits', '.wcslog.fits'), wcsname=ref_catalog) updatehdr.updatewcs_with_shift(file, tmp_wcs_file, xsh=wcs_log['xshift'][ext], ysh=wcs_log['yshift'][ext], rot=wcs_log['rot'][ext], scale=scale, wcsname=ref_catalog, force=True, reusename=True, verbose=True, sciext='SCI') # Bug in astrodrizzle? Dies if the FLT files don't have MJD-OBS # keywords with, mode='update') as im: im[0].header['MJD-OBS'] = im[0].header['EXPSTART'] im.flush() if os.path.exists(tmp_wcs_file): os.remove(tmp_wcs_file) wcs_hdu.close() # Bug in astrodrizzle? Dies if the FLT files don't have MJD-OBS # keywords for file in grism['files']: with, mode='update') as im: im[0].header['MJD-OBS'] = im[0].header['EXPSTART'] im.flush()
[docs]def get_jwst_wfssbkg_file(file, valid_flat=[0.6, 1.3], make_figure=False): """ Divide flat-field from NIRISS wfssbkg file Parameters ---------- file : str Exposure filename valid_flat : [float,float] Range of valid files in the flat-field reference Returns ------- bkg_file : str Path to ``wfssbkg`` file, which may have been corrected by dividing by the flat for the given CTX """ from jwst.wfss_contam import WfssContamStep from jwst.flatfield import FlatFieldStep bkg_file = WfssContamStep().get_reference_file(file, 'wfssbkg') # Not a FITS file? e.g., N/A for imaging exposures if 'fits' not in bkg_file: return bkg_file # Only run for NIRISS, seems like NIRCam provides wfssbkg without # the flat? with as _im: h = _im[0].header if h['INSTRUME'] != 'NIRISS': _im.close() return bkg_file # Get local background file location local_bkg_file = f"nis-{h['PUPIL']}-{h['FILTER']}_skyflat.fits".lower() local_bkg_file = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, 'CONF',local_bkg_file) # Inspect local background file if it exists if os.path.exists(local_bkg_file): h = pyfits.getheader(local_bkg_file,0) if 'DATE' not in h: msg = f'Use local wfssbkg file {local_bkg_file} (Warning: no DATE keyword)' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=True) return local_bkg_file elif h['DATE'] == pyfits.getval(bkg_file,'DATE',0): msg = f'Use local wfssbkg file {local_bkg_file}' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=True) return local_bkg_file else: msg = f'Local wfssbkg file {local_bkg_file} is out of date, updating' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=True) flat_file = FlatFieldStep().get_reference_file(file, 'flat') # If we don't have write access copy to local file if (not os.access(bkg_file,os.W_OK)) or (('CRDS_READONLY_CACHE' in os.environ) and (os.environ['CRDS_READONLY_CACHE'] == '1')): msg = f'Copy wfssbkg file {bkg_file} to {local_bkg_file}' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=True) shutil.copy(bkg_file,local_bkg_file) bkg_file = local_bkg_file wf =, mode='update') key = f"{wf[0].header['FILTER']} {wf[0].header['PUPIL']}" if 'FIXFLAT' in wf[0].header: msg = f'Flat {flat_file} already removed from wfssbkg file' msg += f' {bkg_file}' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=True) wf.close() return bkg_file else: msg = f'Divide flat {flat_file} from wfssbkg file {bkg_file}' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=True) with as fl: fix = (wf[1].data - 0.) / (fl[1].data**1) bad = (fl[1].data < valid_flat[0]) | (fl[1].data > valid_flat[1]) fix /= np.nanmedian(fix) bad |= ~np.isfinite(fix) fix[bad] = 1 wf[0].header['FIXFLAT'] = True wf[0].header['FLATFILE'] = (flat_file, 'Flat-field file divided from CRDS file') wf[1].data = fix wf.flush() wf.close() if make_figure: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(8,8)) ax.imshow(fix, vmin=0.9, vmax=1.1, origin='lower') ax.text(0.1, 0.1, key, transform=ax.transAxes) return bkg_file
[docs]def visit_grism_sky(grism={}, apply=True, column_average=True, verbose=True, ext=1, sky_iter=10, iter_atol=1.e-4, use_spline=True, NXSPL=50, skip_nircam=True): """Subtract sky background from grism exposures Implementation of the multi-component grism sky subtraction from `WFC3/ISR 2015-17 <>`_ """ import import scipy.ndimage as nd frame = inspect.currentframe() utils.log_function_arguments(utils.LOGFILE, frame, 'prep.visit_grism_sky') #from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcess from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF, WhiteKernel # # Figure out which grism # isJWST = check_isJWST(grism['files'][0]) # if isJWST: # pupil = im[0].header['PUPIL'] # # Set headers back to original # for file in grism['files']: # jwst_utils.reset_jwst_header_keywords(file) # else: # pupil = '' with['files'][0]) as im: grism_element = utils.parse_filter_from_header(im[0].header, jwst_detector=True) isJWST = False isACS = False # Skip NIRCam grism if ('GRISM' in grism_element) & (skip_nircam): logstr = f'# visit_grism_sky: skip for {grism_element}' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) return False flat = 1. if grism_element == 'G141': bg_fixed = ['zodi_G141_clean.fits'] bg_vary = ['zodi_G141_clean.fits', 'excess_lo_G141_clean.fits', 'G141_scattered_light.fits'][1:] elif grism_element == 'G102': bg_fixed = ['zodi_G102_clean.fits'] bg_vary = ['excess_G102_clean.fits'] elif grism_element == 'G280': bg_fixed = ['UVIS.G280.flat.fits'] bg_vary = ['UVIS.G280.ext{0:d}.sky.fits'.format(ext)] isACS = True flat = 1. elif len(grism_element.split('-')) > 1: # JWST grism_element like F115W-GR150R #(grism_element == 'GR150C') & (pupil == 'F115W'): # from jwst.wfss_contam import WfssContamStep # # wfss_ref = WfssContamStep().get_reference_file(grism['files'][0], # 'wfssbkg') # Get the background file, perhaps after correcting it for the flat wfss_ref = get_jwst_wfssbkg_file(grism['files'][0]) # # GRISM_NIRCAM # if 'GRISM' in grism_element: # # Grism background files in GRISM_NIRCAM # # _bgpath = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, 'CONF/GRISM_NIRCAM/V2') # # 'NRCA5-F356W-GRISMR' # gr = grism_element[-1] # mod = grism_element[3] # fi = grism_element.split('-')[-2] # _bgfile = os.path.join(_bgpath, # f'{fi}_mod{mod}_{gr}_back.norm.fits.gz') # # if os.path.exists(_bgfile): # wfss_ref = _bgfile # # # TBD bg_fixed = [wfss_ref] #bg_fixed = ['jwst_niriss_wfssbkg_0002.fits'] # bg_fixed should be normalized background with flat divided out bg_vary = [] flat = 1. isJWST = True elif grism_element == 'G800L': bg_fixed = ['ACS.WFC.CHIP{0:d}.msky.1.smooth.fits'.format({1: 2, 2: 1}[ext])] bg_vary = ['ACS.WFC.flat.fits'] #bg_fixed = ['ACS.WFC.CHIP%d.msky.1.fits' %({1:2,2:1}[ext])] #bg_fixed = [] isACS = True flat_files = {'G800L': 'n6u12592j_pfl.fits'} # F814W flat_file = flat_files[grism_element] flat_im ='jref'), flat_file)) flat = (flat_im['SCI', ext].data*1).flatten() flat_im.close() logstr = '# visit_grism_sky / {0}: EXTVER={1:d} / {2} / {3}' logstr = logstr.format(grism['product'], ext, bg_fixed, bg_vary) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) if not isACS: ext = 1 # Read sky files data_fixed = [] for file in bg_fixed: if file.startswith('/'): im = else: im ='{0}/CONF/{1}'.format(GRIZLI_PATH, file)) if isJWST: if len(im) > 1: _ext = 1 else: _ext = 0 sh = im[_ext].data.shape data = im[_ext].data.flatten()/flat data /= np.nanmedian(data) else: sh = im[0].data.shape data = im[0].data.flatten()/flat data_fixed.append(data) im.close() data_vary = [] for file in bg_vary: im ='{0}/CONF/{1}'.format(GRIZLI_PATH, file)) if isJWST: data_vary.append(im[1].data.flatten()*1) sh = im[1].data.shape else: data_vary.append(im[0].data.flatten()*1) sh = im[0].data.shape im.close() yp, xp = np.indices(sh) Npix = sh[0]*sh[1] Nexp = len(grism['files']) Nfix = len(data_fixed) Nvary = len(data_vary) Nimg = Nexp*Nvary + Nfix A = np.zeros((Npix*Nexp, Nimg), dtype=np.float32) data = np.zeros(Npix*Nexp, dtype=np.float32) wht = data*0. mask = data > -1 medians = np.zeros(Nexp) exptime = np.ones(Nexp) # Build combined arrays if isACS: bits = 64+32 elif isJWST: bits = 2+4+32768 #+16777200+1049600+26232800+9438210+9438220 else: bits = 576 for i in range(Nexp): flt =['files'][i]) dq = utils.mod_dq_bits(flt['DQ', ext].data, okbits=bits) dq_mask = dq == 0 # Data data[i*Npix:(i+1)*Npix] = (flt['SCI', ext].data*dq_mask).flatten() mask[i*Npix:(i+1)*Npix] &= dq_mask.flatten() # == 0 wht[i*Npix:(i+1)*Npix] = 1./(flt['ERR', ext].data**2*dq_mask).flatten() wht[~np.isfinite(wht)] = 0. if isACS: exptime[i] = flt[0].header['EXPTIME'] data[i*Npix:(i+1)*Npix] /= exptime[i] wht[i*Npix:(i+1)*Npix] *= exptime[i]**2 medians[i] = np.median(flt['SCI', ext].data[dq_mask]/exptime[i]) else: medians[i] = np.median(flt['SCI', ext].data[dq_mask]) # Fixed arrays for j in range(Nfix): for k in range(Nexp): A[k*Npix:(k+1)*Npix, j] = data_fixed[j] mask_j = (data_fixed[j] > 0) & np.isfinite(data_fixed[j]) mask[i*Npix:(i+1)*Npix] &= mask_j # Variable arrays for j in range(Nvary): k = Nfix+j+Nvary*i A[i*Npix:(i+1)*Npix, k] = data_vary[j] mask[i*Npix:(i+1)*Npix] &= np.isfinite(data_vary[j]) flt.close() # Initial coeffs based on image medians coeffs = np.array([np.min(medians)]) if Nvary > 0: coeffs = np.hstack((coeffs, np.zeros(Nexp*Nvary))) coeffs[1::Nvary] = medians-medians.min() model =, coeffs) coeffs_0 = coeffs for iter in range(sky_iter): model =, coeffs) resid = (data-model)*np.sqrt(wht) obj_mask = (resid < 2.5) & (resid > -3) for j in range(Nexp): obj_j = nd.minimum_filter(obj_mask[j*Npix:(j+1)*Npix], size=30) obj_mask[j*Npix:(j+1)*Npix] = (obj_j > 0).flatten() logstr = '# visit_grism_sky {0} > Iter: {1:d}, masked: {2:2.0f}%, {3}' logstr = logstr.format(grism['product'], iter+1, obj_mask.sum()/Npix/Nimg*100, coeffs) utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, logstr, verbose=verbose) out = np.linalg.lstsq(A[mask & obj_mask, :], data[mask & obj_mask], rcond=utils.LSTSQ_RCOND) coeffs = out[0] # Test for convergence if np.allclose(coeffs, coeffs_0, rtol=1.e-5, atol=iter_atol): break else: coeffs_0 = coeffs # Best-fit sky sky =, coeffs).reshape(Nexp, Npix) # log file fp = open('{0}_{1}'.format(grism['product'], ext), 'w') fp.write('# file c1 {0}\n'.format(' '.join(['c{0:d}'.format(v+2) for v in range(Nvary)]))) fp.write('# {0}\n'.format(grism['product'])) fp.write('# bg1: {0}\n'.format(bg_fixed[0])) for v in range(Nvary): fp.write('# bg{0:d}: {1}\n'.format(v+2, bg_vary[v])) for j in range(Nexp): file = grism['files'][j] line = '{0} {1:9.4f}'.format(file, coeffs[0]) for v in range(Nvary): k = Nfix + j*Nvary + v line = '{0} {1:9.4f}'.format(line, coeffs[k]) fp.write(line+'\n') fp.close() if apply: for j in range(Nexp): file = grism['files'][j] flt =, mode='update') flt['SCI', ext].data -= sky[j, :].reshape(sh)*exptime[j] if isJWST: _msk = (sky[j,:].reshape(sh) == 0)*1024 flt['DQ', ext].data |= (_msk).astype(flt['DQ',ext].data.dtype) header = flt[0].header header['GSKYCOL{0:d}'.format(ext)] = (False, 'Subtract column average') header['GSKYN{0:d}'.format(ext)] = (Nfix+Nvary, 'Number of sky images') header['GSKY{0:d}01'.format(ext)] = (coeffs[0], 'Sky image {0} (fixed)'.format(bg_fixed[0])) header['GSKY{0:d}01F'.format(ext)] = (bg_fixed[0], 'Sky image (fixed)') for v in range(Nvary): k = Nfix + j*Nvary + v # print coeffs[k] header['GSKY{0}{1:02d}'.format(ext, v+Nfix+1)] = (coeffs[k], 'Sky image {0} (variable)'.format(bg_vary[v])) header['GSKY{0}{1:02d}F'.format(ext, v+Nfix+1)] = (bg_vary[v], 'Sky image (variable)') flt.flush() flt.close() # Don't do `column_average` for ACS if (not column_average) | isACS: return isACS ###### # Now fit residual column average & make diagnostic plot interactive_status = plt.rcParams['interactive'] plt.ioff() fig = plt.figure(figsize=[6., 6.]) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if isJWST: im_shape = (2048, 2048) else: im_shape = (1014, 1014) for j in range(Nexp): file = grism['files'][j] resid = (data[j*Npix:(j+1)*Npix] - sky[j, :]).reshape(im_shape) m = (mask & obj_mask)[j*Npix:(j+1)*Npix].reshape(im_shape) rot90 = grismconf.JwstDispersionTransform(header=flt[0].header).rot90 if rot90 % 2 == 0: avg_axis = 0 col_label = 'column' else: avg_axis = 1 col_label = 'row' # Statistics of masked arrays ma =, mask=(~m)) med =, axis=avg_axis) bg_sky = 0 yrms =, axis=avg_axis)/np.sqrt(np.sum(m, axis=avg_axis)) xmsk = np.arange(im_shape[avg_axis]) yres = med yok = (~yrms.mask) & np.isfinite(yrms) & np.isfinite(xmsk) & np.isfinite(yres) if yok.sum() == 0: print('ERROR: No valid pixels found!') continue # Fit column average with smoothed Gaussian Process model # if False: # #### xxx old GaussianProcess implementation # gp = GaussianProcess(regr='constant', corr='squared_exponential', # theta0=8, thetaL=5, thetaU=12, # nugget=(yrms/bg_sky)[yok][::1]**2, # random_start=10, verbose=True, normalize=True) # # try: #[yok][::1]).T, yres[yok][::1]+bg_sky) # except: # warn = '# visit_grism_sky / GaussianProces failed!\n# visit_grism_sky / Check that this exposure wasn\'t fried by variable backgrounds.' # print(warn) # utils.log_exception(utils.LOGFILE, traceback) # utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, warn) # # continue # # y_pred, MSE = gp.predict(np.atleast_2d(xmsk).T, eval_MSE=True) # gp_sigma = np.sqrt(MSE) if use_spline: # Fit with Spline basis functions #NXSPL = 50 xpad = np.arange(-1*NXSPL, im_shape[avg_axis]+1*NXSPL) Aspl = utils.bspline_templates(xpad, degree=3, df=4+im_shape[avg_axis]//NXSPL, get_matrix=True, log=False, clip=0.0001)[1*NXSPL:-1*NXSPL, :] Ax = (Aspl.T/yrms).T cspl, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(Ax, (yres+bg_sky)/yrms, rcond=utils.LSTSQ_RCOND) y_pred = try: ND = 100 #covar = np.matrix(, Ax)).I.A covar = utils.safe_invert(, Ax)) draws = np.random.multivariate_normal(cspl, covar, ND) gp_sigma = np.std(, axis=1) except: gp_sigma = y_pred*0. else: # Updated sklearn GaussianProcessRegressor nmad_y = utils.nmad(yres) gpscl = 100 # rough normalization k1 = 0.3**2 * RBF(length_scale=80) # Background variations k2 = 1**2 * WhiteKernel(noise_level=(nmad_y*gpscl)**2) # noise gp_kernel = k1+k2 # +outliers yok &= np.abs(yres-np.median(yres)) < 50*nmad_y gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=gp_kernel, alpha=nmad_y*gpscl/5, optimizer='fmin_l_bfgs_b', n_restarts_optimizer=0, normalize_y=False, copy_X_train=True, random_state=None)[yok][::1]).T, (yres[yok][::1]+bg_sky)*gpscl) y_pred, gp_sigma = gp.predict(np.atleast_2d(xmsk).T, return_std=True) gp_sigma /= gpscl y_pred /= gpscl # Plot Results pi = ax.plot(med, alpha=0.1, zorder=-100) ax.plot(y_pred-bg_sky, color=pi[0].get_color()) ax.fill_between(xmsk, y_pred-bg_sky-gp_sigma, y_pred-bg_sky+gp_sigma, color=pi[0].get_color(), alpha=0.3, label=grism['files'][j].split('_fl')[0]) # result fp = open(file.replace('_flt.fits', '_column.dat').replace('_rate.fits', '_column.dat'), 'wb') fp.write(b'# column obs_resid ok resid uncertainty\n') np.savetxt(fp, np.array([xmsk, yres, yok*1, y_pred-bg_sky, gp_sigma]).T, fmt='%.5f') fp.close() if apply: # Subtract the column average in 2D & log header keywords flt =, mode='update') imshape = flt[1].data.shape[0] gp_res =[:, None]-bg_sky, np.ones((imshape, 1)).T).T if rot90 % 2 == 1: gp_res = np.rot90(gp_res, 1) # test this to see if it looks correct, if not try 3 flt['SCI', 1].data -= gp_res flt[0].header['GSKYCOL'] = (True, f'Subtract {col_label} average') flt[0].header['GSKYCAX'] = (avg_axis, 'Array axis for average') flt.flush() flt.close() # Finish plot ax.legend(loc='lower left', fontsize=10) ax.plot([-10, im_shape[0]+10], [0, 0], color='k') ax.set_xlim(-10, im_shape[0]+10) if avg_axis == 0: ax.set_xlabel(r'pixel column ($x$)') else: ax.set_xlabel(r'pixel row ($y$)') ax.set_ylabel(f'{col_label} average (e-/s)') ax.set_title(grism['product']) ax.grid() fig.tight_layout(pad=0.1) fig.savefig('{0}_column.png'.format(grism['product'])) #fig.savefig('%s_column.pdf' %(grism['product'])) plt.close() # Clean up large arrays del(data) del(A) del(wht) del(mask) del(model) if interactive_status: plt.ion() return False
[docs]def fix_star_centers(root='macs1149.6+2223-rot-ca5-22-032.0-f105w', mag_lim=22, verbose=True, drizzle=False, cutout_size=16): """Unset the CR bit (4096) in the centers of bright objects Parameters ---------- root : str Root name of drizzle product (direct imaging). mag_lim : float Magnitude limit of objects to consider verbose : bool Print messages to the terminal drizzle : bool Redrizzle the output image cutout_size : int Size of the cutout to extract around the bright stars Returns ------- Nothing, updates FLT files in place. """ frame = inspect.currentframe() utils.log_function_arguments(utils.LOGFILE, frame, 'prep.fix_star_centers') from drizzlepac.astrodrizzle import AstroDrizzle EPSF = utils.EffectivePSF() sci ='{0}_drz_sci.fits'.format(root)) #cat ='{0}.cat'.format(root), format='ascii.commented_header') cat = utils.GTable.gread('{0}.cat.fits'.format(root)) # Load FITS files N = sci[0].header['NDRIZIM'] images = [] wcs = [] for i in range(N): flt =[0].header['D{0:03d}DATA'.format(i+1)].split('[')[0], mode='update') # if True: # flt ='../RAW/'+sci[0].header['D{0:03d}DATA'.format(i+1)].split('[')[0], mode='update') wcs.append(pywcs.WCS(flt[1], relax=True)) images.append(flt) isJWST = check_isJWST('{0}_drz_sci.fits'.format(root)) if isJWST: im_shape = (2048, 2048) else: im_shape = (1014, 1014) yp, xp = np.indices(im_shape) use = cat['MAG_AUTO'] < mag_lim so = np.argsort(cat['MAG_AUTO'][use]) if verbose: print('# {0:6s} {1:12s} {2:12s} {3:7s} {4} {5}'.format('id', 'ra', 'dec', 'mag', 'nDQ', 'nSat')) for line in cat[use][so]: rd = line['X_WORLD'], line['Y_WORLD'] nset = [] nsat = [] for i in range(N): xi, yi = wcs[i].all_world2pix([rd[0], ], [rd[1], ], 0) r = np.sqrt((xp-xi[0])**2 + (yp-yi[0])**2) unset = (r <= 3) & ((images[i]['DQ'].data & 4096) > 0) nset.append(unset.sum()) if nset[i] > 0: images[i]['DQ'].data[unset] -= 4096 # Fill saturated with EPSF fit satpix = (r <= 10) & (((images[i]['DQ'].data & 256) > 0) | ((images[i]['DQ'].data & 2048) > 0)) nsat.append(satpix.sum()) if nsat[i] > 0: xpi = int(np.round(xi[0])) ypi = int(np.round(yi[0])) slx = slice(xpi-cutout_size, xpi+cutout_size) sly = slice(ypi-cutout_size, ypi+cutout_size) sci = images[i]['SCI'].data[sly, slx] dq = images[i]['DQ'].data[sly, slx] dqm = utils.mod_dq_bits(dq,okbits=2048) err = images[i]['ERR'].data[sly, slx] mask = satpix[sly, slx] ivar = 1/err**2 ivar[(~np.isfinite(ivar)) | (dqm > 0)] = 0 # Fit the EPSF model try: psf_filter = images[0][0].header['FILTER'] Np = 15 guess = [cutout_size-1, cutout_size-1] #guess = None tol = 1.e-3 psf_params = EPSF.fit_ePSF(sci, ivar=ivar, center=None, tol=tol, N=Np, origin=(ypi-cutout_size, xpi-cutout_size), filter=psf_filter, get_extended=True, method='Powell', only_centering=True, guess=guess, psf_params=None) result = EPSF.fit_ePSF(sci, ivar=ivar, center=None, tol=tol, N=Np, origin=(ypi-cutout_size, xpi-cutout_size), filter=psf_filter, get_extended=True, method='Powell', only_centering=True, guess=guess, psf_params=psf_params) psf, psf_bkg, psfA, psf_coeffs = result # psf = EPSF.get_ePSF(psf_params, # origin=(ypi-cutout_size, xpi-cutout_size), # shape=sci.shape, filter=psf_filter, # get_extended=True) # if i == 0: # break except: continue sci[mask] = psf[mask] dq[mask] -= (dq[mask] & 2048) #dq[mask] -= (dq[mask] & 256) #dq[mask] |= 512 if verbose: print('{0:6d} {1:12.6f} {2:12.6f} {3:7.2f} {4} {5}'.format( line['NUMBER'], rd[0], rd[1], line['MAG_AUTO'], nset, nsat)) # Overwrite image for i in range(N): images[i].flush() if drizzle: files = [flt.filename() for flt in images] bits = 576 if root.startswith('par'): pixfrac = 1.0 else: pixfrac = 0.8 # Fix Nans: for flt_file in files: utils.fix_flt_nan(flt_file, bad_bit=4096, verbose=True) AstroDrizzle(files, output=root, clean=True, final_pixfrac=pixfrac, context=False, resetbits=0, final_bits=bits, driz_sep_bits=bits, preserve=False, driz_separate=False, driz_sep_wcs=False, median=False, blot=False, driz_cr=False, driz_cr_corr=False, build=False, final_wht_type='IVM') clean_drizzle(root) #cat = make_drz_catalog(root=root) cat = make_SEP_catalog(root=root)
[docs]def find_single_image_CRs(visit, simple_mask=False, with_ctx_mask=True, run_lacosmic=True): """Use LACosmic to find CRs in parts of an ACS mosaic where only one exposure was available Parameters ---------- visit : dict List of visit information from `~grizli.utils.parse_flt_files`. simple_mask : bool If true, set 1024 CR bit for all parts of a given FLT where it does not overlap with any others in the visit. If False, then run LACosmic to flag CRs in this area but keep the pixels. run_lacosmic : bool Run LA Cosmic. Requires context (CTX) image `visit['product']+'_drc_ctx.fits`. """ from drizzlepac import astrodrizzle from astroscrappy import detect_cosmics # try: # import reproject # HAS_REPROJECT = True # except: # HAS_REPROJECT = False HAS_REPROJECT = False ctx_files = glob.glob(visit['product']+'_dr?_ctx.fits') has_ctx = len(ctx_files) > 0 if has_ctx: ctx =[0]) bits = np.log2(ctx[0].data) mask = ctx[0].data == 0 #single_image = np.cast[np.float32]((np.cast[int](bits) == bits) & (~mask)) single_image = np.cast[float]((np.cast[int](bits) == bits) & (~mask)) ctx_wcs = pywcs.WCS(ctx[0].header) ctx_wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(ctx_wcs) ctx.close() else: simple_mask = False with_ctx_mask = False for file in visit['files']: flt =, mode='update') # WFPC2 if '_c0' in file: dq_hdu ='_c0', '_c1'), mode='update') dq_extname = 'SCI' else: dq_hdu = flt dq_extname = 'DQ' for ext in [1, 2, 3, 4]: if ('SCI', ext) not in flt: continue flt_wcs = pywcs.WCS(flt['SCI', ext].header, fobj=flt, relax=True) flt_wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(flt_wcs) if has_ctx: blotted = utils.blot_nearest_exact(single_image, ctx_wcs, flt_wcs) ctx_mask = blotted > 0 else: ctx_mask = np.zeros(flt['SCI', ext].data.shape, dtype=bool) sci = flt['SCI', ext].data dq = dq_hdu[dq_extname, ext].data if simple_mask: print('{0}: Mask image without overlaps, extension {1:d}'.format(file, ext)) dq[ctx_mask] |= 1024 else: print('{0}: Clean CRs with LACosmic, extension {1:d}'.format(file, ext)) if with_ctx_mask: inmask = blotted == 0 else: inmask = dq > 0 if run_lacosmic: crmask, clean = detect_cosmics(sci, inmask=inmask, sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.3, objlim=5.0, gain=1.0, readnoise=6.5, satlevel=65536.0, pssl=0.0, niter=4, sepmed=True, cleantype='meanmask', fsmode='median', psfmodel='gauss', psffwhm=2.5, psfsize=7, psfk=None, psfbeta=4.765, verbose=False) else: crmask = ctx_mask if with_ctx_mask: dq[crmask & ctx_mask] |= 1024 else: dq[crmask] |= 1024 #sci[crmask & ctx_mask] = 0 flt.flush() flt.close()
[docs]def clean_amplifier_residuals(files, extensions=[1,2], minpix=5e5, max_percentile=99, seg_hdu=None, skip=10, polynomial_degree=3, verbose=True, imsh_kwargs={'vmin':-1.e-3, 'vmax':1.e-3, 'cmap':'magma'}): """ Fit and remove a 2D polynomial fit to the detector-frame UVIS/WFC images Parameters ---------- files : list List of FLC files extensions : list List of extensions to consider (ACS and UVIS have two). Extensions will be addressed as ``im['SCI',ext]``. minpix : int Minimum number of unmasked pixels required to perform the fit seg_hdu : `~astropy.fits.ImageHDU` Optional HDU defining a mask for the individual exposures. Will be blotted to the FLC frame and valid pixels are taken to be where == 0 (e.g., a segmentation image). skip : int Pass every ``skip`` (unmasked) pixel to the polynomial fit. polynomial_degree : int Order of the `~astropy.models.Polynomial2D` model to use. verbose : bool Print status information imsh_kwargs : dict Args to pass to `~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` for the figure """ from astropy.modeling.fitting import LinearLSQFitter from astropy.modeling.models import Polynomial2D from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator if len(files) == 0: print('No files specified') return False if files[0].startswith('j'): # ACS WFC sh = (2048, 4096) else: sh = (2051, 4096) yp, xp = np.indices(sh, dtype=np.float32) yp /= sh[0]+1 xp /= sh[1]+1 num = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) den = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) if seg_hdu is not None: seg_wcs = pywcs.WCS(seg_hdu.header) ims = [, mode='update') for file in files] n_ext = len(extensions) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=n_ext, ncols=1, figsize=(4, 2*n_ext), sharex=True) for ext in extensions: for im in ims: wht = 1/im['ERR',ext].data**2*(im['DQ',ext].data == 0) valid = np.isfinite(wht) & np.isfinite(im['SCI',ext].data) if verbose: print(f' Process {im.filename()}[{ext}]') if seg_hdu is not None: flc_wcs = pywcs.WCS(im['SCI',ext].header, fobj=im) _blt = utils.blot_nearest_exact(, seg_wcs, flc_wcs, verbose=False, stepsize=-1, scale_by_pixel_area=False, wcs_mask=True, fill_value=0) valid &= (_blt == 0) wht[~valid] = 0 if 'MDRIZSKY' in im['SCI',ext].header: bkg = im['SCI',ext].header['MDRIZSKY'] else: bkg = np.median(im['SCI', ext].data[valid]) _sci = (im['SCI',ext].data - bkg)/im[0].header['EXPTIME'] num += _sci*wht den += wht avg = num/den avg[den == 0] = 0 # Amps in detector middle poly = Polynomial2D(polynomial_degree) fitter = LinearLSQFitter() quad_model = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) _h = pyfits.Header() _h['QORDER'] = polynomial_degree, 'Quad polynomial degree' for q in [1,2]: quad = (xp >= (q-1)/2.) & (xp < q/2.) clip = quad & (den > 0) limit = np.percentile(avg[clip], max_percentile) clip &= avg < limit if clip.sum() < minpix: print('Warning: not enough pixels found for ext:{ext} q:{q}') continue _fit = fitter(poly, xp[clip][::skip], yp[clip][::skip], avg[clip][::skip]) quad_model[quad] = _fit(xp[quad], yp[quad]) for name, val in zip(_fit.param_names, _fit.parameters): _h[f'Q{q}_{name}'] = (val, 'Quad polynomial component') axes[::-1][ext-1].imshow(quad_model, **imsh_kwargs) axes[::-1][ext-1].text(0.05, 0.95, f'Ext {ext}', ha='left', va='top', color='w', fontsize=10, transform=axes[::-1][ext-1].transAxes) axes[::-1][ext-1].text(0.05, 0.05, f'Q1', ha='left', va='bottom', color='w', fontsize=8, transform=axes[::-1][ext-1].transAxes) axes[::-1][ext-1].text(0.55, 0.05, f'Q2', ha='left', va='bottom', color='w', fontsize=8, transform=axes[::-1][ext-1].transAxes) for im in ims: expt = im[0].header['EXPTIME'] im['SCI',ext].data -= quad_model*expt for key, comment in zip(_h.keys(), _h.comments): if key in im['SCI', ext].header: # Already exists, add polynomial component im['SCI',ext].header[key] += _h[key] else: im['SCI',ext].header[key] = (_h[key], comment) for ax in axes: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(1024)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(256)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(1024)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(256)) fig.tight_layout(pad=0.5) for im in ims: im.flush() im.close() return fig
[docs]def drizzle_overlaps(exposure_groups, parse_visits=False, check_overlaps=True, max_files=999, pixfrac=0.8, scale=0.06, skysub=True, skymethod='localmin', skyuser='MDRIZSKY', bits=None, build=False, final_wcs=True, final_rot=0, final_outnx=None, final_outny=None, final_ra=None, final_dec=None, final_wht_type='EXP', final_wt_scl='exptime', final_kernel='square', context=False, static=True, use_group_footprint=False, fetch_flats=True, fix_wcs_system=False, include_saturated=False, run_driz_cr=False, driz_cr_snr=None, driz_cr_scale=None, resetbits=0, driz_cr_snr_grow=1, driz_cr_scale_grow=1, log=False, **kwargs): """Combine overlapping visits into single output mosaics Parameters ---------- exposure_groups : list Output list of visit information from `~grizli.utils.parse_flt_files`. parse_visits : bool If set, parse the `exposure_groups` list for overlaps with `~grizli.utils.parse_visit_overlaps`, otherwise assume that it has already been parsed. check_overlaps: bool Only pass exposures that overlap with the desired output mosaic to AstroDrizzle. max_files : bool Split output products if the number of exposures in a group is greater than `max_files`. Default value of 999 appropriate for AstroDrizzle, which crashes because it tries to create a header keyword with only three digits (i.e., 0-999). pixfrac : float `~drizzlepac.astrodrizzle.AstroDrizzle` "pixfrac" value. scale : type `~drizzlepac.astrodrizzle.AstroDrizzle` "scale" value, output pixel scale in `~astropy.units.arcsec`. skysub : bool Run `~drizzlepac.astrodrizzle.AstroDrizzle` sky subtraction. bits : None or int Data quality bits to treat as OK. If None, then default to 64+32 for ACS and 512+64 for WFC3/IR. final_* : Parameters passed through to AstroDrizzle to define output WCS Note that these are overridden if an exposure group has a 'reference' keyword pointing to a reference image / WCS. Returns ------- Produces drizzled images. """ if log: frame = inspect.currentframe() utils.log_function_arguments(utils.LOGFILE, frame, 'prep.drizzle_overlaps') from drizzlepac.astrodrizzle import AstroDrizzle from shapely.geometry import Polygon if parse_visits: exposure_groups = utils.parse_visit_overlaps(exposure_groups, buffer=15.) # Drizzle can only handle 999 files at a time if check_overlaps: for group in exposure_groups: if 'reference' not in group: continue if 'footprints' in group: footprints = group['footprints'] elif ('footprint' in group) & use_group_footprint: footprints = [group['footprint']]*len(group['files']) else: footprints = [] files = group['files'] for i in range(len(files)): print(i, files[i]) im =[i]) p_i = None for ext in [1, 2, 3, 4]: if ('SCI', ext) in im: wcs = pywcs.WCS(im['SCI', ext], fobj=im) fp_x = wcs.calc_footprint() if p_i is None: p_i = Polygon(fp_x) else: p_i = p_i.union(fp_x) im.close() footprints.append(p_i) ref = pyfits.getheader(group['reference']) wcs = pywcs.WCS(ref) ref_fp = Polygon(wcs.calc_footprint()) files = [] out_fp = [] if 'awspath' in group: aws = [] for j in range(len(group['files'])): olap = ref_fp.intersection(footprints[j]) if olap.area > 0: files.append(group['files'][j]) if 'awspath' in group: aws.append(group['awspath'][j]) out_fp.append(footprints[j]) print(group['product'], len(files), len(group['files'])) group['files'] = files group['footprints'] = out_fp if 'awspath' in group: group['awspath'] = aws # Download the file from aws. The 'awspath' entry # is a list with the same length of 'files', and starts with # the bucket name. if 'awspath' in group: import boto3 session = boto3.Session() s3 = boto3.resource('s3') bkt = None for awspath, file in zip(group['awspath'], group['files']): if os.path.exists(file): continue spl = awspath.split('/') bucket_name = spl[0] path_to_file = '/'.join(spl[1:]) if bkt is None: bkt = s3.Bucket(bucket_name) else: if != bucket_name: bkt = s3.Bucket(bucket_name) s3_file = (path_to_file+'/'+file).replace('//', '/') print('Fetch from s3: s3://{0}/{1}'.format(bucket_name, s3_file)) bkt.download_file(s3_file, file, ExtraArgs={"RequestPayer": "requester"}) if max_files > 0: all_groups = [] for group in exposure_groups: N = len(group['files']) // int(max_files) + 1 if N == 1: all_groups.append(group) else: for k in range(N): sli = slice(k*max_files, (k+1)*max_files) files_list = group['files'][sli] root = '{0}-{1:03d}'.format(group['product'], k) g_k = OrderedDict(product=root, files=files_list, reference=group['reference']) if 'footprints' in group: g_k['footprints'] = group['footprints'][sli] all_groups.append(g_k) else: all_groups = exposure_groups for group in all_groups: if len(group['files']) == 0: continue isACS = '_flc' in group['files'][0] isWFPC2 = '_c0' in group['files'][0] isJWST = os.path.basename(group['files'][0]).startswith('jw') if (driz_cr_snr is None) | (driz_cr_scale is None): if isACS: driz_cr_snr = '3.5 3.0' driz_cr_scale = '1.2 0.7' elif isWFPC2: driz_cr_snr = '3.5 3.0' driz_cr_scale = '1.2 0.7' else: driz_cr_snr = '8.0 5.0' driz_cr_scale = '2.5 0.7' if driz_cr_snr_grow != 1: spl = driz_cr_snr.split() new_snr = np.cast[float](spl)*driz_cr_snr_grow driz_cr_snr = ' '.join([f'{val:.2f}' for val in new_snr]) if driz_cr_scale_grow != 1: spl = driz_cr_scale.split() new_scale = np.cast[float](spl)*driz_cr_scale_grow driz_cr_scale = ' '.join([f'{val:.2f}' for val in new_scale]) if bits is None: if isACS | isWFPC2: bits = 64+32 elif isJWST: bits = 1+4 else: bits = 576 if include_saturated: bits |= 256 # All the same instrument? inst_keys = np.unique([os.path.basename(file)[0] for file in group['files']]) print('\n\n### drizzle_overlaps: {0} ({1})\n'.format(group['product'], len(group['files']))) if isJWST: # Make sure HST-like keywords are set for JWST for file in group['files']: _ = jwst_utils.set_jwst_to_hst_keywords(file, reset=False) if fetch_flats: # PFL files needed for IVM weights for file in group['files']: try: if isWFPC2: im = flat_file = im[0].header['FLATFILE'].strip('uref$') utils.fetch_wfpc2_calib(file=flat_file, path=os.getenv('uref'), use_mast=False, verbose=True, overwrite=True) im.close() elif isJWST: pass else: utils.fetch_hst_calibs(file, calib_types=['PFLTFILE'], verbose=False) except: utils.log_exception(utils.LOGFILE, traceback) if 'gain' in kwargs: gain = kwargs['gain'] elif isJWST: gain = '1.0' else: gain = None if 'rdnoise' in kwargs: rdnoise = kwargs['rdnoise'] elif isJWST: rdnoise = '0.0' else: rdnoise = None # Fetch files from aws if 'reference' in group: AstroDrizzle(group['files'], output=group['product'], clean=True, context=context, preserve=False, skysub=skysub, skyuser=skyuser, skymethod=skymethod, driz_separate=run_driz_cr, driz_sep_wcs=run_driz_cr, median=run_driz_cr, blot=run_driz_cr, driz_cr=run_driz_cr, driz_cr_snr=driz_cr_snr, driz_cr_scale=driz_cr_scale, driz_cr_corr=False, driz_combine=True, final_bits=bits, coeffs=True, build=build, final_wht_type=final_wht_type, final_wt_scl=final_wt_scl, final_pixfrac=pixfrac, final_wcs=True, final_refimage=group['reference'], final_kernel=final_kernel, resetbits=resetbits, static=(static & (len(inst_keys) == 1)), gain=gain, rdnoise=rdnoise) else: AstroDrizzle(group['files'], output=group['product'], clean=True, context=context, preserve=False, skysub=skysub, skyuser=skyuser, skymethod=skymethod, driz_separate=run_driz_cr, driz_sep_wcs=run_driz_cr, median=run_driz_cr, blot=run_driz_cr, driz_cr=run_driz_cr, driz_cr_snr=driz_cr_snr, driz_cr_scale=driz_cr_scale, driz_cr_corr=False, driz_combine=True, final_bits=bits, coeffs=True, build=build, final_wht_type=final_wht_type, final_wt_scl=final_wt_scl, final_pixfrac=pixfrac, final_wcs=final_wcs, final_rot=final_rot, final_scale=scale, final_ra=final_ra, final_dec=final_dec, final_outnx=final_outnx, final_outny=final_outny, final_kernel=final_kernel, resetbits=resetbits, static=(static & (len(inst_keys) == 1)), gain=gain, rdnoise=rdnoise) clean_drizzle(group['product'], fix_wcs_system=fix_wcs_system) # Reset JWST headers if isJWST: for file in group['files']: _ = jwst_utils.set_jwst_to_hst_keywords(file, reset=True)
[docs]def manual_alignment(visit, ds9, reference=None, reference_catalogs=['SDSS', 'PS1', 'GAIA', 'WISE'], use_drz=False): """Manual alignment of a visit with respect to an external region file Parameters ---------- visit : dict List of visit information from `~grizli.utils.parse_flt_files`. ds9 : `~grizli.ds9.DS9` DS9 instance for interaction. Requires `~pyds9` and the extended methods in `~grizli.ds9.DS9`. reference : str Filename of a DS9 region file that will be used as reference. If None, then tries to find a local file based on the `visit['product']`. reference_catalogs : list If no valid `reference` file provided or found, query external catalogs with `~grizli.prep.get_radec_catalog`. The external catalogs will be queried in the order specified in this list. Returns ------- Generates a file like `{{0}}.align_guess'.format(visit['product'])` that the alignment scripts know how to read. .. note:: The alignment here is done interactively in the DS9 window. The script prompts you to first center the frame on a source in the image itself, which can be done in "panning" mode. After centering, hit <enter> in the command line. The script will then prompt to center the frame on the corresponding region from the reference file. After recentering, type enter again and the output file will be computed and stored. If you wish to break out of the script and not generate the output file, type any character in the terminal at the first pause/prompt. """ import os ref_image = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '../RAW/', visit['files'][0]) files = glob.glob('{0}_dr?_sci.fits'.format(visit['product'])) ext = 1 if use_drz & (len(files) > 0): ref_image = files[0] ext = 0 im = ra, dec = im[ext].header['CRVAL1'], im[ext].header['CRVAL2'] if reference is None: reg_files = glob.glob('{0}_*reg'.format(visit['product'])) if len(reg_files) == 0: get_radec_catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, radius=3., product=visit['product'], verbose=True, reference_catalogs=reference_catalogs, date=im[0].header['EXPSTART'], date_format='mjd') reg_files = glob.glob('{0}_*reg'.format(visit['product'])) reference = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), reg_files[0]) print(visit['product'], reference) #im ='{0}_drz_sci.fits'.format(visit['product'])) #ds9.view(im[1].data, header=im[1].header) if '_c0' in im.filename(): ds9.set('file {0}[3]'.format(im.filename())) else: ds9.set('file {0}'.format(im.filename())) ds9.set('regions file '+reference) x = input('pan to object in image: ') if x: print('Input detected ({0}). Abort.'.format(x)) return False x0 = np.cast[float](ds9.get('pan image').split()) x = input('pan to object in region: ') x1 = np.cast[float](ds9.get('pan image').split()) print('Saved {0}.align_guess'.format(visit['product'])) dx = x0[0]-x1[0] dy = x0[1]-x1[1] if '_c0' in im.filename(): dx *= -1 dy * + -1 np.savetxt('{0}.align_guess'.format(visit['product']), [[dx, dy, 0, 1].__repr__()[1:-1].replace(',', '')], fmt='%s') im.close()
[docs]def extract_fits_log(file='idk106ckq_flt.fits', get_dq=True): """ not used """ log = OrderedDict() im = for k in im[0].header: if k in ['HISTORY', 'COMMENT', 'ORIGIN', '']: continue if k.strip().startswith('/'): continue log[k] = im[0].header[k] log['chips'] = [] imshape = im[1].data.shape if get_dq: idx = np.arange(imshape[0]**2, dtype=np.int32).reshape(imshape) for chip in [1, 2, 3, 4]: key = 'SCI{0}'.format(chip) if ('SCI', chip) in im: log['chips'].append(chip) log[key] = OrderedDict() h = im['SCI', chip].header for k in h: if k in ['HISTORY', 'COMMENT', 'ORIGIN', '']: continue if k.strip().startswith('/'): continue log[key][k] = h[k] if get_dq: dq = im['DQ', chip].data mask = dq > 0 log['DQi{0}'.format(chip)] = list(idx[mask].astype(str)) log['DQv{0}'.format(chip)] = list(dq[mask].astype(str)) im.close() return log
[docs]def check_isJWST(infile=''): """ Check if a file or list of files is JWST image. Parameters ---------- infile : fits file File to test Returns ------- isJWST : bool """ with as hdu: if 'OTELESCO' in hdu[0].header: isJWST = hdu[0].header['OTELESCO'] == 'JWST' elif 'TELESCOP' in hdu[0].header: isJWST = hdu[0].header['TELESCOP'] == 'JWST' else: isJWST = False return isJWST