Source code for grizli.multifit

"""Functionality for manipulating multiple grism exposures simultaneously

import os
import time
import traceback
import glob
from collections import OrderedDict
import multiprocessing as mp
from . import prep

import scipy.ndimage as nd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from astropy.table import Table
import as pyfits
import astropy.wcs as pywcs

import astropy.units as u

# local imports
from . import utils
from . import model
from . import grismconf
#from . import stack
from .fitting import GroupFitter
from .utils_numba import interp


def _loadFLT(grism_file, sci_extn, direct_file, pad, ref_file,
               ref_ext, seg_file, verbose, catalog, ix, use_jwst_crds):
    """Helper function for loading `.model.GrismFLT` objects with `multiprocessing`.

    import time
        import cPickle as pickle
        # Python 3
        import pickle
    # slight random delay to avoid synchronization problems
    # np.random.seed(ix)
    # sleeptime = ix*1
    # print '%s sleep %.3f %d' %(grism_file, sleeptime, ix)
    # time.sleep(sleeptime)

    # print grism_file, direct_file

    new_root = '.{0:02d}.GrismFLT.fits'.format(sci_extn)
    save_file = grism_file.replace('_flt.fits', new_root)
    save_file = save_file.replace('_flc.fits', new_root)
    save_file = save_file.replace('_cmb.fits', new_root)
    save_file = save_file.replace('_rate.fits', new_root)
    save_file = save_file.replace('_elec.fits', new_root)
    if (save_file == grism_file) & ('GrismFLT' not in grism_file):
        # couldn't build new filename based on the extensions
        # so just insert at the end
        save_file = grism_file.replace('.fits', new_root)
    if (grism_file.find('_') < 0) & ('GrismFLT' not in grism_file):
        save_file = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

    if os.path.exists(save_file) & ('GrismFLT' in save_file):
        print('Load {0}!'.format(save_file))

        fp = open(save_file.replace('GrismFLT.fits', 'GrismFLT.pkl'), 'rb')
        flt = pickle.load(fp)

        status = flt.load_from_fits(save_file)

        flt = model.GrismFLT(grism_file=grism_file, sci_extn=sci_extn,
                         direct_file=direct_file, pad=pad,
                         ref_file=ref_file, ref_ext=ref_ext,
                         seg_file=seg_file, shrink_segimage=True,
                         verbose=verbose, use_jwst_crds=use_jwst_crds)

        for obj in [flt.grism,]:

    if catalog is not None:
        flt.catalog = flt.blot_catalog(catalog,
                                   sextractor=('X_WORLD' in catalog.colnames))
        flt.catalog_file = catalog

        flt.catalog = None
    if flt.grism.instrument in ['NIRCAM']:

    if flt.grism.instrument in ['NIRISS', 'NIRCAM']:
    if hasattr(flt, 'conf'):
        delattr(flt, 'conf')
    return flt  # , out_cat

def _fit_at_z(self, zgrid, i, templates, fitter, fit_background, poly_order):
    For parallel processing
    # self, z=0., templates={}, fitter='nnls',
    #              fit_background=True, poly_order=0
    print(i, zgrid[i])
    out = self.fit_at_z(z=zgrid[i], templates=templates,
                        fitter=fitter, poly_order=poly_order,

    data = {'out': out, 'i': i}
    return data
    #A, coeffs[i,:], chi2[i], model_2d = out

def _beam_compute_model(beam, id, spectrum_1d, is_cgs, apply_sensitivity, scale, reset):
    wrapper function for multiprocessing
    beam.beam.compute_model(id=id, spectrum_1d=spectrum_1d,
                            scale=scale, reset=reset,

    beam.modelf = beam.beam.modelf
    beam.model = beam.beam.modelf.reshape(beam.beam.sh_beam)

    return True

# def test_parallel():
#     zgrid = np.linspace(1.1, 1.3, 10)
#     templates = mb.load_templates(fwhm=800)
#     fitter = 'nnls'
#     fit_background = True
#     poly_order = 0
#     self.FLTs = []
#     t0_pool = time.time()
#     pool = mp.Pool(processes=4)
#     results = [pool.apply_async(_fit_at_z, (mb, zgrid, i, templates, fitter, fit_background, poly_order)) for i in range(len(zgrid))]
#     pool.close()
#     pool.join()
#     chi = zgrid*0.
#     for res in results:
#         data = res.get(timeout=1)
#         A, coeffs, chi[data['i']], model_2d = data['out']
#         #flt_i.catalog = cat_i
#     t1_pool = time.time()

def _compute_model(i, flt, fit_info, is_cgs, store, model_kwargs):
    """Helper function for computing model orders.
    if not hasattr(flt, 'conf'):
        flt.conf = grismconf.load_grism_config(flt.conf_file)
    for id in fit_info:
            status = flt.compute_model_orders(id=id,
                          mag=fit_info[id]['mag'], in_place=True, store=store,
                          spectrum_1d=fit_info[id]['spec'], is_cgs=is_cgs,
                          verbose=False, **model_kwargs)
            print('Failed: {0} {1}'.format(flt.grism.parent_file, id))
    print('{0}: _compute_model Done'.format(flt.grism.parent_file))

    return i, flt.model, flt.object_dispersers

[docs]class GroupFLT(): def __init__(self, grism_files=[], sci_extn=1, direct_files=[], pad=(64,256), group_name='group', ref_file=None, ref_ext=0, seg_file=None, shrink_segimage=True, verbose=True, cpu_count=0, catalog='', polyx=[0.3, 5.3], MW_EBV=0., bits=None, use_jwst_crds=False): """Main container for handling multiple grism exposures together Parameters ---------- grism_files : list List of grism exposures (typically WFC3/IR "FLT" or ACS/UVIS "FLC" files). These can be from different grisms and/or orients. sci_extn : int Science extension to extract from the files in `grism_files`. For WFC3/IR this can only be 1, though for the two-chip instruments WFC3/UVIS and ACS/WFC3 this can be 1 or 2. direct_files : list List of direct exposures (typically WFC3/IR "FLT" or ACS/UVIS "FLC" files). This list should either be empty or should correspond one-to-one with entries in the `grism_files` list, i.e., from an undithered pair of direct and grism exposures. If such pairs weren't obtained or if you simply wish to ignore them and just use the `ref_file` reference image, set to an empty list (`[]`). pad : int, int Padding in pixels to apply around the edge of the detector to allow modeling of sources that fall off of the nominal FOV. For this to work requires using a `ref_file` reference image that covers this extra area. Specified in array axis order (pady, padx) group_name : str Name to apply to products produced by this group. ref_file : `None` or str Undistorted reference image filename, e.g., a drizzled mosaic covering the area around a given grism exposure. ref_ext : 0 FITS extension of the reference file where to find the image itself. seg_file : `None` or str Segmentation image filename. shrink_segimage : bool Do some preprocessing on the segmentation image to speed up the blotting to the distorted frame of the grism exposures. verbose : bool Print verbose information. cpu_count : int Use parallelization if > 0. If equal to zero, then use the maximum number of available cores. catalog : str Catalog filename assocated with `seg_file`. These are typically generated with "SExtractor", but the source of the files themselves isn't critical. Attributes ---------- catalog : `~astropy.table.Table` The table read in with from the above file specified in `catalog`. FLTs : list List of `~grizli.model.GrismFLT` objects generated from each of the files in the `grism_files` list. grp.N : int Number of grism files (i.e., `len(FLTs)`.) """ N = len(grism_files) if len(direct_files) != len(grism_files): direct_files = ['']*N self.grism_files = grism_files self.direct_files = direct_files self.group_name = group_name # Wavelengths for polynomial fits self.polyx = polyx # Read catalog if catalog: if isinstance(catalog, str): self.catalog = utils.GTable.gread(catalog) else: self.catalog = catalog # necessary columns from SExtractor / photutils pairs = [['NUMBER', 'id'], ['MAG_AUTO', 'mag'], ['MAGERR_AUTO', 'mag_err']] cols = self.catalog.colnames for pair in pairs: if (pair[0] not in cols) & (pair[1] in cols): self.catalog[pair[0]] = self.catalog[pair[1]] else: self.catalog = None if cpu_count == 0: cpu_count = mp.cpu_count() self.FLTs = [] if cpu_count < 0: # serial t0_pool = time.time() for i in range(N): flt = _loadFLT(self.grism_files[i], sci_extn, self.direct_files[i], pad, ref_file, ref_ext, seg_file, verbose, self.catalog, i, use_jwst_crds) self.FLTs.append(flt) t1_pool = time.time() else: # Read files in parallel t0_pool = time.time() pool = mp.Pool(processes=cpu_count) results = [pool.apply_async(_loadFLT, (self.grism_files[i], sci_extn, self.direct_files[i], pad, ref_file, ref_ext, seg_file, verbose, self.catalog, i, use_jwst_crds) ) for i in range(N)] pool.close() pool.join() for res in results: flt_i = res.get(timeout=1) #flt_i.catalog = cat_i # somehow WCS getting flipped from cd to pc in res.get()??? if for obj in [flt_i.grism,]: obj.get_wcs() self.FLTs.append(flt_i) t1_pool = time.time() # Set conf for flt_i in self.FLTs: if not hasattr(flt_i, 'conf'): flt_i.conf = grismconf.load_grism_config(flt_i.conf_file) if verbose: print('Files loaded - {0:.2f} sec.'.format(t1_pool - t0_pool)) @property def N(self): return len(self.FLTs) @property def Ngrism(self): """ dictionary containing number of exposures by grism """ # Parse grisms & PAs Ngrism = {} for flt in self.FLTs: if flt.grism.instrument == 'NIRISS': grism = flt.grism.pupil else: grism = flt.grism.filter if grism not in Ngrism: Ngrism[grism] = 0 Ngrism[grism] += 1 return Ngrism @property def grisms(self): """ Available grisms """ grisms = list(self.Ngrism.keys()) return grisms @property def PA(self): """ Available PAs in each grism """ _PA = {} for g in self.Ngrism: _PA[g] = {} for i, flt in enumerate(self.FLTs): if flt.grism.instrument == 'NIRISS': grism = flt.grism.pupil else: grism = flt.grism.filter PA_i = flt.get_dispersion_PA(decimals=0) if PA_i not in _PA[grism]: _PA[grism][PA_i] = [] _PA[grism][PA_i].append(i) return _PA
[docs] def save_full_data(self, warn=True, verbose=False): """Save models and data files for fast regeneration. The filenames of the outputs are generated from the input grism exposure filenames with the following: >>> file = 'ib3701ryq_flt.fits' >>> sci_extn = 1 >>> new_root = '.{0:02d}.GrismFLT.fits'.format(sci_extn) >>> >>> save_file = file.replace('_flt.fits', new_root) >>> save_file = save_file.replace('_flc.fits', new_root) >>> save_file = save_file.replace('_cmb.fits', new_root) >>> save_file = save_file.replace('_rate.fits', new_root) It will also save data to a `~pickle` file: >>> pkl_file = save_file.replace('.fits', '.pkl') Parameters ---------- warn : bool Print a warning and skip if an output file is already found to exist. Notes ----- The save filename format was changed May 9, 2017 to the format like `ib3701ryq.01.GrismFLT.fits` from `ib3701ryq_GrismFLT.fits` to both allow easier filename parsing and also to allow for instruments that have multiple `SCI` extensions in a single calibrated file (e.g., ACS and WFC3/UVIS). """ for _flt in self.FLTs: file = _flt.grism_file if is None: if warn: print('{0}: Looks like data already saved!'.format(file)) continue new_root = '.{0:02d}.GrismFLT.fits'.format(_flt.grism.sci_extn) save_file = file.replace('_flt.fits', new_root) save_file = save_file.replace('_flc.fits', new_root) save_file = save_file.replace('_cmb.fits', new_root) save_file = save_file.replace('_rate.fits', new_root) save_file = save_file.replace('_elec.fits', new_root) if (save_file == file) & ('GrismFLT' not in file): # couldn't build new filename based on the extensions # so just insert at the end save_file = file.replace('.fits', new_root) # Rotate back to detector frame if needed if _flt.grism.instrument in ['NIRISS', 'NIRCAM']: _flt.transform_JWST_WFSS(verbose=verbose) # Save the files print('Save {0}'.format(save_file)) _flt.save_full_pickle() # Reload initialized data _flt.load_from_fits(save_file) # Rotate to "GrismFLT" frame if needed if _flt.grism.instrument in ['NIRISS', 'NIRCAM']: _flt.transform_JWST_WFSS(verbose=verbose)
[docs] def extend(self, new, verbose=True): """Add another `GroupFLT` instance to `self` This function appends the exposures if a separate `GroupFLT` instance to the current instance. You might do this, for example, if you generate separate `GroupFLT` instances for different grisms and reference images with different filters. """ import copy self.FLTs.extend(new.FLTs) direct_files = copy.copy(self.direct_files) direct_files.extend(new.direct_files) self.direct_files = direct_files grism_files = copy.copy(self.grism_files) grism_files.extend(new.grism_files) self.grism_files = grism_files # self.direct_files.extend(new.direct_files) # self.grism_files.extend(new.grism_files) if verbose: print('Now we have {0:d} FLTs'.format(self.N))
[docs] def compute_single_model(self, id, center_rd=None, mag=-99, size=-1, store=False, spectrum_1d=None, is_cgs=False, get_beams=None, in_place=True, min_size=26, psf_param_dict={}): """Compute model spectrum in all exposures TBD Parameters ---------- id : type center_rd : None mag : type size : type store : type spectrum_1d : type get_beams : type in_place : type Returns ------- TBD """ out_beams = [] for flt in self.FLTs: if flt.grism.parent_file in psf_param_dict: psf_params = psf_param_dict[flt.grism.parent_file] else: psf_params = None if center_rd is None: x = y = None else: _rd = np.array(center_rd)[None, :] x, y =, 0).flatten() status = flt.compute_model_orders(id=id, x=x, y=y, verbose=False, size=size, compute_size=(size < 0), mag=mag, in_place=in_place, store=store, spectrum_1d=spectrum_1d, is_cgs=is_cgs, get_beams=get_beams, psf_params=psf_params, min_size=min_size) out_beams.append(status) if get_beams: return out_beams else: return True
[docs] def compute_full_model(self, fit_info=None, verbose=True, store=False, mag_limit=25, coeffs=[1.2, -0.5], cpu_count=0, is_cgs=False, model_kwargs={'compute_size':True}): """Compute continuum models of all sources in an FLT Parameters ---------- fit_info : dict verbose : bool store : bool mag_limit : float Faint limit of objects to compute coeffs : list Polynomial coefficients of the continuum model cpu_count : int Number of CPUs to use for parallel processing. If 0, then get from `multiprocessing.cpu_count`. is_cgs : bool Spectral models are in cgs units model_kwargs : dict Keywords to pass to the `~grizli.model.GrismFLT.compute_model_orders` method of the `~grizli.model.GrismFLT` objects. Returns ------- Sets `object_dispersers` and `model` attributes on items in `self.FLTs` """ if cpu_count <= 0: cpu_count = np.maximum(mp.cpu_count() - 4, 1) if fit_info is None: bright = self.catalog['MAG_AUTO'] < mag_limit ids = self.catalog['NUMBER'][bright] mags = self.catalog['MAG_AUTO'][bright] # Polynomial component #xspec = np.arange(0.3, 5.35, 0.05)-1 xspec = np.arange(self.polyx[0], self.polyx[1], 0.05) if len(self.polyx) > 2: px0 = self.polyx[2] else: px0 = 1.0 yspec = [(xspec-px0)**o*coeffs[o] for o in range(len(coeffs))] xspec = (xspec)*1.e4 yspec = np.sum(yspec, axis=0) fit_info = OrderedDict() for id, mag in zip(ids, mags): fit_info[id] = {'mag': mag, 'spec': [xspec, yspec]} is_cgs = False t0_pool = time.time() # Remove conf for flt_i in self.FLTs: if hasattr(flt_i, 'conf'): delattr(flt_i, 'conf') pool = mp.Pool(processes=cpu_count) jobs = [pool.apply_async(_compute_model, (i, self.FLTs[i], fit_info, is_cgs, store, model_kwargs)) for i in range(self.N)] pool.close() pool.join() for res in jobs: i, model, dispersers = res.get(timeout=1) self.FLTs[i].object_dispersers = dispersers self.FLTs[i].model = model # Reload conf for flt_i in self.FLTs: if not hasattr(flt_i, 'conf'): flt_i.conf = grismconf.load_grism_config(flt_i.conf_file) t1_pool = time.time() if verbose: print('Models computed - {0:.2f} sec.'.format(t1_pool - t0_pool))
[docs] def get_beams(self, id, size=10, center_rd=None, beam_id='A', min_overlap=0.1, min_valid_pix=10, min_mask=0.01, min_sens=0.08, mask_resid=True, get_slice_header=True, show_exception=False): """Extract 2D spectra "beams" from the GroupFLT exposures. Parameters ---------- id : int Catalog ID of the object to extract. size : int Half-size of the 2D spectrum to extract, along cross-dispersion axis. center_rd : optional, (float, float) Extract based on RA/Dec rather than catalog ID. beam_id : type Name of the order to extract. min_overlap : float Fraction of the spectrum along wavelength axis that has one or more valid pixels. min_valid_pix : int Minimum number of valid pixels (`beam.fit_mask == True`) in 2D spectrum. min_mask : float Minimum factor relative to the maximum pixel value of the flat f-lambda model where the 2D cutout data are considered good. Passed through to `~grizli.model.BeamCutout`. min_sens : float See `~grizli.model.BeamCutout`. get_slice_header : bool Passed to `~grizli.model.BeamCutout`. Returns ------- beams : list List of `~grizli.model.BeamCutout` objects. """ beams = self.compute_single_model(id, center_rd=center_rd, size=size, store=False, get_beams=[beam_id]) out_beams = [] for flt, beam in zip(self.FLTs, beams): try: out_beam = model.BeamCutout(flt=flt, beam=beam[beam_id], conf=flt.conf, min_mask=min_mask, min_sens=min_sens, mask_resid=mask_resid, get_slice_header=get_slice_header) except: #print('Except: get_beams') if show_exception: utils.log_exception(utils.LOGFILE, traceback) continue valid = (out_beam.grism['SCI'] != 0) valid &= out_beam.fit_mask.reshape( hasdata = (valid.sum(axis=0) > 0).sum() if hasdata*1./out_beam.model.shape[1] < min_overlap: continue # Empty direct image? if out_beam.beam.total_flux == 0: continue if out_beam.fit_mask.sum() < min_valid_pix: continue out_beams.append(out_beam) return out_beams
[docs] def refine_list(self, ids=[], mags=[], poly_order=3, mag_limits=[16, 24], max_coeff=5, ds9=None, verbose=True, fcontam=0.5, wave=np.linspace(0.2, 2.5e4, 100)): """Refine contamination model for list of objects. Loops over `refine`. Parameters ---------- ids : list List of object IDs mags : list Magnitudes to to along with IDs. If `ids` and `mags` not specified, then get the ID list from `self.catalog['MAG_AUTO']`. poly_order : int Order of the polynomial fit to the spectra. mag_limits : [float, float] Magnitude limits of objects to fit from `self.catalog['MAG_AUTO']` when `ids` and `mags` not set. max_coeff : float Fit is considered bad when one of the coefficients is greater than this value. See `refine`. ds9 : `~grizli.ds9.DS9`, optional Display the refined models to DS9 as they are computed. verbose : bool Print fit coefficients. fcontam : float Contamination weighting parameter. wave : `~numpy.array` Wavelength array for the polynomial fit. Returns ------- Updates `self.model` in place. """ if (len(ids) == 0) | (len(ids) != len(mags)): bright = ((self.catalog['MAG_AUTO'] < mag_limits[1]) & (self.catalog['MAG_AUTO'] > mag_limits[0])) ids = self.catalog['NUMBER'][bright]*1 mags = self.catalog['MAG_AUTO'][bright]*1 so = np.argsort(mags) ids, mags = ids[so], mags[so] #wave = np.linspace(0.2,5.4e4,100) poly_templates = utils.polynomial_templates(wave, order=poly_order, line=False) for id, mag in zip(ids, mags): self.refine(id, mag=mag, poly_order=poly_order, max_coeff=max_coeff, size=30, ds9=ds9, verbose=verbose, fcontam=fcontam, templates=poly_templates)
[docs] def refine(self, id, mag=-99, poly_order=3, size=30, ds9=None, verbose=True, max_coeff=2.5, fcontam=0.5, templates=None): """Fit polynomial to extracted spectrum of single object to use for contamination model. Parameters ---------- id : int Object ID to extract. mag : float Object magnitude. Determines which orders to extract; see `~grizli.model.GrismFLT.compute_model_orders`. poly_order : int Order of the polynomial to fit. size : int Size of cutout to extract. ds9 : `~grizli.ds9.DS9`, optional Display the refined models to DS9 as they are computed. verbose : bool Print information about the fit max_coeff : float The script computes the implied flux of the polynomial template at the pivot wavelength of the direct image filters. If this flux is greater than `max_coeff` times the *observed* flux in the direct image, then the polynomal fit is considered bad. fcontam : float Contamination weighting parameter. templates : dict, optional Precomputed template dictionary. If `None` then compute polynomial templates with order `poly_order`. Returns ------- Updates `self.model` in place. """ beams = self.get_beams(id, size=size, min_overlap=0.1, get_slice_header=False, min_mask=0.01, min_sens=0.01, mask_resid=True) if len(beams) == 0: return True mb = MultiBeam(beams, fcontam=fcontam, min_sens=0.01, sys_err=0.03, min_mask=0.01, mask_resid=True) if templates is None: wave = np.linspace(0.9*mb.wavef.min(), 1.1*mb.wavef.max(), 100) templates = utils.polynomial_templates(wave, order=poly_order, line=False) try: tfit = mb.template_at_z(z=0, templates=templates, fit_background=True, fitter='lstsq', get_uncertainties=2) except: ret = False return False scale_coeffs = [tfit['cfit']['poly {0}'.format(i)][0] for i in range(1+poly_order)] xspec, ypoly = tfit['cont1d'].wave, tfit['cont1d'].flux # Don't extrapolate mb_waves = mb.wavef[mb.fit_mask] mb_clip = (xspec > mb_waves.min()) & (xspec < mb_waves.max()) if mb_clip.sum() > 0: ypoly[xspec < mb_waves.min()] = ypoly[mb_clip][0] ypoly[xspec > mb_waves.max()] = ypoly[mb_clip][-1] # Check where templates inconsistent with broad-band fluxes xb = [ if['REF'] is not None else for beam in beams] obs_flux = np.array([beam.beam.total_flux for beam in beams]) mod_flux = np.polynomial.Polynomial(scale_coeffs)(np.array(xb)/1.e4-1) nonz = obs_flux != 0 if (np.abs(mod_flux/obs_flux)[nonz].max() > max_coeff) | ((~np.isfinite(mod_flux/obs_flux)[nonz]).sum() > 0) | (np.min(mod_flux[nonz]) < 0) | ((~np.isfinite(ypoly)).sum() > 0): if verbose: cstr = ' '.join(['{0:9.2e}'.format(c) for c in scale_coeffs]) print('{0:>5d} mag={1:6.2f} {2} xx'.format(id, mag, cstr)) return True # Put the refined model into the full-field model self.compute_single_model(id, mag=mag, size=-1, store=False, spectrum_1d=[xspec, ypoly], is_cgs=True, get_beams=None, in_place=True) # Display the result? if ds9: flt = self.FLTs[0] mask = flt.grism['SCI'] != 0 ds9.view((flt.grism['SCI'] - flt.model)*mask, header=flt.grism.header) if verbose: cstr = ' '.join(['{0:9.2e}'.format(c) for c in scale_coeffs]) print('{0:>5d} mag={1:6.2f} {2}'.format(id, mag, cstr)) return True
#m2d = mb.reshape_flat(modelf) # ############ # def old_refine(self, id, mag=-99, poly_order=1, size=30, ds9=None, verbose=True, max_coeff=2.5): # """TBD # """ # # Extract and fit beam spectra # beams = self.get_beams(id, size=size, min_overlap=0.5, get_slice_header=False) # if len(beams) == 0: # return True # # mb = MultiBeam(beams) # try: # A, out_coeffs, chi2, modelf = mb.fit_at_z(poly_order=poly_order, fit_background=True, fitter='lstsq') # except: # return False # # # Poly template # scale_coeffs = out_coeffs[mb.N*mb.fit_bg:mb.N*mb.fit_bg+mb.n_poly] # xspec, yfull = mb.eval_poly_spec(out_coeffs) # # # Check where templates inconsistent with broad-band fluxes # xb = [ if['REF'] is not None # else for beam in beams] # fb = [beam.beam.total_flux for beam in beams] # mb = np.polynomial.Polynomial(scale_coeffs)(np.array(xb)/1.e4-1) # # if (np.abs(mb/fb).max() > max_coeff) | (~np.isfinite(mb/fb).sum() > 0) | (np.min(mb) < 0): # if verbose: # print('{0} mag={1:6.2f} {2} xx'.format(id, mag, scale_coeffs)) # # return True # # # Put the refined model into the full-field model # self.compute_single_model(id, mag=mag, size=-1, store=False, spectrum_1d=[(xspec+1)*1.e4, yfull], is_cgs=True, get_beams=None, in_place=True) # # # Display the result? # if ds9: # flt = self.FLTs[0] # mask = flt.grism['SCI'] != 0 # ds9.view((flt.grism['SCI'] - flt.model)*mask, # header=flt.grism.header) # # if verbose: # print('{0} mag={1:6.2f} {2}'.format(id, mag, scale_coeffs)) # # return True # #m2d = mb.reshape_flat(modelf)
[docs] def make_stack(self, id, size=20, target='grism', skip=True, fcontam=1., scale=1, save=True, kernel='point', pixfrac=1, diff=True): """Make drizzled 2D stack for a given object Parameters ---------- id : int Object ID number. target : str Rootname for output files. skip : bool If True and the stack PNG file already exists, don't proceed. fcontam : float Contamination weighting parameter. save : bool Save the figure and FITS HDU to files with names like >>> img_file = '{0}_{1:05d}.stack.png'.format(target, id) >>> fits_file = '{0}_{1:05d}.stack.fits'.format(target, id) diff : bool Plot residual in final stack panel. Returns ------- hdu : `` FITS HDU of the stacked spectra. fig : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` Stack figure object. """ print(target, id) if os.path.exists('{0}_{1:05d}.stack.png'.format(target, id)) & skip: return True beams = self.get_beams(id, size=size, beam_id='A') if len(beams) == 0: print('id = {0}: No beam cutouts available.'.format(id)) return None mb = MultiBeam(beams, fcontam=fcontam, group_name=target) hdu, fig = mb.drizzle_grisms_and_PAs(fcontam=fcontam, flambda=False, size=size, scale=scale, kernel=kernel, pixfrac=pixfrac, diff=diff) if save: fig.savefig('{0}_{1:05d}.stack.png'.format(target, id)) hdu.writeto('{0}_{1:05d}.stack.fits'.format(target, id), overwrite=True) return hdu, fig
[docs] def drizzle_grism_models(self, root='grism_model', kernel='square', scale=0.1, pixfrac=1, make_figure=True, fig_xsize=10, write_ctx=False): """ Make model-subtracted drizzled images of each grism / PA Parameters ---------- root : str Rootname of the output files. kernel : str Drizzle kernel e.g., ('square', 'point'). scale : float Drizzle `scale` parameter, pixel scale in arcsec. pixfrac : float Drizzle "pixfrac". write_ctx : bool Save context image as well. """ try: from .utils import drizzle_array_groups except: from grizli.utils import drizzle_array_groups # Loop through grisms and PAs for g in self.PA: for pa in self.PA[g]: idx = self.PA[g][pa] N = len(idx) sci_list = [] for i in idx: grism = self.FLTs[i].grism if 'MED' in sci_list.append(grism['SCI'] + grism['MED']) else: sci_list.append(grism['SCI']) #sci_list = [self.FLTs[i].grism['SCI'] for i in idx] clean_list = [self.FLTs[i].grism['SCI']-self.FLTs[i].model for i in idx] wht_list = [ (self.FLTs[i].grism['DQ'] == 0) / self.FLTs[i].grism['ERR']**2 for i in idx ] for i in range(N): mask = ~np.isfinite(wht_list[i]) wht_list[i][mask] = 0 wcs_list = [self.FLTs[i].grism.wcs for i in idx] for i, ix in enumerate(idx): if wcs_list[i]._naxis[0] == 0: wcs_list[i]._naxis = self.FLTs[ix][::-1] # Science array outfile = '{0}-{1}-{2}_grism_sci.fits'.format(root, g.lower(), pa) print(outfile) out = drizzle_array_groups( sci_list, wht_list, wcs_list, scale=scale, kernel=kernel, pixfrac=pixfrac ) outsci, _, _, outctx, header, outputwcs = out header['FILTER'] = g header['PA'] = pa # Add invidual FLTs to header for i, ix in enumerate(idx): header[f'FLT{str(i+1).zfill(5)}'] = self.FLTs[ix].grism_file pyfits.writeto(outfile, data=outsci, header=header, overwrite=True, output_verify='fix') if write_ctx: pyfits.writeto(outfile.replace('sci', 'ctx'), data=outctx, header=header, overwrite=True, output_verify='fix') # Model-subtracted outfile = '{0}-{1}-{2}_grism_clean.fits'.format(root, g.lower(), pa) print(outfile) out = drizzle_array_groups( clean_list, wht_list, wcs_list, scale=scale, kernel=kernel, pixfrac=pixfrac ) outsci, _, _, _, header, outputwcs = out header['FILTER'] = g header['PA'] = pa pyfits.writeto(outfile, data=outsci, header=header, overwrite=True, output_verify='fix') # Make figure if make_figure: with'clean', 'sci')) as img: im = img[0].data*1 im[im == 0] = np.nan sh = im.shape yp, xp = np.indices(sh) mask = np.isfinite(im) xmi = np.maximum(xp[mask].min()-10, 0) xma = np.minimum(xp[mask].max()+10, sh[1]) ymi = np.maximum(yp[mask].min()-10, 0) yma = np.minimum(yp[mask].max()+10, sh[0]) xsl = slice(xmi, xma) ysl = slice(ymi, yma) _dy = (ysl.stop - ysl.start) _dx = (xsl.stop - xsl.start) sh_aspect = _dy / _dx vmi, vma = -0.05, 0.2 fig = plt.figure(figsize=[fig_xsize, fig_xsize/2*sh_aspect]) ax = fig.add_subplot(121) ax.imshow(im[ysl, xsl], origin='lower', cmap='gray_r', vmin=vmi, vmax=vma) # Clean ax = fig.add_subplot(122) with as img: im = img[0].data*1 im[im == 0] = np.nan ax.imshow(im[ysl, xsl], origin='lower', cmap='gray_r', vmin=vmi, vmax=vma) for ax in fig.axes: ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.axis('off') fig.tight_layout(pad=0.) fig.text(0.5, 0.98, outfile.split('_grism')[0], color='k', bbox=dict(facecolor='w', edgecolor='None'), ha='center', va='top', transform=fig.transFigure) fig.savefig(outfile.split('_clean')[0]+'.png', transparent=True) plt.close(fig)
[docs] def subtract_sep_background(self, mask_threshold=3, mask_iter=3, bw=256, bh=256, fw=3, fh=3, revert=True, **kwargs): """ Remove a 2D background from grism exposures with `sep.Background` Parameters ---------- mask_threshold : float S/N threshold to mask sources """ import sep for flt in self.FLTs: msg = f'subtract_sep_background: {flt.grism.parent_file} ' msg += f' mask_threshold={mask_threshold}' msg += f' fw,fh={fw},{fh} bw,bh={bw},{bh}' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=True) sci_i = (['SCI'] - flt.model).astype(np.float32)*1 if revert & ('BKG' in sci_i +=['BKG'] err_i =['ERR'] dq_i =['DQ'] ok = (sci_i != 0) & (err_i > 0) & np.isfinite(err_i+sci_i) ok &= ((dq_i & 1025) == 0) sci_i[~ok] = 0 ierr = 1/err_i ierr[~ok] = 0 bkg = 0 for _iter_i in range(mask_iter): mask = ~(ok & ((sci_i - bkg)*ierr < mask_threshold)) back = sep.Background(sci_i, mask=mask, bw=bw, bh=bh, fw=fw, fh=fh) bkg = back.back()['SCI'] -= bkg*ok['BKG'] = bkg*ok flt.grism.header['BKGFW'] = fw, 'sep background fw' flt.grism.header['BKGFH'] = fh, 'sep background fh' flt.grism.header['BKGBW'] = bw, 'sep background bw' flt.grism.header['BKGBH'] = bh, 'sep background bh'
[docs] def subtract_median_filter(self, filter_size=71, filter_central=10, revert=True, filter_footprint=None, subtract_model=False, second_pass_filtering=False, box_filter_sn=3, box_filter_width=3, put_model_in_median=False, verbose=True, mask_sn_threshold=None, mask_sn_dilate_iters=5): """ Remove a median filter calculated along the dispersion axis """ import scipy.ndimage as nd try: from . import nbutils _filter_name = 'nbutils.nanmedian' except: nbutils = None _filter_name = 'median_filter' if filter_footprint is None: filter_footprint = utils.make_filter_footprint( filter_size=filter_size, filter_central=filter_central )[None,:] for flt in self.FLTs: msg = f'subtract_median_filter: {flt.grism.parent_file} ' msg += f' filter_size={filter_size} filter_central={filter_central}' msg += f' [{_filter_name}]' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose) sci_i =['SCI']*1 if revert & ('MED' in sci_i +=['MED'] err_i =['ERR'] dq_i =['DQ'] ok = (sci_i != 0) & (err_i > 0) & np.isfinite(err_i+sci_i) ok &= ((dq_i & 1025) == 0) ivar = 1/err_i**2 ivar[~ok] = 0 if subtract_model: msg = 'subtract_median_filter: subtract model before median' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose) sci_i -= flt.model #filter_sci = np.zeros_like(sci_i) #sh = sci_i.shape if nbutils is None: filter_sci = nd.median_filter(sci_i, footprint=filter_footprint) else: sci_i[~ok] = np.nan filter_sci = nd.generic_filter(sci_i, nbutils.nanmedian, footprint=filter_footprint) filter_sci[~np.isfinite(filter_sci)] = 0 if second_pass_filtering: if nbutils is None: # need numba installed msg = 'subtract_median_filter: `numba` not found, ' msg += 'skip second filter pass.' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose) else: # run filter again, but mask pixels that show significant residuals (e.g. strong emission lines) msg = f'subtract_median_filter: rerun filtering masking ' msg += f' S/N>{box_filter_sn} pixels in residual' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose) # first do some binning/box filtering to identify significantly detected lines in individual exposures box_filter_footprint = np.ones((box_filter_width, box_filter_width), dtype=int) box_filter_clean = nd.generic_filter(sci_i-filter_sci, nbutils.nansum, footprint=box_filter_footprint) box_filter_err = box_filter_width*nd.generic_filter(err_i, nbutils.nanmean, footprint=box_filter_footprint) # mask pixels that have S/N>filter_sn after median filtering okmask = (ok) & ~(box_filter_clean/box_filter_err > box_filter_sn) sci_i[~okmask] = np.nan filter_sci = nd.generic_filter(sci_i, nbutils.nanmedian, footprint=filter_footprint) filter_sci[~np.isfinite(filter_sci)] = 0 if mask_sn_threshold: flt.grism.header['MEDSNTH'] = (mask_sn_threshold, 'Median mask threshold') flt.grism.header['MEDSNIT'] = (mask_sn_dilate_iters, 'Median mask threshold dilations') _msk = np.abs(filter_sci) > mask_sn_threshold*err_i _msk = nd.binary_dilation(_msk, iterations=mask_sn_dilate_iters) filter_sci[~_msk] = 0 if put_model_in_median & subtract_model: msg = 'subtract_median_filter: put model in median and reset ' msg += '`object_dispersers`' utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose)['MED'] = (filter_sci + flt.model)*ok # Reset model and object_dispersers flt.object_dispersers = OrderedDict() flt.model *= 0 else:['MED'] = filter_sci*ok['SCI'] -=['MED'] flt.grism.header['MEDSMOD'] = subtract_model, 'Model subtracted first' flt.grism.header['MEDWMOD'] = (put_model_in_median, 'Model included in MED') flt.grism.header['MEDSIZE'] = filter_size, 'Median filter size' flt.grism.header['MEDCLIP'] = (filter_central, 'Masked central pixels of the filter') flt.grism.header['MEDFILT'] = _filter_name, 'Filter type'
[docs] def drizzle_full_wavelength(self, wave=1.4e4, ref_header=None, kernel='point', pixfrac=1., verbose=True, offset=[0, 0], fcontam=0.): """Drizzle FLT frames recentered at a specified wavelength Script computes polynomial coefficients that define the dx and dy offsets to a specific dispersed wavelengh relative to the reference position and adds these to the SIP distortion keywords before drizzling the input exposures to the output frame. Parameters ---------- wave : float Reference wavelength to center the output products ref_header : `` Reference header for setting the output WCS and image dimensions. kernel : str, ('square' or 'point') Drizzle kernel to use pixfrac : float Drizzle PIXFRAC (for `kernel` = 'point') verbose : bool Print information to terminal Returns ------- sci, wht : `~np.ndarray` Drizzle science and weight arrays with dimensions set in `ref_header`. """ from astropy.modeling import models, fitting import astropy.wcs as pywcs # try: # import drizzle # if drizzle.__version__ != '1.12.99': # # Not the fork that works for all input/output arrays # raise(ImportError) # # #print('drizzle!!') # from drizzle.dodrizzle import dodrizzle # drizzler = dodrizzle # dfillval = '0' # except: from drizzlepac import adrizzle adrizzle.log.setLevel('ERROR') drizzler = adrizzle.do_driz dfillval = 0 # Quick check now for which grism exposures we should use if wave < 1.1e4: use_grism = 'G102' else: use_grism = 'G141' # Get the configuration file conf = None for i in range(self.N): if self.FLTs[i].grism.filter == use_grism: conf = self.FLTs[i].conf # Grism not found in list if conf is None: return False # Compute field-dependent dispersion parameters dydx_0_p = conf.conf['DYDX_A_0'] dydx_1_p = conf.conf['DYDX_A_1'] dldp_0_p = conf.conf['DLDP_A_0'] dldp_1_p = conf.conf['DLDP_A_1'] yp, xp = np.indices((1014, 1014)) # hardcoded for WFC3/IR sk = 10 # don't need to evaluate at every pixel dydx_0 = conf.field_dependent(xp[::sk, ::sk], yp[::sk, ::sk], dydx_0_p) dydx_1 = conf.field_dependent(xp[::sk, ::sk], yp[::sk, ::sk], dydx_1_p) dldp_0 = conf.field_dependent(xp[::sk, ::sk], yp[::sk, ::sk], dldp_0_p) dldp_1 = conf.field_dependent(xp[::sk, ::sk], yp[::sk, ::sk], dldp_1_p) # Inverse pixel offsets from the specified wavelength dp = (wave - dldp_0)/dldp_1 i_x, i_y = 1, 0 # indexing offsets dx = dp/np.sqrt(1+dydx_1) + i_x dy = dydx_0 + dydx_1*dx + i_y dx += offset[0] dy += offset[1] # Compute polynomial coefficients p_init = models.Polynomial2D(degree=4) #fit_p = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() fit_p = fitting.LinearLSQFitter() p_dx = fit_p(p_init, xp[::sk, ::sk]-507, yp[::sk, ::sk]-507, -dx) p_dy = fit_p(p_init, xp[::sk, ::sk]-507, yp[::sk, ::sk]-507, -dy) # Output WCS out_wcs = pywcs.WCS(ref_header, relax=True) out_wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(out_wcs) # Initialize outputs shape = (ref_header['NAXIS2'], ref_header['NAXIS1']) outsci = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32) outwht = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32) outctx = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.int32) # Loop through exposures for i in range(self.N): flt = self.FLTs[i] if flt.grism.filter != use_grism: continue h = flt.grism.header.copy() # Update SIP coefficients for j, p in enumerate(p_dx.param_names): key = 'A_'+p[1:] if key in h: h[key] += p_dx.parameters[j] else: h[key] = p_dx.parameters[j] for j, p in enumerate(p_dy.param_names): key = 'B_'+p[1:] if key in h: h[key] += p_dy.parameters[j] else: h[key] = p_dy.parameters[j] line_wcs = pywcs.WCS(h, relax=True) line_wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(line_wcs) if not hasattr(line_wcs, 'pixel_shape'): line_wcs.pixel_shape = line_wcs._naxis1, line_wcs._naxis2 # Science and wht arrays sci = flt.grism['SCI'] - flt.model wht = 1/(flt.grism['ERR']**2) scl = np.exp(-(fcontam*np.abs(flt.model)/flt.grism['ERR'])) wht *= scl wht[~np.isfinite(wht)] = 0 # Drizzle it if verbose: print('Drizzle {0} to wavelength {1:.2f}'.format(flt.grism.parent_file, wave)) drizzler(sci, line_wcs, wht, out_wcs, outsci, outwht, outctx, 1., 'cps', 1, wcslin_pscale=line_wcs.pscale, uniqid=1, pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel, fillval=dfillval) # Done! return outsci, outwht
[docs] def find_source_along_trace(self, line_ra, line_dec): """ Given a sky position in the (artificial) dispersed image frame, find sources that would disperse to that position """ # Find an exposure that contains the position conf = None for flt in self.FLTs: wcs_i = flt.grism.wcs xw, yw = np.squeeze(wcs_i.all_world2pix([line_ra], [line_dec], 0)) sh = if (xw > 0) & (yw > 0) & (xw < sh[1]) & (yw < sh[0]): conf = flt.conf break if conf is None: msg = f'No exposures disperse to {line_ra}, {line_dec}' print(msg) return None # TBD return None
# def replace_direct_image_cutouts(beams_file='', ref_image='gdn-100mas-f160w_drz_sci.fits', interp='poly5', cutout=200, background_func=utils.mode_statistic): # """ # Replace "REF" extensions in a `beams.fits` file # # Parameters # ---------- # beams_file : str # Filename of a "beams.fits" file. # # ref_image : str or `` # Filename or preloaded FITS file. # # interp : str # Interpolation function to use for `~drizzlepac.astrodrizzle.ablot.do_blot`. # # cutout : int # Make a slice of the `ref_image` with size [-cutout,+cutout] around # the center position of the desired object before passing to `blot`. # # Returns # ------- # beams_image : `` # Image object with the "REF" extensions filled with the new blotted # image cutouts. # # """ # from drizzlepac.astrodrizzle import ablot # # if isinstance(ref_image, pyfits.HDUList): # ref_im = ref_image # ref_image_filename = ref_image.filename() # else: # ref_im = # ref_image_filename = ref_image # # ref_wcs = pywcs.WCS(ref_im[0].header, relax=True) # ref_wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(ref_wcs) # # ref_photflam = ref_im[0].header['PHOTFLAM'] # ref_data = ref_im[0].data # dummy_wht = np.ones_like(ref_im[0].data, dtype=np.float32) # # beams_image = # # beam_ra = beams_image[0].header['RA'] # beam_dec = beams_image[0].header['DEC'] # # xy = np.asarray(np.round(ref_wcs.all_world2pix([beam_ra], [beam_dec], 0)),dtype=int).flatten() # # slx = slice(xy[0]-cutout, xy[0]+cutout) # sly = slice(xy[1]-cutout, xy[1]+cutout) # # bkg_data = [] # # for ie, ext in enumerate(beams_image): # if 'EXTNAME' not in ext.header: # continue # elif ext.header['EXTNAME'] == 'REF': # #break # # ext.header['REF_FILE'] = ref_image_filename # for k in ['PHOTFLAM', 'PHOTPLAM']: # ext.header[k] = ref_im[0].header[k] # # the_filter = utils.parse_filter_from_header(ref_im[0].header) # ext.header['FILTER'] = ext.header['DFILTER'] = the_filter # # wcs_file = ext.header['GPARENT'].replace('.fits', '.{0:02}.wcs.fits'.format(ext.header['SCI_EXTN'])) # if os.path.exists(wcs_file): # wcs_fobj = # # ext_wcs = pywcs.WCS(ext.header, relax=True, # fobj=wcs_fobj) # # ext_wcs.pixel_shape = (wcs_fobj[0].header['CRPIX1']*2, # # wcs_fobj[0].header['CRPIX2']*2) # # try: # # = ext_wcs.wcs.pc # # delattr(ext_wcs.wcs, 'pc') # # except: # # pass # else: # ext_wcs = pywcs.WCS(ext.header, relax=True) # # ext_wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(ext_wcs) # blotted = ablot.do_blot(ref_data[sly, slx], # ref_wcs.slice([sly, slx]), # ext_wcs, 1, coeffs=True, interp=interp, # sinscl=1.0, stepsize=10, wcsmap=None) # # if background_func is not None: # seg_data = beams_image[ie+1].data # msk = seg_data == 0 # #print(msk.shape, blotted.shape, seg_data.shape, ie) # if msk.sum() > 0: # if bkg_data is None: # bkg_data = blotted[msk] # else: # bkg_data = np.append(bkg_data, blotted[msk]) # # if msk.sum() > 0: # blotted -= background_func(blotted[msk]) # # = blotted*ref_photflam # # if bkg_data is not None: # bkg_value = background_func(bkg_data) # for i in range(self.N): # # return beams_image
[docs]class MultiBeam(GroupFitter): def __init__(self, beams, group_name=None, fcontam=0., psf=False, polyx=[0.3, 2.5], MW_EBV=0., min_mask=0.01, min_sens=0.08, sys_err=0.0, mask_resid=True, verbose=True, replace_direct=None, restore_medfilt=False, **kwargs): """Tools for dealing with multiple `~.model.BeamCutout` instances Parameters ---------- beams : list List of `~.model.BeamCutout` objects. group_name : str, None Rootname to use for saved products. If None, then default to 'group'. fcontam : float Factor to use to downweight contaminated pixels. The pixel inverse variances are scaled by the following weight factor when evaluating chi-squared of a 2D fit, `weight = np.exp(-(fcontam*np.abs(contam)*np.sqrt(ivar)))` where `contam` is the contaminating flux and `ivar` is the initial pixel inverse variance. psf : bool Fit an ePSF model to the direct image to use as the morphological reference. MW_EBV : float Milky way foreground extinction. min_mask : float Minimum factor relative to the maximum pixel value of the flat f-lambda model where the 2D cutout data are considered good. Passed through to `~grizli.model.BeamCutout`. min_sens : float See `~grizli.model.BeamCutout`. sys_err : float Systematic error added in quadrature to the pixel variances: `var_total = var_initial + (beam.sci*sys_err)**2` Attributes ---------- TBD : type """ if group_name is None: self.group_name = 'group' else: self.group_name = group_name self.fcontam = fcontam self.polyx = polyx self.min_mask = min_mask self.min_sens = min_sens self.mask_resid = mask_resid self.sys_err = sys_err self.restore_medfilt = restore_medfilt self.Asave = {} if isinstance(beams, str): self.load_master_fits(beams, verbose=verbose) # check if isJWST isJWST = prep.check_isJWST(beams) # Auto-generate group_name from filename, e.g., # j100140p0130_00237.beams.fits > j100140p0130 if group_name is None: self.group_name = beams.split('_')[0] else: if isinstance(beams[0], str): # `beams` is list of strings if 'beams.fits' in beams[0]: # Master beam files # check if isJWST isJWST = prep.check_isJWST(beams[0]) self.load_master_fits(beams[0], verbose=verbose) for i in range(1, len(beams)): b_i = MultiBeam(beams[i], group_name=group_name, fcontam=fcontam, psf=psf, polyx=polyx, MW_EBV=np.maximum(MW_EBV, 0), sys_err=sys_err, verbose=verbose, min_mask=min_mask, min_sens=min_sens, mask_resid=mask_resid) self.extend(b_i) else: # List of individual beam.fits files self.load_beam_fits(beams) else: self.beams = beams self.ra, self.dec = self.beams[0].get_sky_coords() if MW_EBV < 0: # Try to get MW_EBV from mastquery.utils try: import mastquery.utils MW_EBV = mastquery.utils.get_mw_dust(self.ra, self.dec) except: try: import mastquery.utils MW_EBV = mastquery.utils.get_irsa_dust(self.ra, self.dec) except: MW_EBV = 0. self.MW_EBV = MW_EBV self._set_MW_EBV(MW_EBV) self._parse_beams(psf=psf) self.apply_trace_shift() self.Nphot = 0 self.is_spec = 1 if replace_direct is not None: self.replace_direct_image_cutouts(**replace_direct) def _set_MW_EBV(self, MW_EBV, R_V=utils.MW_RV): """ Initialize Galactic extinction Parameters ---------- MW_EBV : float Local E(B-V) R_V : float Relation between specific and total extinction, ``a_v = r_v * ebv``. """ for b in self.beams: beam = b.beam if beam.MW_EBV != MW_EBV: beam.MW_EBV = MW_EBV beam.init_galactic_extinction(MW_EBV, R_V=R_V) beam.process_config() b.flat_flam = b.compute_model(in_place=False, is_cgs=True) @property def N(self): return len(self.beams) @property def Ngrism(self): """ dictionary containing number of exposures by grism """ # Parse grisms & PAs Ngrism = {} for beam in self.beams: if beam.grism.instrument == 'NIRISS': grism = beam.grism.pupil else: grism = beam.grism.filter if grism not in Ngrism: Ngrism[grism] = 0 Ngrism[grism] += 1 return Ngrism @property def grisms(self): """ Available grisms """ grisms = list(self.Ngrism.keys()) return grisms @property def PA(self): """ Available PAs in each grism """ _PA = {} for g in self.Ngrism: _PA[g] = {} for i, beam in enumerate(self.beams): if beam.grism.instrument == 'NIRISS': grism = beam.grism.pupil else: grism = beam.grism.filter PA_i = beam.get_dispersion_PA(decimals=0) if PA_i in _PA[grism]: _PA[grism][PA_i].append(i) else: _PA[grism][PA_i] = [i] return _PA @property def id(self): return self.beams[0].id def _parse_beams(self, psf=False): """ Derive properties of the beam list (grism, PA) and initialize data arrays. """ # Use WFC3 ePSF for the fit self.psf_param_dict = None if (psf > 0) & (self.beams[0].grism.instrument in ['WFC3', 'ACS']): self.psf_param_dict = OrderedDict() for ib, beam in enumerate(self.beams): if (['REF'] is not None): # Use REF extension. scale factors might be wrong['SCI'] =['REF'] new_err = np.ones_like(['ERR']) new_err *= utils.nmad(['SCI'])['ERR'] = new_err = # 'F160W' = beam.init_epsf(yoff=0.0, skip=psf*1, N=4, get_extended=True) #beam.compute_model = beam.compute_model_psf #beam.beam.compute_model = beam.beam.compute_model_psf beam.compute_model(use_psf=True) m = beam.compute_model(in_place=False) #beam.modelf = beam.model.flatten() #beam.model = beam.modelf.reshape(beam.beam.sh_beam) beam.flat_flam = beam.compute_model(in_place=False, is_cgs=True) _p = beam.grism.parent_file self.psf_param_dict[_p] = beam.beam.psf_params self._parse_beam_arrays() def _parse_beam_arrays(self): """ """ self.poly_order = None self.shapes = [beam.model.shape for beam in self.beams] self.Nflat = [ for shape in self.shapes] self.Ntot = np.sum(self.Nflat) for b in self.beams: if hasattr(b, 'xp_mask'): delattr(b, 'xp_mask') # Big array of normalized wavelengths (wave / 1.e4 - 1) self.xpf = np.hstack([[0], 1)), b.beam.lam[None, :]).flatten()/1.e4 for b in self.beams]) - 1 # Flat-flambda model spectra self.flat_flam = np.hstack([b.flat_flam for b in self.beams]) self.fit_mask = np.hstack([b.fit_mask*b.contam_mask for b in self.beams]) self.DoF = self.fit_mask.sum() # systematic error for i, b in enumerate(self.beams): if hasattr(b, 'has_sys_err'): continue sciu = b.scif.reshape( ivar = 1./(1/b.ivar + (self.sys_err*sciu)**2) ivar[~np.isfinite(ivar)] = 0 b.ivar = ivar*1 b.ivarf = b.ivar.flatten() self.ivarf = np.hstack([b.ivarf for b in self.beams]) self.fit_mask &= (self.ivarf >= 0) self.scif = np.hstack([b.scif for b in self.beams]) self.idf = np.hstack([b.scif*0+ib for ib, b in enumerate(self.beams)]) self.idf = np.asarray(self.idf,dtype=int) #self.ivarf = 1./(1/self.ivarf + (self.sys_err*self.scif)**2) self.ivarf[~np.isfinite(self.ivarf)] = 0 self.sivarf = np.sqrt(self.ivarf) self.wavef = np.hstack([b.wavef for b in self.beams]) self.contamf = np.hstack([b.contam.flatten() for b in self.beams]) weightf = np.exp(-(self.fcontam*np.abs(self.contamf)*self.sivarf)) weightf[~np.isfinite(weightf)] = 0 self.weightf = weightf self.fit_mask &= self.weightf > 0 self.slices = self._get_slices(masked=False) self._update_beam_mask() self.DoF = int((self.weightf*self.fit_mask).sum()) self.Nmask = np.sum([b.fit_mask.sum() for b in self.beams]) # Initialize background fit array # self.A_bg = np.zeros((self.N, self.Ntot)) # i0 = 0 # for i in range(self.N): # self.A_bg[i, i0:i0+self.Nflat[i]] = 1. # i0 += self.Nflat[i] self.A_bg = self._init_background(masked=False) self.Asave = {} self.A_bgm = self._init_background(masked=True) self.init_poly_coeffs(poly_order=1) self.ra, self.dec = self.beams[0].get_sky_coords()
[docs] def compute_exptime(self): """ Compute number of exposures and total exposure time for each grism """ exptime = {} nexposures = {} for beam in self.beams: if beam.grism.instrument == 'NIRISS': grism = beam.grism.pupil else: grism = beam.grism.filter if grism in exptime: exptime[grism] += beam.grism.exptime nexposures[grism] += 1 else: exptime[grism] = beam.grism.exptime nexposures[grism] = 1 return nexposures, exptime
[docs] def extend(self, new, verbose=True): """Concatenate `~grizli.multifit.MultiBeam` objects Parameters ---------- new : `~grizli.multifit.MultiBeam` Beam object containing new beams to add. verbose : bool Print summary of the change. """ self.beams.extend(new.beams) self._parse_beams() if verbose: print('Add beams: {0}\n Now: {1}'.format(new.Ngrism, self.Ngrism))
[docs] def write_master_fits(self, verbose=True, get_hdu=False, strip=True, include_model=False, get_trace_table=True): """Store all beams in a single HDU TBD """ hdu = pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU()]) rd = self.beams[0].get_sky_coords() hdu[0].header['ID'] = (, 'Object ID') hdu[0].header['RA'] = (rd[0], 'Right Ascension') hdu[0].header['DEC'] = (rd[1], 'Declination') exptime = {} for g in self.Ngrism: exptime[g] = 0. count = [] for ib, beam in enumerate(self.beams): hdu_i = beam.write_fits(get_hdu=True, strip=strip, include_model=include_model, get_trace_table=get_trace_table) hdu.extend(hdu_i[1:]) count.append(len(hdu_i)-1) hdu[0].header['FILE{0:04d}'.format(ib)] = (beam.grism.parent_file, 'Grism parent file') hdu[0].header['GRIS{0:04d}'.format(ib)] = (beam.grism.filter, 'Grism element') hdu[0].header['NEXT{0:04d}'.format(ib)] = (count[-1], 'Number of extensions') try: exptime[beam.grism.filter] += beam.grism.header['EXPTIME'] except: exptime[beam.grism.pupil] += beam.grism.header['EXPTIME'] hdu[0].header['COUNT'] = (self.N, ' '.join(['{0}'.format(c) for c in count])) for g in self.Ngrism: hdu[0].header['T_{0}'.format(g)] = (exptime[g], 'Exposure time in grism {0}'.format(g)) if get_hdu: return hdu outfile = '{0}_{1:05d}.beams.fits'.format(self.group_name, if verbose: print(outfile) hdu.writeto(outfile, overwrite=True)
[docs] def load_master_fits(self, beam_file, verbose=True): """ Load a "beams.fits" file. """ import copy try: utils.fetch_acs_wcs_files(beam_file) except: pass if verbose: print('load_master_fits: {0}'.format(beam_file)) # check if isJWST isJWST = prep.check_isJWST(beam_file) hdu =, lazy_load_hdus=False) N = hdu[0].header['COUNT'] Next = np.asarray(hdu[0].header.comments['COUNT'].split(),dtype=int) i0 = 1 self.beams = [] for i in range(N): key = 'NEXT{0:04d}'.format(i) if key in hdu[0].header: Next_i = hdu[0].header[key] else: Next_i = 6 # Assume doesn't have direct SCI/ERR cutouts # Testing for multiprocessing if True: hducopy = hdu[i0:i0+Next_i] else: # print('Copy!') hducopy = pyfits.HDUList([hdu[i].__class__(data=hdu[i].data*1, header=copy.deepcopy(hdu[i].header), name=hdu[i].name) for i in range(i0, i0+Next_i)]) beam = model.BeamCutout(fits_file=hducopy, min_mask=self.min_mask, min_sens=self.min_sens, mask_resid=self.mask_resid, restore_medfilt=self.restore_medfilt) self.beams.append(beam) if verbose: print('{0} {1} {2}'.format(i+1, beam.grism.parent_file, beam.grism.filter)) i0 += Next_i # 6#Next[i] hdu.close()
[docs] def write_beam_fits(self, verbose=True): """TBD """ outfiles = [] for beam in self.beams: root = beam.grism.parent_file.split('.fits')[0] outfile = beam.write_fits(root) if verbose: print('Wrote {0}'.format(outfile)) outfiles.append(outfile) return outfiles
[docs] def load_beam_fits(self, beam_list, conf=None, verbose=True): """TBD """ self.beams = [] for file in beam_list: if verbose: print(file) beam = model.BeamCutout(fits_file=file, conf=conf, min_mask=self.min_mask, min_sens=self.min_sens, mask_resid=self.mask_resid) self.beams.append(beam)
[docs] def replace_segmentation_image_cutouts(self, ref_image='gdn-100mas-f160w_seg.fits'): """ Replace "REF" extensions in a `beams.fits` file Parameters ---------- ref_image : str, ``, `` Filename or preloaded FITS file. Returns ------- beams_image : `` Image object with the "REF" extensions filled with the new blotted image cutouts. """ if isinstance(ref_image, pyfits.HDUList): ref_data = ref_image[0].data ref_header = ref_image[0].header ref_image_filename = ref_image.filename() elif (isinstance(ref_image, pyfits.ImageHDU) | isinstance(ref_image, pyfits.PrimaryHDU)): ref_data = ref_header = ref_image.header ref_image_filename = 'HDU' else: with as ref_im: ref_data = ref_im[0].data*1 ref_header = ref_im[0].header.copy() ref_image_filename = ref_image ref_wcs = pywcs.WCS(ref_header, relax=True) ref_wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(ref_wcs) ref_data = ref_data.astype(np.float32) for ib in range(self.N): wcs_copy = self.beams[ib].direct.wcs if hasattr(wcs_copy, 'idcscale'): if wcs_copy.idcscale is None: delattr(wcs_copy, 'idcscale') in_data, in_wcs, out_wcs = ref_data, ref_wcs, wcs_copy blot_seg = utils.blot_nearest_exact(ref_data, ref_wcs, wcs_copy, verbose=True, stepsize=-1, scale_by_pixel_area=False) self.beams[ib].beam.set_segmentation(blot_seg)
[docs] def replace_direct_image_cutouts(self, ref_image='gdn-100mas-f160w_drz_sci.fits', ext=0, interp='poly5', cutout=200, background_func=np.median, thumb_labels=None): """ Replace "REF" extensions in a `beams.fits` file Parameters ---------- ref_image : str or `` Filename or preloaded FITS file. interp : str Interpolation function to use for `~drizzlepac.astrodrizzle.ablot.do_blot`. cutout : int Make a slice of the `ref_image` with size [-cutout,+cutout] around the center position of the desired object before passing to `blot`. background_func : function, None If not `None`, compute local background with value from `background_func(ref_image[cutout])`. Returns ------- beams_image : `` Image object with the "REF" extensions filled with the new blotted image cutouts. """ from drizzlepac.astrodrizzle import ablot if isinstance(ref_image, pyfits.HDUList): ref_data = ref_image[0].data ref_header = ref_image[0].header ref_image_filename = ref_image.filename() elif (isinstance(ref_image, pyfits.ImageHDU) | isinstance(ref_image, pyfits.PrimaryHDU)): ref_data = ref_header = ref_image.header ref_image_filename = 'HDU' else: with[ext] as ref_im: ref_data =*1 ref_header = ref_im.header.copy() ref_image_filename = ref_image if ref_data.dtype not in [np.float32, np.dtype('>f4')]: ref_data = ref_data.astype(np.float32) ref_wcs = pywcs.WCS(ref_header, relax=True) ref_wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(ref_wcs) if not hasattr(ref_wcs, '_naxis1') & hasattr(ref_wcs, '_naxis'): ref_wcs._naxis1, ref_wcs._naxis2 = ref_wcs._naxis if 'PHOTPLAM' in ref_header: ref_photplam = ref_header['PHOTPLAM'] else: ref_photplam = 1. if 'PHOTFLAM' in ref_header: ref_photflam = ref_header['PHOTFLAM'] else: ref_photflam = 1. try: ref_filter = utils.parse_filter_from_header(ref_header) except: ref_filter = 'N/A' beam_ra, beam_dec = self.ra, self.dec xy = np.asarray(np.round(ref_wcs.all_world2pix([beam_ra], [beam_dec], 0)),dtype=int).flatten() sh = ref_data.shape slx = slice(np.maximum(xy[0]-cutout, 0), np.minimum(xy[0]+cutout, sh[1])) sly = slice(np.maximum(xy[1]-cutout, 0), np.minimum(xy[1]+cutout, sh[0])) bkg_data = None for ie in range(self.N): wcs_copy = self.beams[ie].direct.wcs if hasattr(wcs_copy, 'idcscale'): if wcs_copy.idcscale is None: delattr(wcs_copy, 'idcscale') if not hasattr(wcs_copy, '_naxis1') & hasattr(wcs_copy, '_naxis'): wcs_copy._naxis1, wcs_copy._naxis2 = wcs_copy._naxis blotted = ablot.do_blot(ref_data[sly, slx], ref_wcs.slice([sly, slx]), wcs_copy, 1, coeffs=True, interp=interp, sinscl=1.0, stepsize=10, wcsmap=None) if background_func is not None: msk = self.beams[ie].beam.seg == 0 #print(msk.shape, blotted.shape, ie) if msk.sum() > 0: if bkg_data is None: bkg_data = blotted[msk] else: bkg_data = np.append(bkg_data, blotted[msk]) if thumb_labels is None: self.beams[ie]['REF'] = blotted*ref_photflam self.beams[ie].direct.ref_photflam = ref_photflam self.beams[ie].direct.ref_photplam = ref_photplam self.beams[ie].direct.ref_filter = ref_filter # self.beams[ie].direct.ref_photflam self.beams[ie] = blotted*ref_photflam else: for label in thumb_labels: self.beams[ie].thumbs[label] = blotted*ref_photflam if bkg_data is not None: for ie in range(self.N): bkg_value = background_func(bkg_data)*ref_photflam if thumb_labels is None: self.beams[ie]['REF'] -= bkg_value else: for label in thumb_labels: self.beams[ie].thumbs[label] -= bkg_value ## Recompute total_flux attribute for b in self.beams: b.beam.set_segmentation(b.beam.seg)
[docs] def reshape_flat(self, flat_array): """TBD """ out = [] i0 = 0 for ib in range(self.N): im2d = flat_array[i0:i0+self.Nflat[ib]].reshape(self.shapes[ib]) out.append(im2d) i0 += self.Nflat[ib] return out
[docs] def init_poly_coeffs(self, flat=None, poly_order=1): """TBD """ # Already done? if poly_order < 0: ok_poly = False poly_order = 0 else: ok_poly = True if poly_order == self.poly_order: return None self.poly_order = poly_order if flat is None: flat = self.flat_flam # Polynomial continuum arrays self.A_poly = np.array([self.xpf**order*flat for order in range(poly_order+1)]) self.A_poly *= ok_poly self.n_poly = poly_order + 1 self.x_poly = np.array([(self.beams[0].beam.lam/1.e4-1)**order for order in range(poly_order+1)])
[docs] def eval_poly_spec(self, coeffs_full): """Evaluate polynomial spectrum """ xspec = np.arange(self.polyx[0], self.polyx[1], 0.05) if len(self.polyx) > 2: px0 = self.polyx[2] else: px0 = 1.0 i0 = self.N*self.fit_bg scale_coeffs = coeffs_full[i0:i0+self.n_poly] #yspec = [xspec**o*scale_coeffs[o] for o in range(self.poly_order+1)] yfull = np.polynomial.Polynomial(scale_coeffs)(xspec - px0) return xspec, yfull
[docs] def compute_model(self, id=None, spectrum_1d=None, is_cgs=False, apply_sensitivity=True, scale=None, reset=True): """ Compute the dispersed 2D model for an assumed input spectrum This is a wrapper around the `grizli.model.GrismDisperser.compute_model` method, where the parameters are described. Nothing returned, but the `model` and `modelf` attributes are updated on the `~grizli.model.GrismDisperser` subcomponents of the `beams` list. """ for beam in self.beams: beam.beam.compute_model(id=id, spectrum_1d=spectrum_1d, is_cgs=is_cgs, scale=scale, reset=reset, apply_sensitivity=apply_sensitivity) beam.modelf = beam.beam.modelf beam.model = beam.beam.modelf.reshape(beam.beam.sh_beam)
[docs] def compute_model_psf(self, id=None, spectrum_1d=None, is_cgs=False): """ Compute the dispersed 2D model for an assumed input spectrum and for ePSF morphologies This is a wrapper around the `grizli.model.GrismDisperser.compute_model_psf` method, where the parameters are described. Nothing returned, but the `model` and `modelf` attributes are updated on the `~grizli.model.GrismDisperser` subcomponents of the `beams` list. """ for beam in self.beams: beam.beam.compute_model_psf(id=id, spectrum_1d=spectrum_1d, is_cgs=is_cgs) beam.modelf = beam.beam.modelf beam.model = beam.beam.modelf.reshape(beam.beam.sh_beam)
[docs] def fit_at_z(self, z=0., templates={}, fitter='nnls', fit_background=True, poly_order=0): """TBD """ try: import sklearn.linear_model HAS_SKLEARN = True except: HAS_SKLEARN = False import numpy.linalg import scipy.optimize # print 'xxx Init poly' self.init_poly_coeffs(poly_order=poly_order) # print 'xxx Init bg' if fit_background: self.fit_bg = True A = np.vstack((self.A_bg, self.A_poly)) else: self.fit_bg = False A = self.A_poly*1 NTEMP = len(templates) A_temp = np.zeros((NTEMP, self.Ntot)) # print 'xxx Load templates' for i, key in enumerate(templates.keys()): NTEMP += 1 temp = templates[key] # .zscale(z, 1.) if hasattr(temp, 'flux_flam'): # eazy-py Template object spectrum_1d = [temp.wave*(1+z), temp.flux_flam(z=z)/(1+z)] else: spectrum_1d = [temp.wave*(1+z), temp.flux/(1+z)] if z > 4: try: import eazy.igm igm = eazy.igm.Inoue14() igmz = igm.full_IGM(z, spectrum_1d[0]) spectrum_1d[1] *= igmz # print('IGM') except: # No IGM pass i0 = 0 for ib in range(self.N): beam = self.beams[ib] lam_beam = beam.beam.lam_beam if ((temp.wave.min()*(1+z) > lam_beam.max()) | (temp.wave.max()*(1+z) < lam_beam.min())): tmodel = 0. else: tmodel = beam.compute_model(spectrum_1d=spectrum_1d, in_place=False, is_cgs=True) # /beam.beam.total_flux A_temp[i, i0:i0+self.Nflat[ib]] = tmodel # .flatten() i0 += self.Nflat[ib] if NTEMP > 0: A = np.vstack((A, A_temp)) ok_temp = np.sum(A, axis=1) > 0 out_coeffs = np.zeros(A.shape[0]) # LSTSQ coefficients # print 'xxx Fitter' fit_functions = {'lstsq': np.linalg.lstsq, 'nnls': scipy.optimize.nnls} if fitter in fit_functions: # 'lstsq': Ax = A[:, self.fit_mask][ok_temp, :].T # Weight by ivar Ax *= np.sqrt(self.ivarf[self.fit_mask][:, np.newaxis]) # print 'xxx lstsq' #out = numpy.linalg.lstsq(Ax,y) if fitter == 'lstsq': y = self.scif[self.fit_mask] # Weight by ivar y *= np.sqrt(self.ivarf[self.fit_mask]) try: out = np.linalg.lstsq(Ax, y, rcond=utils.LSTSQ_RCOND) except: print(A.min(), Ax.min(), self.fit_mask.sum(), y.min()) raise ValueError lstsq_coeff, residuals, rank, s = out coeffs = lstsq_coeff if fitter == 'nnls': if fit_background: off = 0.04 y = self.scif[self.fit_mask]+off y *= np.sqrt(self.ivarf[self.fit_mask]) coeffs, rnorm = scipy.optimize.nnls(Ax, y+off) coeffs[:self.N] -= 0.04 else: y = self.scif[self.fit_mask] y *= np.sqrt(self.ivarf[self.fit_mask]) coeffs, rnorm = scipy.optimize.nnls(Ax, y) # if fitter == 'bounded': # if fit_background: # off = 0.04 # y = self.scif[self.fit_mask]+off # y *= self.ivarf[self.fit_mask] # # coeffs, rnorm = scipy.optimize.nnls(Ax, y+off) # coeffs[:self.N] -= 0.04 # else: # y = self.scif[self.fit_mask] # y *= np.sqrt(self.ivarf[self.fit_mask]) # # coeffs, rnorm = scipy.optimize.nnls(Ax, y) # # out = scipy.optimize.minimize(self.eval_trace_shift, shifts, bounds=bounds, args=args, method='Powell', tol=tol) elif HAS_SKLEARN: Ax = A[:, self.fit_mask][ok_temp, :].T y = self.scif[self.fit_mask] # Wieght by ivar Ax *= np.sqrt(self.ivarf[self.fit_mask][:, np.newaxis]) y *= np.sqrt(self.ivarf[self.fit_mask]) clf = sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression() status =, y) coeffs = clf.coef_ out_coeffs[ok_temp] = coeffs modelf =, A) chi2 = np.sum((self.weightf*(self.scif - modelf)**2*self.ivarf)[self.fit_mask]) if fit_background: poly_coeffs = out_coeffs[self.N:self.N+self.n_poly] else: poly_coeffs = out_coeffs[:self.n_poly] self.y_poly =, self.x_poly) # x_poly = self.x_poly[1,:]+1 = self.beams[0].beam.lam/1.e4 return A, out_coeffs, chi2, modelf
[docs] def parse_fit_outputs(self, z, templates, coeffs_full, A): """Parse output from `fit_at_z`. Parameters ---------- z : float Redshift at which to evaluate the fits. templates : list of `~grizli.utils.SpectrumTemplate` objects Generated with, e.g., `~grizli.utils.load_templates`. coeffs_full : `~np.ndarray` Template fit coefficients A : `~np.ndarray` Matrix generated for fits and used for computing model 2D spectra: >>> model_flat =, A) >>> # mb = MultiBeam(...) >>> all_models = mb.reshape_flat(model_flat) >>> m0 = all_models[0] # model for mb.beams[0] Returns ------- line_flux : dict Line fluxes and uncertainties, in cgs units (erg/s/cm2) covar : `~np.ndarray` Covariance matrix for the fit coefficients cont1d, line1d, model1d : `~grizli.utils.SpectrumTemplate` Best-fit continuum, line, and full (continuum + line) templates model_continuum : `~np.ndarray` Flat array of the best fit 2D continuum """ from collections import OrderedDict # Covariance matrix for line flux uncertainties Ax = A[:, self.fit_mask] ok_temp = (np.sum(Ax, axis=1) > 0) & (coeffs_full != 0) Ax = Ax[ok_temp, :].T*1 # A[:, self.fit_mask][ok_temp,:].T Ax *= np.sqrt(self.ivarf[self.fit_mask][:, np.newaxis]) try: #covar = np.matrix(, Ax)).I covar = utils.safe_invert(, Ax)) covard = np.sqrt(covar.diagonal()) except: N = ok_temp.sum() covar = np.zeros((N, N)) covard = np.zeros(N) # -1. covar_full = utils.fill_masked_covar(covar, ok_temp) # Random draws from covariance matrix # draws = np.random.multivariate_normal(coeffs_full[ok_temp], covar, size=500) line_flux_err = coeffs_full*0. line_flux_err[ok_temp] = covard # Continuum fit mask = np.isfinite(coeffs_full) for i, key in enumerate(templates.keys()): if key.startswith('line'): mask[self.N*self.fit_bg+self.n_poly+i] = False model_continuum =*mask, A) self.model_continuum = self.reshape_flat(model_continuum) # model_continuum.reshape(self.beam.sh_beam) # 1D spectrum # Polynomial component xspec, yspec = self.eval_poly_spec(coeffs_full) model1d = utils.SpectrumTemplate(xspec*1.e4, yspec) cont1d = model1d*1 i0 = self.fit_bg*self.N + self.n_poly line_flux = OrderedDict() fscl = 1. # self.beams[0].beam.total_flux/1.e-17 line1d = OrderedDict() for i, key in enumerate(templates.keys()): temp_i = templates[key].zscale(z, coeffs_full[i0+i]) model1d += temp_i if not key.startswith('line'): cont1d += temp_i else: line1d[key.split()[1]] = temp_i line_flux[key.split()[1]] = np.array([coeffs_full[i0+i]*fscl, line_flux_err[i0+i]*fscl]) return line_flux, covar_full, cont1d, line1d, model1d, model_continuum
[docs] def fit_stars(self, poly_order=1, fitter='nnls', fit_background=True, verbose=True, make_figure=True, zoom=None, delta_chi2_threshold=0.004, zr=0, dz=0, fwhm=0, prior=None, templates={}, figsize=[8, 5], fsps_templates=False): """TBD """ # Polynomial fit out = self.fit_at_z(z=0., templates={}, fitter='lstsq', poly_order=3, fit_background=fit_background) A, coeffs, chi2_poly, model_2d = out # Star templates templates = utils.load_templates(fwhm=fwhm, stars=True) NTEMP = len(templates) key = list(templates)[0] temp_i = {key: templates[key]} out = self.fit_at_z(z=0., templates=temp_i, fitter=fitter, poly_order=poly_order, fit_background=fit_background) A, coeffs, chi2, model_2d = out chi2 = np.zeros(NTEMP) coeffs = np.zeros((NTEMP, coeffs.shape[0])) chi2min = 1e30 iz = 0 best = key for i, key in enumerate(list(templates)): temp_i = {key: templates[key]} out = self.fit_at_z(z=0., templates=temp_i, fitter=fitter, poly_order=poly_order, fit_background=fit_background) A, coeffs[i, :], chi2[i], model_2d = out if chi2[i] < chi2min: iz = i chi2min = chi2[i] best = key if verbose: print(utils.NO_NEWLINE + ' {0} {1:9.1f} ({2})'.format(key, chi2[i], best)) # Best-fit temp_i = {best: templates[best]} out = self.fit_at_z(z=0., templates=temp_i, fitter=fitter, poly_order=poly_order, fit_background=fit_background) A, coeffs_full, chi2_best, model_full = out # Continuum fit mask = np.isfinite(coeffs_full) for i, key in enumerate(templates.keys()): if key.startswith('line'): mask[self.N*self.fit_bg+self.n_poly+i] = False model_continuum =*mask, A) self.model_continuum = self.reshape_flat(model_continuum) # model_continuum.reshape(self.beam.sh_beam) # 1D spectrum # xspec = np.arange(0.3, 2.35, 0.05)-1 # scale_coeffs = coeffs_full[self.N*self.fit_bg: # self.N*self.fit_bg+self.n_poly] # # yspec = [xspec**o*scale_coeffs[o] for o in range(self.poly_order+1)] xspec, yspec = self.eval_poly_spec(coeffs_full) model1d = utils.SpectrumTemplate(xspec*1.e4, yspec) cont1d = model1d*1 i0 = self.fit_bg*self.N + self.n_poly line_flux = OrderedDict() fscl = 1. # self.beams[0].beam.total_flux/1.e-17 temp_i = templates[best].zscale(0, coeffs_full[i0]) model1d += temp_i cont1d += temp_i fit_data = OrderedDict() fit_data['poly_order'] = poly_order fit_data['fwhm'] = 0 fit_data['zbest'] = np.argmin(chi2) fit_data['chibest'] = chi2_best fit_data['chi_poly'] = chi2_poly fit_data['zgrid'] = np.arange(NTEMP) fit_data['prior'] = 1 fit_data['A'] = A fit_data['coeffs'] = coeffs fit_data['chi2'] = chi2 fit_data['DoF'] = self.DoF fit_data['model_full'] = model_full fit_data['coeffs_full'] = coeffs_full fit_data['line_flux'] = {} #fit_data['templates_full'] = templates fit_data['model_cont'] = model_continuum fit_data['model1d'] = model1d fit_data['cont1d'] = cont1d # return fit_data fig = None if make_figure: fig = self.show_redshift_fit(fit_data) # fig.savefig('fit.pdf') return fit_data, fig
[docs] def fit_redshift(self, prior=None, poly_order=1, fwhm=1200, make_figure=True, zr=None, dz=None, verbose=True, fit_background=True, fitter='nnls', delta_chi2_threshold=0.004, zoom=True, line_complexes=True, templates={}, figsize=[8, 5], fsps_templates=False): """TBD """ from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial if zr is None: zr = [0.65, 1.6] if dz is None: dz = [0.005, 0.0004] if zr in [0]: stars = True zr = [0, 0.01] fitter = 'nnls' else: stars = False zgrid = utils.log_zgrid(zr, dz=dz[0]) NZ = len(zgrid) # Polynomial fit out = self.fit_at_z(z=0., templates={}, fitter='lstsq', poly_order=3, fit_background=fit_background) A, coeffs, chi2_poly, model_2d = out # Set up for template fit if templates == {}: templates = utils.load_templates(fwhm=fwhm, stars=stars, line_complexes=line_complexes, fsps_templates=fsps_templates) else: if verbose: print('User templates! N={0} \n'.format(len(templates))) NTEMP = len(templates) out = self.fit_at_z(z=0., templates=templates, fitter=fitter, poly_order=poly_order, fit_background=fit_background) A, coeffs, chi2, model_2d = out chi2 = np.zeros(NZ) coeffs = np.zeros((NZ, coeffs.shape[0])) chi2min = 1e30 iz = 0 for i in range(NZ): out = self.fit_at_z(z=zgrid[i], templates=templates, fitter=fitter, poly_order=poly_order, fit_background=fit_background) A, coeffs[i, :], chi2[i], model_2d = out if chi2[i] < chi2min: iz = i chi2min = chi2[i] if verbose: print(utils.NO_NEWLINE + ' {0:.4f} {1:9.1f} ({2:.4f})'.format(zgrid[i], chi2[i], zgrid[iz])) print('First iteration: z_best={0:.4f}\n'.format(zgrid[iz])) # peaks # chi2nu = (chi2.min()-chi2)/self.DoF # indexes = utils.find_peaks((chi2nu+delta_chi2_threshold)*(chi2nu > - delta_chi2_threshold), threshold=0.3, min_dist=21) chi2_rev = (chi2_poly - chi2)/self.DoF if chi2_poly < (chi2.min() + 9): chi2_rev = (chi2.min() + 16 - chi2)/self.DoF chi2_rev[chi2_rev < 0] = 0 indexes = utils.find_peaks(chi2_rev, threshold=0.4, min_dist=9) num_peaks = len(indexes) if False: plt.plot(zgrid, (chi2-chi2.min()) / self.DoF) plt.scatter(zgrid[indexes], (chi2-chi2.min())[indexes] / self.DoF, color='r') # delta_chi2 = (chi2.max()-chi2.min())/self.DoF # if delta_chi2 > delta_chi2_threshold: if (num_peaks > 0) & (not stars) & zoom: zgrid_zoom = [] for ix in indexes: if (ix > 0) & (ix < len(chi2)-1): p =[ix-1:ix+2], chi2[ix-1:ix+2], deg=2) zi = p.deriv().roots()[0] chi_i = p(zi) zgrid_zoom.extend(np.arange(zi-2*dz[0], zi+2*dz[0]+dz[1]/10., dz[1])) # zgrid_zoom = utils.zoom_zgrid(zgrid, chi2/self.DoF, # threshold=delta_chi2_threshold, # factor=dz[0]/dz[1]) NZOOM = len(zgrid_zoom) chi2_zoom = np.zeros(NZOOM) coeffs_zoom = np.zeros((NZOOM, coeffs.shape[1])) iz = 0 chi2min = 1.e30 for i in range(NZOOM): out = self.fit_at_z(z=zgrid_zoom[i], templates=templates, fitter=fitter, poly_order=poly_order, fit_background=fit_background) A, coeffs_zoom[i, :], chi2_zoom[i], model_2d = out if chi2_zoom[i] < chi2min: chi2min = chi2_zoom[i] iz = i if verbose: print(utils.NO_NEWLINE+'- {0:.4f} {1:9.1f} ({2:.4f}) {3:d}/{4:d}'.format(zgrid_zoom[i], chi2_zoom[i], zgrid_zoom[iz], i+1, NZOOM)) zgrid = np.append(zgrid, zgrid_zoom) chi2 = np.append(chi2, chi2_zoom) coeffs = np.append(coeffs, coeffs_zoom, axis=0) so = np.argsort(zgrid) zgrid = zgrid[so] chi2 = chi2[so] coeffs = coeffs[so, :] if prior is not None: #print('\n\nPrior!\n\n', chi2.min(), prior[1].min()) interp_prior = np.interp(zgrid, prior[0], prior[1]) chi2 += interp_prior else: interp_prior = None print(' Zoom iteration: z_best={0:.4f}\n'.format(zgrid[np.argmin(chi2)])) # Best redshift if not stars: templates = utils.load_templates(line_complexes=False, fwhm=fwhm, fsps_templates=fsps_templates) zbest = zgrid[np.argmin(chi2)] ix = np.argmin(chi2) chibest = chi2.min() # Fit parabola if (ix > 0) & (ix < len(chi2)-1): p =[ix-1:ix+2], chi2[ix-1:ix+2], deg=2) zbest = p.deriv().roots()[0] chibest = p(zbest) out = self.fit_at_z(z=zbest, templates=templates, fitter=fitter, poly_order=poly_order, fit_background=fit_background) A, coeffs_full, chi2_best, model_full = out # Parse results out2 = self.parse_fit_outputs(zbest, templates, coeffs_full, A) line_flux, covar, cont1d, line1d, model1d, model_continuum = out2 # Output dictionary with fit parameters fit_data = OrderedDict() fit_data['poly_order'] = poly_order fit_data['fwhm'] = fwhm fit_data['zbest'] = zbest fit_data['chibest'] = chibest fit_data['chi_poly'] = chi2_poly fit_data['zgrid'] = zgrid fit_data['prior'] = interp_prior fit_data['A'] = A fit_data['coeffs'] = coeffs fit_data['chi2'] = chi2 fit_data['DoF'] = self.DoF fit_data['model_full'] = model_full fit_data['coeffs_full'] = coeffs_full fit_data['covar'] = covar fit_data['line_flux'] = line_flux #fit_data['templates_full'] = templates fit_data['model_cont'] = model_continuum fit_data['model1d'] = model1d fit_data['cont1d'] = cont1d fit_data['line1d'] = line1d # return fit_data fig = None if make_figure: fig = self.show_redshift_fit(fit_data, figsize=figsize) # fig.savefig('fit.pdf') return fit_data, fig
[docs] def run_individual_fits(self, z=0, templates={}): """Run template fits on each *exposure* individually to evaluate variance in line and continuum fits. Parameters ---------- z : float Redshift at which to evaluate the fit templates : list of `~grizli.utils.SpectrumTemplate` objects Generated with, e.g., `load_templates`. Returns ------- line_flux, line_err : dict Dictionaries with the measured line fluxes and uncertainties for each exposure fit. coeffs_list : `~np.ndarray` [Nbeam x Ntemplate] Raw fit coefficients chi2_list, DoF_list : `~np.ndarray` [Nbeam] Chi-squared and effective degrees of freedom for each separate fit """ # Fit on the full set of beams out = self.fit_at_z(z=z, templates=templates, fitter='nnls', poly_order=self.poly_order, fit_background=self.fit_bg) A, coeffs_full, chi2_best, model_full = out out2 = self.parse_fit_outputs(z, templates, coeffs_full, A) line, covar, cont1d, line1d, model1d, model_continuum = out2 NB, NTEMP = len(self.beams), len(templates) # Outputs coeffs_list = np.zeros((NB, NTEMP)) chi2_list = np.zeros(NB) DoF_list = np.zeros(NB) line_flux = OrderedDict() line_err = OrderedDict() line_keys = list(line.keys()) for k in line_keys: line_flux[k] = np.zeros(NB) line_err[k] = np.zeros(NB) # Generate separate MultiBeam objects for each individual beam for i, b in enumerate(self.beams): b_i = MultiBeam([b], fcontam=self.fcontam, group_name=self.group_name) out_i = b_i.fit_at_z(z=z, templates=templates, fitter='nnls', poly_order=self.poly_order, fit_background=self.fit_bg) A_i, coeffs_i, chi2_i, model_full_i = out_i # Parse fit information from individual fits out2 = b_i.parse_fit_outputs(z, templates, coeffs_i, A_i) line_i, covar_i, cont1d_i, line1d_i, model1d_i, model_continuum_i = out2 for k in line_keys: line_flux[k][i] = line_i[k][0] line_err[k][i] = line_i[k][1] coeffs_list[i, :] = coeffs_i[-NTEMP:] chi2_list[i] = chi2_i DoF_list[i] = b_i.DoF return line_flux, line_err, coeffs_list, chi2_list, DoF_list
[docs] def show_redshift_fit(self, fit_data, plot_flambda=True, figsize=[8, 5]): """TBD """ import matplotlib.gridspec gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[0.6, 1]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) c2min = fit_data['chi2'].min() scale_pz = True if scale_pz: scale_nu = c2min/self.DoF scl_label = '_s' else: scale_nu = 1. scl_label = '' #axz.plot(z, (chi2-chi2.min())/scale_nu, color='k') #ax.plot(fit_data['zgrid'], fit_data['chi2']/self.DoF) ax.plot(fit_data['zgrid'], (fit_data['chi2']-c2min)/scale_nu) ax.set_xlabel('z') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\chi^2_\nu$, $\nu$={0:d}'.format(self.DoF)) ax.set_ylim(-4, 27) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\Delta\chi^2{2}$ ({0:.0f}/$\nu$={1:d})'.format(c2min, self.DoF, scl_label)) ax.set_yticks([1, 4, 9, 16, 25]) # for delta in [1,4,9]: # ax.plot(fit_data['zgrid'], # fit_data['zgrid']*0.+(c2min+delta)/self.DoF, # color='{0:.2f}'.format(1-delta*1./10)) ax.plot(fit_data['zgrid'], (fit_data['chi2']*0+fit_data['chi_poly']-c2min)/scale_nu, color='b', linestyle='--', alpha=0.8) ax.set_xlim(fit_data['zgrid'].min(), fit_data['zgrid'].max()) ax.grid() ax.set_title(r'ID = {0:d}, $z_\mathrm{{grism}}$={1:.4f}'.format(self.beams[0].id, fit_data['zbest'])) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) ymax = 0 ymin = 1e10 continuum_fit = self.reshape_flat(fit_data['model_cont']) line_fit = self.reshape_flat(fit_data['model_full']) grisms = self.Ngrism.keys() wfull = {} ffull = {} efull = {} for grism in grisms: wfull[grism] = [] ffull[grism] = [] efull[grism] = [] for ib in range(self.N): beam = self.beams[ib] clean = beam.grism['SCI'] - beam.contam if self.fit_bg: bg_i = fit_data['coeffs_full'][ib] clean -= bg_i # background else: bg_i = 0. #ivar = 1./(1./beam.ivar + self.fcontam*beam.contam) #ivar[~np.isfinite(ivar)] = 0 # New weight scheme ivar = beam.ivar weight = np.exp(-(self.fcontam*np.abs(beam.contam)*np.sqrt(ivar))) wave, flux, err = beam.beam.optimal_extract(clean, ivar=ivar, weight=weight) mwave, mflux, merr = beam.beam.optimal_extract(line_fit[ib]-bg_i, ivar=ivar, weight=weight) flat = beam.flat_flam.reshape(beam.beam.sh_beam) wave, fflux, ferr = beam.beam.optimal_extract(flat, ivar=ivar, weight=weight) if plot_flambda: ok = beam.beam.sensitivity > 0.1*beam.beam.sensitivity.max() wave = wave[ok] fscl = 1./1.e-19 # beam.beam.total_flux/1.e-17 flux = (flux*fscl/fflux)[ok]*beam.beam.scale err = (err*fscl/fflux)[ok] mflux = (mflux*fscl/fflux)[ok]*beam.beam.scale ylabel = r'$f_\lambda\,/\,10^{-19}\,\mathrm{cgs}$' else: ylabel = 'flux (e-/s)' scl_region = np.isfinite(mflux) if scl_region.sum() == 0: continue # try: # okerr = np.isfinite(err) #& (np.abs(flux/err) > 0.2) & (err != 0) # med_err = np.median(err[okerr]) # # ymax = np.maximum(ymax, # (mflux[scl_region][2:-2] + med_err).max()) # ymin = np.minimum(ymin, # (mflux[scl_region][2:-2] - med_err).min()) # except: # continue #okerr = (err != 0) & (np.abs(flux/err) > 0.2) okerr = np.isfinite(err) ax.errorbar(wave[okerr]/1.e4, flux[okerr], err[okerr], alpha=0.15+0.2*(self.N <= 2), linestyle='None', marker='.', color='{0:.2f}'.format(ib*0.5/self.N), zorder=1) ax.plot(wave[okerr]/1.e4, mflux[okerr], color='r', alpha=0.5, zorder=3) if beam.grism.instrument == 'NIRISS': grism = beam.grism.pupil else: grism = beam.grism.filter # for grism in grisms: wfull[grism] = np.append(wfull[grism], wave[okerr]) ffull[grism] = np.append(ffull[grism], flux[okerr]) efull[grism] = np.append(efull[grism], err[okerr]) # Scatter direct image flux if is None: ax.scatter(, beam.beam.total_flux/1.e-19, marker='s', edgecolor='k', color=GRISM_COLORS[grism], alpha=0.2, zorder=100, s=100) else: ax.scatter(, beam.beam.total_flux/1.e-19, marker='s', edgecolor='k', color=GRISM_COLORS[grism], alpha=0.2, zorder=100, s=100) for grism in grisms: if self.Ngrism[grism] > 1: # binned okb = (np.isfinite(wfull[grism]) & np.isfinite(ffull[grism]) & np.isfinite(efull[grism])) so = np.argsort(wfull[grism][okb]) var = efull[grism]**2 N = int(np.ceil(self.Ngrism[grism]/2)*2)*2 kernel = np.ones(N, dtype=float)/N wht = 1/var[okb][so] fbin = nd.convolve(ffull[grism][okb][so]*wht, kernel)[N//2::N] wbin = nd.convolve(wfull[grism][okb][so]*wht, kernel)[N//2::N] #vbin = nd.convolve(var[okb][so], kernel**2)[N//2::N] wht_bin = nd.convolve(wht, kernel)[N//2::N] vbin = nd.convolve(wht, kernel**2)[N//2::N]/wht_bin**2 fbin /= wht_bin wbin /= wht_bin #vbin = 1./wht_bin ax.errorbar(wbin/1.e4, fbin, np.sqrt(vbin), alpha=0.8, linestyle='None', marker='.', color=GRISM_COLORS[grism], zorder=2) med_err = np.median(np.sqrt(vbin)) ymin = np.minimum(ymin, (fbin-2*med_err).min()) ymax = np.maximum(ymax, (fbin+2*med_err).max()) ymin = np.maximum(0, ymin) ax.set_ylim(ymin - 0.2*np.abs(ymax), 1.3*ymax) xmin, xmax = 1.e5, 0 for g in GRISM_LIMITS: if g in grisms: xmin = np.minimum(xmin, GRISM_LIMITS[g][0]) xmax = np.maximum(xmax, GRISM_LIMITS[g][1]) # print g, xmin, xmax ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.semilogx(subsx=[xmax]) # axc.set_xticklabels([]) # axc.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda$') #axc.set_ylabel(r'$f_\lambda \times 10^{-19}$') from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(0.1)) labels = np.arange(np.ceil(xmin*10), np.ceil(xmax*10))/10. ax.set_xticks(labels) ax.set_xticklabels(labels) ax.grid() # Label ax.text(0.03, 1.03, ('{0}'.format(self.Ngrism)).replace('\'', '').replace('{', '').replace('}', ''), ha='left', va='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=10) #ax.plot(wave/1.e4, wave/1.e4*0., linestyle='--', color='k') ax.hlines(0, xmin, xmax, linestyle='--', color='k') ax.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda$') ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) gs.tight_layout(fig, pad=0.1) return fig
[docs] def redshift_fit_twod_figure(self, fit, spatial_scale=1, dlam=46., NY=10, figsize=[8, 3.5], **kwargs): """Make figure of 2D spectrum TBD """ # xlimits xmin, xmax = 1.e5, 0 for g in GRISM_LIMITS: if g in self.Ngrism: xmin = np.minimum(xmin, GRISM_LIMITS[g][0]) xmax = np.maximum(xmax, GRISM_LIMITS[g][1]) hdu_sci = drizzle_2d_spectrum(self.beams, ds9=None, NY=NY, spatial_scale=spatial_scale, dlam=dlam, kernel='point', pixfrac=0.6, wlimit=[xmin, xmax], fcontam=self.fcontam) # Continuum model cont = self.reshape_flat(fit['model_cont']) hdu_con = drizzle_2d_spectrum(self.beams, data=cont, ds9=None, NY=NY, spatial_scale=spatial_scale, dlam=dlam, kernel='point', pixfrac=0.6, wlimit=[xmin, xmax], fcontam=self.fcontam) full = self.reshape_flat(fit['model_full']) hdu_full = drizzle_2d_spectrum(self.beams, data=full, ds9=None, NY=NY, spatial_scale=spatial_scale, dlam=dlam, kernel='point', pixfrac=0.6, wlimit=[xmin, xmax], fcontam=self.fcontam) clip = hdu_full['WHT'].data > np.percentile(hdu_full['WHT'].data, 30) #vmax = np.maximum(1.1*np.percentile(hdu_full['SCI'].data[clip], 98), 0.04) avg_rms = 1/np.median(np.sqrt(hdu_full['WHT'].data[clip])) vmax = np.maximum(1.1*np.percentile(hdu_full['SCI'].data[clip], 98), 5*avg_rms) # print 'VMAX: %f\n\n' %vmax sh = hdu_full[1].data.shape extent = [hdu_full[0].header['WMIN'], hdu_full[0].header['WMAX'], 0, sh[0]] fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) show = [hdu_sci[1].data, hdu_full[1].data, hdu_sci[1].data-hdu_con[1].data] desc = [r'$Contam$'+'\n'+r'$Cleaned$', r'$Model$', r'$Line$'+'\n'+r'$Residual$'] i = 0 for data_i, desc_i in zip(show, desc): ax = fig.add_subplot(11+i+100*len(show)) ax.imshow(data_i, origin='lower', interpolation='Nearest', vmin=-0.1*vmax, vmax=vmax, extent=extent,, aspect='auto') ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_ylabel(desc_i) i += 1 for ax in fig.axes[:-1]: ax.set_xticklabels([]) fig.axes[-1].set_xlabel(r'$\lambda$') fig.tight_layout(pad=0.2) # Label label = 'ID={0:6d}, z={1:.4f}'.format(self.beams[0].id, fit['zbest']) fig.axes[-1].text(0.97, -0.27, label, ha='right', va='top', transform=fig.axes[-1].transAxes, fontsize=10) label2 = ('{0}'.format(self.Ngrism)).replace('\'', '').replace('{', '').replace('}', '') fig.axes[-1].text(0.03, -0.27, label2, ha='left', va='top', transform=fig.axes[-1].transAxes, fontsize=10) hdu_sci.append(hdu_con[1]) hdu_sci[-1].name = 'CONTINUUM' hdu_sci.append(hdu_full[1]) hdu_sci[-1].name = 'FULL' return fig, hdu_sci
[docs] def drizzle_segmentation(self, wcsobj=None, kernel='square', pixfrac=1, verbose=False): """ Drizzle segmentation image from individual `MultiBeam.beams`. Parameters ---------- wcsobj: `~astropy.wcs.WCS` or `` Output WCS. kernel: e.g., 'square', 'point', 'gaussian' Drizzle kernel, see `~drizzlepac.adrizzle.drizzle`. pixfrac: float Drizzle 'pixfrac', see `~drizzlepac.adrizzle.drizzle`. verbose: bool Print status messages. Returns ------- drizzled_segm: `~numpy.ndarray`, type `~numpy.int64`. Drizzled segmentation image, with image dimensions and WCS defined in `wcsobj`. """ import numpy as np import astropy.wcs as pywcs import as pyfits try: from . import utils except: from grizli import multifit, utils all_ids = [np.unique(beam.beam.seg) for beam in self.beams] all_ids = np.unique(np.hstack(all_ids))[1:] if isinstance(wcsobj, pyfits.Header): wcs = pywcs.WCS(wcsobj) wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(wcs) else: wcs = wcsobj if not hasattr(wcs, 'pscale'): wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(wcs) if verbose: print('Drizzle ID={0:.0f} (primary)'.format( drizzled_segm = self.drizzle_segmentation_id(, wcsobj=wcsobj, kernel=kernel, pixfrac=pixfrac, verbose=verbose) for id in all_ids: if int(id) == continue if verbose: print('Drizzle ID={0:.0f}'.format(id)) dseg_i = self.drizzle_segmentation_id(id=id, wcsobj=wcsobj, kernel=kernel, pixfrac=pixfrac, verbose=False) new_seg = drizzled_segm == 0 drizzled_segm[new_seg] = dseg_i[new_seg] return drizzled_segm
[docs] def drizzle_segmentation_id(self, id=None, wcsobj=None, kernel='square', pixfrac=1, verbose=True): """ Drizzle segmentation image for a single ID """ import numpy as np import astropy.wcs as pywcs import as pyfits try: from . import utils except: from grizli import multifit, utils # Can be either a header or WCS object if isinstance(wcsobj, pyfits.Header): wcs = pywcs.WCS(wcsobj) wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(wcs) else: wcs = wcsobj if not hasattr(wcs, 'pscale'): wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(wcs) if id is None: id = sci_list = [(beam.beam.seg == id)*1. for beam in self.beams] wht_list = [np.isfinite(beam.beam.seg)*1. for beam in self.beams] wcs_list = [ for beam in self.beams] out = utils.drizzle_array_groups( sci_list, wht_list, wcs_list, outputwcs=wcs, scale=0.1, kernel=kernel, pixfrac=pixfrac, verbose=verbose ) drizzled_segm = (out[0] > 0)*id return drizzled_segm
[docs] def drizzle_fit_lines(self, fit, pline, force_line=['Ha+NII', 'Ha', 'OIII', 'Hb', 'OII'], save_fits=True, mask_lines=True, mask_sn_limit=3, mask_4959=True, verbose=True, include_segmentation=True, get_ir_psfs=True, min_line_sn=4): """ TBD """ line_wavelengths, line_ratios = utils.get_line_wavelengths() hdu_full = [] saved_lines = [] if ('cfit' in fit) & mask_4959: if 'line OIII' in fit['templates']: t_o3 = utils.load_templates(fwhm=fit['templates']['line OIII'].fwhm, line_complexes=False, stars=False, full_line_list=['OIII-4959'], continuum_list=[], fsps_templates=False) if 'zbest' in fit: z_driz = fit['zbest'] else: z_driz = fit['z'] if 'line_flux' in fit: line_flux_dict = fit['line_flux'] else: line_flux_dict = OrderedDict() for key in fit['cfit']: if key.startswith('line'): line_flux_dict[key.replace('line ', '')] = fit['cfit'][key] # Compute continuum model if 'cfit' in fit: if 'bg {0:03d}'.format(self.N-1) in fit['cfit']: for ib, beam in enumerate(self.beams): key = 'bg {0:03d}'.format(ib) self.beams[ib].background = fit['cfit'][key][0] cont = fit['cont1d'] for beam in self.beams: beam.compute_model(spectrum_1d=[cont.wave, cont.flux], is_cgs=True) if hasattr(self, 'pscale'): if (self.pscale is not None): scale = self.compute_scale_array(self.pscale, beam.wavef) beam.beam.pscale_array = scale.reshape( else: beam.beam.pscale_array = 1. else: beam.beam.pscale_array = 1. for line in line_flux_dict: line_flux, line_err = line_flux_dict[line] if line_err == 0: continue # Skip if min_line_sn = inf if not np.isfinite(min_line_sn): continue if (line_flux/line_err > min_line_sn) | (line in force_line): if verbose: print('Drizzle line -> {0:4s} ({1:.2f} {2:.2f})'.format(line, line_flux/1.e-17, line_err/1.e-17)) line_wave_obs = line_wavelengths[line][0]*(1+z_driz) if mask_lines: for beam in self.beams: beam.oivar = beam.ivar*1 lam = beam.beam.lam_beam if hasattr(beam.beam, 'pscale_array'): pscale_array = beam.beam.pscale_array else: pscale_array = 1. # another idea, compute a model for the line itself # and mask relatively "contaminated" pixels from # other lines try: lm = fit['line1d'][line] sp = [lm.wave, lm.flux] except: key = 'line ' + line lm = fit['templates'][key] line_flux = fit['cfit'][key][0] scl = line_flux/(1+z_driz) sp = [lm.wave*(1+z_driz), lm.flux*scl] #lm = fit['line1d'][line] if ((lm.wave.max() < lam.min()) | (lm.wave.min() > lam.max())): continue #sp = [lm.wave, lm.flux] if line_flux > 0: m = beam.compute_model(spectrum_1d=sp, in_place=False, is_cgs=True) lmodel = m.reshape(beam.beam.sh_beam)*pscale_array else: lmodel = np.zeros(beam.beam.sh_beam) # if lmodel.max() == 0: # continue if 'cfit' in fit: keys = fit['cfit'] else: keys = fit['line1d'] beam.extra_lines = beam.contam*0. for lkey in keys: if not lkey.startswith('line'): continue key = lkey.replace('line ', '') lf, le = line_flux_dict[key] # Don't mask if the line missing or undetected if (lf <= 0): # | (lf < mask_sn_limit*le): continue if key != line: try: lm = fit['line1d'][lkey] sp = [lm.wave, lm.flux] except: lm = fit['templates'][lkey] scl = fit['cfit'][lkey][0]/(1+z_driz) sp = [lm.wave*(1+z_driz), lm.flux*scl] if ((lm.wave.max() < lam.min()) | (lm.wave.min() > lam.max())): continue m = beam.compute_model(spectrum_1d=sp, in_place=False, is_cgs=True) lcontam = m.reshape(beam.beam.sh_beam) lcontam *= pscale_array if lcontam.max() == 0: # print beam.grism.parent_file, lkey continue beam.extra_lines += lcontam # Only mask if line flux > 0 if line_flux > 0: extra_msk = lcontam > mask_sn_limit*lmodel extra_msk &= (lcontam > 0) extra_msk &= (lmodel > 0) beam.ivar[extra_msk] *= 0 # Subtract 4959 if (line == 'OIII') & ('cfit' in fit) & mask_4959: lm = t_o3['line OIII-4959'] scl = fit['cfit']['line OIII'][0]/(1+z_driz) scl *= 1./(2.98+1) sp = [lm.wave*(1+z_driz), lm.flux*scl] if ((lm.wave.max() < lam.min()) | (lm.wave.min() > lam.max())): continue m = beam.compute_model(spectrum_1d=sp, in_place=False, is_cgs=True) lcontam = m.reshape(beam.beam.sh_beam) lcontam *= pscale_array if lcontam.max() == 0: continue #print('Mask 4959!') beam.extra_lines += lcontam hdu = drizzle_to_wavelength(self.beams, ra=self.ra, dec=self.dec, wave=line_wave_obs, fcontam=self.fcontam, **pline) if mask_lines: for beam in self.beams: beam.ivar = beam.oivar*1 delattr(beam, 'oivar') hdu[0].header['REDSHIFT'] = (z_driz, 'Redshift used') # for e in [3,4,5,6]: for e in [-4, -3, -2, -1]: hdu[e].header['EXTVER'] = line hdu[e].header['REDSHIFT'] = (z_driz, 'Redshift used') hdu[e].header['RESTWAVE'] = (line_wavelengths[line][0], 'Line rest wavelength') saved_lines.append(line) if len(hdu_full) == 0: hdu_full = hdu hdu_full[0].header['NUMLINES'] = (1, "Number of lines in this file") else: hdu_full.extend(hdu[-4:]) hdu_full[0].header['NUMLINES'] += 1 # Make sure DSCI extension is filled. Can be empty for # lines at the edge of the grism throughput for f_i in range(hdu[0].header['NDFILT']): filt_i = hdu[0].header['DFILT{0:02d}'.format(f_i+1)] if hdu['DWHT', filt_i].data.max() != 0: hdu_full['DSCI', filt_i] = hdu['DSCI', filt_i] hdu_full['DWHT', filt_i] = hdu['DWHT', filt_i] li = hdu_full[0].header['NUMLINES'] hdu_full[0].header['LINE{0:03d}'.format(li)] = line hdu_full[0].header['FLUX{0:03d}'.format(li)] = (line_flux, 'Line flux, 1e-17 erg/s/cm2') hdu_full[0].header['ERR{0:03d}'.format(li)] = (line_err, 'Line flux err, 1e-17 erg/s/cm2') if len(hdu_full) > 0: hdu_full[0].header['HASLINES'] = (' '.join(saved_lines), 'Lines in this file') else: hdu = drizzle_to_wavelength(self.beams, ra=self.ra, dec=self.dec, wave=np.median(self.beams[0].wave), fcontam=self.fcontam, **pline) hdu_full = hdu[:-4] hdu_full[0].header['REDSHIFT'] = (z_driz, 'Redshift used') hdu_full[0].header['NUMLINES'] = 0 hdu_full[0].header['HASLINES'] = ' ' if include_segmentation: line_wcs = pywcs.WCS(hdu_full[1].header) segm = self.drizzle_segmentation(wcsobj=line_wcs) seg_hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=segm.astype(np.int32), name='SEG') hdu_full.insert(1, seg_hdu) if get_ir_psfs: import grizli.galfit.psf ir_beams = [] gr_filters = {'G102': ['F105W'], 'G141': ['F105W', 'F125W', 'F140W', 'F160W']} show_filters = [] for gr in ['G102', 'G141']: if gr in self.PA: show_filters.extend(gr_filters[gr]) for pa in self.PA[gr]: for i in self.PA[gr][pa]: ir_beams.append(self.beams[i]) if len(ir_beams) > 0: dp = grizli.galfit.psf.DrizzlePSF(driz_hdu=hdu_full['DSCI'], beams=self.beams) for filt in np.unique(show_filters): if verbose: print('Get linemap PSF: {0}'.format(filt)) psf = dp.get_psf(ra=dp.driz_wcs.wcs.crval[0], dec=dp.driz_wcs.wcs.crval[1], filter=filt, pixfrac=dp.driz_header['PIXFRAC'], kernel=dp.driz_header['DRIZKRNL'], wcs_slice=dp.driz_wcs, get_extended=True, verbose=False, get_weight=False) psf[1].header['EXTNAME'] = 'DPSF' psf[1].header['EXTVER'] = filt hdu_full.append(psf[1]) if save_fits: hdu_full.writeto('{0}_{1:05d}.line.fits'.format(self.group_name,, overwrite=True, output_verify='silentfix') return hdu_full
[docs] def run_full_diagnostics(self, pzfit={}, pspec2={}, pline={}, force_line=['Ha+NII', 'Ha', 'OIII', 'Hb', 'OII'], GroupFLT=None, prior=None, zoom=True, verbose=True): """TBD size=20, pixscale=0.1, pixfrac=0.2, kernel='square' """ import copy # Defaults pzfit_def, pspec2_def, pline_def = get_redshift_fit_defaults() if pzfit == {}: pzfit = pzfit_def if pspec2 == {}: pspec2 = pspec2_def if pline == {}: pline = pline_def # Check that keywords allowed for d, default in zip([pzfit, pspec2, pline], [pzfit_def, pspec2_def, pline_def]): for key in d: if key not in default: p = d.pop(key) # Auto generate FWHM (in km/s) to use for line fits if 'fwhm' in pzfit: fwhm = pzfit['fwhm'] if pzfit['fwhm'] == 0: if 'G141' in self.Ngrism: # WFC3/IR fwhm = 1200 elif 'G800L' in self.Ngrism: # ACS/WFC fwhm = 1400 elif 'G280' in self.Ngrism: # UVIS fwhm = 1500 elif 'GRISM' in self.Ngrism: # WFIRST fwhm = 350 elif 'G150' in self.Ngrism: # WFIRST fwhm = 350 else: fwhm = 700 # Auto generate delta-wavelength of 2D spectrum if 'dlam' in pspec2: dlam = pspec2['dlam'] if dlam == 0: if 'G141' in self.Ngrism: dlam = 45 elif 'G800L' in self.Ngrism: dlam = 40 elif 'G280' in self.Ngrism: dlam = 18 elif 'GRISM' in self.Ngrism: dlam = 11 elif 'G150' in self.Ngrism: dlam = 11 else: dlam = 25 # G102 # Redshift fit zfit_in = copy.copy(pzfit) zfit_in['fwhm'] = fwhm zfit_in['prior'] = prior zfit_in['zoom'] = zoom zfit_in['verbose'] = verbose if zfit_in['zr'] in [0]: fit, fig = self.fit_stars(**zfit_in) else: fit, fig = self.fit_redshift(**zfit_in) # Make sure model attributes are set to the continuum model models = self.reshape_flat(fit['model_cont']) for j in range(self.N): self.beams[j].model = models[j]*1 # 2D spectrum spec_in = copy.copy(pspec2) spec_in['fit'] = fit spec_in['dlam'] = dlam # fig2, hdu2 = self.redshift_fit_twod_figure(**spec_in)#, kwargs=spec2) #dlam=dlam, spatial_scale=spatial_scale, NY=NY) fig2 = hdu2 = None # Update master model if GroupFLT is not None: try: ix = GroupFLT.catalog['NUMBER'] == self.beams[0].id mag = GroupFLT.catalog['MAG_AUTO'][ix].data[0] except: mag = 22 sp = fit['cont1d'] GroupFLT.compute_single_model(id, mag=mag, size=-1, store=False, spectrum_1d=[sp.wave, sp.flux], is_cgs=True, get_beams=None, in_place=True) # 2D lines to drizzle hdu_full = self.drizzle_fit_lines(fit, pline, force_line=force_line, save_fits=True) fit['id'] = fit['fit_bg'] = self.fit_bg fit['grism_files'] = [b.grism.parent_file for b in self.beams] for item in ['A', 'coeffs', 'model_full', 'model_cont']: if item in fit: p = fit.pop(item) #p = fit.pop('coeffs')'{0}_{1:05d}.zfit.npy'.format(self.group_name,, [fit]) fig.savefig('{0}_{1:05d}.zfit.png'.format(self.group_name, #fig2.savefig('{0}_{1:05d}.zfit.2D.png'.format(self.group_name, #hdu2.writeto('{0}_{1:05d}.zfit.2D.fits'.format(self.group_name,, overwrite=True, output_verify='silentfix') label = '# id ra dec zbest ' data = '{0:7d} {1:.6f} {2:.6f} {3:.5f}'.format(, self.ra, self.dec, fit['zbest']) for grism in ['G800L', 'G280', 'G102', 'G141', 'GRISM']: label += ' N{0}'.format(grism) if grism in self.Ngrism: data += ' {0:2d}'.format(self.Ngrism[grism]) else: data += ' {0:2d}'.format(0) label += ' chi2 DoF ' data += ' {0:14.1f} {1:d} '.format(fit['chibest'], self.DoF) for line in ['SII', 'Ha', 'OIII', 'Hb', 'Hg', 'OII']: label += ' {0} {0}_err'.format(line) if line in fit['line_flux']: flux = fit['line_flux'][line][0] err = fit['line_flux'][line][1] data += ' {0:10.3e} {1:10.3e}'.format(flux, err) fp = open('{0}_{1:05d}.zfit.dat'.format(self.group_name,, 'w') fp.write(label+'\n') fp.write(data+'\n') fp.close() fp = open('{0}_{1:05d}.zfit.beams.dat'.format(self.group_name,, 'w') fp.write('# file filter origin_x origin_y size padx pady bg\n') for ib, beam in enumerate(self.beams): msg = '{0:40s} {1:s} {2:5d} {3:5d} {4:5d} {5:5d} {6:5d}' data = msg.format(beam.grism.parent_file, beam.grism.filter,[0],[1],[0],[1],[0] ) if self.fit_bg: data += ' {0:8.4f}'.format(fit['coeffs_full'][ib]) else: data += ' {0:8.4f}'.format(0.0) fp.write(data + '\n') fp.close() # Save figures plt_status = plt.rcParams['interactive'] # if not plt_status: # plt.close(fig) # plt.close(fig2) return fit, fig, fig2, hdu2, hdu_full
[docs] def apply_trace_shift(self, set_to_zero=False): """ Set beam.yoffset back to zero """ indices = [[i] for i in range(self.N)] if set_to_zero: s0 = np.zeros(len(indices)) else: s0 = [beam.beam.yoffset for beam in self.beams] args = (self, indices, 0, False, False, True) self.eval_trace_shift(s0, *args) # Reset model profile for optimal extractions for b in self.beams: # b._parse_from_data() if hasattr(b, 'has_sys_err'): delattr(b, 'has_sys_err') b._parse_from_data(**b._parse_params) self._parse_beam_arrays()
[docs] def fit_trace_shift(self, split_groups=True, max_shift=5, tol=1.e-2, verbose=True, lm=False, fit_with_psf=False, reset=False): """TBD """ from scipy.optimize import leastsq, minimize if split_groups: indices = [] for g in self.PA: for p in self.PA[g]: indices.append(self.PA[g][p]) else: indices = [[i] for i in range(self.N)] s0 = np.zeros(len(indices)) bounds = np.array([[-max_shift, max_shift]]*len(indices)) args = (self, indices, 0, lm, verbose, fit_with_psf) if reset: shifts = np.zeros(len(indices)) out = None elif lm: out = leastsq(self.eval_trace_shift, s0, args=args, Dfun=None, full_output=0, col_deriv=0, ftol=1.49012e-08, xtol=1.49012e-08, gtol=0.0, maxfev=0, epsfcn=None, factor=100, diag=None) shifts = out[0] else: out = minimize(self.eval_trace_shift, s0, bounds=bounds, args=args, method='Powell', tol=tol) if out.x.shape == (): shifts = [float(out.x)] else: shifts = out.x # Apply to PSF if necessary args = (self, indices, 0, lm, verbose, True) self.eval_trace_shift(shifts, *args) # Reset model profile for optimal extractions for b in self.beams: # b._parse_from_data() b._parse_from_data(**b._parse_params) # Needed for background modeling if hasattr(b, 'xp'): delattr(b, 'xp') self._parse_beam_arrays() self.initialize_masked_arrays() return shifts, out
[docs] @staticmethod def eval_trace_shift(shifts, self, indices, poly_order, lm, verbose, fit_with_psf): """TBD """ import scipy.ndimage as nd for il, l in enumerate(indices): for i in l: beam = self.beams[i] beam.beam.add_ytrace_offset(shifts[il]) if hasattr(self.beams[i].beam, 'psf') & fit_with_psf: #beam.model = nd.shift(beam.modelf.reshape(beam.sh_beam), (shifts[il], 0)) # This is slow, so run with fit_with_psf=False if possible beam.init_epsf(yoff=0, # shifts[il], psf_params=beam.beam.psf_params) beam.compute_model(use_psf=True) m = beam.compute_model(in_place=False) #beam.modelf = beam.model.flatten() #beam.model = beam.modelf.reshape(beam.beam.sh_beam) beam.flat_flam = beam.compute_model(in_place=False, is_cgs=True) else: # self.beams[i].beam.add_ytrace_offset(shifts[il]) # self.beams[i].compute_model(is_cgs=True) beam.compute_model(use_psf=False) self.flat_flam = np.hstack([b.beam.model.flatten() for b in self.beams]) self.poly_order = -1 self.init_poly_coeffs(poly_order=poly_order) self.fit_bg = False A = self.A_poly*1 ok_temp = np.sum(A, axis=1) != 0 out_coeffs = np.zeros(A.shape[0]) y = self.scif out = np.linalg.lstsq(A.T, y, rcond=utils.LSTSQ_RCOND) lstsq_coeff, residuals, rank, s = out coeffs = lstsq_coeff out_coeffs = np.zeros(A.shape[0]) out_coeffs[ok_temp] = coeffs modelf =, A) if lm: # L-M, return residuals if verbose: print('{0} [{1}]'.format(utils.NO_NEWLINE, ' '.join(['{0:5.2f}'.format(s) for s in shifts]))) return ((self.scif-modelf)*self.sivarf)[self.fit_mask] chi2 = np.sum(((self.scif - modelf)**2*self.ivarf)[self.fit_mask]) if verbose: print('{0} [{1}] {2:6.2f}'.format(utils.NO_NEWLINE, ' '.join(['{0:5.2f}'.format(s) for s in shifts]), chi2/self.DoF)) return chi2/self.DoF
[docs] def drizzle_grisms_and_PAs(self, size=10, fcontam=0, flambda=False, scale=1, pixfrac=0.5, kernel='square', usewcs=False, tfit=None, diff=True, grism_list=['G800L', 'G102', 'G141', 'GR150C', 'GR150R', 'F090W', 'F115W', 'F150W', 'F200W', 'F356W', 'F300M', 'F335M', 'F360M', 'F410M', 'F430M','F460M','F480M','F444W'], mask_segmentation=True, reset_model=True, make_figure=True, fig_args=dict(mask_segmentation=True, average_only=False, scale_size=1, cmap='viridis_r'), **kwargs): """Make figure showing spectra at different orients/grisms TBD """ from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator #import pysynphot as S if usewcs: drizzle_function = drizzle_2d_spectrum_wcs else: drizzle_function = drizzle_2d_spectrum if 'zfit' in kwargs: tfit = kwargs['zfit'] NX = len(self.PA) NY = 0 for g in self.PA: NY = np.maximum(NY, len(self.PA[g])) NY += 1 # keys = list(self.PA) keys = [] for key in grism_list: if key in self.PA: keys.append(key) if tfit is not None: if 'coeffs_full' in tfit: bg = tfit['coeffs_full'][:self.N] z_cont = tfit['zbest'] else: # fitting.GroupFitter z_cont = tfit['z'] bg = [] for k in tfit['cfit']: if k.startswith('bg '): bg.append(tfit['cfit'][k][0]) bg = np.array(bg) else: # Fit background try: out = self.xfit_at_z(z=0, templates={}, fitter='lstsq', poly_order=3, fit_background=True) bg = out[-3][:self.N] except: bg = [0]*self.N for ib, beam in enumerate(self.beams): = bg[ib] prim = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() h0 = prim.header h0['ID'] = (, 'Object ID') h0['RA'] = (self.ra, 'Right ascension') h0['DEC'] = (self.dec, 'Declination') h0['ISFLAM'] = (flambda, 'Pixels in f-lam units') h0['FCONTAM'] = (fcontam, 'Contamination parameter') h0['NGRISM'] = (len(keys), 'Number of grisms') all_hdus = [] for ig, g in enumerate(keys): all_beams = [] hdus = [] pas = list(self.PA[g].keys()) pas.sort() h0['GRISM{0:03d}'.format(ig+1)] = (g, 'Grism name') h0['N'+g] = (len(pas), 'Number of PAs for grism '+g) for ipa, pa in enumerate(pas): h0[g+'{0:02d}'.format(ipa+1)] = (pa, 'PA') beams = [self.beams[i] for i in self.PA[g][pa]] all_beams.extend(beams) #dlam = np.ceil(np.diff(beams[0].beam.lam)[0])*scale dlam = GRISM_LIMITS[g][2]*scale data = [beam.grism['SCI'] for beam in beams] hdu = drizzle_function(beams, data=data, wlimit=GRISM_LIMITS[g], dlam=dlam, spatial_scale=scale, NY=size, pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel, convert_to_flambda=flambda, fcontam=0, ds9=None, mask_segmentation=mask_segmentation) hdu[0].header['RA'] = (self.ra, 'Right ascension') hdu[0].header['DEC'] = (self.dec, 'Declination') hdu[0].header['GRISM'] = (g, 'Grism') hdu[0].header['PA'] = (pa, 'Dispersion PA') hdu[0].header['ISFLAM'] = (flambda, 'Pixels in f-lam units') hdu[0].header['CONF'] = (beams[0].beam.conf.conf_file, 'Configuration file') hdu[0].header['DLAM0'] = (np.median(np.diff(beams[0].wave)), 'Native dispersion per pix') # Contam data = [beam.contam for beam in beams] hdu_contam = drizzle_function(beams, data=data, wlimit=GRISM_LIMITS[g], dlam=dlam, spatial_scale=scale, NY=size, pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel, convert_to_flambda=flambda, fcontam=0, ds9=None, mask_segmentation=mask_segmentation) hdu_contam[1].header['EXTNAME'] = 'CONTAM' hdu.append(hdu_contam[1]) # Continuum model if tfit is not None: m = tfit['cont1d'] for beam in beams: beam.compute_model(spectrum_1d=[m.wave, m.flux], is_cgs=True) else: if reset_model: # simple flat spectrum for beam in beams: beam.compute_model() data = [] for beam in beams: if hasattr(beam.beam, 'pscale_array'): data.append(beam.beam.model*beam.beam.pscale_array) else: data.append(beam.beam.model) hdu_model = drizzle_function(beams, data=data, wlimit=GRISM_LIMITS[g], dlam=dlam, spatial_scale=scale, NY=size, pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel, convert_to_flambda=flambda, fcontam=0, ds9=None, mask_segmentation=mask_segmentation) hdu_model[1].header['EXTNAME'] = 'MODEL' if tfit is not None: hdu_model[1].header['CONTIN1D'] = (True, 'Model is fit continuum') hdu_model[1].header['REDSHIFT'] = (z_cont, 'Redshift of the continuum spectrum') else: hdu_model[1].header['CONTIN1D'] = (False, 'Model is fit continuum') hdu.append(hdu_model[1]) # Line kernel if (not usewcs): h = hdu[1].header # header keywords scaled to um toA = 1.e4 gau = utils.SpectrumTemplate(central_wave=h['CRVAL1']*toA, fwhm=h['CD1_1']*toA) if reset_model: for beam in beams: beam.compute_model(spectrum_1d=[gau.wave, gau.flux], is_cgs=True) data = [beam.beam.model for beam in beams] h_kern = drizzle_function(beams, data=data, wlimit=GRISM_LIMITS[g], dlam=dlam, spatial_scale=scale, NY=size, pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel, convert_to_flambda=flambda, fcontam=0, fill_wht=True, ds9=None, mask_segmentation=mask_segmentation) kern = h_kern[1].data[:, h['CRPIX1']-1-size:h['CRPIX1']-1+size] hdu_kern = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=kern, header=h_kern[1].header, name='KERNEL') hdu.append(hdu_kern) else: hdu['DSCI'].header['EXTNAME'] = 'KERNEL' # Pull out zeroth extension for k in hdu[0].header: hdu[1].header[k] = hdu[0].header[k] for e in hdu[1:]: e.header['EXTVER'] = '{0},{1}'.format(g, pa) hdus.append(hdu[1:]) # Stack of each grism data = [beam.grism['SCI'] for beam in all_beams] hdu = drizzle_function(all_beams, data=data, wlimit=GRISM_LIMITS[g], dlam=dlam, spatial_scale=scale, NY=size, pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel, convert_to_flambda=flambda, fcontam=fcontam, ds9=None, mask_segmentation=mask_segmentation) hdu[0].header['RA'] = (self.ra, 'Right ascension') hdu[0].header['DEC'] = (self.dec, 'Declination') hdu[0].header['GRISM'] = (g, 'Grism') hdu[0].header['ISFLAM'] = (flambda, 'Pixels in f-lam units') hdu[0].header['CONF'] = (beams[0].beam.conf.conf_file, 'Configuration file') hdu[0].header['DLAM0'] = (np.median(np.diff(beams[0].wave)), 'Native dispersion per pix') # Full continuum model if tfit is not None: if diff > 1: m = tfit['line1d'] else: m = tfit['cont1d'] for beam in all_beams: beam.compute_model(spectrum_1d=[m.wave, m.flux], is_cgs=True) else: if reset_model: for beam in all_beams: beam.compute_model() #data = [beam.beam.model for beam in all_beams] data = [] for beam in all_beams: if hasattr(beam.beam, 'pscale_array'): data.append(beam.beam.model*beam.beam.pscale_array) else: data.append(beam.beam.model) hdu_model = drizzle_function(all_beams, data=data, wlimit=GRISM_LIMITS[g], dlam=dlam, spatial_scale=scale, NY=size, pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel, convert_to_flambda=flambda, fcontam=fcontam, ds9=None, mask_segmentation=mask_segmentation) hdu_model[1].header['EXTNAME'] = 'MODEL' if tfit is not None: hdu_model[1].header['CONTIN1D'] = (True, 'Model is fit continuum') hdu_model[1].header['REDSHIFT'] = (z_cont, 'Redshift of the continuum spectrum') else: hdu_model[1].header['CONTIN1D'] = (False, 'Model is fit continuum') hdu.append(hdu_model[1]) # Full kernel h = hdu[1].header #gau = S.GaussianSource(1.e-17, h['CRVAL1'], h['CD1_1']*1) toA = 1.e4 #gau = S.GaussianSource(1., h['CRVAL1']*toA, h['CD1_1']*toA) gau = utils.SpectrumTemplate(central_wave=h['CRVAL1']*toA, fwhm=h['CD1_1']*toA) if reset_model: for beam in all_beams: beam.compute_model(spectrum_1d=[gau.wave, gau.flux], is_cgs=True) data = [beam.beam.model for beam in all_beams] h_kern = drizzle_function(all_beams, data=data, wlimit=GRISM_LIMITS[g], dlam=dlam, spatial_scale=scale, NY=size, pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel, convert_to_flambda=flambda, fcontam=0, fill_wht=True, ds9=None, mask_segmentation=mask_segmentation) kern = h_kern[1].data[:, int(h['CRPIX1'])-1-size:int(h['CRPIX1'])-1+size] hdu_kern = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=kern, header=h_kern[1].header, name='KERNEL') hdu.append(hdu_kern) # Pull out zeroth extension for k in hdu[0].header: hdu[1].header[k] = hdu[0].header[k] for e in hdu[1:]: e.header['EXTVER'] = '{0}'.format(g) hdus.append(hdu[1:]) all_hdus.extend(hdus) output_hdu = pyfits.HDUList([prim]) for hdu in all_hdus: output_hdu.extend(hdu) if make_figure: fig = show_drizzle_HDU(output_hdu, diff=diff, **fig_args) return output_hdu, fig else: return output_hdu # all_hdus
[docs] def flag_with_drizzled(self, hdul, sigma=4, update=True, interp='nearest', verbose=True): """ Update `MultiBeam` masks based on the blotted drizzled combined image [in progress ... xxx] Parameters ---------- hdul : `` FITS HDU list output from `drizzle_grisms_and_PAs` or read from a `stack.fits` file. sigma : float Residual threshold to flag. update : bool Update the mask. interp : str Interpolation method for `~drizzlepac.ablot`. Returns ------- Updates the individual `fit_mask` attributes of the individual beams if `update==True`. """ try: from drizzle.doblot import doblot blotter = doblot except: from drizzlepac import ablot blotter = ablot.do_blot # Read the drizzled arrays Ng = hdul[0].header['NGRISM'] ref_wcs = {} ref_data = {} flag_grism = {} for i in range(Ng): g = hdul[0].header['GRISM{0:03d}'.format(i+1)] ref_wcs[g] = pywcs.WCS(hdul['SCI', g].header) ref_wcs[g].pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(ref_wcs[g]) ref_data[g] = hdul['SCI', g].data flag_grism[g] = hdul[0].header['N{0}'.format(g)] > 1 # Do the masking for i, beam in enumerate(self.beams): g = beam.grism.filter if not flag_grism[g]: continue beam_header, flt_wcs = beam.full_2d_wcs() blotted = blotter(ref_data[g], ref_wcs[g], flt_wcs, 1, coeffs=True, interp=interp, sinscl=1.0, stepsize=10, wcsmap=None) resid = (beam.grism['SCI'] - beam.contam - blotted) resid *= np.sqrt(beam.ivar) blot_mask = (blotted != 0) & (np.abs(resid) < sigma) if verbose: print('Beam {0:>3d}: {1:>4d} new masked pixels'.format(i, beam.fit_mask.sum() - (beam.fit_mask & blot_mask.flatten()).sum())) if update: beam.fit_mask &= blot_mask.flatten() if update: self._parse_beams() self.initialize_masked_arrays()
[docs] def oned_spectrum(self, tfit=None, get_contam=True, get_background=False, masked_model=None, **kwargs): """Compute full 1D spectrum with optional best-fit model Parameters ---------- bin : float / int Bin factor relative to the size of the native spectral bins of a given grism. tfit : dict Output of `~grizli.fitting.mb.template_at_z`. Returns ------- sp : dict Dictionary of the extracted 1D spectra. Keys are the grism names and the values are `~astropy.table.Table` objects. """ import astropy.units as u # "Flat" spectrum to perform flux calibration if self.Nphot > 0: flat_data = self.flat_flam[self.fit_mask[:-self.Nphotbands]] else: flat_data = self.flat_flam[self.fit_mask] sp_flat = self.optimal_extract(flat_data, **kwargs) # Best-fit line and continuum models, with background fit if tfit is not None: bg_model = self.get_flat_background(tfit['coeffs'], apply_mask=True) line_model = self.get_flat_model([tfit['line1d'].wave, tfit['line1d'].flux]) cont_model = self.get_flat_model([tfit['line1d'].wave, tfit['cont1d'].flux]) sp_line = self.optimal_extract(line_model, **kwargs) sp_cont = self.optimal_extract(cont_model, **kwargs) elif masked_model is not None: bg_model = 0. sp_model = self.optimal_extract(masked_model, **kwargs) else: bg_model = 0. # Optimal spectral extraction sp = self.optimal_extract(self.scif_mask[:self.Nspec]-bg_model, **kwargs) if get_contam: spc = self.optimal_extract(self.contamf_mask[:self.Nspec], **kwargs) if (tfit is not None) & (get_background): bgm = self.get_flat_background(tfit['coeffs'], apply_mask=True) sp_bg = self.optimal_extract(bgm[:self.Nspec], **kwargs) else: sp_bg = None # Loop through grisms, change units and add fit columns # NB: setting units to "count / s" to comply with FITS standard, # where count / s = electron / s for k in sp: sp[k]['flat'] = sp_flat[k]['flux'] flat_unit = (u.count / u.s) / (u.erg / u.s /**2 / u.AA) sp[k]['flat'].unit = flat_unit sp[k]['flux'].unit = u.count / u.s sp[k]['err'].unit = u.count / u.s if get_contam: sp[k]['contam'] = spc[k]['flux'] sp[k]['contam'].unit = u.count / u.s if tfit is not None: sp[k]['line'] = sp_line[k]['flux'] sp[k]['line'].unit = u.count / u.s sp[k]['cont'] = sp_cont[k]['flux'] sp[k]['cont'].unit = u.count / u.s if masked_model is not None: sp[k]['model'] = sp_model[k]['flux'] sp[k]['model'].unit = u.count / u.s if sp_bg is not None: sp[k]['background'] = sp_bg[k]['flux'] sp[k]['background'].unit = u.count / u.s sp[k].meta['GRISM'] = (k, 'Grism name') # Metadata exptime = count = 0 for pa in self.PA[k]: for i in self.PA[k][pa]: exptime += self.beams[i].grism.header['EXPTIME'] count += 1 parent = (self.beams[i].grism.parent_file, 'Parent file') sp[k].meta['FILE{0:04d}'.format(count)] = parent sp[k].meta['NEXP'] = (count, 'Number of exposures') sp[k].meta['EXPTIME'] = (exptime, 'Total exposure time') sp[k].meta['NPA'] = (len(self.PA[k]), 'Number of PAs') # PSCALE if hasattr(self, 'pscale'): if (self.pscale is not None): pscale = self.compute_scale_array(self.pscale, sp[k]['wave']) sp[k]['pscale'] = pscale sp[k].meta['PSCALEN'] = (len(self.pscale)-1, 'PSCALE order') for i, p in enumerate(self.pscale): sp[k].meta['PSCALE{0}'.format(i)] = (p, 'PSCALE parameter {0}'.format(i)) return sp
[docs] def oned_spectrum_to_hdu(self, sp=None, outputfile=None, units=None, **kwargs): """Generate 1D spectra fits HDUList Parameters ---------- sp : optional, dict Output of `~grizli.multifit.MultiBeam.oned_spectrum`. If None, then run that function with `**kwargs`. outputfile : None, str If a string supplied, then write the `` to a file. Returns ------- hdul : `` FITS version of the 1D spectrum tables. """ from import table_to_hdu # Generate the spectrum if necessary if sp is None: sp = self.oned_spectrum(**kwargs) # Metadata in PrimaryHDU prim = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() prim.header['ID'] = (, 'Object ID') prim.header['RA'] = (self.ra, 'Right Ascension') prim.header['DEC'] = (self.dec, 'Declination') prim.header['TARGET'] = (self.group_name, 'Target Name') prim.header['MW_EBV'] = (self.MW_EBV, 'Galactic extinction E(B-V)') for g in ['G102', 'G141', 'G800L']: if g in sp: prim.header['N_{0}'.format(g)] = sp[g].meta['NEXP'] prim.header['T_{0}'.format(g)] = sp[g].meta['EXPTIME'] prim.header['PA_{0}'.format(g)] = sp[g].meta['NPA'] else: prim.header['N_{0}'.format(g)] = (0, 'Number of exposures') prim.header['T_{0}'.format(g)] = (0, 'Total exposure time') prim.header['PA_{0}'.format(g)] = (0, 'Number of PAs') for i, k in enumerate(sp): prim.header['GRISM{0:03d}'.format(i+1)] = (k, 'Grism name') # Generate HDUList hdul = [prim] for k in sp: hdu = table_to_hdu(sp[k]) hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = k hdul.append(hdu) # Outputs hdul = pyfits.HDUList(hdul) if outputfile is None: return hdul else: hdul.writeto(outputfile, overwrite=True) return hdul
[docs] def make_simple_hdulist(self): """ Make a`` object with just a simple PrimaryHDU """ p = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() p.header['ID'] = (, 'Object ID') p.header['RA'] = (self.ra, 'R.A.') p.header['DEC'] = (self.dec, 'Decl.') p.header['NINPUT'] = (len(self.beams), 'Number of drizzled beams') p.header['HASLINES'] = ('', 'Lines in this file') for i, beam in enumerate(self.beams): p.header['FILE{0:04d}'.format(i+1)] = (beam.grism.parent_file, 'Parent filename') p.header['GRIS{0:04d}'.format(i+1)] = (beam.grism.filter, 'Beam grism element') p.header['PA{0:04d}'.format(i+1)] = (beam.get_dispersion_PA(), 'PA of dispersion axis') return pyfits.HDUList(p)
[docs] def check_for_bad_PAs(self, poly_order=1, chi2_threshold=1.5, fit_background=True, reinit=True): """ """ wave = np.linspace(2000, 2.5e4, 100) poly_templates = utils.polynomial_templates(wave, order=poly_order) fit_log = OrderedDict() keep_dict = {} has_bad = False keep_beams = [] for g in self.PA: fit_log[g] = OrderedDict() keep_dict[g] = [] for pa in self.PA[g]: beams = [self.beams[i] for i in self.PA[g][pa]] mb_i = MultiBeam(beams, fcontam=self.fcontam, sys_err=self.sys_err, min_sens=self.min_sens, min_mask=self.min_mask, mask_resid=self.mask_resid, MW_EBV=self.MW_EBV) try: chi2, _, _, _ = mb_i.xfit_at_z(z=0, templates=poly_templates, fit_background=fit_background) except: chi2 = 1e30 if False: p_i = mb_i.template_at_z(z=0, templates=poly_templates, fit_background=fit_background, fitter='lstsq', fwhm=1400, get_uncertainties=2) fit_log[g][pa] = {'chi2': chi2, 'DoF': mb_i.DoF, 'chi_nu': chi2/np.maximum(mb_i.DoF, 1)} min_chinu = 1e30 for pa in self.PA[g]: min_chinu = np.minimum(min_chinu, fit_log[g][pa]['chi_nu']) fit_log[g]['min_chinu'] = min_chinu for pa in self.PA[g]: fit_log[g][pa]['chinu_ratio'] = fit_log[g][pa]['chi_nu']/min_chinu if fit_log[g][pa]['chinu_ratio'] < chi2_threshold: keep_dict[g].append(pa) keep_beams.extend([self.beams[i] for i in self.PA[g][pa]]) else: has_bad = True if reinit: self.beams = keep_beams self._parse_beams(psf=self.psf_param_dict is not None) return fit_log, keep_dict, has_bad
[docs]def get_redshift_fit_defaults(): """TBD """ pzfit_def = dict(zr=[0.5, 1.6], dz=[0.005, 0.0004], fwhm=0, poly_order=0, fit_background=True, delta_chi2_threshold=0.004, fitter='nnls', prior=None, templates={}, figsize=[8, 5], fsps_templates=False) pspec2_def = dict(dlam=0, spatial_scale=1, NY=20, figsize=[8, 3.5]) pline_def = dict(size=20, pixscale=0.1, pixfrac=0.2, kernel='square', wcs=None) return pzfit_def, pspec2_def, pline_def
[docs]def drizzle_2d_spectrum(beams, data=None, wlimit=[1.05, 1.75], dlam=50, spatial_scale=1, NY=10, pixfrac=0.6, kernel='square', convert_to_flambda=True, fcontam=0.2, fill_wht=False, ds9=None, mask_segmentation=True): """Drizzle 2D spectrum from a list of beams Parameters ---------- beams : list of `~.model.BeamCutout` objects data : None or list optionally, drizzle data specified in this list rather than the contamination-subtracted arrays from each beam. wlimit : [float, float] Limits on the wavelength array to drizzle ([wlim, wmax]) dlam : float Delta wavelength per pixel spatial_scale : float Relative scaling of the spatial axis (1 = native pixels) NY : int Size of the cutout in the spatial dimension, in output pixels pixfrac : float Drizzle PIXFRAC (for `kernel` = 'point') kernel : str, ('square' or 'point') Drizzle kernel to use convert_to_flambda : bool, float Convert the 2D spectrum to physical units using the sensitivity curves and if float provided, scale the flux densities by that value fcontam: float Factor by which to scale the contamination arrays and add to the pixel variances. fill_wht: bool Fill `wht==0` pixels of the beam weights with the median nonzero value. ds9: `~grizli.ds9.DS9` Show intermediate steps of the drizzling Returns ------- hdu : `` FITS HDUList with the drizzled 2D spectrum and weight arrays """ from astropy import log # try: # import drizzle # if drizzle.__version__ != '1.12.99': # # Not the fork that works for all input/output arrays # raise(ImportError) # # #print('drizzle!!') # from drizzle.dodrizzle import dodrizzle # drizzler = dodrizzle # dfillval = '0' # except: from drizzlepac import adrizzle adrizzle.log.setLevel('ERROR') drizzler = adrizzle.do_driz dfillval = 0 log.setLevel('ERROR') # log.disable_warnings_logging() NX = int(np.round(np.diff(wlimit)[0]*1.e4/dlam)) // 2 center = np.mean(wlimit[:2])*1.e4 out_header, output_wcs = utils.full_spectrum_wcsheader(center_wave=center, dlam=dlam, NX=NX, spatial_scale=spatial_scale, NY=NY) sh = (out_header['NAXIS2'], out_header['NAXIS1']) if not hasattr(output_wcs, '_naxis1'): output_wcs._naxis2, output_wcs._naxis1 = sh outsci = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) outwht = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) outctx = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.int32) outvar = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) outwv = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) outcv = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.int32) if data is None: data = [] for i, beam in enumerate(beams): # Contamination-subtracted beam_data =['SCI'] - beam.contam data.append(beam_data) for i, beam in enumerate(beams): # Get specific WCS for each beam beam_header, beam_wcs = beam.full_2d_wcs() if not hasattr(beam_wcs, 'pixel_shape'): beam_wcs.pixel_shape = beam_wcs._naxis1, beam_wcs._naxis2 if not hasattr(beam_wcs, '_naxis1'): beam_wcs._naxis1, beam_wcs._naxis2 = beam_wcs._naxis # Downweight contamination # wht = 1/beam.ivar + (fcontam*beam.contam)**2 # wht = np.asarray(1/wht,dtype=np.float32) # wht[~np.isfinite(wht)] = 0. contam_weight = np.exp(-(fcontam*np.abs(beam.contam)*np.sqrt(beam.ivar))) wht = beam.ivar*contam_weight wht[~np.isfinite(wht)] = 0. contam_weight[beam.ivar == 0] = 0 if fill_wht: wht_mask = wht == 0 med_wht = np.median(wht[~wht_mask]) wht[wht_mask] = med_wht #print('xx Fill weight: {0}'.format(med_wht)) data_i = data[i]*1. scl = 1. if convert_to_flambda: #data_i *= convert_to_flambda/beam.beam.sensitivity #wht *= (beam.beam.sensitivity/convert_to_flambda)**2 scl = convert_to_flambda # /1.e-17 scl *= 1./beam.flat_flam.reshape(beam.beam.sh_beam).sum(axis=0) #scl = convert_to_flambda/beam.beam.sensitivity data_i *= scl wht *= (1/scl)**2 #contam_weight *= scl wht[~np.isfinite(data_i+scl)] = 0 contam_weight[~np.isfinite(data_i+scl)] = 0 data_i[~np.isfinite(data_i+scl)] = 0 # Go drizzle # Contamination-cleaned drizzler(data_i, beam_wcs, wht, output_wcs, outsci, outwht, outctx, 1., 'cps', 1, wcslin_pscale=1., uniqid=1, pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel, fillval=dfillval) # For variance drizzler(contam_weight, beam_wcs, wht, output_wcs, outvar, outwv, outcv, 1., 'cps', 1, wcslin_pscale=1., uniqid=1, pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel, fillval=dfillval) if ds9 is not None: ds9.view(outsci/output_wcs.pscale**2, header=out_header) # if False: # # Plot the spectra for testing # w, f, e = beam.beam.trace_extract(data_i, ivar=wht, r=3) # clip = (f/e > 0.5) # clip &= (e < 2*np.median(e[clip])) # plt.errorbar(w[clip], f[clip], e[clip], marker='.', color='k', alpha=0.5, ecolor='0.8', linestyle='None') # dw = np.median(np.diff(w)) # Correct for drizzle scaling area_ratio = 1./output_wcs.pscale**2 # Preserve flux (has to preserve aperture flux along spatial axis but # average in spectral axis). #area_ratio *= spatial_scale # preserve flux density flux_density_scale = spatial_scale**2 # science outsci *= area_ratio*flux_density_scale # variance outvar *= area_ratio/outwv*flux_density_scale**2 outwht = 1/outvar outwht[(outvar == 0) | (~np.isfinite(outwht))] = 0 # if True: # # Plot for testing.... # yp, xp = np.indices(outsci.shape) # mask = np.abs(yp-NY) <= 3/spatial_scale # fl = (outsci*mask).sum(axis=0) # flv = (1/outwht*mask).sum(axis=0) # # wi = grizli.stack.StackedSpectrum.get_wavelength_from_header(out_header) # # plt.errorbar(wi[:-1], fl[1:], np.sqrt(flv)[1:], alpha=0.8) #*area_ratio) # return outwht, outsci, outvar, outwv, output_wcs.pscale p = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() p.header['ID'] = (beams[0].id, 'Object ID') p.header['WMIN'] = (wlimit[0], 'Minimum wavelength') p.header['WMAX'] = (wlimit[1], 'Maximum wavelength') p.header['DLAM'] = (dlam, 'Delta wavelength') p.header['SSCALE'] = (spatial_scale, 'Spatial scale factor w.r.t native') p.header['FCONTAM'] = (fcontam, 'Contamination weight') p.header['PIXFRAC'] = (pixfrac, 'Drizzle PIXFRAC') p.header['DRIZKRNL'] = (kernel, 'Drizzle kernel') p.header['BEAM'] = (beams[0].beam.beam, 'Grism order') p.header['NINPUT'] = (len(beams), 'Number of drizzled beams') exptime = 0. for i, beam in enumerate(beams): p.header['FILE{0:04d}'.format(i+1)] = (beam.grism.parent_file, 'Parent filename') p.header['GRIS{0:04d}'.format(i+1)] = (beam.grism.filter, 'Beam grism element') p.header['PA{0:04d}'.format(i+1)] = (beam.get_dispersion_PA(), 'PA of dispersion axis') exptime += beam.grism.exptime p.header['EXPTIME'] = (exptime, 'Total exposure time [s]') h = out_header.copy() grism_sci = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=outsci, header=h, name='SCI') grism_wht = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=outwht, header=h, name='WHT') hdul = pyfits.HDUList([p, grism_sci, grism_wht]) return hdul
[docs]def drizzle_to_wavelength(beams, wcs=None, ra=0., dec=0., wave=1.e4, size=5, pixscale=0.1, pixfrac=0.6, kernel='square', theta=0., direct_extension='REF', fcontam=0.2, custom_key=None, ds9=None): """Drizzle a cutout at a specific wavelength from a list of `~grizli.model.BeamCutout` objects Parameters ---------- beams : list of `~.model.BeamCutout` objects. wcs : `~astropy.wcs.WCS` or None Pre-determined WCS. If not specified, generate one based on ``ra``, ``dec``, ``pixscale`` and ``pixscale``. ra, dec, wave : float Sky coordinates and central wavelength size : float Size of the output thumbnail, in arcsec pixscale : float Pixel scale of the output thumbnail, in arcsec pixfrac : float Drizzle PIXFRAC (for ``kernel`` = 'point') kernel : str, ('square' or 'point') Drizzle kernel to use theta : float Position angle of output WCS direct_extension : str, ('SCI' or 'REF') Extension of ```` do drizzle for the thumbnail fcontam: float Factor by which to scale the contamination arrays and add to the pixel variances. custom_key : str Key of `` dictionary to use as the science array for the drizzled output ds9 : `~grizli.ds9.DS9`, optional Display each step of the drizzling to an open DS9 window Returns ------- hdu : `` FITS HDUList with the drizzled thumbnail, line and continuum cutouts. """ # try: # import drizzle # if drizzle.__version__ != '1.12.99': # # Not the fork that works for all input/output arrays # raise(ImportError) # # #print('drizzle!!') # from drizzle.dodrizzle import dodrizzle # drizzler = dodrizzle # dfillval = '0' # except: from drizzlepac import adrizzle adrizzle.log.setLevel('ERROR') drizzler = adrizzle.do_driz dfillval = 0 # Nothing to do if len(beams) == 0: return False # Get output header and WCS if wcs is None: header, output_wcs = utils.make_wcsheader(ra=ra, dec=dec, size=size, theta=theta, pixscale=pixscale, get_hdu=False) else: output_wcs = wcs.copy() if not hasattr(output_wcs, 'pscale'): output_wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(output_wcs) header = utils.to_header(output_wcs, relax=True) if not hasattr(output_wcs, '_naxis1'): output_wcs._naxis1, output_wcs._naxis2 = output_wcs._naxis # Initialize data sh = (header['NAXIS2'], header['NAXIS1']) outsci = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) outwht = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) outctx = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.int32) coutsci = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) coutwht = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) coutctx = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.int32) xoutsci = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) xoutwht = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) xoutctx = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.int32) #direct_filters = np.unique([ for b in self.beams]) all_direct_filters = [] for beam in beams: if direct_extension == 'REF': if['REF'] is None: filt_i = direct_extension = 'SCI' else: filt_i = all_direct_filters.append(filt_i) direct_filters = np.unique(all_direct_filters) doutsci, doutwht, doutctx = {}, {}, {} for f in direct_filters: doutsci[f] = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) doutwht[f] = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) doutctx[f] = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.int32) # doutsci = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) # doutwht = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) # doutctx = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.int32) # Loop through beams and run drizzle for i, beam in enumerate(beams): # Get specific wavelength WCS for each beam beam_header, beam_wcs = beam.get_wavelength_wcs(wave) if not hasattr(beam_wcs, 'pixel_shape'): beam_wcs.pixel_shape = beam_wcs._naxis1, beam_wcs._naxis2 if not hasattr(beam_wcs, '_naxis1'): beam_wcs._naxis1, beam_wcs._naxis2 = beam_wcs._naxis # Make sure CRPIX set correctly for the SIP header for j in [0, 1]: # if beam_wcs.sip is not None: # beam_wcs.sip.crpix[j] = beam_wcs.wcs.crpix[j] if is not None:[j] =[j] for wcs_ext in [beam_wcs.sip]: if wcs_ext is not None: wcs_ext.crpix[j] = beam_wcs.wcs.crpix[j] # ACS requires additional wcs attributes ACS_CRPIX = [4096/2, 2048/2] dx_crpix = beam_wcs.wcs.crpix[0] - ACS_CRPIX[0] dy_crpix = beam_wcs.wcs.crpix[1] - ACS_CRPIX[1] for wcs_ext in [beam_wcs.cpdis1, beam_wcs.cpdis2, beam_wcs.det2im1, beam_wcs.det2im2]: if wcs_ext is not None: wcs_ext.crval[0] += dx_crpix wcs_ext.crval[1] += dy_crpix if custom_key is None: beam_data =['SCI'] - beam.contam if hasattr(beam, 'background'): beam_data -= beam.background if hasattr(beam, 'extra_lines'): beam_data -= beam.extra_lines beam_continuum = beam.beam.model*1 if hasattr(beam.beam, 'pscale_array'): beam_continuum *= beam.beam.pscale_array else: beam_data =[custom_key]*1 beam_continuum = beam_data * 0 # Downweight contamination if fcontam > 0: # wht = 1/beam.ivar + (fcontam*beam.contam)**2 # wht = np.asarray(1/wht,dtype=np.float32) # wht[~np.isfinite(wht)] = 0. contam_weight = np.exp(-(fcontam*np.abs(beam.contam)*np.sqrt(beam.ivar))) wht = beam.ivar*contam_weight wht[~np.isfinite(wht)] = 0. else: wht = beam.ivar*1 # Convert to f_lambda integrated line fluxes: # (Inverse of the aXe sensitivity) x (size of pixel in \AA) sens = np.interp(wave, beam.beam.lam, beam.beam.sensitivity, left=0, right=0) dlam = np.interp(wave, beam.beam.lam[1:], np.diff(beam.beam.lam)) # 1e-17 erg/s/cm2 #, scaling closer to e-/s sens *= 1.e-17 sens *= 1./dlam if sens == 0: continue else: wht *= sens**2 beam_data /= sens beam_continuum /= sens # Go drizzle # Contamination-cleaned drizzler(beam_data, beam_wcs, wht, output_wcs, outsci, outwht, outctx, 1., 'cps', 1, wcslin_pscale=beam.grism.wcs.pscale, uniqid=1, pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel, fillval=dfillval, wcsmap=utils.WCSMapAll, ) # Continuum drizzler(beam_continuum, beam_wcs, wht, output_wcs, coutsci, coutwht, coutctx, 1., 'cps', 1, wcslin_pscale=beam.grism.wcs.pscale, uniqid=1, pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel, fillval=dfillval, wcsmap=utils.WCSMapAll, ) # Contamination drizzler(beam.contam, beam_wcs, wht, output_wcs, xoutsci, xoutwht, xoutctx, 1., 'cps', 1, wcslin_pscale=beam.grism.wcs.pscale, uniqid=1, pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel, fillval=dfillval, wcsmap=utils.WCSMapAll, ) # Direct thumbnail filt_i = all_direct_filters[i] if direct_extension == 'REF': thumb =['REF'] thumb_wht = np.asarray((thumb != 0)*1,dtype=np.float32) else: thumb =[direct_extension] # / thumb_wht = 1./(['ERR']/**2 thumb_wht[~np.isfinite(thumb_wht)] = 0 if not hasattr(, 'pixel_shape'): = (, if not hasattr(, '_naxis1'):, = drizzler(thumb,, thumb_wht, output_wcs, doutsci[filt_i], doutwht[filt_i], doutctx[filt_i], 1., 'cps', 1,, uniqid=1, pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel, fillval=dfillval, wcsmap=utils.WCSMapAll, ) # Show in ds9 if ds9 is not None: ds9.view((outsci-coutsci), header=header) # Scaling of drizzled outputs outwht *= (beams[0].grism.wcs.pscale/output_wcs.pscale)**4 coutwht *= (beams[0].grism.wcs.pscale/output_wcs.pscale)**4 xoutwht *= (beams[0].grism.wcs.pscale/output_wcs.pscale)**4 for filt_i in all_direct_filters: doutwht[filt_i] *= (beams[0].direct.wcs.pscale/output_wcs.pscale)**4 # Make output FITS products p = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() p.header['ID'] = (beams[0].id, 'Object ID') p.header['RA'] = (ra, 'Central R.A.') p.header['DEC'] = (dec, 'Central Decl.') p.header['PIXFRAC'] = (pixfrac, 'Drizzle PIXFRAC') p.header['DRIZKRNL'] = (kernel, 'Drizzle kernel') p.header['NINPUT'] = (len(beams), 'Number of drizzled beams') for i, beam in enumerate(beams): p.header['FILE{0:04d}'.format(i+1)] = (beam.grism.parent_file, 'Parent filename') p.header['GRIS{0:04d}'.format(i+1)] = (beam.grism.filter, 'Beam grism element') p.header['PA{0:04d}'.format(i+1)] = (beam.get_dispersion_PA(), 'PA of dispersion axis') h = header.copy() h['ID'] = (, 'Object ID') h['PIXFRAC'] = (pixfrac, 'Drizzle PIXFRAC') h['DRIZKRNL'] = (kernel, 'Drizzle kernel') p.header['NDFILT'] = len(direct_filters), 'Number of direct image filters' for i, filt_i in enumerate(direct_filters): p.header['DFILT{0:02d}'.format(i+1)] = filt_i p.header['NFILT{0:02d}'.format(i+1)] = all_direct_filters.count(filt_i), 'Number of beams with this direct filter' HDUL = [p] for i, filt_i in enumerate(direct_filters): h['FILTER'] = (filt_i, 'Direct image filter') thumb_sci = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=doutsci[filt_i], header=h, name='DSCI') thumb_wht = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=doutwht[filt_i], header=h, name='DWHT') thumb_sci.header['EXTVER'] = filt_i thumb_wht.header['EXTVER'] = filt_i HDUL += [thumb_sci, thumb_wht] #thumb_seg = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=seg_slice, header=h, name='DSEG') h['FILTER'] = (beam.grism.filter, 'Grism filter') h['WAVELEN'] = (wave, 'Central wavelength') grism_sci = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=outsci-coutsci, header=h, name='LINE') grism_cont = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=coutsci, header=h, name='CONTINUUM') grism_contam = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=xoutsci, header=h, name='CONTAM') grism_wht = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=outwht, header=h, name='LINEWHT') #HDUL = [p, thumb_sci, thumb_wht, grism_sci, grism_cont, grism_contam, grism_wht] HDUL += [grism_sci, grism_cont, grism_contam, grism_wht] return pyfits.HDUList(HDUL)
[docs]def show_drizzle_HDU(hdu, diff=True, mask_segmentation=True, average_only=False, scale_size=1, cmap='viridis_r', show_labels=True, width_ratio=0.2, **kwargs): """Make a figure from the multiple extensions in the drizzled grism file. Parameters ---------- hdu : `` HDU list output by `drizzle_grisms_and_PAs`. diff : bool If True, then plot the stacked spectrum minus the model. Returns ------- fig : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` The figure. """ from collections import OrderedDict from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator h0 = hdu[0].header NX = h0['NGRISM'] NY = 0 grisms = OrderedDict() for ig in range(NX): g = h0['GRISM{0:03d}'.format(ig+1)] NY = np.maximum(NY, h0['N'+g]) grisms[g] = h0['N'+g] NY += 1 widths = [] for i in range(NX): widths.extend([width_ratio, 1]) if average_only: NY = 1 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(NX*scale_size/width_ratio, NY*scale_size+0.33)) gs = GridSpec(NY, NX*2, width_ratios=widths) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(NX*scale_size/width_ratio, 1*NY*scale_size)) gs = GridSpec(NY, NX*2, height_ratios=[1]*NY, width_ratios=widths) for ig, g in enumerate(grisms): sci_i = hdu['SCI', g] wht_i = hdu['WHT', g] model_i = hdu['MODEL', g] kern_i = hdu['KERNEL', g] h_i = sci_i.header clip = > 0 if clip.sum() == 0: clip = np.isfinite( avg_rms = 1/np.median(np.sqrt([clip])) vmax = np.maximum(1.1*np.percentile([clip], 98), 5*avg_rms) vmax_kern = 1.1*np.percentile(, 99.5) # Kernel ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[NY-1, ig*2+0]) sh = extent = [0, sh[1], 0, sh[0]] ax.imshow(, origin='lower', interpolation='Nearest', vmin=-0.1*vmax_kern, vmax=vmax_kern, cmap=cmap, extent=extent, aspect='auto') ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(length=0) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(length=0) # Spectrum sh = extent = [h_i['WMIN'], h_i['WMAX'], 0, sh[0]] ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[NY-1, ig*2+1]) if diff: #print('xx DIFF!') m = else: m = 0 ax.imshow(, origin='lower', interpolation='Nearest', vmin=-0.1*vmax, vmax=vmax, extent=extent, cmap=cmap, aspect='auto') ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda$ ($\mu$m) - '+g) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(GRISM_MAJOR[g])) if average_only: iters = [] else: iters = range(grisms[g]) for ip in iters: #print(ip, ig) pa = h0['{0}{1:02d}'.format(g, ip+1)] sci_i = hdu['SCI', '{0},{1}'.format(g, pa)] wht_i = hdu['WHT', '{0},{1}'.format(g, pa)] kern_i = hdu['KERNEL', '{0},{1}'.format(g, pa)] h_i = sci_i.header # Kernel ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[ip, ig*2+0]) sh = extent = [0, sh[1], 0, sh[0]] ax.imshow(, origin='lower', interpolation='Nearest', vmin=-0.1*vmax_kern, vmax=vmax_kern, extent=extent, cmap=cmap, aspect='auto') ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(length=0) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(length=0) # Spectrum sh = extent = [h_i['WMIN'], h_i['WMAX'], 0, sh[0]] ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[ip, ig*2+1]) ax.imshow(, origin='lower', interpolation='Nearest', vmin=-0.1*vmax, vmax=vmax, extent=extent, cmap=cmap, aspect='auto') ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(GRISM_MAJOR[g])) if show_labels: ax.text(0.015, 0.94, '{0:3.0f}'.format(pa), ha='left', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=8, backgroundcolor='w') if (ig == (NX-1)) & (ip == 0) & show_labels: ax.text(0.98, 0.94, 'ID = {0}'.format(h0['ID']), ha='right', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=8, backgroundcolor='w') if average_only: #pass gs.tight_layout(fig, pad=0.01) else: gs.tight_layout(fig, pad=0.1) return fig
[docs]def drizzle_2d_spectrum_wcs(beams, data=None, wlimit=[1.05, 1.75], dlam=50, spatial_scale=1, NY=10, pixfrac=0.6, kernel='square', convert_to_flambda=True, fcontam=0.2, fill_wht=False, ds9=None, mask_segmentation=True): """Drizzle 2D spectrum from a list of beams Parameters ---------- beams : list of `~.model.BeamCutout` objects data : None or list optionally, drizzle data specified in this list rather than the contamination-subtracted arrays from each beam. wlimit : [float, float] Limits on the wavelength array to drizzle ([wlim, wmax]) dlam : float Delta wavelength per pixel spatial_scale : float Relative scaling of the spatial axis (1 = native pixels) NY : int Size of the cutout in the spatial dimension, in output pixels pixfrac : float Drizzle PIXFRAC (for `kernel` = 'point') kernel : str, ('square' or 'point') Drizzle kernel to use convert_to_flambda : bool, float Convert the 2D spectrum to physical units using the sensitivity curves and if float provided, scale the flux densities by that value fcontam: float Factor by which to scale the contamination arrays and add to the pixel variances. ds9: `~grizli.ds9.DS9` Show intermediate steps of the drizzling Returns ------- hdu : `` FITS HDUList with the drizzled 2D spectrum and weight arrays """ # try: # import drizzle # if drizzle.__version__ != '1.12.99': # # Not the fork that works for all input/output arrays # raise(ImportError) # # #print('drizzle!!') # from drizzle.dodrizzle import dodrizzle # drizzler = dodrizzle # dfillval = '0' # except: from drizzlepac import adrizzle adrizzle.log.setLevel('ERROR') drizzler = adrizzle.do_driz dfillval = 0 from stwcs import distortion from astropy import log log.setLevel('ERROR') # log.disable_warnings_logging() adrizzle.log.setLevel('ERROR') NX = int(np.round(np.diff(wlimit)[0]*1.e4/dlam)) // 2 center = np.mean(wlimit[:2])*1.e4 out_header, output_wcs = utils.make_spectrum_wcsheader(center_wave=center, dlam=dlam, NX=NX, spatial_scale=spatial_scale, NY=NY) pixscale = 0.128*spatial_scale # # Get central RA, reference pixel of beam[0] # #rd = beams[0].get_sky_coords() # x0 = beams[0].beam.x0.reshape((1,2)) # #x0[0,1] +=[1]-beam.grism.origin[1] # rd = beam.grism.wcs.all_pix2world(x0,1)[0] # theta = 270-beams[0].get_dispersion_PA() #out_header, output_wcs = utils.make_wcsheader(ra=rd[0], dec=rd[1], size=[50,10], pixscale=pixscale, get_hdu=False, theta=theta) if True: theta = -np.arctan2(np.diff(beams[0].beam.ytrace)[0], 1) undist_wcs = distortion.utils.output_wcs([beams[0].grism.wcs], undistort=True) undist_wcs = utils.transform_wcs(undist_wcs, rotation=theta, scale=undist_wcs.pscale/pixscale) output_wcs = undist_wcs.copy() out_header = utils.to_header(output_wcs) # Direct image d_undist_wcs = distortion.utils.output_wcs([beams[0].direct.wcs], undistort=True) d_undist_wcs = utils.transform_wcs(d_undist_wcs, rotation=0., scale=d_undist_wcs.pscale/pixscale) d_output_wcs = d_undist_wcs.copy() # Make square if hasattr(d_output_wcs, '_naxis1'): nx1, nx2 = d_output_wcs._naxis1, d_output_wcs._naxis2 else: nx1, nx2 = d_output_wcs._naxis d_output_wcs._naxis1, d_output_wcs._naxis2 = nx1, nx2 dx = nx1 - nx2 if hasattr(d_output_wcs, '_naxis1'): d_output_wcs._naxis1 = d_output_wcs._naxis2 else: d_output_wcs._naxis[0] = d_output_wcs._naxis[1] d_output_wcs._naxis1 = d_output_wcs._naxis2 = d_output_wcs._naxis[0] d_output_wcs.wcs.crpix[0] -= dx/2. d_out_header = utils.to_header(d_output_wcs) #delattr(output_wcs, 'orientat') #beam_header = utils.to_header(beam_wcs) #output_wcs = beam_wcs #output_wcs = pywcs.WCS(beam_header, relax=True) #output_wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(output_wcs) # shift CRPIX to reference position of beam[0] sh = (out_header['NAXIS2'], out_header['NAXIS1']) sh_d = (d_out_header['NAXIS2'], d_out_header['NAXIS1']) outsci = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) outwht = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) outctx = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.int32) doutsci = np.zeros(sh_d, dtype=np.float32) doutwht = np.zeros(sh_d, dtype=np.float32) doutctx = np.zeros(sh_d, dtype=np.int32) outvar = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) outwv = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) outcv = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.int32) outls = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) outlw = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.float32) outlc = np.zeros(sh, dtype=np.int32) if data is None: data = [] for i, beam in enumerate(beams): # Contamination-subtracted beam_data =['SCI'] - beam.contam data.append(beam_data) for i, beam in enumerate(beams): # Get specific WCS for each beam beam_header, beam_wcs = beam.get_2d_wcs() beam_wcs = beam.grism.wcs.deepcopy() # Shift SIP reference dx_sip = beam.grism.origin[1] -[1] #beam_wcs.sip.crpix[0] += dx_sip for wcs_ext in [beam_wcs.sip]: if wcs_ext is not None: wcs_ext.crpix[0] += dx_sip for wcs_ext in [beam_wcs.cpdis1, beam_wcs.cpdis2, beam_wcs.det2im1, beam_wcs.det2im2]: if wcs_ext is not None: wcs_ext.crval[0] += dx_sip # Shift y for trace xy0 = beam.grism.wcs.all_world2pix(output_wcs.wcs.crval.reshape((1, 2)), 0)[0] dy = np.interp(xy0[0], np.arange(beam.beam.sh_beam[1]), beam.beam.ytrace) #beam_wcs.sip.crpix[1] += dy beam_wcs.wcs.crpix[1] += dy for wcs_ext in [beam_wcs.sip]: if wcs_ext is not None: wcs_ext.crpix[1] += dy for wcs_ext in [beam_wcs.cpdis1, beam_wcs.cpdis2, beam_wcs.det2im1, beam_wcs.det2im2]: if wcs_ext is not None: wcs_ext.crval[1] += dy if not hasattr(beam_wcs, 'pixel_shape'): beam_wcs.pixel_shape = beam_wcs._naxis1, beam_wcs._naxis2 if not hasattr(beam_wcs, '_naxis1'): beam_wcs._naxis1, beam_wcs._naxis2 = beam_wcs._naxis d_beam_wcs = if['REF'] is None: d_wht = 1./['ERR']**2 d_wht[~np.isfinite(d_wht)] = 0 d_sci =['SCI']*1 else: d_sci =['REF']*1 d_wht = d_sci*0.+1 if mask_segmentation: d_sci *= (beam.beam.seg == # Downweight contamination # wht = 1/beam.ivar + (fcontam*beam.contam)**2 # wht = np.asarray(1/wht,dtype=np.float32) # wht[~np.isfinite(wht)] = 0. contam_weight = np.exp(-(fcontam*np.abs(beam.contam)*np.sqrt(beam.ivar))) wht = beam.ivar*contam_weight wht[~np.isfinite(wht)] = 0. contam_weight[beam.ivar == 0] = 0 data_i = data[i]*1. scl = 1. if convert_to_flambda: #data_i *= convert_to_flambda/beam.beam.sensitivity #wht *= (beam.beam.sensitivity/convert_to_flambda)**2 scl = convert_to_flambda # /1.e-17 scl *= 1./beam.flat_flam.reshape(beam.beam.sh_beam).sum(axis=0) #scl = convert_to_flambda/beam.beam.sensitivity data_i *= scl wht *= (1/scl)**2 #contam_weight *= scl wht[~np.isfinite(data_i+scl)] = 0 contam_weight[~np.isfinite(data_i+scl)] = 0 data_i[~np.isfinite(data_i+scl)] = 0 # Go drizzle data_wave =[0])[:, None], beam.beam.lam[None, :]) drizzler(data_wave, beam_wcs, wht*0.+1, output_wcs, outls, outlw, outlc, 1., 'cps', 1, wcslin_pscale=1., uniqid=1, pixfrac=1, kernel='square', fillval=dfillval) # Direct image drizzler(d_sci, d_beam_wcs, d_wht, d_output_wcs, doutsci, doutwht, doutctx, 1., 'cps', 1, wcslin_pscale=d_beam_wcs.pscale, uniqid=1, pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel, fillval=dfillval) # Contamination-cleaned drizzler(data_i, beam_wcs, wht, output_wcs, outsci, outwht, outctx, 1., 'cps', 1, wcslin_pscale=beam_wcs.pscale, uniqid=1, pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel, fillval=dfillval) # For variance drizzler(contam_weight, beam_wcs, wht, output_wcs, outvar, outwv, outcv, 1., 'cps', 1, wcslin_pscale=beam_wcs.pscale, uniqid=1, pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel, fillval=dfillval) if ds9 is not None: ds9.view(outsci, header=out_header) # if True: # w, f, e = beam.beam.optimal_extract(data_i, ivar=beam.ivar) # plt.scatter(w, f, marker='.', color='k', alpha=0.5) # Correct for drizzle scaling #outsci /= output_wcs.pscale**2 outls /= output_wcs.pscale**2 wave = np.median(outls, axis=0) # # Testing # fl = (sp[1].data*mask).sum(axis=0) # variance outvar /= outwv # *output_wcs.pscale**2 outwht = 1/outvar outwht[(outvar == 0) | (~np.isfinite(outwht))] = 0 # return outwht, outsci, outvar, outwv, output_wcs.pscale p = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() p.header['ID'] = (beams[0].id, 'Object ID') p.header['WMIN'] = (wave[0], 'Minimum wavelength') p.header['WMAX'] = (wave[-1], 'Maximum wavelength') p.header['DLAM'] = ((wave[-1]-wave[0])/wave.size, 'Delta wavelength') p.header['FCONTAM'] = (fcontam, 'Contamination weight') p.header['PIXFRAC'] = (pixfrac, 'Drizzle PIXFRAC') p.header['DRIZKRNL'] = (kernel, 'Drizzle kernel') p.header['NINPUT'] = (len(beams), 'Number of drizzled beams') for i, beam in enumerate(beams): p.header['FILE{0:04d}'.format(i+1)] = (beam.grism.parent_file, 'Parent filename') p.header['GRIS{0:04d}'.format(i+1)] = (beam.grism.filter, 'Beam grism element') h = out_header.copy() for k in p.header: h[k] = p.header[k] direct_sci = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=doutsci, header=d_out_header, name='DSCI') grism_sci = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=outsci, header=h, name='SCI') grism_wht = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=outwht, header=h, name='WHT') hdul = pyfits.HDUList([p, grism_sci, grism_wht, direct_sci]) return hdul