
grizli.utils_numba.disperse.disperse_grism_object(flam, segm, seg_id, idxl, yfrac, ysens, modelf, x0, shd, sh_thumb, shg)[source]

Compute a dispersed 2D spectrum


Direct image thumbnail


Segmentation image

seg_idint, float

Source ID. The dispersed spectrum is computed for pixels in flam where segm == seg_id.

idxlarray-like (int)

Flattened indices of the trace in the 2D cutout

yfracarray-like (float)

Fraction of the flux of the “bottom” pixel along the beam

ysensarray-like (float)

Sensitivity or spectrum along the trace

modelfarray-like (float)

Flattened dispersed spectrum. The dispersed spectrum is added in-place to this array

x0int, int

Reference pixel where the trace is defined

shdint, int

Shape of the thumbnail array

sh_thumbint, int

half-size of the thumbnail cutout to consider (this is generally x0)

shgint, int

Shape of the unflattened 2D spectrum


True if the function is executed successfully. The dispersed spectrum itself is added to modelf