
grizli.utils.make_maximal_wcs(files, pixel_scale=None, get_hdu=True, pad=90, verbose=True, theta=0, poly_buffer=0.0002777777777777778, nsci_extensions=4)[source]

Compute an ImageHDU with a footprint that covers all of files


List of HST FITS files (e.g., FLT.) or WCS objects.

pixel_scalefloat, optional

Pixel scale of output WCS, in arcsec. If None, get pixel scale of first file in files.

get_hdubool, optional

If True, return an ImageHDU object. If False, return a tuple of Header and WCS.

padfloat, optional

Padding to add to the total image size, in arcsec.

thetafloat, optional

Position angle, in degrees.

poly_bufferfloat, optional

Buffer size to apply to the footprint polygon, in degrees.

nsci_extensionsint, optional

Number of ‘SCI’ extensions to try in the exposure files.


If get_hdu is True.

header, wcsHeader, WCS

If get_hdu is False.