- class grizli.grismconf.CRDSGrismConf(file='references/jwst/nircam/jwst_nircam_specwcs_0136.asdf', get_photom=True, context='jwst_1123.pmap', **kwargs)[source]¶
Helper object to replicate
config files from CRDS products- Parameters
- filestr
Filename of a CRDS
file- get_photombool
Get sensitivity curves from the
reference file- contextstr
- Attributes
- dm
DataModel of the
reference- metadict
Metadata dictionary from
- dm_orderslist
List of orders from
- crds_parametersdict
CRDS parameter dictionary from
- dispx, dispy, displlist, list, list
Parameter polynomials from the reference datamodel
- SENS_datadict
Sensitivity data like
{order: (wave_microns, sensitity)}
- dm
Attributes Summary
Return combination of blocking filter + dispering element
Return filter for NIRISS, pupil for NIRCAM, filter for HST
Return combination of blocking filter, dispering element, (module)
String version of orders, like '+1', '+2', '0', '-1'
Methods Summary
(order, x0, y0, t[, dt])Replicate grismconf.DDISPL
(order, x0, y0, t[, dt])Replicate grismconf.DDISPX
(order, x0, y0, t[, dt])Replicate grismconf.DDISPY
(order, x0, y0, t)Replicate grismconf.DISPL
(order, x0, y0, t)Replicate grismconf.DISPX
(order, x0, y0, t)Replicate grismconf.DISPXY (combination of DISPX, DISPY)
(order, x0, y0, t)Replicate grismconf.DISPY
(order, x0, y0, dx[, t0, from_root])Inverse DISPL
(order, x0, y0, dx[, t0, from_root])Inverse DISPX
(order, x0, y0, dx[, t0, from_root])Inverse DISPY
([xyt, date, photom_file, verbose])Load photom reference from CRDS and scale to grismconf / aXe convention
Initialize polynomial objects from a
([verbose])Replace +1 NIRCam sensitivity curves with Nov 10, 2023 updates
Attributes Documentation
- filter¶
- filter_grism¶
Return combination of blocking filter + dispering element
- grism¶
Return filter for NIRISS, pupil for NIRCAM, filter for HST
- instrument¶
- instrument_setup¶
Return combination of blocking filter, dispering element, (module)
- module¶
- orders¶
String version of orders, like ‘+1’, ‘+2’, ‘0’, ‘-1’
- pupil¶
Methods Documentation
- DDISPL(order, x0, y0, t, dt=0.01)[source]¶
Replicate grismconf.DDISPL
Evaluates the derivative of the dispersion polynomial from the reference datamodel for a given order along the dispersion axis.
- Parameters
- orderstr
Order name like ‘+1’, ‘0’, ‘-1’
- x0, y0float or array-like
Detector coordinates in the direct image
- tfloat or array-like
Evaluation point(s) of the independent trace variable
- dtfloat
Delta t for finite difference.
- Returns
- ddisplfloat or array-like
Value(s) of the derivative of the dispersion polynomial.
- DDISPX(order, x0, y0, t, dt=0.01)[source]¶
Replicate grismconf.DDISPX
Evaluates the derivative of the dispersion polynomial from the reference datamodel for a given order in x direction.
- Parameters
- orderstr
Order name like ‘+1’, ‘0’, ‘-1’
- x0, y0float or array-like
Detector coordinates in the direct image
- tfloat or array-like
Evaluation point(s) of the independent trace variable
- dtfloat
Delta t for finite difference.
- Returns
- ddispxfloat or array-like
Derivative of the x pixel along the trace
- DDISPY(order, x0, y0, t, dt=0.01)[source]¶
Replicate grismconf.DDISPY
Evaluates the derivative of the dispersion polynomial from the reference datamodel for a given order in y direction.
- Parameters
- orderstr
Order name like ‘+1’, ‘0’, ‘-1’
- x0, y0float or array-like
Detector coordinates in the direct image
- tfloat or array-like
Evaluation point(s) of the independent trace variable
- dtfloat
Delta t for finite difference.
- Returns
- ddispyfloat or array-like
Value(s) of the derivative of the y pixel along the trace.
- DISPL(order, x0, y0, t)[source]¶
Replicate grismconf.DISPL
Evaluates dispersion polynomials from the reference datamodel for a given order along the dispersion axis.
- Parameters
- orderstr
Order name like ‘+1’, ‘0’, ‘-1’
- x0, y0float or array-like
Detector coordinates in the direct image
- tfloat or array-like
Evaluation point(s) of the independent trace variable
- Returns
- displfloat or array-like
Wavelength value(s) along the trace, microns
- DISPX(order, x0, y0, t)[source]¶
Replicate grismconf.DISPX
Evaluates dispersion polynomial from the reference datamodel for a given order in x direction.
- Parameters
- orderstr
Order name like ‘+1’, ‘0’, ‘-1’
- x0, y0float or array-like
Detector coordinates in the direct image
- tfloat or array-like
Evaluation point(s) of the independent trace variable
- Returns
- dispxfloat or array-like
x pixel along the trace
- DISPXY(order, x0, y0, t)[source]¶
Replicate grismconf.DISPXY (combination of DISPX, DISPY)
Evaluates dispersion polynomials from the reference datamodel for a given order in x and y directions.
- Parameters
- orderstr
Order name like ‘+1’, ‘0’, ‘-1’
- x0, y0float or array-like
Detector coordinates in the direct image
- tfloat or array-like
Evaluation point(s) of the independent trace variable
- Returns
- dispx, dispyfloat or array-like, float or array-like
x and y pixels along the trace
- DISPY(order, x0, y0, t)[source]¶
Replicate grismconf.DISPY
Evaluates dispersion polynomial from the reference datamodel for a given order in y direction.
- Parameters
- orderstr
Order name like ‘+1’, ‘0’, ‘-1’
- x0, y0float or array-like
Detector coordinates in the direct image
- tfloat or array-like
Evaluation point(s) of the independent trace variable
- Returns
- dispyfloat or array-like
y pixel along the trace
- INVDISPL(order, x0, y0, dx, t0=array([-1., -0.97637795, -0.95275591, -0.92913386, -0.90551181, -0.88188976, -0.85826772, -0.83464567, -0.81102362, -0.78740157, -0.76377953, -0.74015748, -0.71653543, -0.69291339, -0.66929134, -0.64566929, -0.62204724, -0.5984252, -0.57480315, -0.5511811, -0.52755906, -0.50393701, -0.48031496, -0.45669291, -0.43307087, -0.40944882, -0.38582677, -0.36220472, -0.33858268, -0.31496063, -0.29133858, -0.26771654, -0.24409449, -0.22047244, -0.19685039, -0.17322835, -0.1496063, -0.12598425, -0.1023622, -0.07874016, -0.05511811, -0.03149606, -0.00787402, 0.01574803, 0.03937008, 0.06299213, 0.08661417, 0.11023622, 0.13385827, 0.15748031, 0.18110236, 0.20472441, 0.22834646, 0.2519685, 0.27559055, 0.2992126, 0.32283465, 0.34645669, 0.37007874, 0.39370079, 0.41732283, 0.44094488, 0.46456693, 0.48818898, 0.51181102, 0.53543307, 0.55905512, 0.58267717, 0.60629921, 0.62992126, 0.65354331, 0.67716535, 0.7007874, 0.72440945, 0.7480315, 0.77165354, 0.79527559, 0.81889764, 0.84251969, 0.86614173, 0.88976378, 0.91338583, 0.93700787, 0.96062992, 0.98425197, 1.00787402, 1.03149606, 1.05511811, 1.07874016, 1.1023622, 1.12598425, 1.1496063, 1.17322835, 1.19685039, 1.22047244, 1.24409449, 1.26771654, 1.29133858, 1.31496063, 1.33858268, 1.36220472, 1.38582677, 1.40944882, 1.43307087, 1.45669291, 1.48031496, 1.50393701, 1.52755906, 1.5511811, 1.57480315, 1.5984252, 1.62204724, 1.64566929, 1.66929134, 1.69291339, 1.71653543, 1.74015748, 1.76377953, 1.78740157, 1.81102362, 1.83464567, 1.85826772, 1.88188976, 1.90551181, 1.92913386, 1.95275591, 1.97637795, 2.]), from_root=False)[source]¶
Inverse DISPL
Evaluates the inverse of the wavelength polynomial from the reference datamodel for a given order, reference position, and dispersed position along the dispersion axis.
- Parameters
- orderstr
Order name like ‘+1’, ‘0’, ‘-1’
- x0, y0float
Detector coordinates in the direct image
- dxfloat, array-like
Wavelengths where to interpolate the trace
- t0array-like
1D evaluation grid for the inverse interpolation.
- from_rootbool
Use polynomial roots to find the inverse.
- Returns
- tlike
Independent variable value along the trace.
- tlike
- INVDISPX(order, x0, y0, dx, t0=array([-1., -0.97637795, -0.95275591, -0.92913386, -0.90551181, -0.88188976, -0.85826772, -0.83464567, -0.81102362, -0.78740157, -0.76377953, -0.74015748, -0.71653543, -0.69291339, -0.66929134, -0.64566929, -0.62204724, -0.5984252, -0.57480315, -0.5511811, -0.52755906, -0.50393701, -0.48031496, -0.45669291, -0.43307087, -0.40944882, -0.38582677, -0.36220472, -0.33858268, -0.31496063, -0.29133858, -0.26771654, -0.24409449, -0.22047244, -0.19685039, -0.17322835, -0.1496063, -0.12598425, -0.1023622, -0.07874016, -0.05511811, -0.03149606, -0.00787402, 0.01574803, 0.03937008, 0.06299213, 0.08661417, 0.11023622, 0.13385827, 0.15748031, 0.18110236, 0.20472441, 0.22834646, 0.2519685, 0.27559055, 0.2992126, 0.32283465, 0.34645669, 0.37007874, 0.39370079, 0.41732283, 0.44094488, 0.46456693, 0.48818898, 0.51181102, 0.53543307, 0.55905512, 0.58267717, 0.60629921, 0.62992126, 0.65354331, 0.67716535, 0.7007874, 0.72440945, 0.7480315, 0.77165354, 0.79527559, 0.81889764, 0.84251969, 0.86614173, 0.88976378, 0.91338583, 0.93700787, 0.96062992, 0.98425197, 1.00787402, 1.03149606, 1.05511811, 1.07874016, 1.1023622, 1.12598425, 1.1496063, 1.17322835, 1.19685039, 1.22047244, 1.24409449, 1.26771654, 1.29133858, 1.31496063, 1.33858268, 1.36220472, 1.38582677, 1.40944882, 1.43307087, 1.45669291, 1.48031496, 1.50393701, 1.52755906, 1.5511811, 1.57480315, 1.5984252, 1.62204724, 1.64566929, 1.66929134, 1.69291339, 1.71653543, 1.74015748, 1.76377953, 1.78740157, 1.81102362, 1.83464567, 1.85826772, 1.88188976, 1.90551181, 1.92913386, 1.95275591, 1.97637795, 2.]), from_root=False)[source]¶
Inverse DISPX
Evaluates the inverse of the dispersion polynomial from the reference datamodel for a given order along the x-axis.
- Parameters
- orderstr
Order name like ‘+1’, ‘0’, ‘-1’
- x0, y0float or array-like
Detector coordinates in the direct image
- dxfloat
X coordinate where to interpolate the trace
- t0array-like
1D evaluation grid for the inverse.
- from_rootbool
Use polynomial roots to find the inverse.
- Returns
- tfloat
Independent variable value along the trace.
- INVDISPY(order, x0, y0, dx, t0=array([-1., -0.97637795, -0.95275591, -0.92913386, -0.90551181, -0.88188976, -0.85826772, -0.83464567, -0.81102362, -0.78740157, -0.76377953, -0.74015748, -0.71653543, -0.69291339, -0.66929134, -0.64566929, -0.62204724, -0.5984252, -0.57480315, -0.5511811, -0.52755906, -0.50393701, -0.48031496, -0.45669291, -0.43307087, -0.40944882, -0.38582677, -0.36220472, -0.33858268, -0.31496063, -0.29133858, -0.26771654, -0.24409449, -0.22047244, -0.19685039, -0.17322835, -0.1496063, -0.12598425, -0.1023622, -0.07874016, -0.05511811, -0.03149606, -0.00787402, 0.01574803, 0.03937008, 0.06299213, 0.08661417, 0.11023622, 0.13385827, 0.15748031, 0.18110236, 0.20472441, 0.22834646, 0.2519685, 0.27559055, 0.2992126, 0.32283465, 0.34645669, 0.37007874, 0.39370079, 0.41732283, 0.44094488, 0.46456693, 0.48818898, 0.51181102, 0.53543307, 0.55905512, 0.58267717, 0.60629921, 0.62992126, 0.65354331, 0.67716535, 0.7007874, 0.72440945, 0.7480315, 0.77165354, 0.79527559, 0.81889764, 0.84251969, 0.86614173, 0.88976378, 0.91338583, 0.93700787, 0.96062992, 0.98425197, 1.00787402, 1.03149606, 1.05511811, 1.07874016, 1.1023622, 1.12598425, 1.1496063, 1.17322835, 1.19685039, 1.22047244, 1.24409449, 1.26771654, 1.29133858, 1.31496063, 1.33858268, 1.36220472, 1.38582677, 1.40944882, 1.43307087, 1.45669291, 1.48031496, 1.50393701, 1.52755906, 1.5511811, 1.57480315, 1.5984252, 1.62204724, 1.64566929, 1.66929134, 1.69291339, 1.71653543, 1.74015748, 1.76377953, 1.78740157, 1.81102362, 1.83464567, 1.85826772, 1.88188976, 1.90551181, 1.92913386, 1.95275591, 1.97637795, 2.]), from_root=False)[source]¶
Inverse DISPY
Evaluates the inverse of the dispersion polynomial from the reference datamodel for a given order along the y-axis.
- Parameters
- orderstr
Order name like ‘+1’, ‘0’, ‘-1’
- x0, y0float or array-like
Detector coordinates in the direct image
- dxfloat, array-like
Y coordinate where to interpolate the trace
- t0array-like
1D evaluation grid for the inverse interpolation.
- from_rootbool
Use polynomial roots to find the inverse.
- Returns
- tlike
Independent variable value along the trace.
- tlike
- get_photom(xyt=(1024, 1024, 0.5), date=None, photom_file=None, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Load photom reference from CRDS and scale to grismconf / aXe convention
- Parameters
- xyt(float, float, float)
Coordinate (x0, y0, t) where to evaluate the grism dispersion DLDP
- datestr, None
Observation date in ISO format, e.g., ‘2023-01-01 00:00:00’. If not specified, defaults to “now”
- photom_filestr
Explicit filename of a CRDS
reference file- verbosebool
Print status message
- Returns
- SENS_datadict
Dict of
{'order': (wave, sens)}
. Also setsSENS_data
- load_new_sensitivity_curve(verbose=True, **kwargs)[source]¶
Replace +1 NIRCam sensitivity curves with Nov 10, 2023 updates
Files generated with the calibration data of P330E from program CAL-1538 (K. Gordon)
Download the FITS files from the link below and put them in
- Parameters
- verbosebool
Print messages to the terminal.