Helpers for working with ``eazy-py``.
import numpy as np
[docs]def fix_aperture_corrections(tab, verbose=True, ref_filter=None):
June 2020: Reapply total corrections using fixed bug for the kron total
corrections where the necessary pixel scale wasn't used.
from grizli import prep, utils
pixel_scale = tab.meta['ASEC_0']/tab.meta['APER_0']
if ('TOTCFILT' not in tab.meta) & (ref_filter is None):
raise IOError('No ref_filter specified and TOTCFILT not in tab.meta')
if ref_filter is None:
ref_filter = np.atleast_1d(tab.meta['TOTCFILT'])[0].lower()
keys = list(tab.meta.keys())
for k in keys:
if k.endswith('_PLAM'):
filt = k.split('_PLAM')[0].lower()
if verbose:
print('Fix aperture corrections: ', filt)
tot_corr = prep.get_kron_tot_corr(tab, filt,
rescale = tot_corr / tab[filt + '_tot_corr']
tab[f'{filt}_tot_corr'] = tot_corr
# Loop through apertures and fix corr and tot columns if found
for ka in keys:
if ka.startswith('APER_'):
ap = ka.split('_')[1]
if f'{filt}_tot_{ap}' in tab.colnames:
aper_radius = tab.meta[f'ASEC_{ap}']/2.
msg = f' aper #{ap} (R={aper_radius:.2f}")'
if f'EE_{filt}_{ap}' not in tab.meta:
# compute filter EE correction if not in header
ee_ratio = prep.get_filter_ee_ratio(filt,
tab.meta[f'EE_{filt}_{ap}'] = 1./ee_ratio
msg += ' + ee_filter'
for col in ['corr', 'ecorr', 'tot', 'etot']:
tab[f'{filt}_{col}_{ap}'] *= 1./ee_ratio
if verbose:
# Rescale total correction
tab[f'{filt}_tot_{ap}'] *= rescale
tab[f'{filt}_etot_{ap}'] *= rescale
return tab
[docs]def apply_catalog_corrections(root, total_flux='flux_auto', auto_corr=True, get_external_photometry=False, aperture_indices='all', suffix='_apcorr', verbose=True, apply_background=True, ee_correction=False):
Aperture and background corrections to photometric catalog
First correct fluxes in individual filters scaled by the ratio of
``total_flux`` / aper_flux in the detection band, where ``total_flux`` is
``flux_auto`` by default.
>>> apcorr = {total_flux} / flux_aper_{ap}
>>> {filt}_corr_{ap} = {filt}_flux_aper_{ap} * apcorr
If ``ee_correction = True``, then apply an encircled energy correction for
the relative fraction for the relative flux between the target filter and
detection image for a *point source* flux within a photometric aperture.
The correction function is `~grizli.prep.get_filter_ee_ratio`.
>>> ee_{filt} = prep.get_filter_ee_ratio({filt},
>>> {filt}_corr_{ap} = {filt}_corr_{ap} / ee_{filt}
If `auto_corr`, compute total fluxes with a correction for flux outside
the Kron aperture derived for point sources using
>>> {filt}_tot_{ap} = {filt}_corr_{ap} * {filt}_tot_corr
Note that any background has already been subtracted from
{filt}_flux_aper_{ap}.in the SEP catalog.
import os
import eazy
import numpy as np
from grizli import utils, prep
import mastquery.utils
cat = utils.read_catalog('{0}_phot.fits'.format(root))
filters = []
for c in cat.meta:
if c.endswith('_ZP'):
if get_external_photometry:
print('Get external photometry from Vizier')
external_limits = 3
external_timeout = 300
external_sys_err = 0.03
ext = get_external_catalog(cat, external_limits=external_limits,
for c in ext.colnames:
if c not in cat.colnames:
cat[c] = ext[c]
for k in ext.meta:
cat.meta[k] = ext.meta[k]
print(' - External catalog FAILED')
# Fix: Take flux_auto when flag==0, flux otherwise
if (total_flux == 'flux_auto_fix') & (total_flux not in cat.colnames):
flux = cat['flux_auto']*1.
flagged = (cat['flag'] > 0)
flux[flagged] = cat['flux'][flagged]
cat['flux_auto_fix'] = flux*1.
# Additional auto correction
cat.meta['TOTALCOL'] = total_flux, 'Column for total flux'
#cat.meta['HASTOT'] = (auto_corr & ('tot_corr' in cat.colnames), 'Catalog has full total flux')
apcorr = {}
for NAPER in range(100):
if 'APER_{0}'.format(NAPER) not in cat.meta:
if aperture_indices == 'all':
aperture_indices = range(NAPER)
# EE correction
cat.meta['EE_CORR'] = ee_correction
if ee_correction:
for f in filters:
ref_filter = np.atleast_1d(cat.meta['TOTCFILT'])[0]
_ = prep.get_filter_ee_ratio(cat, f.lower(),
for i in aperture_indices:
if verbose:
print('Compute aperture corrections: i={0}, D={1:.2f}" aperture'.format(i, cat.meta['ASEC_{0}'.format(i)]))
if 'flux_aper_{0}'.format(i) in cat.colnames:
cat['apcorr_{0}'.format(i)] = cat[total_flux]/cat['flux_aper_{0}'.format(i)]
for f in filters:
bkgc = '{0}_bkg_aper_{1}'.format(f, i)
# if (bkgc in cat.colnames) & apply_background:
# bkg = cat[bkgc]
# else:
# bkg = 0.
# background already subtracted from flux columns
bkg = 0.
cat['{0}_corr_{1}'.format(f, i)] = (cat['{0}_flux_aper_{1}'.format(f, i)]-bkg)*cat['apcorr_{0}'.format(i)]
cat['{0}_ecorr_{1}'.format(f, i)] = cat['{0}_fluxerr_aper_{1}'.format(f, i)]*cat['apcorr_{0}'.format(i)]
if ee_correction:
cat[f'{f}_corr_{i}'] *= cat[f'{f}_ee_{i}']
#cat.meta['EE_{0}_{1}'.format(f, i)] = 1./ee_ratio
#cat['{0}_corr_{1}'.format(f, i)] /= ee_ratio
#cat['{0}_ecorr_{1}'.format(f, i)] /= ee_ratio
aper_area = np.pi*(cat.meta['APER_{0}'.format(i)]/2)**2
mask_thresh = aper_area
bad = cat['{0}_mask_aper_{1}'.format(f, i)] > 0.2*mask_thresh
cat['{0}_corr_{1}'.format(f, i)][bad] = -99
cat['{0}_ecorr_{1}'.format(f, i)][bad] = -99
tot_col = '{0}_tot_corr'.format(f.lower())
if auto_corr and (tot_col in cat.colnames):
cat['{0}_tot_{1}'.format(f, i)] = cat['{0}_corr_{1}'.format(f, i)]*cat[tot_col]
cat['{0}_etot_{1}'.format(f, i)] = cat['{0}_ecorr_{1}'.format(f, i)]*cat[tot_col]
cat['{0}_tot_{1}'.format(f, i)][bad] = -99
cat['{0}_etot_{1}'.format(f, i)][bad] = -99
if 'id' not in cat.colnames:
cat.rename_column('number', 'id')
if 'z_spec' not in cat.colnames:
cat['z_spec'] = cat['id']*0.-1
# Spurious sources, sklearn SVM model trained for a single field
morph_model = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(utils.__file__),
# Only apply if detection pixel scale is 0.06"
if 'ASEC_0' in cat.meta:
detection_pscale = cat.meta['ASEC_0'][0]/cat.meta['APER_0'][0]
detection_pscale = cat.meta['ASEC_0']/cat.meta['APER_0']
run_morph_model = np.isclose(detection_pscale, 0.06, atol=0.005)
run_morph_model = True
if os.path.exists(morph_model) & run_morph_model:
if verbose:
print('Apply morphological validity class')
from sklearn.externals import joblib
clf = joblib.load(morph_model)
X = np.hstack([[cat['peak']/cat['flux'],
# Predict labels, which where generated for
# bad_bright, bad_faint, stars, big_galaxies, small_galaxies
pred = clf.predict_proba(X)
# Should be >~ 0.9 for valid sources, stars & galaxies
# in "ir" image
cat['class_valid'] = pred[:, -3:].sum(axis=1)
cat['class_valid'].format = '.2f'
cat['class_valid'] = 99.
cat['class_valid'].format = '.2f'
msg = "Couldn't run morph classification from {0}"
cat['dummy_err'] = 10**(-0.4*(8-23.9))
cat['dummy_flux'] = cat[total_flux] # detection band
if suffix:
if verbose:
print('Write {0}_phot{1}.fits'.format(root, suffix))
cat.write('{0}_phot{1}.fits'.format(root, suffix), overwrite=True)
return cat
FILTER_TRANS = {'f098m': 201, 'f105w': 202, 'f110w': 241, 'f125w': 203, 'f140w': 204, 'f160w': 205, 'f435w': 233, 'f475w': 234, 'f555w': 235, 'f606w': 236, 'f625w': 237, 'f775w': 238, 'f814w': 239, 'f850lp': 240, 'f702w': 15, 'f600lpu': 243, 'f225wu': 207, 'f275wu': 208, 'f336wu': 209, 'f350lpu': 339, 'f438wu': 211, 'f475wu': 212, 'f475xu': 242, 'f555wu': 213, 'f606wu': 214, 'f625wu': 215, 'f775wu': 216, 'f814wu': 217, 'f390wu': 210, 'ch1': 18, 'ch2': 19, 'f336w':209, 'f350lp':339, 'f115wn': 309, 'f150wn': 310, 'f200wn': 311, }
[docs]def eazy_photoz(root, force=False, object_only=True, apply_background=True, aper_ix=1, apply_prior=False, beta_prior=True, get_external_photometry=False, external_limits=3, external_sys_err=0.3, external_timeout=300, sys_err=0.05, z_step=0.01, z_min=0.01, z_max=12, total_flux='flux_auto', auto_corr=True, compute_residuals=False, dummy_prior=False, extra_rf_filters=[], quiet=True, aperture_indices='all', zpfile='zphot.zeropoint', extra_params={}, filter_trans=FILTER_TRANS, extra_translate={}, force_apcorr=False, ebv=None, absmag_filters=[], save_pickle=False, **kwargs):
import os
import eazy
import numpy as np
from grizli import utils
import mastquery.utils
if (os.path.exists('{0}.eazypy.self.npy'.format(root))) & (not force):
self = np.load('{0}.eazypy.self.npy'.format(root), allow_pickle=True)[0]
zout = utils.read_catalog('{0}.eazypy.zout.fits'.format(root))
cat = utils.read_catalog('{0}_phot_apcorr.fits'.format(root))
return self, cat, zout
# trans.pop('f814w')
if (not os.path.exists('{0}_phot_apcorr.fits'.format(root))) | force_apcorr:
print('Apply catalog corrections')
apply_catalog_corrections(root, suffix='_apcorr', aperture_indices=aperture_indices)
cat = utils.read_catalog('{0}_phot_apcorr.fits'.format(root))
filters = []
for c in cat.meta:
if c.endswith('_ZP'):
if len(filters) == 0:
for f in filter_trans:
if f'{f}_tot_{aper_ix}' in cat.colnames:
# Translate
fp = open('zphot.translate', 'w')
for f in filters:
if f in filter_trans:
fp.write('{0}_tot_{1} F{2}\n'.format(f, aper_ix, filter_trans[f]))
fp.write('{0}_etot_{1} E{2}\n'.format(f, aper_ix, filter_trans[f]))
extra_filters = {'hscg':314, 'hscr':315, 'hsci':316,
'hscz':317, 'hscy':318,
'irac_ch1':18, 'irac_ch2':19,
'irac_ch3':20, 'irac_ch4':21}
for c in extra_filters:
if f'{c}_flux' in cat.colnames:
fp.write(f'{c}_flux F{extra_filters[c]}\n')
fp.write(f'{c}_err E{extra_filters[c]}\n')
# fp.write('irac_ch1_flux F18\n')
# fp.write('irac_ch1_err E18\n')
# fp.write('irac_ch2_flux F19\n')
# fp.write('irac_ch2_err E19\n')
# fp.write('irac_ch3_flux F20\n')
# fp.write('irac_ch3_err E20\n')
# fp.write('irac_ch4_flux F21\n')
# fp.write('irac_ch4_err E21\n')
for k in extra_translate:
fp.write('{0} {1}\n'.format(k, extra_translate[k]))
# For zeropoint
if dummy_prior:
fp.write('dummy_flux F205x\n')
fp.write('dummy_err E205x\n')
params = {}
params['CATALOG_FILE'] = '{0}_phot_apcorr.fits'.format(root)
params['Z_STEP'] = z_step
params['MAIN_OUTPUT_FILE'] = '{0}.eazypy'.format(root)
params['Z_MAX'] = z_max
if ebv is None:
ebv = mastquery.utils.get_mw_dust(np.median(cat['ra']),
ebv = mastquery.utils.get_irsa_dust(np.median(cat['ra']),
print("Couldn't get EBV, fall back to ebv=0.0")
ebv = 0.
params['MW_EBV'] = ebv
params['PRIOR_ABZP'] = 23.9
params['SYS_ERR'] = sys_err
params['CAT_HAS_EXTCORR'] = False
# Pick prior filter, starting from reddest
for f in ['f435w', 'f606w', 'f814w', 'f105w', 'f110w', 'f125w', 'f140w', 'f160w','f150w','f200w','f277w'][::-1]:
if f in filters:
if dummy_prior:
params['PRIOR_FILTER'] = 'dummy_flux'
params['PRIOR_FILTER'] = filter_trans[f]
mag = 23.9-2.5*np.log10(cat['{0}_tot_{1}'.format(f, aper_ix)])
if os.path.exists('templates/fsps_full/tweak_fsps_QSF_11_v3_noRed.param.fits'):
params['TEMPLATES_FILE'] = 'templates/fsps_full/tweak_fsps_QSF_11_v3_noRed.param'
params['TEMPLATES_FILE'] = 'templates/fsps_full/tweak_fsps_QSF_12_v3.param'
for k in extra_params:
params[k] = extra_params[k]
if zpfile is not None:
if not os.path.exists(zpfile):
zpfile = None
load_products = False
if ((not os.path.exists('FILTER.RES.latest')) |
(not os.path.exists('templates'))):
# should work with eazy-py >= 0.2.0
eazy.symlink_eazy_inputs() #(path=None)
The filter file ``FILTER.RES.latest`` and ``templates`` directory were not
found in the working directory and the automatic command to retrieve them
>>> import eazy; eazy.symlink_eazy_inputs(path=None)
Run it with ``path`` pointing to the location of the ``eazy-photoz`` repository.""")
return False
self = eazy.photoz.PhotoZ(param_file=None, translate_file='zphot.translate', zeropoint_file=zpfile, params=params, load_prior=True, load_products=load_products)
if quiet:
self.param.params['VERBOSITY'] = 1.
if object_only:
return self
idx = np.arange(self.NOBJ)
# sample = (mag < 27) #& (self.cat['star_flag'] != 1)
#sample |= (self.cat['z_spec'] > 0)
sample = np.isfinite(self.cat['ra']) # mag)
for iter in range(1+(get_external_photometry & compute_residuals)*1):
self.fit_catalog(idx[sample], n_proc=10)
if compute_residuals:
self.standard_output(prior=apply_prior, beta_prior=beta_prior,
zout = utils.read_catalog('{0}.eazypy.zout.fits'.format(root))
if save_pickle:
np.save('{0}.eazypy.self.npy'.format(root), [self])
return self, cat, zout
[docs]def show_from_ds9(ds9, self, zout, use_sky=True, **kwargs):
import numpy as np
if use_sky:
xy = np.asarray(ds9.get('pan fk5').split(),dtype=float)
cosd = np.cos(xy[1]/180*np.pi)
r = np.sqrt((self.cat['ra']-xy[0])**2*cosd**2 + (self.cat['dec']-xy[1])**2)*3600
runit = 'arcsec'
if (not use_sky) | (xy.sum() == 0):
xy = np.asarray(ds9.get('pan image').split(),dtype=float)
r = np.sqrt((self.cat['x_image']-xy[0])**2 + (self.cat['y_image']-xy[1])**2)
runit = 'pix'
ix = np.argmin(r)
print('ID: {0}, r={1:.1f} {2}'.format(self.cat['id'][ix], r[ix], runit))
print(' z={0:.2f} logM={1:.2f}'.format(zout['z_phot'][ix], np.log10(zout['mass'][ix])))
fig = self.show_fit(ix, id_is_idx=True, **kwargs)
return fig, self.cat['id'][ix], ix, zout['z_phot'][ix]
[docs]class EazyPhot(object):
def __init__(self, photoz, grizli_templates=None, zgrid=None, apcorr=None, include_photometry=True, include_pz=False, source_text='unknown'):
photoz : `~eazypy.photoz.PhotoZ`
Photoz object.
apcorr : `~numpy.ndarray`
Aperture correction applied to the photometry to match the
grism spectra. For the internal grizli catalogs, this should
generally be something like
>>> apcorr = 'flux_iso' / 'flux_auto'
from .. import utils
from grizli import utils
not_obs_mask = (photoz.fnu < -90) | (photoz.efnu < 0)
self.zgrid = photoz.zgrid
if apcorr is None:
self.apcorr = np.ones(photoz.NOBJ)
self.apcorr = apcorr
self.source_text = source_text
self.ext_corr = photoz.ext_corr
self.flam = photoz.fnu*photoz.to_flam*photoz.zp*photoz.ext_corr
self.flam[not_obs_mask] = -99
self.eflam = photoz.efnu*photoz.to_flam*photoz.zp*photoz.ext_corr
self.eflam[not_obs_mask] = -99
self.include_photometry = include_photometry
#self.rdcat = utils.GTable(photoz.cat['ra','dec'])
self.ra_cat = photoz.cat['ra'].data
self.dec_cat = photoz.cat['dec'].data
self.filters = photoz.filters
self.f_numbers = photoz.f_numbers
self.param = photoz.param
if 'z_spec' in photoz.cat.colnames:
self.z_spec = photoz.cat['z_spec']*1
self.z_spec = np.zeros(photoz.N)-1
self.include_pz = include_pz
if include_pz:
self.pz = photoz.pz*1
self.zgrid = photoz.zgrid
self.pz = None
self.pz = None
if grizli_templates is None:
self.tempfilt = None
self.grizli_templates = None
self.tempfilt = self.initialize_templates(grizli_templates,
self.grizli_templates = grizli_templates
[docs] def initialize_templates(self, grizli_templates, zgrid=None):
from eazy import templates as templates_module
from eazy.photoz import TemplateGrid
if zgrid is None:
zgrid = self.zgrid
template_list = [templates_module.Template(arrays=(grizli_templates[k].wave, grizli_templates[k].flux), name=k) for k in grizli_templates]
tempfilt = TemplateGrid(zgrid, template_list, RES=self.param['FILTERS_RES'], f_numbers=self.f_numbers, add_igm=True, galactic_ebv=self.param['MW_EBV'], Eb=self.param['SCALE_2175_BUMP'])
return tempfilt
[docs] def get_phot_dict(self, ra, dec):
Return catalog info for nearest object to supplied coordinates
phot - photometry dictionary
ix - index in catalog of nearest match
dr - distance to nearest match
from collections import OrderedDict
from .. import utils
from grizli import utils
icat = utils.GTable()
icat['ra'] = [ra]
icat['dec'] = [dec]
rdcat = utils.GTable()
rdcat['ra'] = self.ra_cat
rdcat['dec'] = self.dec_cat
ix, dr = rdcat.match_to_catalog_sky(icat)
phot = OrderedDict()
apcorr_i = self.apcorr[ix[0]]
phot['source'] = self.source_text
phot['source'] = 'unknown'
phot['flam'] = self.flam[ix[0], :]*1.e-19*apcorr_i
phot['eflam'] = self.eflam[ix[0], :]*1.e-19*apcorr_i
phot['filters'] = self.filters
phot['tempfilt'] = self.tempfilt
phot['ext_corr'] = self.ext_corr
phot['ext_corr'] = 1
if self.include_pz & (self.pz is not None):
pz = (self.zgrid, self.pz[ix[0], :].flatten())
pz = None
phot['pz'] = pz
phot['z_spec'] = self.z_spec[ix[0]]
phot['z_spec'] = -1
if not self.include_photometry:
phot['flam'] = None
return phot, ix[0], dr[0]
[docs]def get_external_catalog(phot, filter_file='/usr/local/share/eazy-photoz/filters/FILTER.RES.latest', ZP=23.9, sys_err=0.3, verbose=True, external_limits=3, timeout=300):
Fetch photometry from vizier
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from .. import utils
from grizli import utils
from eazy.filters import FilterFile
res = FilterFile(filter_file)
vizier_catalog = list(utils.VIZIER_VEGA.keys())
ra = np.median(phot['ra'])
dec = np.median(phot['dec'])
dr = np.sqrt((phot['ra']-ra)**2*np.cos(phot['dec']/180*np.pi)**2 + (phot['dec']-dec)**2)*60
radius = 1.5*dr.max() # arcmin
tabs = utils.get_Vizier_photometry(ra, dec, templates=None, radius=radius*60, vizier_catalog=vizier_catalog, filter_file=filter_file, MW_EBV=0, convert_vega=False, raw_query=True, verbose=True, timeout=timeout)
extern_phot = utils.GTable()
N = len(phot)
for t_i in tabs:
# Match
if 'RAJ2000' in t_i.colnames:
other_radec = ('RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000')
elif 'RA_ICRS' in t_i.colnames:
other_radec = ('RA_ICRS', 'DE_ICRS')
other_radec = ('ra', 'dec')
idx, dr = phot.match_to_catalog_sky(t_i, other_radec=other_radec)
if (dr < 2*u.arcsec).sum() == 0:
tab = t_i[dr < 2*u.arcsec]
idx = idx[dr < 2*u.arcsec]
# Downweight PS1 if have SDSS
# if (tab.meta['name'] == PS1_VIZIER) & (SDSS_DR12_VIZIER in viz_tables):
# continue
# err_scale = 1
# else:
# err_scale = 1
err_scale = 1
if (tab.meta['name'] == utils.UKIDSS_LAS_VIZIER):
flux_scale = 1.33
flux_scale = 1.
convert_vega = utils.VIZIER_VEGA[tab.meta['name']]
bands = utils.VIZIER_BANDS[tab.meta['name']]
# if verbose:
# print(tab.colnames)
#filters += [res.filters[res.search(b, verbose=False)[0]] for b in bands]
to_flam = 10**(-0.4*(48.6))*3.e18 # / pivot(Ang)**2
for ib, b in enumerate(bands):
f_number = res.search(b, verbose=False)[0]+1
filt = res.filters[f_number-1]
# filters.append(filt)
if convert_vega:
to_ab = filt.ABVega()
to_ab = 0.
fcol, ecol = bands[b]
# pivot.append(filt.pivot())
fnu = 10**(-0.4*(tab[fcol]+to_ab-ZP))
efnu = tab[ecol]*np.log(10)/2.5*fnu*err_scale
efnu = np.sqrt(efnu**2+(sys_err*fnu)**2)
fnu.fill_value = -99
efnu.fill_value = -99
comment = 'Filter {0} from {1} (N={2})'.format(bands[b][0], t_i.meta['name'], len(idx))
if verbose:
if ((~efnu.mask).sum() > 4) & (external_limits > 0):
fill = np.percentile(efnu.data[~efnu.mask], [90])
efill = external_limits * fill
fill = -99
efill = -99
extern_phot.meta['F{0}'.format(f_number)] = b, comment
extern_phot['F{0}'.format(f_number)] = fill*np.ones(N)
extern_phot['F{0}'.format(f_number)][idx] = fnu.filled()
extern_phot['E{0}'.format(f_number)] = efill*np.ones(N)
extern_phot['E{0}'.format(f_number)][idx] = efnu.filled()
return extern_phot
######## Selecting objects
# def select_objects():
# import os
# from grizli.pipeline import photoz
# import numpy as np
# total_flux = 'flux_auto_fix'
# total_flux = 'flux_auto' # new segmentation masked SEP catalogs
# object_only = False
# self, cat, zout = photoz.eazy_photoz(root, object_only=object_only, apply_prior=False, beta_prior=True, aper_ix=2, force=True, get_external_photometry=False, compute_residuals=False, total_flux=total_flux)
# if False:
# args = np.load('fit_args.npy', allow_pickle=True)[0]
# phot_obj = photoz.EazyPhot(self, grizli_templates=args['t0'], zgrid=self.zgrid, apcorr=self.idx*0.+1)
# flux = self.cat[total_flux]*1.
# hmag = 23.9-2.5*np.log10(cat['f160w_tot_1'])
# # Reddest HST band
# lc_clip = self.lc*1
# lc_clip[self.lc > 1.55e4] = 0 # in case ground-based / WISE red band
# ixb = np.argmax(lc_clip)
# sn_red = self.cat[self.flux_columns[ixb]]/self.cat[self.err_columns[ixb]]
# grad = np.gradient(self.zgrid)
# cumpz = np.cumsum(self.pz*grad, axis=1)
# cumpz = (cumpz.T/cumpz[:, -1]).T
# chi2 = (self.chi_best / self.nusefilt)
# iz6 = np.where(self.zgrid > 6.0)[0][0]
# iz7 = np.where(self.zgrid > 7)[0][0]
# iz8 = np.where(self.zgrid > 8)[0][0]
# iz9 = np.where(self.zgrid > 9)[0][0]
# highz_sel = (hmag < 27.5) # & (self.cat['class_valid'] > 0.8)
# #highz_sel |= (cumpz[:,iz6] < 0.3) & (self.cat['flux_radius'] > 2.5)
# #highz_sel &= (self.cat['flux_radius'] > 2.5)
# highz_sel &= chi2 < 3
# highz_sel &= (sn_red > 5)
# highz_sel &= self.nusefilt >= 3
# flux_ratio = cat['f160w_flux_aper_3']/cat['f160w_flux_aper_0']
# flux_ratio /= cat.meta['APER_3']**2/cat.meta['APER_0']**2
# if False:
# sel = highz_sel
# so = np.argsort(cumpz[sel, iz7])
# ids = self.cat['id'][sel][so]
# i = -1
# so = np.argsort(flux_ratio[sel])[::-1]
# ids = self.cat['id'][sel][so]
# i = -1
# highz_sel &= (cumpz[:, iz6] > 0) & (flux_ratio < 0.45) & ((cumpz[:, iz6] < 0.3) | (cumpz[:, iz7] < 0.3) | (((cumpz[:, iz8] < 0.4) | (cumpz[:, iz9] < 0.5)) & (flux_ratio < 0.5)))
# # Big objects likely diffraction spikes
# # big = (self.cat['flux_radius'] > 10)
# # highz_sel &= ~big
# #flux_ratio = self.cat['flux_aper_0']/self.cat['flux_aper_2']
# sel = highz_sel
# so = np.argsort(hmag[sel])
# ids = self.cat['id'][sel][so]
# i = -1
# # Red
# uv = -2.5*np.log10(zout['restU']/zout['restV'])
# red_sel = ((zout['z160'] > 1.) & (uv > 1.5)) | ((zout['z160'] > 1.5) & (uv > 1.1))
# red_sel &= (self.zbest < 4) & (hmag < 22) # & (~hmag.mask)
# red_sel &= (zout['mass'] > 10**10.5) # & (self.cat['class_valid'] > 0.8)
# red_sel &= (self.cat['flux_radius'] > 2.5)
# red_sel &= (zout['restV']/zout['restV_err'] > 3)
# red_sel &= (chi2 < 3)
# #red_sel &= (sn_red > 20)
# sel = red_sel
# so = np.argsort(hmag[sel])
# ids = self.cat['id'][sel][so]
# i = -1
# ds9 = None
# for j in self.idx[sel][so]:
# id_j, ra, dec = self.cat['id', 'ra', 'dec'][j]
# # Photo-z
# fig, data = self.show_fit(id_j, ds9=ds9, show_fnu=True) # highz_sel[j])
# lab = '{0} {1}\n'.format(root, id_j)
# lab += 'H={0:.1f} z={1:.1f}\n'.format(hmag[j], self.zbest[j])
# lab += 'U-V={0:.1f}, logM={1:4.1f}'.format(uv[j], np.log10(zout['mass'][j]))
# ax = fig.axes[0]
# ax.text(0.95, 0.95, lab, ha='right', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=9, bbox=dict(facecolor='w', edgecolor='None', alpha=0.5))
# yl = ax.get_ylim()
# ax.set_ylim(yl[0], yl[1]*1.1)
# fig.savefig('{0}_{1:05d}.eazy.png'.format(root, id_j), dpi=70)
# plt.close()
# # Cutout
# #from grizli_aws.aws_drizzle import drizzle_images
# #rgb_params = {'output_format': 'png', 'output_dpi': 75, 'add_labels': False, 'show_ir': False, 'suffix':'.rgb'}
# rgb_params = None
# #aws_bucket = 's3://grizli/SelectedObjects/'
# aws_bucket = None
# label = '{0}_{1:05d}'.format(root, id_j)
# if not os.path.exists('{0}.rgb.png'.format(label)):
# drizzle_images(label=label, ra=ra, dec=dec, pixscale=0.06, size=8, pixfrac=0.8, theta=0, half_optical_pixscale=False, filters=['f160w', 'f814w', 'f140w', 'f125w', 'f105w', 'f110w', 'f098m', 'f850lp', 'f775w', 'f606w', 'f475w'], remove=False, rgb_params=rgb_params, master='grizli-jan2019', aws_bucket=aws_bucket)
# show_all_thumbnails(label=label, filters=['f775w', 'f814w', 'f098m', 'f105w', 'f110w', 'f125w', 'f140w', 'f160w'], scale_ab=np.clip(hmag[j], 19, 22), close=True)
[docs]def show_all_thumbnails(label='j022708p4901_00273', filters=['f775w', 'f814w', 'f098m', 'f105w', 'f110w', 'f125w', 'f140w', 'f160w'], scale_ab=21, close=True):
Show individual filter and RGB thumbnails
import glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.visualization import make_lupton_rgb
import astropy.io.fits as pyfits
from grizli import utils
from grizli.pipeline import auto_script
#from PIL import Image
ims = {}
for filter in filters:
drz_files = glob.glob('{0}-{1}*_dr*sci.fits'.format(label, filter))
if len(drz_files) > 0:
im = pyfits.open(drz_files[0])
ims[filter] = im
slx, sly, filts, fig = auto_script.field_rgb(root=label, xsize=4, output_dpi=None, HOME_PATH=None, show_ir=False, pl=1, pf=1, scl=1, rgb_scl=[1, 1, 1], ds9=None, force_ir=False, filters=ims.keys(), add_labels=False, output_format='png', rgb_min=-0.01, xyslice=None, pure_sort=False, verbose=True, force_rgb=None, suffix='.rgb', scale_ab=scale_ab)
if close:
#rgb = np.array(Image.open('{0}.rgb.png'.format(label)))
rgb = plt.imread('{0}.rgb.png'.format(label))
NX = (len(filters)+1)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[1.5*NX, 1.5])
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, NX, NX)
ax.imshow(rgb, origin='upper', interpolation='nearest')
ax.text(0.5, 0.95, label, ha='center', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=7, bbox=dict(facecolor='w', edgecolor='None', alpha=0.5))
for i, filter in enumerate(filters):
if filter in ims:
zp_i = utils.calc_header_zeropoint(ims[filter], ext=0)
scl = 10**(-0.4*(zp_i-5-scale_ab))
img = ims[filter][0].data*scl
image = make_lupton_rgb(img, img, img, stretch=0.1, minimum=-0.01)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, NX, i+1)
ax.imshow(255-image, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest')
ax.text(0.5, 0.95, filter, ha='center', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=7, bbox=dict(facecolor='w', edgecolor='None', alpha=0.5))
for ax in fig.axes:
if close: