Source code for grizli.fake_image

Tools for generating *very* basic fake images for HST/JWST/Roman simulations
import os
import numpy as np

import as pyfits
import astropy.wcs as pywcs

from . import GRIZLI_PATH

[docs]def rotate_CD_matrix(cd, pa_aper): """ Rotate CD matrix Parameters ---------- cd : (2,2) array CD matrix pa_aper : float Position angle, in degrees E from N, of y axis of the detector Returns ------- cd_rot : (2,2) array Rotated CD matrix Notes ----- `astropy.wcs.WCS.rotateCD` doesn't work for non-square pixels in that it doesn't preserve the pixel scale! The bug seems to come from the fact that `rotateCD` assumes a transposed version of its own CD matrix. For example: >>> import astropy.wcs as pywcs >>> >>> ## Nominal rectangular WFC3/IR pixel >>> cd_wfc3 = np.array([[ 2.35945978e-05, 2.62448998e-05], >>> [ 2.93050803e-05, -2.09858771e-05]]) >>> >>> ## Square pixel >>> cd_square = np.array([[0.1/3600., 0], [0, 0.1/3600.]]) >>> >>> for cd, label in zip([cd_wfc3, cd_square], ['WFC3/IR', 'Square']): >>> wcs = pywcs.WCS() >>> = cd >>> wcs.rotateCD(45.) >>> print '%s pixel: pre=%s, rot=%s' %(label, >>> np.sqrt((cd**2).sum(axis=0))*3600, >>> np.sqrt((**2).sum(axis=0))*3600) WFC3/IR pixel: pre=[ 0.1354 0.121 ], rot=[ 0.1282 0.1286] Square pixel: pre=[ 0.1 0.1], rot=[ 0.1 0.1] """ rad = np.deg2rad(-pa_aper) mat = np.zeros((2, 2)) mat[0, :] = np.array([np.cos(rad), -np.sin(rad)]) mat[1, :] = np.array([np.sin(rad), np.cos(rad)]) cd_rot =, cd) return cd_rot
[docs]def niriss_header( ra=53.1592277508136, dec=-27.782056346146, pa_aper=128.589, filter="F150W", grism="GR150R", ): """ Make JWST/NIRISS image header Parameters ---------- ra, dec : float, float Coordinates of the center of the image pa_aper : float Position angle of the y-axis of the detector filter : str Blocking filter to use. grism : str Grism to use Returns ------- h : `` FITS header with appropriate keywords wcs : `astropy.wcs.WCS` WCS specification (computed from keywords in ``h``). Notes ----- NIRISS: 0.065"/pix, requires filter & grism specification """ naxis = 2048, 2048 crpix = 1024, 1024 cd = np.array([[-0.0658, 0], [0, 0.0654]]) / 3600.0 cd_rot = rotate_CD_matrix(cd, pa_aper) h = pyfits.Header() h["CRVAL1"] = ra h["CRVAL2"] = dec h["WCSAXES"] = 2 h["CTYPE1"] = "RA---TAN" h["CTYPE2"] = "DEC--TAN" for i in range(2): h["NAXIS%d" % (i + 1)] = naxis[i] h["CRPIX%d" % (i + 1)] = crpix[i] h["CDELT%d" % (i + 1)] = 1.0 for j in range(2): h["CD%d_%d" % (i + 1, j + 1)] = cd_rot[i, j] # Backgrounds # bg = { "F090W": 0.50, "F115W": 0.47, "F140M": 0.23, "F150W": 0.48, "F158M": 0.25, "F200W": 0.44, } h["INSTRUME"] = "NIRISS" h["TELESCOP"] = "JWST" h["DETECTOR"] = "NIS" if grism == "GR150R": h["FILTER"] = "GR150R", "Spectral trace along Y" else: h["FILTER"] = "GR150C", "Spectral trace along X" h["PUPIL"] = filter h["BACKGR"] = bg[filter], "Total, e/s" h["READN"] = 6, "Rough, per pixel per 1 ks exposure" # e/pix/per h["PHOTFLAM"] = 1.0 h["PHOTPLAM"] = 1.0 wcs = pywcs.WCS(h) h["EXTVER"] = 1 return h, wcs
[docs]def nircam_header( ra=53.1592277508136, dec=-27.782056346146, pa_aper=128.589, filter="F444W", grism="GRISMR", module="A", ): """ Make JWST/NIRCAM image header Parameters ---------- ra, dec : float, float Coordinates of the center of the image pa_aper : float Position angle of the y-axis of the detector filter : str Blocking filter to use. grism : str Grism to use ('GRISMR', 'GRISMC') module : str Instrument module ('A','B') Returns ------- h : `` FITS header with appropriate keywords wcs : `astropy.wcs.WCS` WCS specification (computed from keywords in ``h``). Notes ----- NIRCAM, 0.0648"/pix, requires filter specification """ naxis = 2048, 2048 crpix = 1024, 1024 cd = np.array([[-0.0648, 0], [0, 0.0648]]) / 3600.0 cd_rot = rotate_CD_matrix(cd, pa_aper) h = pyfits.Header() h["CRVAL1"] = ra h["CRVAL2"] = dec h["WCSAXES"] = 2 h["CTYPE1"] = "RA---TAN" h["CTYPE2"] = "DEC--TAN" for i in range(2): h["NAXIS%d" % (i + 1)] = naxis[i] h["CRPIX%d" % (i + 1)] = crpix[i] h["CDELT%d" % (i + 1)] = 1.0 for j in range(2): h["CD%d_%d" % (i + 1, j + 1)] = cd_rot[i, j] # Backgrounds # bg = { "F277W": 0.30, "F356W": 0.90, "F444W": 3.00, "F322W2": 1.25, "F430M": 0.65, "F460M": 0.86, "F410M": 0.5, } # F410M is a hack, no number h["BACKGR"] = bg[filter], "Total, e/s" h["INSTRUME"] = "NIRCAM" h["TELESCOP"] = "JWST" h["DETECTOR"] = f"NRC{module}LONG" h["MODULE"] = module h["CHANNEl"] = "LONG" if grism == "GRISMR": h["PUPIL"] = "GRISMR", "Spectral trace along X" else: h["PUPIL"] = "GRISMC", "Spectral trace along Y" h["FILTER"] = filter h["READN"] = 9, "Rough, per pixel per 1 ks exposure" # e/pix/per h["PHOTFLAM"] = 1.0 h["PHOTPLAM"] = 1.0 wcs = pywcs.WCS(h) h["EXTVER"] = 1 return h, wcs
[docs]def wfc3ir_header( ra=53.1592277508136, dec=-27.782056346146, pa_aper=128.589, flt="ibhj34h6q_flt.fits", filter="G141", ): """ Make HST/WFC3-IR image header Parameters ---------- ra, dec : float, float Coordinates of the center of the image pa_aper : float Position angle of the y-axis of the detector flt : str Filename of a WFC3/IR FLT file that will be used to provide the SIP geometric distortion keywords. filter : str Grism/filter to use. Returns ------- h : `` FITS header with appropriate keywords wcs : `astropy.wcs.WCS` WCS specification (computed from keywords in ``h``). Notes ----- WFC3 IR, requires reference FLT file for the SIP header """ import numpy as np import as pyfits import astropy.wcs as pywcs im = wcs = pywcs.WCS(im[1].header, relax=True) thet0 = np.arctan2(im[1].header["CD2_2"], im[1].header["CD2_1"]) / np.pi * 180 wcs.wcs.crval = np.array([ra, dec]) # Rotate the CD matrix theta = im[1].header["PA_APER"] - pa_aper cd_rot = rotate_CD_matrix(, theta) = cd_rot h = wcs.to_header(relax=True) for i in [1, 2]: for j in [1, 2]: h["CD%d_%d" % (i, j)] = h["PC%d_%d" % (i, j)] h.remove("PC%d_%d" % (i, j)) h["BACKGR"] = 1.0 h["FILTER"] = filter h["INSTRUME"] = "WFC3" h["READN"] = im[0].header["READNSEA"] h["NAXIS1"] = h["NAXIS2"] = 1014 h["DETECTOR"] = "IR" h["PHOTFLAM"] = 1.0 h["PHOTPLAM"] = 1.0 return h, wcs
[docs]def wfirst_header(**kwargs): """ Alias to `~grizli.fake_image.roman_header` """ res = roman_header(**kwargs) return res
[docs]def roman_header( ra=53.1592277508136, dec=-27.782056346146, pa_aper=128.589, naxis=(4096, 4096), **kwargs, ): """ Make WFIRST/Roman WFI header Parameters ---------- ra, dec : float, float Coordinates of the center of the image pa_aper : float Position angle of the y-axis of the detector naxis : (int,int) Image dimensions Returns ------- h : `` FITS header with appropriate keywords wcs : `astropy.wcs.WCS` WCS specification (computed from keywords in `h`). Notes ----- WFIRST/Roman G150 Grism Current config file has no field dependence, so field size can be anything you want in ``naxis``. """ # naxis = 2048, 2048 crpix = naxis[0] / 2.0, naxis[0] / 2.0 cd = np.array([[-0.11, 0], [0, 0.11]]) / 3600.0 cd_rot = rotate_CD_matrix(cd, pa_aper) h = pyfits.Header() h["CRVAL1"] = ra h["CRVAL2"] = dec h["WCSAXES"] = 2 h["CTYPE1"] = "RA---TAN" h["CTYPE2"] = "DEC--TAN" for i in range(2): h["NAXIS%d" % (i + 1)] = naxis[i] h["CRPIX%d" % (i + 1)] = crpix[i] h["CDELT%d" % (i + 1)] = 1.0 for j in range(2): h["CD%d_%d" % (i + 1, j + 1)] = cd_rot[i, j] # h['BACKGR'] = 0.17+0.49, 'Total, e/s SDT Report A-1' h["BACKGR"] = 1.12, "Pandeia minzodi/benchmark 20210528" h["FILTER"] = "G150", "WFIRST/Roman grism" h["INSTRUME"] = "WFI" # h['READN'] = 17, 'SDT report Table 3-3' # e/pix/per # h["READN"] = 16.0, "WFI Reference 20210125" # e/pix/per h["PHOTFLAM"] = 1.0 h["PHOTPLAM"] = 1.0 wcs = pywcs.WCS(h) h["EXTVER"] = 1 return h, wcs
[docs]def roman_hls_image( exptime=661.932, nexp=13, background=1.12, output="roman.fits", **kwargs ): """ Make a simple FITS file for a Roman High Latitude Survey Image Parameters ---------- exptime, nexp, background : float, int, float Defaults specified to roughly match the variance in the `pandeia` 2D simulation result (ignoring Poisson from the source) output : str Output filename passed to `~grizli.fake_image.make_fake_image`. Default is 'roman.fits'. kwargs : dict Positional keywords passed to `~grizli.fake_image.roman_header` Returns ------- hdu : `` HDU with SCI, ERR, DQ extensions wcs : `astropy.wcs.WCS` WCS """ header, wcs = roman_header(**kwargs) hdu = make_fake_image( header, output=output, background=background, exptime=exptime, nexp=nexp ) return hdu, wcs
[docs]def make_fake_image( header, output="direct.fits", background=None, exptime=1.0e4, nexp=10, obsdate=None, seed=None, ): """ Use the header from NIRISS, WFC3/IR or WFIRST/Roman and make an ``FLT``-like image that `grizli` can read as a reference. Parameters ---------- header : `` Header created by one of the generating functions, such as `~grizli.fake_image.niriss_header`. output : str Filename of the output FITS file. Will have extensions 'SCI', 'ERR', and 'DQ'. The 'ERR' extension is populated with a read-noise + background error model using >>> var = nexp*header['READN'] + background*exptime The 'SCI' extension is filled with gaussian deviates with standard deviation `sqrt(var)`. The 'DQ' extension is filled with (int) zeros. background : None or float Background value to use for sky noise. If None, then read from `header['BACKGR']`. exptime : float Exposure time to use for background sky noise. nexp : int Number of exposures to use for read noise. obsdate : `~astropy.time.Time` Date of observation. If None, then use `` seed : int If specified, use as `numpy.random.seed` Returns ------- hdu : `` Image HDU (also saved to ``output`` FITS file) """ import astropy.time import astropy.units as u hdu = pyfits.HDUList() header["EXPTIME"] = exptime header["NEXP"] = nexp header["BUNIT"] = "ELECTRONS/S" hdu.append(pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=header)) naxis = (header["NAXIS1"], header["NAXIS2"]) if background is None: background = header["BACKGR"] header["BACKGR"] = background if obsdate is None: obsdate = header["DATE-OBS"] = obsdate.iso.split()[0] header["TIME-OBS"] = obsdate.iso.split()[1] header["EXPSTART"] = obsdate.mjd header["EXPEND"] = (obsdate + exptime * u.second).mjd # Simple error model of read noise and sky background var = nexp * header["READN"] + background * exptime # electrons / s rms = np.sqrt(var) / exptime header["CALCRMS"] = rms, "Variance used for random noise" for name, dtype in zip(["SCI", "ERR", "DQ"], [np.float32, np.float32, np.int32]): hdu.append( pyfits.ImageHDU( header=header, data=np.zeros(np.array(naxis).T, dtype=dtype), name=name ) ) hdu["ERR"].data += rms if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) hdu["ERR"].header["SEED"] = seed, "Random seed" hdu["SCI"].data = np.random.normal(size=np.array(naxis).T) * rms if output is not None: hdu.writeto(output, overwrite=True, output_verify="fix") return hdu
[docs]def make_roman_config(save_to_conf=True): """ Use `pandeia` to calculate a Roman/G150 configuration file and sensitivity curve for `grizli` Parameters ---------- save_to_conf : bool Write sensitivity and configuration files to ``[GRIZLI_PATH]/CONF`` Returns ------- sens : `~astropy.table.Table` Sensitivity table conf : str Grism configuration """ from astropy.table import Table import astropy.time import pandeia.engine from pandeia.engine.perform_calculation import perform_calculation from pandeia.engine.calc_utils import ( get_telescope_config, get_instrument_config, build_default_calc, build_default_source, ) from pandeia.engine.io_utils import read_json, write_json calc = build_default_calc("roman", "wfi", "spectroscopy") # HLS simulation calc["configuration"]["instrument"]["filter"] = None calc["configuration"]["instrument"]["aperture"] = "any" calc["configuration"]["instrument"]["disperser"] = "g150" calc["configuration"]["detector"]["ngroup"] = 13 # groups per integration calc["configuration"]["detector"]["nint"] = 1 # integrations per exposure calc["configuration"]["detector"]["nexp"] = 1 # exposures calc["configuration"]["detector"]["readmode"] = "medium8" calc["configuration"]["detector"]["subarray"] = "1024x1024" calc["scene"][0]["spectrum"]["normalization"]["norm_fluxunit"] = "flam" input_flux = 1.0e-19 calc["scene"][0]["spectrum"]["normalization"]["norm_flux"] = input_flux calc["scene"][0]["spectrum"]["sed"]["unit"] = "flam" # x,y location to extract, in arcsec calc["strategy"]["target_xy"] = [0.0, 0.0] # radius of extraction aperture, in arcsec calc["strategy"]["aperture_size"] = 0.6 # inner and outer radii of background subtraction annulus, in arcsec calc["strategy"]["sky_annulus"] = [0.8, 1.2] results = perform_calculation(calc) sens = Table() wave = np.arange(9000, 1.95e4, 2.0) sens_value = results["1d"]["extracted_flux"][1] / input_flux sens_value /= np.gradient(results["1d"]["extracted_flux"][0] * 1.0e4) sens["WAVELENGTH"] = wave sens["SENSITIVITY"] = np.interp( wave, results["1d"]["extracted_flux"][0] * 1.0e4, sens_value, left=0, right=0 ) sens["ERROR"] = 0.01 * sens_value.max() sens.meta["pandeia"] = pandeia.engine.__version__ sens.meta["created"] = sens_file = f"Roman.G150.v{pandeia.engine.__version__}.sens.fits" if save_to_conf: if isinstance(save_to_conf, str): path = save_to_conf else: path = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, "CONF") print("Sensitivity file: ", os.path.join(path, sens_file)) sens.write(os.path.join(path, sens_file), overwrite=True) npix = len(results["1d"]["extracted_flux"][0]) pad = 20 i0 = npix // 2 w0 = results["1d"]["extracted_flux"][0][i0] * 1.0e4 dlam = np.diff(results["1d"]["extracted_flux"][0])[i0] * 1.0e4 config = f"""INSTRUMENT WFI GFILTER G150 # First order (BEAM A) # BEAMA and DLDP assume spectrum is centered on the imaging position BEAMA {-npix//2-pad} {npix//2+pad+1} MMAG_EXTRACT_A 30 MMAG_MARK_A 30 # # Trace description # (flat along rows) DYDX_ORDER_A 0 DYDX_A_0 0 # # X and Y Offsets # XOFF_A 0.0 YOFF_A 0.0 # # Dispersion solution # DISP_ORDER_A 1 DLDP_A_0 {w0} DLDP_A_1 {dlam} SENSITIVITY_A {sens_file} """ if save_to_conf: print("Config file: ", os.path.join(path, "Roman.G150.conf")) with open(os.path.join(path, "Roman.G150.conf"), "w") as fp: fp.write(config) return sens, config