Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The easiest way to install the latest ``grizli`` release into a :ref:`fresh virtualenv or conda environment ` is: .. code-block:: bash pip install grizli If you are installing ``grizli`` for the first time, make sure to also set up :ref:`directories and download reference files `. If you will be working with HST data, the following will install all necessary libraries: .. code-block:: bash pip install "grizli[hst]" conda install hstcal If you will be working with JWST data, the following is the recommended installation process: .. code-block:: bash pip install "grizli[jwst]" More detailed instructions are available :ref:`below `. Development Environment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `Grizli` has been developed within a `miniconda `_ Python environment. Module dependencies, including general utilities like `numpy`, `scipy`, `matplotlib`, astronomy tools like `astropy` and specific software for dealing with space-telescope data (``, `drizzlepac`, etc.) are all installed using the standard ``pip install`` method (see :ref:`below `). Most development is done in a ``python 3.9`` environment on a MacBook Pro running Mojave 10.14.6. The basic build is tested in (Linux) python ``3.7``, ``3.8`` and ``3.9`` with the `GitHub actions `_ continuous integration (CI) tools, but the current test suite does not yet test all of the full functionality of the code. .. _environment: Setting up a Local Environment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We recommend that ``grizli`` be installed in a new virtual environment to minimize conflicts with dependencies for other packages. Possible virtual environment managers are ``conda``, ``venv``, ``pyenv``, etc. Here we give example with setting up a ``conda`` environment. - Generate a ``conda`` environment named ``grizli39`` (or anything else you prefer). This will just provide the base Python distribution (along with ``pip``): .. code-block:: bash conda create --name grizli39 python=3.9 - Activate the environment. If you chose a name other than ``grizli39``, substitute that below: .. code-block:: bash conda activate grizli39 .. note:: The activation needs to be done *each time* you start a new terminal. Alternatively, if you want it automatically done for every new terminal, you need to put the above command in your ``~/.bashrc`` file. .. _installation: Preferred installation with pip ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The latest release of ``grizli`` can be installed with ``pip``: .. code-block:: bash pip install grizli There are five available options for installing dependencies: ``hst``, ``jwst``, ``aws``, ``test`` and ``docs``. These can be installed as follows: .. code-block:: bash pip install "grizli[hst]" or .. code-block:: bash pip install "grizli[jwst]" or .. code-block:: bash pip install "grizli[jwst,test]" To minimize conflict of dependencies, install only the ones that you need. .. _additional: Additional dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``pip`` will install all needed dependencies. If you will be working with HST data, you will also need the ``hstcal`` library which is only available via ``conda``: .. code-block:: bash conda install hstcal ``eazy-py`` ########### If you are planning to run simultaneous fits to grism spectra plus photometry using the `eazy-py `_ connection, install ``eazy-py`` to ensure that you get *its* dependencies and templates. .. code-block:: bash git clone cd eazy-py pip install . - Download the templates (in a Python interpreter): .. code-block:: python import eazy eazy.fetch_eazy_photoz() - Optional: Run basic tests with ``pytest``. Note that the ``pysynphot`` failure is not critical: .. code-block:: bash pytest .. _directories: Set up directories and fetch additional files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``grizli`` requires a several environmental variables to be set that point to the directory location of configuration files. The ``export`` lines below can be put into the ``~/.bashrc`` or ``~/.bash_profile`` setup files so that the system variables are set automatically when you start a new terminal/shell session. .. code-block:: bash export GRIZLI="${HOME}/grizli" # or anywhere else export iref="${GRIZLI}/iref/" # for WFC3 calibration files export jref="${GRIZLI}/jref/" # for ACS calibration files - Create these directories, assuming that they do not already exist: .. code-block:: bash mkdir $GRIZLI mkdir $GRIZLI/CONF # needed for grism configuration files mkdir $GRIZLI/templates # for redshift fits mkdir $iref mkdir $jref - Download the calibration and configuration files not provided with the code repository. Helper scripts are provided to download files that are currently hard-coded. HST calibrations will be downloaded to the ``$iref`` and ``$jref`` directories. Set ``get_acs=True`` to get files necessary for G800L processing: .. code-block:: python import grizli.utils grizli.utils.fetch_default_calibs(get_acs=False) Configuration files will be downliaded to the ``$GRIZLI/CONF`` directory. Set ``get_jwst=True`` to get config files for JWST processing: .. code-block:: python grizli.utils.fetch_config_files(get_acs=False, get_jwst=False) - The grism redshift fits require galaxy SED templates that are provided with the repository but that need to be in a specific directory, ``$GRIZLI/templates``. This is done so that users can modify/add templates in that directory without touching the files in the repository itself. For default processing they can by symlinked from the repository. Set ``force=True`` to symlink files even if they already exist in ``$GRIZLI/templates/``: .. code-block:: python import grizli.utils grizli.utils.symlink_templates(force=True) - Run basic tests with `pytest`: .. code-block:: bash pip install ".[test]" pytest Installing ``grizli`` from source ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you need to install ``grizli` form a specific branch or need an editable version of the library, you can do this directly from the repository. - Create a dedicated environment. See instructions :ref:`above `. - Change into a directory where the ``grizli`` repo will live. - Fetch the ``grizli`` repo and change into the newly cloned directory: .. code-block:: bash git clone cd grizli - If you are installing from a branch, checkout the branch. - Compile and install the ``grizli`` module. This only needs to be done once (on initial ``clone``), or after updating the repository (e.g., after a ``git pull``). .. code-block:: bash pip install -e . The ``-e`` flag stands for ``editable``. Or to install the optional dependencies: .. code-block:: bash pip install -e ".[jwst,test]" See :ref:`above ` for the additional dependencies that need to be installed. Using HST Files Staged on AWS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``grizli`` can automatically pull FITS files from the public AWS S3 bucket mirror of the *HST* archive, which can be useful when running the full *HST* reduction pipeline. This requires that the AWS command line tools and the ``boto3`` and ``awscli`` modules be installed: .. code-block:: bash # Put your AWS credentials, etc. in ~/.aws pip install grizli ".[aws]"