Source code for grizli.grismconf

Demonstrate aXe trace polynomials.

Initial code taken from `(Brammer, Pirzkal, & Ryan 2014) <>`_, which contains a detailed
explanation how the grism configuration parameters and coefficients are defined and evaluated.

import os
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

from . import GRIZLI_PATH, utils
from .jwst_utils import crds_reffiles

DEFAULT_CRDS_CONTEXT = "jwst_1123.pmap"


if os.getenv("NIRCAM_CONF_VERSION") is not None:

[docs]def show_available_nircam_versions(filter="F444W", module="B", grism="R", verbose=True): """ Show all available versions of the NIRCAM Grism config files Parameters ---------- filter, module, grism : str NIRCAM config file identifiers: ``CONF/GRISM_NIRCAM/V2/NIRCAM_{filter}_mod{module}_{grism}.conf`` verbose : bool Print the available versions to the terminal. Returns ------- versions : list List of available config files """ import glob files = glob.glob( os.path.join( GRIZLI_PATH, f"CONF/GRISM_NIRCAM/*/NIRCAM_{filter}_mod{module}_{grism}.conf" ) ) files.sort() versions = [] for file in files: versions.append(file.split("/")[-2]) if verbose: print(f"{versions[-1]:>8} {file}") return versions
[docs]class aXeConf: def __init__(self, conf_file="WFC3.IR.G141.V2.5.conf"): """ Read an aXe-compatible configuration file Parameters ---------- conf_file: str Filename of the configuration file to read """ if conf_file is not None: self.conf = self.read_conf_file(conf_file) self.conf_dict = self.conf self.conf_file = conf_file self.count_beam_orders() # Global XOFF/YOFF offsets if "XOFF" in self.conf.keys(): self.xoff = float(self.conf["XOFF"]) else: self.xoff = 0.0 if "YOFF" in self.conf.keys(): self.yoff = float(self.conf["YOFF"]) else: self.yoff = 0.0
[docs] def read_conf_file(self, conf_file="WFC3.IR.G141.V2.5.conf"): """ Read an aXe config file, convert floats and arrays Parameters ---------- conf_file: str Filename of the configuration file to read. Parameters are stored in an OrderedDict in `self.conf`. """ conf = OrderedDict() fp = open(conf_file) lines = fp.readlines() fp.close() for line in lines: # empty / commented lines if (line.startswith("#")) | (line.strip() == "") | ('"' in line): continue # split the line, taking out ; and # comments spl = line.split(";")[0].split("#")[0].split() param = spl[0] if len(spl) > 2: value = np.asarray(spl[1:], dtype=float) else: try: value = float(spl[1]) except: value = spl[1] conf[param] = value return conf
[docs] def count_beam_orders(self): """ Get the maximum polynomial order in DYDX or DLDP for each beam """ self.orders = {} for beam in ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J"]: order = 0 while "DYDX_{0:s}_{1:d}".format(beam, order) in self.conf.keys(): order += 1 while "DLDP_{0:s}_{1:d}".format(beam, order) in self.conf.keys(): order += 1 self.orders[beam] = order - 1
[docs] def get_beams(self): """ Get beam parameters and read sensitivity curves """ import os from astropy.table import Table, Column self.dxlam = OrderedDict() self.nx = OrderedDict() self.sens = OrderedDict() self.beams = [] for beam in self.orders: if self.orders[beam] > 0: self.beams.append(beam) self.dxlam[beam] = np.arange( self.conf["BEAM{0}".format(beam)].min(), self.conf["BEAM{0}".format(beam)].max(), dtype=int, ) self.nx[beam] = int(self.dxlam[beam].max() - self.dxlam[beam].min()) + 1 self.sens[beam] = "{0}/{1}".format( os.path.dirname(self.conf_file), self.conf["SENSITIVITY_{0}".format(beam)], ) ) # self.sens[beam].wave = np.asarray(self.sens[beam]['WAVELENGTH'],dtype=np.double) # self.sens[beam].sens = np.asarray(self.sens[beam]['SENSITIVITY'],dtype=np.double) # Need doubles for interpolating functions for col in self.sens[beam].colnames: data = np.asarray(self.sens[beam][col], dtype=np.double) self.sens[beam].remove_column(col) self.sens[beam].add_column(Column(data=data, name=col)) # Scale BEAM F if (beam == "F") & ("G141" in self.conf_file): self.sens[beam]["SENSITIVITY"] *= 0.35 if (beam == "B") & ("G141" in self.conf_file): if self.conf["SENSITIVITY_B"] == "WFC3.IR.G141.0th.sens.1.fits": self.sens[beam]["SENSITIVITY"] *= 2 # wave = np.asarray(self.sens[beam]['WAVELENGTH'],dtype=np.double) # sens = np.asarray(self.sens[beam]['SENSITIVITY'],dtype=np.double) # self.sens[beam]['WAVELENGTH'] = np.asarray(self.sens[beam]['WAVELENGTH'],dtype=np.double) # self.sens[beam]['SENSITIVITY'] = ) self.beams.sort()
[docs] def remove_beam(self, beam): """ Remove a beam definition Parameters ---------- beam : str Beam name to remove. Example: 'A'. """ if beam in self.beams: ix = self.beams.index(beam) _ = self.beams.pop(ix)
[docs] def reset_beam_list(self): """ Reset full beam list, perhaps after removing some with ``remove_beam`` """ for beam in self.orders: if self.orders[beam] > 0: self.beams.append(beam)
[docs] def field_dependent(self, xi, yi, coeffs): """ aXe field-dependent coefficients See the `aXe manual <>`_ for a description of how the field-dependent coefficients are specified. Parameters ---------- xi, yi : float or array-like Coordinate to evaluate the field dependent coefficients, where `xi = x-REFX` and `yi = y-REFY`. coeffs : array-like Field-dependency coefficients Returns ------- a : float or array-like Evaluated field-dependent coefficients """ # number of coefficients for a given polynomial order # 1:1, 2:3, 3:6, 4:10, order:order*(order+1)/2 if hasattr(coeffs, "__len__"): order = int(-1 + np.sqrt(1 + 8 * len(coeffs))) // 2 else: order = 1 # Build polynomial terms array # $a = a_0+a_1x_i+a_2y_i+a_3x_i^2+a_4x_iy_i+a_5yi^2+$ ... xy = [] for _p in range(order): for _py in range(_p + 1): # print 'x**%d y**%d' %(p-py, px) xy.append(xi ** (_p - _py) * yi ** (_py)) # Evaluate the polynomial, allowing for N-dimensional inputs a = np.sum((np.array(xy).T * coeffs).T, axis=0) return a
[docs] def evaluate_dp(self, dx, dydx): r"""Evalate arc length along the trace given trace polynomial coefficients Parameters ---------- dx : array-like x pixel to evaluate dydx : array-like Coefficients of the trace polynomial Returns ------- dp : array-like Arc length along the trace at position `dx`. For `dydx` polynomial orders 0, 1 or 2, integrate analytically. Higher orders must be integrated numerically. **Constant:** .. math:: dp = dx **Linear:** .. math:: dp = \sqrt{1+\mathrm{DYDX}[1]}\cdot dx **Quadratic:** .. math:: u = \mathrm{DYDX}[1] + 2\ \mathrm{DYDX}[2]\cdot dx .. math:: dp = (u \sqrt{1+u^2} + \mathrm{arcsinh}\ u) / (4\cdot \mathrm{DYDX}[2]) """ # dp is the arc length along the trace # $\lambda = dldp_0 + dldp_1 dp + dldp_2 dp^2$ ... poly_order = len(dydx) - 1 if poly_order == 2: if np.abs(np.unique(dydx[2])).max() == 0: poly_order = 1 if poly_order == 0: # dy=0 dp = dx elif poly_order == 1: # constant dy/dx dp = np.sqrt(1 + dydx[1] ** 2) * (dx) elif poly_order == 2: # quadratic trace u0 = dydx[1] + 2 * dydx[2] * (0) dp0 = (u0 * np.sqrt(1 + u0 ** 2) + np.arcsinh(u0)) / (4 * dydx[2]) u = dydx[1] + 2 * dydx[2] * (dx) dp = (u * np.sqrt(1 + u ** 2) + np.arcsinh(u)) / (4 * dydx[2]) - dp0 else: # high order shape, numerical integration along trace # (this can be slow) xmin = np.minimum((dx).min(), 0) xmax = np.maximum((dx).max(), 0) xfull = np.arange(xmin, xmax) dyfull = 0 for i in range(1, poly_order): dyfull += i * dydx[i] * (xfull - 0.5) ** (i - 1) # Integrate from 0 to dx / -dx dpfull = xfull * 0.0 lt0 = xfull < 0 if lt0.sum() > 1: dpfull[lt0] = np.cumsum(np.sqrt(1 + dyfull[lt0][::-1] ** 2))[::-1] dpfull[lt0] *= -1 # gt0 = xfull > 0 if gt0.sum() > 0: dpfull[gt0] = np.cumsum(np.sqrt(1 + dyfull[gt0] ** 2)) dp = np.interp(dx, xfull, dpfull) if dp[-1] == dp[-2]: dp[-1] = dp[-2] + np.diff(dp)[-2] return dp
[docs] def get_beam_trace(self, x=507, y=507, dx=0.0, beam="A", fwcpos=None): """ Get an aXe beam trace for an input reference pixel and list of output x pixels `dx` Parameters ---------- x, y : float or array-like Evaluate trace definition at detector coordinates `x` and `y`. dx : float or array-like Offset in x pixels from `(x,y)` where to compute trace offset and effective wavelength beam : str Beam name (i.e., spectral order) to compute. By aXe convention, `beam='A'` is the first order, 'B' is the zeroth order and additional beams are the higher positive and negative orders. fwcpos : None or float For NIRISS, specify the filter wheel position to compute the trace rotation Returns ------- dy : float or array-like Center of the trace in y pixels offset from `(x,y)` evaluated at `dx`. lam : float or array-like Effective wavelength along the trace evaluated at `dx`. """ NORDER = self.orders[beam] + 1 xi, yi = x - self.xoff, y - self.yoff xoff_beam = self.field_dependent(xi, yi, self.conf["XOFF_{0}".format(beam)]) yoff_beam = self.field_dependent(xi, yi, self.conf["YOFF_{0}".format(beam)]) # y offset of trace (DYDX) dydx = np.zeros(NORDER) # 0 #+1.e-80 dydx = [0] * NORDER for i in range(NORDER): if "DYDX_{0:s}_{1:d}".format(beam, i) in self.conf.keys(): coeffs = self.conf["DYDX_{0:s}_{1:d}".format(beam, i)] dydx[i] = self.field_dependent(xi, yi, coeffs) # $dy = dydx_0+dydx_1 dx+dydx_2 dx^2+$ ... dy = yoff_beam for i in range(NORDER): dy += dydx[i] * (dx - xoff_beam) ** i # wavelength solution dldp = np.zeros(NORDER) dldp = [0] * NORDER for i in range(NORDER): if "DLDP_{0:s}_{1:d}".format(beam, i) in self.conf.keys(): coeffs = self.conf["DLDP_{0:s}_{1:d}".format(beam, i)] dldp[i] = self.field_dependent(xi, yi, coeffs) self.eval_input = {"x": x, "y": y, "beam": beam, "dx": dx, "fwcpos": fwcpos} self.eval_output = { "xi": xi, "yi": yi, "dldp": dldp, "dydx": dydx, "xoff_beam": xoff_beam, "yoff_beam": yoff_beam, "dy": dy, } dp = self.evaluate_dp(dx - xoff_beam, dydx) # ## dp is the arc length along the trace # ## $\lambda = dldp_0 + dldp_1 dp + dldp_2 dp^2$ ... # if self.conf['DYDX_ORDER_%s' %(beam)] == 0: ## dy=0 # dp = dx-xoff_beam # elif self.conf['DYDX_ORDER_%s' %(beam)] == 1: ## constant dy/dx # dp = np.sqrt(1+dydx[1]**2)*(dx-xoff_beam) # elif self.conf['DYDX_ORDER_%s' %(beam)] == 2: ## quadratic trace # u0 = dydx[1]+2*dydx[2]*(0) # dp0 = (u0*np.sqrt(1+u0**2)+np.arcsinh(u0))/(4*dydx[2]) # u = dydx[1]+2*dydx[2]*(dx-xoff_beam) # dp = (u*np.sqrt(1+u**2)+np.arcsinh(u))/(4*dydx[2])-dp0 # else: # ## high order shape, numerical integration along trace # ## (this can be slow) # xmin = np.minimum((dx-xoff_beam).min(), 0) # xmax = np.maximum((dx-xoff_beam).max(), 0) # xfull = np.arange(xmin, xmax) # dyfull = 0 # for i in range(1, NORDER): # dyfull += i*dydx[i]*(xfull-0.5)**(i-1) # # ## Integrate from 0 to dx / -dx # dpfull = xfull*0. # lt0 = xfull <= 0 # if lt0.sum() > 1: # dpfull[lt0] = np.cumsum(np.sqrt(1+dyfull[lt0][::-1]**2))[::-1] # dpfull[lt0] *= -1 # # # gt0 = xfull >= 0 # if gt0.sum() > 0: # dpfull[gt0] = np.cumsum(np.sqrt(1+dyfull[gt0]**2)) # # dp = np.interp(dx-xoff_beam, xfull, dpfull) # Evaluate dldp lam = dp * 0.0 for i in range(NORDER): lam += dldp[i] * dp ** i # NIRISS rotation? if fwcpos is not None: if "FWCPOS_REF" not in self.conf.keys(): print( "Parameter fwcpos={0} supplied but no FWCPOS_REF in {1:s}".format( fwcpos, self.conf_file ) ) return dy, lam order = int(self.conf["DYDX_ORDER_{0}".format(beam)]) if order > 2: print(f"ORDER={order} > 2 not supported for NIRISS rotation") return dy, lam theta = (fwcpos - self.conf["FWCPOS_REF"]) / 180 * np.pi * 1 theta *= -1 # DMS rotation # print('DMS') if theta == 0: return dy, lam # For the convention of swapping/inverting axes for GR150C # if 'GR150C' in self.conf_file: # theta = -theta # If theta is small, use a small angle approximation. # Otherwise, 1./tan(theta) blows up and results in numerical # noise. xp = (dx - xoff_beam) / np.cos(theta) if (1 - np.cos(theta) < 5.0e-8) | (np.abs(dydx[2]) < 1.0e-8) | (order < 2): # print('Approximate!', xoff_beam, np.tan(theta)) dy = dy + (dx - xoff_beam) * np.tan(theta) delta = 0.0 # print('Approx') else: # Full transformed trace coordinates c = dydx # print('Not approx') beta = c[1] + 2 * c[2] * xp - 1 / np.tan(theta) chi = c[0] + c[1] * xp + c[2] * xp ** 2 if theta < 0: psi = -beta + np.sqrt(beta ** 2 - 4 * c[2] * chi) psi *= 1.0 / 2 / c[2] / np.tan(theta) delta = psi * np.tan(theta) dy = dx * np.tan(theta) + psi / np.cos(theta) else: psi = -beta - np.sqrt(beta ** 2 - 4 * c[2] * chi) psi *= 1.0 / 2 / c[2] / np.tan(theta) delta = psi * np.tan(theta) dy = dx * np.tan(theta) + psi / np.cos(theta) # Evaluate wavelength at 'prime position along the trace dp = self.evaluate_dp(xp + delta, dydx) lam = dp * 0.0 for i in range(NORDER): lam += dldp[i] * dp ** i return dy, lam
[docs] def show_beams(self, xy=None, beams=["E", "D", "C", "B", "A"]): """ Make a demo plot of the beams of a given configuration file Parameters ---------- xy : tuple Reference pixel in direct image to evaluate the beams. beams : list List of beams to plot. Default is `["E", "D", "C", "B", "A"]`. Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure object. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x0, x1 = 507, 507 dx = np.arange(-800, 1200) if "WFC3.UV" in self.conf_file: x0, x1 = 2073, 250 dx = np.arange(-1200, 1200) if "G800L" in self.conf_file: x0, x1 = 2124, 1024 dx = np.arange(-1200, 1200) if xy is not None: x0, x1 = xy s = 200 # marker size fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[10, 3]) ax.scatter( 0, 0, marker="s", s=s, color="black", edgecolor="0.8", label="Direct" ) for beam in beams: if "XOFF_{0}".format(beam) not in self.conf.keys(): continue xoff = self.field_dependent(x0, x1, self.conf["XOFF_{0}".format(beam)]) dy, lam = self.get_beam_trace(x0, x1, dx=dx, beam=beam) xlim = self.conf["BEAM{0}".format(beam)] ok = (dx >= xlim[0]) & (dx <= xlim[1]) sc = ax.scatter( dx[ok] + xoff, dy[ok], c=lam[ok] / 1.0e4, marker="s", s=s, alpha=0.5, edgecolor="None", ) ax.text( np.median(dx[ok]), np.median(dy[ok]) + 1, beam, ha="center", va="center", fontsize=14, ) print( "Beam {0}, lambda=({1:.1f} - {2:.1f})".format( beam, lam[ok].min(), lam[ok].max() ) ) ax.grid() ax.set_xlabel(r"$\Delta x$" + f" (x0={x0})") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\Delta y$" + f" (y0={x1})") cb = plt.colorbar(sc, pad=0.01, fraction=0.05) cb.set_label(r"$\lambda\,(\mu\mathrm{m})$") ax.set_title(self.conf_file) fig.tight_layout(pad=0.1) # plt.savefig('{0}.pdf'.format(self.conf_file)) return fig
[docs] def load_nircam_sensitivity_curve(self, verbose=True, **kwargs): """ Replace +1 NIRCam sensitivity curves with Nov 10, 2023 updates Files generated with the calibration data of P330E from program CAL-1538 (K. Gordon) Download the FITS files from the link below and put them in ``$GRIZLI/CONF/GRISM_NIRCAM/``. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool Print messages to the terminal. """ if "NIRCAM" not in self.conf_file: return None pars = os.path.basename(self.conf_file).split("_") path = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, "CONF", "GRISM_NIRCAM") sens_base = "nircam_wfss_sensitivity_{filter}_{pupil}_{module}.10nov23.fits" sens_file = sens_base.format( filter=pars[1], pupil="GRISM" + pars[3][0], module=pars[2][-1] ) sens_file = os.path.join(path, sens_file) # print('xx', sens_file, os.path.exists(sens_file)) if os.path.exists(sens_file): msg = "grismconf.aXeConf: replace sensitivity curve with " msg += f"{sens_file}" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose) si = utils.read_catalog(sens_file).copy() si["ERROR"] = si["SENSITIVITY"].max() * 0.01 self.SENS["A"] = si
[docs]def coeffs_from_astropy_polynomial(p): """ Get field-dependent coefficients in aXe format from an `astropy.modeling.polynomial.Polynomial2D` model Parameters ---------- p : `astropy.modeling.polynomial.Polynomial2D` Polynomial model Returns ------- coeffs : array-like Reordered array of coefficients """ coeffs = [] for _p in range( + 1): for _py in range(_p + 1): # print 'x**%d y**%d' %(_p-_py, _py) _px = _p - _py pname = f"c{_px}_{_py}" if pname in p.param_names: pix = p.param_names.index(pname) coeffs.append(p.parameters[pix]) else: coeffs.append(0.0) return np.array(coeffs)
[docs]def get_config_filename( instrume="WFC3", filter="F140W", grism="G141", pupil=None, module=None, chip=1, use_jwst_crds=False, crds_context=DEFAULT_CRDS_CONTEXT, ): """ Generate a config filename based on the instrument, filter & grism combination. Config files assumed to be found the directory specified by the `$GRIZLI` environment variable, i.e., `${GRIZLI}/CONF`. Parameters ---------- instrume : {'ACS', 'WFC3', 'NIRISS', 'NIRCam', 'WFIRST'} Instrument used filter : str Direct image filter. This is only used for WFC3/IR, where the grism configuration files have been determined for each direct+grism combination separately based on the filter wedge offsets of the filters. grism : str Grism name. Valid combinations are the following: ACS : G800L (assumed) WFC3 : G102, G141 NIRISS : GR150R, GR150C NIRCam : F322W2, F356W, F430M, F444W, F460M WFIRST : (basic assumptions about the WFI grism) pupil : str Pupil element for NIRCam grisms (e.g., 'CLEAR', 'GRISMC', 'GRISMR'). module : str NIRCam module (A or B) for NIRCam grisms. chip : int For ACS/WFC and UVIS, specifies the chip to use. Note that this is switched with respect to the header EXTNAME extensions: EXTVER = 1 is extension 1 / (SCI,1) of the flt/flc files but corresponds to CCDCHIP = 2 and the ACS.WFC3.CHIP2 config files. and EXTVER = 2 is extension 4 / (SCI,2) of the flt/flc files but corresponds to CCDCHIP = 1 and the ACS.WFC3.CHIP1 config files. use_jwst_crds : bool Use CRDS ``specwcs`` reference files for JWST instruments crds_context : str CRDS context to use for JWST reference files. Returns ------- conf_file : str String path of the configuration file. """ if instrume == "ACS": conf_file = os.path.join( GRIZLI_PATH, "CONF/ACS.WFC.CHIP{0:d}.Stars.conf".format(chip) ) if not os.path.exists(conf_file): conf_file = os.path.join( GRIZLI_PATH, "CONF/ACS.WFC.CHIP{0:d}.Cycle13.5.conf".format(chip) ) if instrume == "WFC3": if grism == "G280": conf_file = os.path.join( GRIZLI_PATH, "CONF/G280/", "{0:d}.V2.0.conf".format(chip), ) return conf_file conf_file = os.path.join( GRIZLI_PATH, "CONF/{0}.{1}.V4.32.conf".format(grism, filter) ) # When direct + grism combination not found for WFC3 assume F140W if not os.path.exists(conf_file): conf_file = os.path.join( GRIZLI_PATH, "CONF/{0}.{1}.V4.32.conf".format(grism, "F140W") ) if instrume == "NIRISS": conf_files = [] conf_files.append( os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, "CONF/{0}.{1}.221215.conf".format(grism, filter)) ) conf_files.append( os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, "CONF/{0}.{1}.220725.conf".format(grism, filter)) ) conf_files.append( os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, "CONF/{0}.{1}.conf".format(grism, filter)) ) conf_files.append( os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, "CONF/NIRISS.{0}.conf".format(filter)) ) for conf_file in conf_files: if os.path.exists(conf_file): # print(f'NIRISS: {conf_file}') break else: # print(f'skip NIRISS: {conf_file}') pass # if not os.path.exists(conf_file): # print('CONF/{0}.{1}.conf'.format(grism, filter)) # conf_file = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, # 'CONF/NIRISS.{0}.conf'.format(filter)) # if instrume == 'NIRCam': # conf_file = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, # 'CONF/aXeSIM_NC_2016May/CONF/NIRCam_LWAR_{0}.conf'.format(grism)) if instrume in ["NIRCAM"]: # conf_file = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, # f'CONF/NIRCam.A.{filter}.{grism}.conf') fi = grism gr = filter[-1] # R, C # conf_file = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, # f'CONF/GRISM_NIRCAM/gNIRCAM.{fi}.mod{module}.{gr}.conf') # # conf_file = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, # f'CONF/GRISM_NIRCAM/V2/NIRCAM_{fi}_mod{module}_{gr}.conf') # NIRCam preference: 8.5 > 8 > 4 conf_file_base = os.path.join( GRIZLI_PATH, f"CONF/GRISM_NIRCAM/[[NIRCAM_VERSION]]/NIRCAM_{fi}_mod{module}_{gr}.conf", ) _conf_versions = [NIRCAM_CONF_VERSION, "V8.5", "V8", "V4", "V6"] conf_file = None for NIRCAM_VERSION in _conf_versions: conf_file = conf_file_base.replace("[[NIRCAM_VERSION]]", NIRCAM_VERSION) if os.path.exists(conf_file): break if conf_file is None: raise ValueError elif instrume == "NIRCAMA": fi = grism gr = filter[-1] # R, C conf_file = os.path.join( GRIZLI_PATH, f"CONF/GRISM_NIRCAM/gNIRCAM.{fi}.modA.{gr}.conf" ) # conf_file = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, # f'CONF/NIRCam.B.{filter}.{grism}.conf') elif instrume == "NIRCAMB": fi = grism gr = filter[-1] # R, C conf_file = os.path.join( GRIZLI_PATH, f"CONF/GRISM_NIRCAM/gNIRCAM.{fi}.modB.{gr}.conf" ) # conf_file = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, # f'CONF/NIRCam.B.{filter}.{grism}.conf') if (instrume in ["NIRCAM", "NIRISS"]) & use_jwst_crds: if instrume == "NIRCAM": _pupil = filter _filter = grism else: _pupil = filter _filter = grism refs = crds_reffiles( instrument=instrume, filter=_filter, pupil=_pupil, module=module, date=None, reftypes=("photom", "specwcs"), header=None, context=crds_context, ) conf_file = refs["specwcs"] print("get_conf: xxx", conf_file, grism, filter, pupil, module, instrume) if instrume == "WFIRST": conf_file = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, "CONF/WFIRST.conf") if instrume == "WFI": conf_file = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, "CONF/Roman.G150.conf") if instrume == "SYN": conf_file = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, "CONF/syn.conf") # Euclid NISP, config files @ # if instrume == "NISP": if grism == "BLUE": conf_file = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, "CONF/Euclid.Gblue.0.conf") else: conf_file = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, "CONF/Euclid.Gred.0.conf") return conf_file
[docs]class JwstDispersionTransform(object): """ Rotate NIRISS and NIRCam coordinates such that slitless dispersion has wavelength increasing towards +x. Also works for HST, but does nothing. """ def __init__( self, instrument="NIRCAM", module="A", grism="R", conf_file=None, header=None ): """ Parameters ---------- instrument : str Instrument name. E.g., 'NIRCAM', 'NIRISS', 'WFC3'. module : str NIRCAM module. Can be 'A' or 'B'. grism : str Grism name. Can be 'R' or 'C' for NIRCAM and 'GR150R' or 'GR150C' for NIRISS. conf_file : str Configuration file to read instrument/grism from. If not provided, will try to infer from the header. header : `` Header object to read instrument/grism from. If not provided, will try to infer from the `conf_file`. """ self.instrument = instrument self.module = "A" if module is None else module self.grism = grism if conf_file is not None: self.base = os.path.basename(conf_file.split(".conf")[0]) else: self.base = None if conf_file is not None: if "NIRISS" in conf_file: # NIRISS_F200W_GR150R.conf self.instrument = "NIRISS" self.grism = self.base.split("_")[2][-1] self.module = "A" elif "NIRCAM" in conf_file: # NIRCAM_F444W_modA_R.conf self.instrument = "NIRCAM" self.grism = self.base[-1] self.module = self.base[-3] else: # NIRCAM_F444W_modA_R.conf self.instrument = "HST" self.grism = "G141" self.module = "A" elif header is not None: if "INSTRUME" in header: self.instrument = header["INSTRUME"] if "MODULE" in header: self.module = module if self.instrument == "NIRCAM": if "PUPIL" in header: self.grism = header["PUPIL"] else: if "FILTER" in header: self.grism = header["FILTER"] @property def array_center(self): """ Center of rotation Maybe this is 1020 for NIRISS? """ if self.instrument == "HST": return np.array([507.5, 507.5]) else: return np.array([1024.5, 1024.5]) @property def rotation(self): """ Clockwise rotation (degrees) from detector to wavelength increasing towards +x direction """ if self.instrument == "NIRCAM": if self.module == "A": if self.grism in ["R", "GRISMR"]: rotation = 0.0 elif self.grism in ["C", "GRISMC"]: rotation = 90.0 else: raise ValueError(f"NIRCAM {self.grism} must be GRISMR/C") elif self.module == "B": if self.grism in ["R", "GRISMR"]: rotation = 180.0 elif self.grism in ["C", "GRISMC"]: rotation = 90.0 else: raise ValueError(f"NIRCAM {self.grism} must be GRISMR/C") else: raise ValueError(f"NIRCAM {self.module} must be A/B") elif self.instrument == "NIRISS": if self.grism in ["GR150R", "R"]: rotation = 270.0 elif self.grism in ["GR150C", "C"]: rotation = 180.0 else: raise ValueError(f"NIRISS {self.grism} must be GR150R/C") else: # e.g., WFC3, ACS rotation = 0.0 return rotation @property def rot90(self): """ Rotations are all multiples of 90 for now, so compute values that can be passed to `numpy.rot90` for rotating 2D image arrays """ return int(np.round(self.rotation / 90)) @property def trace_axis(self): """Which detector axis corresponds to increasing wavelength""" if self.instrument == "NIRCAM": if self.module == "A": if self.grism == "R": axis = "+x" else: axis = "+y" else: if self.grism == "R": axis = "-x" else: axis = "+y" elif self.instrument == "NIRISS": if self.grism == "R": axis = "-y" else: axis = "-x" else: # e.g., WFC3, ACS axis = "+x" return axis
[docs] @staticmethod def rotate_coordinates(x, y, theta, center): """ Rotate cartesian coordinates ``x`` and ``y`` by angle ``theta`` about ``center`` Parameters ---------- x, y : float or array-like Original detector coordinates theta : float Rotation angle in radians. center : array-like Center of rotation. Returns ------- x, y : array-like Coordinates in rotated frame """ _mat = np.array( [[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]] ) x1 = np.atleast_1d(x) y1 = np.atleast_1d(y) return ((np.array([x1, y1]).T - center).dot(_mat) + center).T
[docs] def forward(self, x, y): """ Forward transform, detector to +x. Rotate NIRISS and NIRCam coordinates such that slitless dispersion has wavelength increasing towards +x. Also works for HST, but does nothing. Parameters ---------- x, y : float or array-like Original detector coordinates Returns ------- x, y : array-like Coordinates in rotated frame """ theta = self.rotation / 180 * np.pi return self.rotate_coordinates(x, y, theta, self.array_center)
[docs] def reverse(self, x, y): """ Reverse transform, +x to detector. Rotates coordinates from the +x direction to the detector frame. Parameters ---------- x, y : float or array-like Coordinates in rotated frame Returns ------- x, y : array-like Original detector coordinates """ theta = -self.rotation / 180 * np.pi return self.rotate_coordinates(x, y, theta, self.array_center)
[docs]class TransformGrismconf(object): """ Transform GRISMCONF-format configuration files to grizli convention of wavelength increasing towards +x See and config files at, e.g., """ def __init__(self, conf_file=""): """ Parameters ---------- conf_file : str Configuration filename """ import grismconf self.conf_file = conf_file if "specwcs" in conf_file: self.conf = CRDSGrismConf(conf_file, get_photom=True) kws = { "instrument": self.conf.instrument, "module": self.conf.module, "grism": self.conf.grism[-1], } self.transform = JwstDispersionTransform(**kws) else: self.conf = grismconf.Config(conf_file) self.transform = JwstDispersionTransform(conf_file=conf_file) self.order_names = { "A": "+1", "B": "0", "C": "+2", "D": "+3", "E": "-1", "F": "+4", } self.beam_names = {} for k in self.order_names: self.beam_names[self.order_names[k]] = k self.dxlam = OrderedDict() self.nx = OrderedDict() self.sens = OrderedDict() self.xoff = 0.0 self.yoff = 0.0 self.conf_dict = {} @property def orders(self): """ GRISMCONF order names, like '+1', '0', '+2', etc. """ return self.conf.orders @property def beams(self): """ aXe beam names like 'A','B','C', etc. """ beams = [self.beam_names[k] for k in self.orders] return beams
[docs] def remove_beam(self, beam): """ Remove a beam from the orders list Parameters ---------- beam : str Beam name, like 'A', 'B', 'C', etc. Returns ------- removed : bool True if the beam was removed, False if it was not in the list. """ order_name = None for k in self.beam_names: if self.beam_names[k] == beam: order_name = k if order_name is None: return False if hasattr(self.conf, "dm_orders"): olist = self.conf.dm_orders order_name = int(order_name) else: olist = self.conf.orders if order_name in olist: ix = olist.index(order_name) _ = olist.pop(ix) return True else: return False
[docs] def get_beam_trace(self, x=1024, y=1024, dx=0.0, beam="A", fwcpos=None): """ Function analogous to `grizli.grismconf.aXeConf.get_beam_trace` but that accounts for the different dispersion axes of JWST grisms Parameters ---------- x, y : float Reference position in the rotated frame dx : array-like Offset in pixels along the trace beam : str Grism order, translated from +1, 0, +2, +3, -1 = A, B, C, D, E fwcpos : float NIRISS rotation *(not implemented)* Returns ------- dy : float or array-like Center of the trace in y pixels offset from `(x,y)` evaluated at `dx`. lam : float or array-like Effective wavelength along the trace evaluated at `dx`. """ from astropy.modeling.models import Polynomial2D x0 = np.squeeze(self.transform.reverse(x, y)) if self.transform.trace_axis == "+x": t_func = self.conf.INVDISPX trace_func = self.conf.DISPY delta = 1 * dx elif self.transform.trace_axis == "-x": t_func = self.conf.INVDISPX trace_func = self.conf.DISPY delta = -1 * dx elif self.transform.trace_axis == "+y": t_func = self.conf.INVDISPY trace_func = self.conf.DISPX delta = 1 * dx else: # -y t_func = self.conf.INVDISPY trace_func = self.conf.DISPX delta = -1 * dx # print('xref: ', self.conf_file, self.transform.trace_axis) # print(x0, t_func) t = t_func(self.order_names[beam], *x0, delta) tdx = self.conf.DISPX(self.order_names[beam], *x0, t) tdy = self.conf.DISPY(self.order_names[beam], *x0, t) rev = self.transform.forward(x0[0] + tdx, x0[1] + tdy) trace_dy = rev[1, :] - y # trace_dy = y - rev[1,:] # Trace offsets for NIRCam if "V4/NIRCAM_F444W_modB_R.conf" in self.conf_file: trace_dy += -0.5 # Shifts derived from FRESCO coeffs = { "c0_0": 0.3723992993620532, "c1_0": -0.00011461411413576305, "c2_0": -8.575199405062535e-08, "c0_1": -0.0011862122093603026, "c0_2": 4.1403439215806165e-07, "c1_1": 1.6558275336712723e-07, } poly = Polynomial2D(degree=2, **coeffs) trace_dy += poly(x, y) # print(f'polynomial offset: {poly(x,y):.3f}') elif "V4/NIRCAM_F444W_modA_R.conf" in self.conf_file: trace_dy += -2.5 # Shifts derived from FRESCO coeffs = { "c0_0": 0.34191256988768415, "c1_0": -0.0003378232293429956, "c2_0": -9.238111910134196e-09, "c0_1": -7.063720696711682e-05, "c0_2": 2.5217177632321527e-08, "c1_1": -1.4345820074275903e-07, } poly = Polynomial2D(degree=2, **coeffs) trace_dy += poly(x, y) # print(f'polynomial offset: {poly(x,y):.3f}') elif ( ("V8/NIRCAM" in self.conf_file) | ("V8.5/NIRCAM" in self.conf_file) | ("V9/NIRCAM" in self.conf_file) ): # print('V8: do nothing') pass elif os.path.basename(self.conf_file) == "NIRCAM_F444W_modA_R.conf": trace_dy += -2.5 elif os.path.basename(self.conf_file) == "NIRCAM_F444W_modA_C.conf": trace_dy += -0.1 wave = self.conf.DISPL(self.order_names[beam], *x0, t) if self.transform.instrument != "HST": wave *= 1.0e4 return trace_dy, wave
[docs] def get_beams(self, nt=512, min_sens=1.0e-3): """ Get beam parameters and read sensitivity curves Parameters ---------- nt : int Number of points to sample the GRISMCONF `t` parameter min_sens : float Minimum sensitivity to consider in the sensitivity curves. Returns ------- sets `dxlam`, `nx`, `sens`, attributes """ import os from astropy.table import Table, Column t = np.linspace(0, 1, nt) for beam in self.beams: order = self.order_names[beam] # Define t from sensitivity if self.conf.SENS is None: _swave, _ssens = self.conf.SENS_data[order] _swave = _swave[_ssens > min_sens * np.nanmax(_ssens)] _ssens = _ssens[_ssens > min_sens * np.nanmax(_ssens)] _dw = _swave.max() - _swave.min() _wgrid = np.linspace( _swave.min() - 0.02 * _dw, _swave.max() + _dw * 0.02, nt ) t = self.conf.INVDISPL(order, *self.transform.array_center, _wgrid) dx = self.conf.DISPX(order, *self.transform.array_center, t) dy = self.conf.DISPY(order, *self.transform.array_center, t) lam = self.conf.DISPL(order, *self.transform.array_center, t) trace_axis = self.transform.trace_axis if trace_axis == "+x": xarr = 1 * dx elif trace_axis == "-x": xarr = -1 * dx elif trace_axis == "+y": xarr = 1 * dy elif trace_axis == "-y": xarr = -1 * dy xarr = np.asarray(np.round(xarr), dtype=int) # self.beams.append(beam) self.dxlam[beam] = np.arange(xarr.min(), xarr.max(), dtype=int) self.nx[beam] = xarr.max() - xarr.min() + 1 # Do we need to force zeroth order to be between first and second? if beam == "B": bm1 = self.beam_names["-1"] bp1 = self.beam_names["+1"] if (self.nx[beam] > 500) & (bm1 in self.nx) & (bp1 in self.nx): _xmin = self.dxlam[bm1].max() _xmax = self.dxlam[bp1].min() self.dxlam[beam] = np.arange(_xmin, _xmax, dtype=int) self.nx[beam] = _xmax - _xmin + 1 sens = Table() sens["WAVELENGTH"] = lam.astype(np.double) if self.conf.SENS is None: # specwcs _sens = np.interp(lam, *self.conf.SENS_data[order], left=0.0, right=0.0) sens["SENSITIVITY"] = _sens.astype(np.double) else: sens["SENSITIVITY"] = self.conf.SENS[order](lam).astype(np.double) if lam.max() < 100: sens["WAVELENGTH"] *= 1.0e4 self.sens[beam] = sens self.conf_dict[f"BEAM{beam}"] = np.array([xarr.min(), xarr.max()]) self.conf_dict[f"MMAG_EXTRACT_{beam}"] = 29 # Read updated sensitivity files if "V4/NIRCAM_F444W" in self.conf_file: sens_file = self.conf_file.replace(".conf", "_ext_sensitivity.fits") if os.path.exists(sens_file): # print(f'Replace sensitivity: {sens_file}') new = utils.read_catalog(sens_file) _tab = utils.GTable() _tab["WAVELENGTH"] = new["WAVELENGTH"].astype(float) _tab["SENSITIVITY"] = new["SENSITIVITY"].astype(float) _tab["ERROR"] = new["ERROR"].astype(float) self.sens["A"] = _tab self.load_nircam_sensitivity_curve()
[docs] def load_nircam_sensitivity_curve(self, verbose=True, **kwargs): """ Replace +1 NIRCam sensitivity curves with Nov 10, 2023 updates Files generated with the calibration data of P330E from program CAL-1538 (K. Gordon) Download the FITS files from the link below and put them in ``$GRIZLI/CONF/GRISM_NIRCAM/``. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool Print messages to the terminal. """ if "NIRCAM" not in self.conf_file: return None pars = os.path.basename(self.conf_file).split("_") path = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, "CONF", "GRISM_NIRCAM") sens_base = "nircam_wfss_sensitivity_{filter}_{pupil}_{module}.10nov23.fits" sens_file = sens_base.format( filter=pars[1], pupil="GRISM" + pars[3][0], module=pars[2][-1] ) sens_file = os.path.join(path, sens_file) # print('xx', sens_file, os.path.exists(sens_file)) if os.path.exists(sens_file): msg = "grismconf.aXeConf: replace sensitivity curve with " msg += f"{sens_file}" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose) si = utils.read_catalog(sens_file).copy() si["ERROR"] = si["SENSITIVITY"].max() * 0.01 _tab = utils.GTable() _tab["WAVELENGTH"] = si["WAVELENGTH"].astype(float) _tab["SENSITIVITY"] = si["SENSITIVITY"].astype(float) _tab["ERROR"] = si["ERROR"].astype(float) self.sens["A"] = _tab
[docs]def load_grism_config(conf_file, warnings=True): """ Load parameters from an aXe configuration file Parameters ---------- conf_file : str Filename of the configuration file warnings : bool Print warnings to the terminal. Returns ------- conf : `~grizli.grismconf.aXeConf` Configuration file object. Runs `conf.get_beams()` to read the sensitivity curves. """ if "V3/NIRCAM" in conf_file: conf = TransformGrismconf(conf_file) conf.get_beams() elif "V2/NIRCAM" in conf_file: conf = TransformGrismconf(conf_file) conf.get_beams() elif "V4/NIRCAM" in conf_file: conf = TransformGrismconf(conf_file) conf.get_beams() elif "V8/NIRCAM" in conf_file: conf = TransformGrismconf(conf_file) conf.get_beams() elif "V8.5/NIRCAM" in conf_file: conf = TransformGrismconf(conf_file) conf.get_beams() elif "V9/NIRCAM" in conf_file: conf = TransformGrismconf(conf_file) conf.get_beams() elif "specwcs" in conf_file: conf = TransformGrismconf(conf_file) conf.get_beams() else: conf = aXeConf(conf_file) conf.get_beams() # Preliminary hacks for on-sky NIRISS if "GR150" in conf_file: if 0: hack_niriss = 1.0 / 1.8 * 1.1 msg = f""" ! Scale NIRISS sensitivity by {hack_niriss:.3f} to hack gain correction ! and match GLASS MIRAGE simulations. Sensitivity will be updated when ! on-sky data available """ msg = f" ! Scale NIRISS sensitivity by {hack_niriss:.3f} prelim flux correction" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=warnings) elif "F090W" in conf_file: # hack_niriss = 0.8 hack_niriss = 1.0 else: hack_niriss = 1.0 for b in conf.sens: conf.sens[b]["SENSITIVITY"] *= hack_niriss if "ERROR" in conf.sens[b].colnames: conf.sens[b]["ERROR"] *= hack_niriss if ("F115W" in conf_file) | (".2212" in conf_file): pass # msg = f""" !! Shift F115W along dispersion""" # utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=warnings) # for b in conf.beams: # #conf.conf[f'DYDX_{b}_0'][0] += 0.25 # conf.conf[f'DLDP_{b}_0'] -= conf.conf[f'DLDP_{b}_1']*0.5 elif ("F090W" in conf_file) | (".2212" in conf_file): pass elif isinstance(conf, TransformGrismconf): # Don't shift new format files pass else: msg = f""" !! Shift {os.path.basename(conf_file)} along dispersion""" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=warnings) for b in conf.beams: # conf.conf[f'DYDX_{b}_0'][0] += 0.25 conf.conf[f"DLDP_{b}_0"] += conf.conf[f"DLDP_{b}_1"] * 0.5 # For red galaxy conf.conf[f"DLDP_{b}_0"] += conf.conf[f"DLDP_{b}_1"] * 0.5 # if 'F200W' in conf_file: # conf.conf[f'DLDP_{b}_0'] += conf.conf[f'DLDP_{b}_1']*0.5 # _w = conf.sens['A']['WAVELENGTH'] # _w0 = (_w*conf.sens['A']['SENSITIVITY']).sum() # _w0 /= conf.sens['A']['SENSITIVITY'].sum() # slope = 1.05 + 0.2 * (_w - _w0)/3000 # # print('xxx', conf_file, _w0) # conf.sens['A']['SENSITIVITY'] *= slope if ("F150W" in conf_file) & (hack_niriss > 1.01): conf.sens["A"]["SENSITIVITY"] *= 1.08 # Scale 0th orders in F150W if "F150W" in conf_file: # | ('F200W' in conf_file): msg = f""" ! Scale 0th order (B) by an additional x 1.5""" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=warnings) conf.sens["B"]["SENSITIVITY"] *= 1.5 if "ERROR" in conf.sens["B"].colnames: conf.sens["B"]["ERROR"] *= 1.5 # Another shift from 0723, 2744 # if ('GR150C.F200W' in conf_file): # msg = f""" !! Extra shift for GR150C.F200W""" # utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=warnings) # for b in conf.beams: # pass # #conf.conf[f'DYDX_{b}_0'][0] += 0.25 # # conf.conf[f'DLDP_{b}_0'] -= conf.conf[f'DLDP_{b}_1']*0.5 # Shift x by 1 px # msg = f""" ! Shift NIRISS by 0.5 pix along dispersion direction""" # utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=warnings) # # for b in conf.beams: # conf.conf[f'DLDP_{b}_0'] -= conf.conf[f'DLDP_{b}_1']*0.5 return conf
[docs]def download_jwst_crds_references( instruments=["NIRCAM", "NIRISS"], filters=[ "F090W", "F115W", "F150W", "F200W", "F277W", "F356W", "F410M", "F444W", "F460M", "F480M", ], grisms=["GRISMR", "GRISMC", "GR150R", "GR150C"], modules=["A", "B"], context=DEFAULT_CRDS_CONTEXT, verbose=True, ): """ Run `~grizli.jwst_utils.crds_reffiles` with filter and grism combinations to prefetch a bunch of reference files. Parameters ---------- instruments : list List of instruments to download references for. Default: ["NIRCAM", "NIRISS"]. filters : list List of filters to download references for. E.g., ["F090W", "F115W", "F150W", ...]. grisms : list List of grisms to download references for. Default: ["GRISMR", "GRISMC", "GR150R", "GR150C"]. modules : list List of modules to download references for. Default: ["A", "B"]. context : str CRDS context. verbose : bool Print messages to the terminal. """ for instrument in instruments: for f in filters: for g in grisms: if instrument == "NIRCAM": if (f < "F270") | g.startswith("GR150"): continue for m in modules: _ = crds_reffiles( instrument="NIRCAM", filter=f, pupil=g, module=m, reftypes=("photom", "specwcs"), header=None, context=context, verbose=verbose, ) else: if (f > "F270") | g.startswith("GRISM"): continue _ = crds_reffiles( instrument="NIRISS", filter=g, pupil=f, module="A", reftypes=("photom", "specwcs"), header=None, context=context, verbose=verbose, )
[docs]class CRDSGrismConf: def __init__( self, file="references/jwst/nircam/jwst_nircam_specwcs_0136.asdf", get_photom=True, context=DEFAULT_CRDS_CONTEXT, **kwargs, ): """ Helper object to replicate `grismconf` config files from CRDS products Parameters ---------- file : str Filename of a CRDS ``specwcs`` file get_photom : bool Get sensitivity curves from the ``photom`` reference file context : str Explicit CRDS_CONTEXT Attributes ---------- dm : `jwst.datamodels.NIRCAMGrismModel` DataModel of the ``specwcs`` reference meta : dict Metadata dictionary from `jwst.datamodels.NIRCAMGrismModel.meta.instance` dm_orders : list List of orders from `dm.orders` crds_parameters : dict CRDS parameter dictionary from `dm.get_crds_parameters()` dispx, dispy, displ : list, list, list Parameter polynomials from the reference datamodel SENS_data : dict Sensitivity data like ``{order: (wave_microns, sensitity)}`` """ from . import jwst_utils if context is not None: jwst_utils.CRDS_CONTEXT = context jwst_utils.set_crds_context(verbose=False, override_environ=True) self.file = file if file.startswith("references"): full_path = os.path.join(os.environ["CRDS_PATH"], file) elif os.path.exists(file): full_path = file elif "/references" in file: # Replace CRDS_PATH in absolute path full_path = os.path.join( os.environ["CRDS_PATH"], "references", file.split("references/")[1] ) if not os.path.exists(full_path): # Try to download all of the JWST references download_jwst_crds_references(context=context) self.full_path = full_path self.initialize_from_datamodel() self.SENS = None self.SENS_data = None if get_photom: self.get_photom(**kwargs) self.load_new_sensitivity_curve(**kwargs)
[docs] def initialize_from_datamodel(self): """ Initialize polynomial objects from a `jwst.datamodel` """ import copy import jwst.datamodels full_path = self.full_path if "nircam" in full_path: dm = jwst.datamodels.NIRCAMGrismModel(full_path) else: dm = jwst.datamodels.NIRISSGrismModel(full_path) self.meta = copy.deepcopy(dm.meta.instance) self.dm_orders = copy.deepcopy(dm.orders) self.crds_parameters = dm.get_crds_parameters() self.dispx = copy.deepcopy(dm.dispx) self.dispy = copy.deepcopy(dm.dispy) self.displ = copy.deepcopy(dm.displ)
# @property # def meta(self): # """metadata dictionary""" # return @property def module(self): if self.instrument == "NIRCAM": return self.meta["instrument"]["module"] else: return None @property def filter(self): return self.meta["instrument"]["filter"] @property def pupil(self): return self.meta["instrument"]["pupil"] @property def grism(self): """ Return filter for NIRISS, pupil for NIRCAM, filter for HST """ if self.instrument in ("NIRCAM", "NIRISS"): if self.instrument == "NIRCAM": return self.pupil else: return self.filter else: # e.g., HST return self.filter @property def instrument(self): return self.meta["instrument"]["name"] @property def filter_grism(self): """Return combination of blocking filter + dispering element""" if self.instrument == "NIRISS": return (self.pupil, self.filter) else: return (self.filter, self.pupil) @property def instrument_setup(self): """Return combination of blocking filter, dispering element, (module)""" if self.instrument == "NIRISS": return (self.pupil, self.filter, None) else: return (self.filter, self.pupil, self.module) @property def orders(self): """String version of orders, like '+1', '+2', '0', '-1'""" orders = [] for o in self.dm_orders: if o > 0: orders.append(f"+{o}") else: orders.append(f"{o}") return orders
[docs] def DISPX(self, order, x0, y0, t): """ Replicate grismconf.DISPX Evaluates dispersion polynomial from the reference datamodel for a given order in x direction. Parameters ---------- order : str Order name like '+1', '0', '-1' x0, y0 : float or array-like Detector coordinates in the direct image t : float or array-like Evaluation point(s) of the independent trace variable Returns ------- dispx : float or array-like x pixel along the trace """ io = self.orders.index(order) dispx = self._eval_model(self.dispx[io], x0, y0, t) return dispx
[docs] def DDISPX(self, order, x0, y0, t, dt=0.01): """ Replicate grismconf.DDISPX Evaluates the derivative of the dispersion polynomial from the reference datamodel for a given order in x direction. Parameters ---------- order : str Order name like '+1', '0', '-1' x0, y0 : float or array-like Detector coordinates in the direct image t : float or array-like Evaluation point(s) of the independent trace variable dt : float Delta t for finite difference. Returns ------- ddispx : float or array-like Derivative of the x pixel along the trace """ io = self.orders.index(order) v0 = self._eval_model(self.dispx[io], x0, y0, t) v1 = self._eval_model(self.dispx[io], x0, y0, t + dt) return (v1 - v0) / dt
[docs] def DISPY(self, order, x0, y0, t): """ Replicate grismconf.DISPY Evaluates dispersion polynomial from the reference datamodel for a given order in y direction. Parameters ---------- order : str Order name like '+1', '0', '-1' x0, y0 : float or array-like Detector coordinates in the direct image t : float or array-like Evaluation point(s) of the independent trace variable Returns ------- dispy : float or array-like y pixel along the trace """ io = self.orders.index(order) dispy = self._eval_model(self.dispy[io], x0, y0, t) return dispy
[docs] def DDISPY(self, order, x0, y0, t, dt=0.01): """ Replicate grismconf.DDISPY Evaluates the derivative of the dispersion polynomial from the reference datamodel for a given order in y direction. Parameters ---------- order : str Order name like '+1', '0', '-1' x0, y0 : float or array-like Detector coordinates in the direct image t : float or array-like Evaluation point(s) of the independent trace variable dt : float Delta t for finite difference. Returns ------- ddispy : float or array-like Value(s) of the derivative of the y pixel along the trace. """ io = self.orders.index(order) v0 = self._eval_model(self.dispy[io], x0, y0, t) v1 = self._eval_model(self.dispy[io], x0, y0, t + dt) return (v1 - v0) / dt
[docs] def DISPXY(self, order, x0, y0, t): """ Replicate grismconf.DISPXY (combination of DISPX, DISPY) Evaluates dispersion polynomials from the reference datamodel for a given order in x and y directions. Parameters ---------- order : str Order name like '+1', '0', '-1' x0, y0 : float or array-like Detector coordinates in the direct image t : float or array-like Evaluation point(s) of the independent trace variable Returns ------- dispx, dispy : float or array-like, float or array-like x and y pixels along the trace """ io = self.orders.index(order) dispx = self._eval_model(self.dispx[io], x0, y0, t) dispy = self._eval_model(self.dispy[io], x0, y0, t) return dispx, dispy
[docs] def DISPL(self, order, x0, y0, t): """ Replicate grismconf.DISPL Evaluates dispersion polynomials from the reference datamodel for a given order along the dispersion axis. Parameters ---------- order : str Order name like '+1', '0', '-1' x0, y0 : float or array-like Detector coordinates in the direct image t : float or array-like Evaluation point(s) of the independent trace variable Returns ------- displ : float or array-like Wavelength value(s) along the trace, microns """ io = self.orders.index(order) displ = self._eval_model(self.displ[io], x0, y0, t) return displ
[docs] def DDISPL(self, order, x0, y0, t, dt=0.01): """ Replicate grismconf.DDISPL Evaluates the derivative of the dispersion polynomial from the reference datamodel for a given order along the dispersion axis. Parameters ---------- order : str Order name like '+1', '0', '-1' x0, y0 : float or array-like Detector coordinates in the direct image t : float or array-like Evaluation point(s) of the independent trace variable dt : float Delta t for finite difference. Returns ------- ddispl : float or array-like Value(s) of the derivative of the dispersion polynomial. """ io = self.orders.index(order) v0 = self._eval_model(self.displ[io], x0, y0, t) v1 = self._eval_model(self.displ[io], x0, y0, t + dt) return (v1 - v0) / dt
[docs] def INVDISPX(self, order, x0, y0, dx, t0=np.linspace(-1, 2, 128), from_root=False): """ Inverse DISPX Evaluates the inverse of the dispersion polynomial from the reference datamodel for a given order along the x-axis. Parameters ---------- order : str Order name like '+1', '0', '-1' x0, y0 : float or array-like Detector coordinates in the direct image dx : float X coordinate where to interpolate the trace t0 : array-like 1D evaluation grid for the inverse. from_root : bool Use polynomial roots to find the inverse. Returns ------- t : float Independent variable value along the trace. """ if from_root: func = self._root_inverse_model else: func = self._inverse_model io = self.orders.index(order) t = func(self.dispx[io], x0, y0, dx, t0=t0) return t
[docs] def INVDISPY(self, order, x0, y0, dx, t0=np.linspace(-1, 2, 128), from_root=False): """ Inverse DISPY Evaluates the inverse of the dispersion polynomial from the reference datamodel for a given order along the y-axis. Parameters ---------- order : str Order name like '+1', '0', '-1' x0, y0 : float or array-like Detector coordinates in the direct image dx : float, array-like Y coordinate where to interpolate the trace t0 : array-like 1D evaluation grid for the inverse interpolation. from_root : bool Use polynomial roots to find the inverse. Returns ------- t : like ``dx`` Independent variable value along the trace. """ if from_root: func = self._root_inverse_model else: func = self._inverse_model io = self.orders.index(order) t = func(self.dispy[io], x0, y0, dx, t0=t0) return t
[docs] def INVDISPL(self, order, x0, y0, dx, t0=np.linspace(-1, 2, 128), from_root=False): """ Inverse DISPL Evaluates the inverse of the wavelength polynomial from the reference datamodel for a given order, reference position, and dispersed position along the dispersion axis. Parameters ---------- order : str Order name like '+1', '0', '-1' x0, y0 : float Detector coordinates in the direct image dx : float, array-like Wavelengths where to interpolate the trace t0 : array-like 1D evaluation grid for the inverse interpolation. from_root : bool Use polynomial roots to find the inverse. Returns ------- t : like ``dx`` Independent variable value along the trace. """ if from_root: func = self._root_inverse_model else: func = self._inverse_model io = self.orders.index(order) t = func(self.displ[io], x0, y0, dx, t0=t0) return t
def _eval_model(self, model, x0, y0, t, get_coeffs=False): """ General function for evaluating model polynomials. Parameters ---------- model : model object Example `astropy.modeling.Polynomial2D`. x0, y0 : float or array-like Detector coordinates in the direct image t : float or array-like Independent variable along the trace get_coeffs : bool Return polynomial coefficients instead of the evaluated value. Returns ------- if get_coeffs: value : list Polynomial coefficients else: value : float Evaluated value(s) of the polynomial model. """ import numpy as np if hasattr(model, "n_inputs"): # model is a Polynomial if model.n_inputs == 1: if get_coeffs: value = model.parameters[::-1] else: value = model(t) else: value = model(x0, y0) elif len(model) == 1: # model is a single-element list, probably Polynomial1D if model[0].n_inputs == 1: if get_coeffs: value = model[0].parameters[::-1] else: value = model[0](t) else: value = model[0](x0, y0) else: # model is a list _c = [] for m in model: if m.n_inputs == 1: _c.append(m(t)) else: _c.append(m(x0, y0)) if get_coeffs: value = _c else: value = np.polynomial.Polynomial(_c)(t) return value def _root_inverse_model(self, model, x0, y0, dx, **kwargs): """ Calculate roots of the polynomial model Parameters ---------- model : model object Example `astropy.modeling.Polynomial2D`. x0, y0 : float or array-like Detector coordinates in the direct image dx : float Value to shift the constant term of the polynomial model by. Returns ------- value : float Coefficients of the inverse polynomial model. """ coeffs = self._eval_model(model, x0, y0, 0, get_coeffs=True) if hasattr(coeffs, "__len__"): coeffs[0] -= dx value = np.polynomial.Polynomial(coeffs).roots()[-1] else: value = coeffs return value def _inverse_model(self, model, x0, y0, dx, t0=np.linspace(-1, 2, 128)): """ Inverse values interpolated from the forward model Parameters ---------- model : model object Example `astropy.modeling.Polynomial2D`. x0, y0 : float or array-like Detector coordinates in the direct image dx : float, array-like Parameter value of the model t0 : array-like Evaluation grid for the polynomial model. Used for 1D models. Returns ------- t : float Independent variable along the trace where ``t = model(x0, y0, t0)`` """ values = self._eval_model(model, x0, y0, t0) so = np.argsort(values) t = np.interp(dx, values[so], t0[so]) return t
[docs] def get_photom( self, xyt=(1024, 1024, 0.5), date=None, photom_file=None, verbose=False, **kwargs, ): """ Load photom reference from CRDS and scale to grismconf / aXe convention Parameters ---------- xyt : (float, float, float) Coordinate (x0, y0, t) where to evaluate the grism dispersion DLDP date : str, None Observation date in ISO format, e.g., '2023-01-01 00:00:00'. If not specified, defaults to "now" photom_file : str Explicit filename of a CRDS ``photom`` reference file verbose : bool Print status message Returns ------- SENS_data : dict Dict of ``{'order': (wave, sens)}``. Also sets ``SENS_data``, ``SENS_dldp`` and ``SENS_xyt`` attributes. """ import astropy.time import astropy.table import astropy.units as u import crds import jwst.datamodels if photom_file is None: cpars = self.crds_parameters if self.instrument == "NIRISS": cpars["meta.instrument.detector"] = "NIS" cpars["meta.exposure.type"] = "NIS_WFSS" else: cpars["meta.instrument.detector"] = f"NRC{self.module}LONG" cpars["meta.exposure.type"] = "NRC_WFSS" if date is None: date = cpars[""] = date.split()[0] cpars["meta.observation.time"] = date.split()[1] refs = crds.getreferences(cpars, reftypes=("photom",)) if verbose: msg = f"Read photometry reference {refs['photom']} (date = '{date}')" print(msg) photom_file = refs["photom"] if self.instrument == "NIRCAM": ph = jwst.datamodels.NrcWfssPhotomModel(photom_file) else: ph = jwst.datamodels.NisWfssPhotomModel(photom_file) phot = astropy.table.Table(ph.phot_table) pixel_area = ph.meta.photometry.pixelarea_steradians self.sens_ref_file = refs["photom"] self.SENS_xyt = xyt self.SENS_dldp = {} self.SENS_data = {} for i, order in enumerate(self.orders): ix = phot["filter"] == self.filter ix &= phot["pupil"] == self.pupil ix &= phot["order"] == self.dm_orders[i] if ix.sum() == 0: msg = f"Order {order} = {self.dm_orders[i]} not found in " msg += f"{refs['photom']} for {self.filter} {self.pupil}" print(msg) continue row = phot[ix] wave = np.squeeze(row["wavelength"].data) sens_fnu = np.squeeze(row["relresponse"].data) sens_fnu *= pixel_area * row["photmjsr"] # Dispersion, DLAM/DPIX dl = self.DDISPL(order, *xyt) dx = self.DDISPX(order, *xyt) dy = self.DDISPY(order, *xyt) dldp = dl / np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) self.SENS_dldp[order] = dldp mask = (wave > 0) & (sens_fnu > 0) _flam_unit = u.erg / u.second / ** 2 / u.micron sens_flam = (sens_fnu[mask] * dldp * u.megaJansky).to( _flam_unit, equivalencies=u.spectral_density(wave[mask] * u.micron) ) self.SENS_data[order] = [wave[mask], 1.0 / sens_flam.value] return self.SENS_data
[docs] def load_new_sensitivity_curve(self, verbose=True, **kwargs): """ Replace +1 NIRCam sensitivity curves with Nov 10, 2023 updates Files generated with the calibration data of P330E from program CAL-1538 (K. Gordon) Download the FITS files from the link below and put them in ``$GRIZLI/CONF/GRISM_NIRCAM/``. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool Print messages to the terminal. """ path = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, "CONF", "GRISM_NIRCAM") meta = self.crds_parameters if meta[""] != "NIRCAM": msg = "load_new_sensitivity_curve: only defined for NIRCAM ({0})" utils.log_comment( utils.LOGFILE, msg.format(meta[""]), verbose=verbose ) return None sens_base = "nircam_wfss_sensitivity_{filter}_{pupil}_{module}.10nov23.fits" sens_file = sens_base.format( filter=meta["meta.instrument.filter"], pupil=meta["meta.instrument.pupil"], module=meta["meta.instrument.module"], ) sens_file = os.path.join(path, sens_file) if os.path.exists(sens_file): msg = "grismconf.CRDSGrismConf: replace sensitivity curve with " msg += f"{sens_file}" utils.log_comment(utils.LOGFILE, msg, verbose=verbose) si = utils.read_catalog(sens_file) self.SENS_data["+1"] = [si["WAVELENGTH"] / 1.0e4, si["SENSITIVITY"]]