- grizli.pipeline.auto_script.go(root='j010311+131615', HOME_PATH='$PWD', RAW_PATH=None, PREP_PATH=None, PERSIST_PATH=None, EXTRACT_PATH=None, CRDS_CONTEXT=None, filters=['F410M', 'F467M', 'F547M', 'F550M', 'F621M', 'F689M', 'F763M', 'F845M', 'F200LP', 'F350LP', 'F435W', 'F438W', 'F439W', 'F450W', 'F475W', 'F475X', 'F555W', 'F569W', 'F600LP', 'F606W', 'F622W', 'F625W', 'F675W', 'F702W', 'F775W', 'F791W', 'F814W', 'F850LP', 'G800L', 'F098M', 'F127M', 'F139M', 'F153M', 'F105W', 'F110W', 'F125W', 'F140W', 'F160W', 'G102', 'G141', 'F090W', 'F115W', 'F140M', 'F150W', 'F158M', 'F200W', 'F277W', 'F356W', 'F3880M', 'F430M', 'F444W', 'F480M', 'GR150C', 'GR150R', 'F150W2', 'F322W2', 'F070W', 'F162M', 'F182M', 'F210M', 'F250M', 'F300M', 'F335M', 'F360M', 'F410M', 'F430M', 'F460M', 'F480M', 'F164N', 'F187N', 'F212N', 'F323N', 'F405N', 'F466N', 'F470N'], fetch_files_args={'fetch_flt_calibs': ['IDCTAB', 'PFLTFILE', 'NPOLFILE'], 'fetch_only': False, 'force_rate': True, 'get_rateints': False, 'get_recalibrated_rate': True, 'inst_products': {'ACS/WFC': ['FLC'], 'WFC3/IR': ['RAW'], 'WFC3/UVIS': ['FLC'], 'WFPC2/PC': ['C0M', 'C1M'], 'WFPC2/WFC': ['C0M', 'C1M']}, 'min_bad_expflag': 2, 'recalibrate_jwst': False, 'remove_bad': True, 'reprocess_clean_darks': True, 'reprocess_parallel': False, 's3_sync': False, 's3path': None}, global_miri_skyflat=False, inspect_ramps=False, is_dash=False, run_prepare_dash=True, run_parse_visits=True, is_parallel_field=False, parse_visits_args={'combine_minexp': 2, 'combine_same_pa': -1, 'max_dt': 0.5, 'use_visit': True, 'visit_split_shift': 1.5}, manual_alignment=False, manual_alignment_args={'catalogs': ['GAIA'], 'radec': None, 'radius': 15, 'skip': True, 'visit_list': None}, min_gaia_count=128, gaia_mag_limits=[16, 20.5, 0.05], preprocess_args={'clean': True, 'make_combined': False, 'master_radec': None, 'min_overlap': 0.2, 'parent_radec': None, 'skip_imaging': False, 'skip_single_optical_visits': False, 'use_first_radec': False, 'use_visit': True}, visit_prep_args={'align_assume_close': False, 'align_clip': 120, 'align_final_niter': 8, 'align_guess': None, 'align_mag_limits': [14, 24, 0.05], 'align_min_flux_radius': 1.0, 'align_min_nexp': 2, 'align_ref_border': 100, 'align_rms_limit': 2, 'align_simple': False, 'align_thresh': None, 'align_transform': None, 'angle_background_kwargs': {'angles': [30.0, -30.0, 0, 90], 'detection_background': True, 'instruments': [], 'niter': 3, 'suffix': 'angles', 'threshold': 1.8}, 'catalog_mask_pad': 0.05, 'column_average': True, 'do_pure_parallel_wcs': True, 'drizzle_params': {}, 'fix_stars': False, 'imaging_bkg_params': {'bh': 256, 'bw': 256, 'fh': 3, 'fw': 3, 'get_median': False, 'pixel_scale': 0.1}, 'iter_atol': 0.0001, 'match_catalog_density': False, 'max_err_percentile': 99, 'miri_skyfile': None, 'miri_skyflat': False, 'nircam_wisp_kwargs': {'niter': 3, 'prefer_stsci_file': True, 'update': True}, 'oneoverf_kwargs': {'deg_pix': 64, 'dilate_iterations': 3, 'other_axis': False, 'thresholds': [5, 4, 3]}, 'outlier_threshold': 4, 'reference_catalogs': ['LS_DR9', 'PS1', 'DES', 'DSC', 'SDSS', 'GAIA', 'WISE'], 'run_separate_chip_sky': True, 'run_tweak_align': True, 'single_image_CRs': True, 'skip_nircam_grism_sky': True, 'sky_iter': 10, 'skymethod': 'localmin', 'snowball_kwargs': {'instruments': ['NIRCAM', 'NIRISS'], 'mask_bit': 1024, 'max_fraction': 0.3, 'snowball_dilate': 18, 'snowball_erode': 4, 'snowblind_kwargs': {'growth_factor': 1.5, 'min_radius': 4, 'new_jump_flag': 1024, 'unset_first': True}}, 'tweak_fit_order': -1, 'tweak_max_dist': 100, 'tweak_mosaic_iters': 2, 'tweak_n_min': 10, 'tweak_ref_exp': 0, 'tweak_threshold': 3.0, 'use_skyflats': True}, persistence_args={'dq_value': 1024, 'err_threshold': 0.5, 'grow_mask': 3, 'reset': False, 'verbose': True}, redo_persistence_mask=False, run_fine_alignment=True, fine_backup=True, fine_alignment_args={'NITER': 1, 'all_visits': None, 'catalogs': ['GAIA'], 'date': None, 'fit_options': None, 'gaia_by_date': True, 'include_internal_matches': True, 'maglim': [17, 23], 'match_str': [], 'method': 'Powell', 'min_overlap': 0.2, 'print_options': {'precision': 3, 'sign': ' '}, 'program_str': None, 'radec': None, 'radius': 5, 'redrizzle': False, 'ref_err': 0.08, 'shift_only': True, 'stopme': False, 'tol': None}, make_mosaics=True, mosaic_args={'combine_all_filters': False, 'fill_mosaics': 'grism', 'half_optical_pixscale': False, 'ir_filters': ['F105W', 'F110W', 'F125W', 'F140W', 'F160W', 'F098M', 'F139M', 'F127M', 'F153M'], 'mosaic_pixfrac': 0.75, 'optical_filters': ['F814W', 'F606W', 'F435W', 'F850LP', 'F702W', 'F555W', 'F438W', 'F475W', 'F625W', 'F775W', 'F225W', 'F275W', 'F336W', 'F390W', 'F350LP', 'F200LP', 'F410M', 'F450W', 'F600LP', 'F475X', 'F435W'], 'wcs_params': {'filters': ['F410M', 'F467M', 'F547M', 'F550M', 'F621M', 'F689M', 'F763M', 'F845M', 'F200LP', 'F350LP', 'F390W', 'F435W', 'F438W', 'F439W', 'F450W', 'F475W', 'F475X', 'F555W', 'F569W', 'F600LP', 'F606W', 'F622W', 'F625W', 'F675W', 'F702W', 'F775W', 'F791W', 'F814W', 'F850LP', 'G800L', 'F098M', 'F127M', 'F139M', 'F153M', 'F105W', 'F110W', 'F125W', 'F140W', 'F160W', 'G102', 'G141', 'F600LP', 'F475X'], 'pad_reference': 60, 'pixel_scale': None}}, mosaic_drizzle_args={'bits': None, 'context': False, 'driz_cr_scale_grow': 1, 'driz_cr_snr_grow': 1, 'resetbits': 0, 'skymethod': 'localmin', 'skysub': False, 'static': True}, mask_spikes=False, mosaic_driz_cr_type=0, make_phot=True, multiband_catalog_args={'aper_segmask': True, 'bkg_mask': None, 'bkg_params': {'bh': 64, 'bw': 64, 'fh': 3, 'fw': 3, 'pixel_scale': 0.06}, 'detection_background': True, 'detection_filter': 'ir', 'detection_params': {'clean': True, 'clean_param': 1, 'deblend_cont': 0.001, 'deblend_nthresh': 32, 'filter_kernel': array([[0.0049, 0.0213, 0.0513, 0.0687, 0.0513, 0.0213, 0.0049], [0.0213, 0.0921, 0.2211, 0.296 , 0.2211, 0.0921, 0.0213], [0.0513, 0.2211, 0.5307, 0.7105, 0.5307, 0.2211, 0.0513], [0.0687, 0.296 , 0.7105, 0.9511, 0.7105, 0.296 , 0.0687], [0.0513, 0.2211, 0.5307, 0.7105, 0.5307, 0.2211, 0.0513], [0.0213, 0.0921, 0.2211, 0.296 , 0.2211, 0.0921, 0.0213], [0.0049, 0.0213, 0.0513, 0.0687, 0.0513, 0.0213, 0.0049]]), 'filter_type': 'conv', 'minarea': 9}, 'detection_root': None, 'get_all_filters': False, 'output_root': None, 'phot_apertures': [<Quantity 0.36 arcsec>, <Quantity 0.500001 arcsec>, <Quantity 0.7000002 arcsec>, <Quantity 1.0000002 arcsec>, <Quantity 1.2 arcsec>, <Quantity 1.5 arcsec>, <Quantity 3. arcsec>], 'photometry_background': True, 'prefer_var_image': True, 'rescale_weight': False, 'run_detection': True, 'threshold': 1.0, 'use_bkg_err': False, 'use_psf_filter': True}, only_preprocess=False, overwrite_fit_params=False, grism_prep_args={'ds9': None, 'files': None, 'gris_ref_filters': {'G102': ['F105W', 'F098M', 'F110W', 'F125W', 'F140W', 'F160W', 'F127M', 'F139M', 'F153M', 'F132N', 'F130N', 'F128N', 'F126N', 'F164N', 'F167N'], 'G141': ['ir', 'F140W', 'F160W', 'F125W', 'F105W', 'F110W', 'F098M', 'F127M', 'F139M', 'F153M', 'F132N', 'F130N', 'F128N', 'F126N', 'F164N', 'F167N'], 'G800L': ['opt', 'ir', 'F814W', 'F850LP', 'F606W', 'F435W', 'F775W']}, 'grisms_to_process': None, 'mask_mosaic_edges': False, 'prelim_mag_limit': 25, 'refine_fcontam': 0.5, 'refine_mag_limits': [18, 24], 'refine_niter': 3, 'refine_poly_order': 3, 'split_by_grism': True}, refine_with_fits=True, run_extractions=False, include_photometry_in_fit=False, extract_args={'MW_EBV': 0.0, 'args_file': 'fit_args.npy', 'bad_pa_threshold': None, 'diff': True, 'fit_trace_shift': False, 'ids': [], 'maglim': [17, 26], 'oned_R': 30, 'poly_order': 7, 'run_fit': False, 'size': 32, 'skip_complete': True}, make_thumbnails=True, thumbnail_args={'auto_size': True, 'drizzler_args': {'aws_bucket': False, 'combine_similar_filters': True, 'filters': ['f160w', 'f140w', 'f125w', 'f105w', 'f110w', 'f098m', 'f850lp', 'f814w', 'f775w', 'f606w', 'f475w', 'f435w', 'f555w', 'f600lp', 'f390w', 'f350lp'], 'half_optical_pixscale': True, 'include_ir_psf': True, 'kernel': 'square', 'pixfrac': 0.33, 'pixscale': 0.1, 'remove': False, 'rgb_params': {'add_labels': False, 'mask_empty': False, 'output_dpi': None, 'output_format': 'png', 'pl': 1, 'rgb_min': -0.01, 'scl': 2, 'show_ir': False, 'suffix': '.rgb', 'tick_interval': 1, 'xsize': 4}, 'scale_ab': 21.5, 'show_filters': ['visb', 'visr', 'y', 'j', 'h'], 'size': 6, 'subtract_median': True, 'theta': 0.0, 'thumb_height': 1.5}, 'ids': 'extracted', 'mag': None, 'maglim': 21, 'make_segmentation_figure': True, 'min_filters': 2, 'remove_fits': -1, 'size_limits': [4, 15], 'skip': True, 'use_line_wcs': True}, make_final_report=True, get_dict=False, kill='', use_jwst_crds=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Run the full pipeline for a given target
- Parameters
- rootstr
Rootname of the
file.- extract_maglim[min, max]
Magnitude limits of objects to extract and fit.